Abbildungen der Seite

Prince having executed the different fervices in which he has been employed, has drawn near the army, and fent fome part of his corps to Laubach. My Lord Granby, on the 18th inftant, removed his quarters into the neighbourhood of Kirchayn, having left at Marpurg the regiments that had taken poffeffion of the town. And the corps under general Hardenberg, arrived on the 19th at Redechen. Marshal Broglio having been joined by his reinforcements from the Lower Rhine, moved forward on

the 10th, and on the 14th, occupied with his van-guard, Gieffen, and the country about it.

Letters from Peterburgh of the 3d of the February, fay, courts of London and Berlin, had fent a plan of pacification to the ministry, which had occafioned feveral conferences to be held; and that M. de Ferfen, one of the gentlemen of the bedchamber to the Emprefs, was difpatched to England, by the way of Stettin, Berlin, and Leipfick.



ETTERS from Conftantinople (by the way of Naples) fay, the Chriftians no longer appear in the streets of that city without danger of being infulted. The Porte has ordered magazines to be formed at Bofnia for fifty thousand men, and they have not difarmed, according to cuftom, the Othman fquadron on its return from the ifles of the Archipelago. However, they fay there are other advices importing, that the difference between the Porte and Order of Malta is adjusted.

Advices from Corfica import, that Paoli's troops have taken the forts of Centuri, Mortella, and Paludella. The laft furrendered the 31st of January, and the Genoefe garrison were made prisoners, just as they were on the point of being fuccoured by a reinforcement of men and ammunition from on board a galley which the bad weather had detained fome weeks at Baftia. St. Fiorenzo, another fort of the Genoefe, was alfo ready to capitulate the 10th of February, fo that the Genofe are likely to lofe all Corfica.

FRIDAY, Feb. 27.

The trial of Mr Sutton, for the murder of Mifs Bell, came on this day at half an hour after one, which lafted 11 hours and a half; when he was acquitted. The judges on the bench were Mr. Justice Noel and Mr. Baron Lloyd. Mr. Gould opened the indictment on the part of the crown, and the counfel for the defendant were Mr. Norton, ferjeant Davy, and Mr. Stowe,

SATURDAY, Feb. 28.

Sir James Douglas, commander in chief of his Majefty's fhips and veffels in the Leeward Islands, informs the lords of the Admiralty, by letter dated in Carlisle bay, the 13th of Dec. laft, that his Majefty's

fhip the Emerald had lately taken four privateers, one of twelve, one of ten, and two of eight guns; and that his majesty's fhip Levant had taken one of ten guns; as alfo his majefty's fhip Echo, one of eight guns, and a small pettie augre, with with ten fwivels.

They write from Cambridge, that on Monday last the two gold medals, given annually by his grace the duke of Newcaftle, chancellor of that university, for the beft claffical learning, were adjudged to Mr. Poft of Queen's College, and Mr. Madifon of St. Peter's College, batchelors of


MONDAY, March 2.

Theodore Gardelle, a native of Geneva, an enamel painter, having been taken into cuftody on fufpicion of murdering Mrs. Ann King, late of Leicester Square, in whofe house he was a lodger, he was this day brought before John Fielding, Paul Vaillant, and Theodore Sydenham, Efqrs. at Mr. Fielding's houfe; when, during an examination of many hours, the faid Gar delle perfifted in denying the fact with the most invincible obftinacy; but Mr. Fielding having, prior to the examination, fent officers, with a carpenter and a bricklayer, to the houfe of the deceased, with orders to examine every part of it in order to find the body; after fome time, received a message from them, acquainting him that they had found the intrails of a body in the bog-houfe; which meifage being delivered in the prefence of the prifoner, foon occafioned his making a confeffion of the horrid crime, viz. That on Thursday the 19th of February last, about feven in the morning, he, Gardelle, having fent Mrs. King's maid on a message, and X.


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her miftrefs not being up, he agreed to wait in the front parlour till the fervant's return, in order to answer the ftreet-door; that Mrs. King lodged upon the fame floor, and in the maid's abfence was getting up, and spoke to the prifoner; whereupon he rushed into the room and attempted to force the deceafed; that the ftruck him, whereupon he gave her a violent blow which stunned her by falling against the bed-poft; that feeing her thus injured, he took a knife out of his pocket and cut her throat, then locked up the room, and the fame day artfully difcharged the maid of the deceased without a difcovery, by which he got poffeffion of the whole houfe; he then diffected the body and divided it into many parts; that he flung the intrails down the neceffary, together with the knife with which he committed the murder: that he then made a fire in the garret, and there burnt the head and most of her bones to afhes, and concealed the flesh at the top of the houfe between the tiles and the roof, all which were found.

In the courfe of the examination it appeared that he had robbed Mrs. King of a gold watch, two diamond rings, and about ten guineas in money, which he having lodged in the hands of honeft perfons, they produced them as evidence against him.... He is in the cells of Newgate, chained down to the floor, and one of the turnkeys fits up with him every night to prevent his deftroying himself.

TUESDAY, March 3.

His Majefty went this day, in the ufual ftate to the house of peers, and gave the royal affent to

An act for the better fecuring and encouraging the trade of his majesty's fugar

colonies in America.

An act to difcontinue, for a limitted time, the duties payable on tallow imported from Ireland, to hog's lard and greafe.

An act to enable his Majefty to make leafes and copies of offices, lands, and hereditaments, parcel of his dutchy of Cornwall, or annexed to the fame.

An act to indemnify perfons, who have omitted to qualify themselves for offices and employments, and to indemnify juftices of the peace, deputy lieutenants, officers of the militia, and others who have omitted to regifter or to deliver in their qualifications within the time limited by law, and for giving further time for thofe purposes.

