VOLUME the FIRST. CONTAINING, The TEMPEST. The MIDSUMMER-NIGHT'S DREAM. The Two GENTLEMEN of VERONA. MERRY WIVES of WINDSOR. MEASURE for MEASURE. A 2 то Her ROYAL HIGHNESS, the PRINCESS of WALES. MADAM, S I am confcious, that no Compofition of my own could be worthy to be laid at Your Royal Highness's Feet; It is my Happinefs, as an Editor, to have this Opportunity of approaching You, by fubmitting to Your Protection the beft Dramatic Poet that these Kingdoms could ever boast of. He enjoy'd, whilft living, the Favour of the Greatest Queen A 3 Queen that has fate on the English Throne; and therefore, I hope, is intitled to Your Royal Highness's Smiles over his Urn. 1 Could I picture out his Character equal to its Merits, the World would foon discover a fort of Parallel betwixt the Poet and his Patronefs. His Excellencies were as great, as they were various; his Beauties ftrong, and all native; the Frame of his Mind as fweet and candid, as his Countenance was open and engaging; and his Sentiments as chaft, as his Conceptions were noble: He knew how to charm without Affectation; and had the wondrous Force of preferving all Hearts, that once felt the Influence of his Attractions. After what I have faid, MADAM, I am afraid the Duty of this Address |