An act to amend an act paffed in the 18th year of king George the fecond, concerning the qualification of justices of the peace.

An act to extend the provifions relating to the holding of courts martial, and to the punishment of offences committed in the Eaft Indies,

An act for enlightening the streets within the city of Exeter and the fuburbs thereof.

And to twelve road bills, and twentythree private acts.

After which his majesty was pleased to make a moft gracious fpeech, which is inferted in page 156 of this Magazine.

Whiteball. The king has been pleafed to grant unto the right hon. James earl of Kildare, and his heirs male, the dignities of a marquis and earl, by the name, ftile, and title of marquis of Kildare, and earl of Ophaly, in the kingdom of Ireland.


The judges waited on his majefty at St. James's, with their addrefs of thanks for his majesty's moft gracious fpeech to both houses of parliament, and were most graciously received.

The following little anecdote is affirmed to be undoubtedly true. A few days ago, his majesty was informed, that a poor woman big with child, had longed to kifs his hand; upon which his majesty ordered one of the pages to admit her into the garden at eight the next morning, the time of his going out to take the air; when he had the honour and pleasure of fatisfying her longing by kiffing his hand.

The following accident happened lately at Mr. Smith's, a peruke-maker in Lincoin; the apprentice, a boy about fourteen years of age, and a fervant girl about the fame age, being at play together, the boy took up a gun which food charged in the room, and faid he would shoot her; the faid he could not, as there was nothing in the gun; on which the boy pulled the trigger to affright her, and the gun went off and hot her dead on the spot. As the muzzle of the gun was close to her head, a child which he had on her knees fortunately received no hurt.

THURSDAY, March 5.

Lord Romney was elected president of the fociety for the encouragement of arts, manufactures, and commerce, and the duke of Richmond, Sir George Saville, William Fitz-Herbert, Efq; and Rich Long, additional vice-prefidents. FRIDAY,

FRIDAY, March 6.

Admiralty-office. Lieut. Robert Brice, who commands his majesty's floop the Swallow, has taken, after a chafe of 26 hours, and brought into Plymouth found, the Sultan fnow privateer of Bayonne, mounting 10 guns, and 73 men.

At the affizes held at Oxford, Charles Harris, otherwife Dumas, otherwife Darkin, otherwife Hamilton, was tried for robbing Mr. Gammon on the high-way, the 26th of August last, and being found guilty, received fentence accordingly. This is the fame person that was tried at the laft fummer affizes at Salisbury for robbing lord Percival.

SATURDAY, March 7.

A clerk to one of the judges, lately made off with 70ol. of his master's money: he was closely examined by the mayor of Harwich, as is the custom in time of war, concerning his business in Holland, for which place he was going to embark; to whom he faid, that he was an attorney in Chancery-lane, and was going thither to execute fome deeds of importance, after which he went on board a cutter, the paquet being gone, and failed directly. He received 400 l. of the money at the bank the fame day he went off, and went directly to Harwich in a four-wheel chaife with two poftillions.

MONDAY, March 9.

tions at Hexham, and was big with child was hot through the belly as the was ftanding at a window. Many of the wounded made fhift to crawl home, and died immediately after; others dropt dead going to their habitations. Letters from Hexham dated the roth, give an account that the rioters were quelled without doing any more mifchief.

TUESDAY, March 10.

Sir Edward Hawke has fent a letter to Mr. Clevland, dated on board the Royal George in Quiberon-Bay, Feb. 28th, to the following effect: "On the 2d of Feb. arrived here the Mars and Orford from a Cruize. On the 9th of Jan. they took a brig, called L'Union de Cap, bound, with wine, oil, flour, cheefe, &c. from Rochelle to Cape François. On the 13th, they took two of the French king's frigates, L'Anemione, and Sardoine, armed for war by the merchants, carrying each 14 guns, and 130 men. They failed from Rochefort the day before they were taken, and were bound to the coaft of Guinea. On the 27th, they retook the New Bofphorus fnow, bound to Naples with pilchards, and then to Smyrna with broad cloath and pepper. She had been taken ten days before, by a privateer of Dunkirk. They are all fafe here, and the frigates prime failers.

"On the 16th of Feb. the Swallow floop took off Oleron, a letter of marque floop from Martinico, with a cargo of cocoa, elephants teeth, coffee, and caffia."

Admiralty-office, March 10. Capt. Ogle, of his majesty's ship Aquilon, took, on the 4th, the Zephire, a fhip of 12 guns and 114 men, belonging to Bayonne, 140 leagues to the weftward of Ushant, and has brought her to Spithead.

Capt. Nightingale, of his majesty's fhip Vengeance, has taken a French privateer fnow called L'Augufte, of 12 guns, with 67 men, and has brought her into Ply

The deputy lieutenants met this day at Hexham, in Northumberland, in order to receive the lifts of perfons liable to ferve in the militia; when between 6 and 7000 per sons assembled in a riotous manner, armed with clubs pointed with iron, to prevent the lifts being delivered in, and to hinder the militia laws from being put in execution, threatning to murder the magiftrates; upon which the Yorkshire militia were order'd under arms in the market-place, the riot act was read, and every perfuafive method made ufe of to quell the rioters, but to no purpose; on the contrary, they proceeded to fuch extremities that the militia were ordered to fire on them. In confequence of which, ninety perfons were killed and wounded. Among the former one Mis. Carter, a poor widow, who had eight children, and was big with another, going into the market to look for her fon, was shot dead; and her fon was fhot through the thigh, and it is thought cannot long furvive her. Another woman who came from Newcastle to fee her rela- ja ty's flip Vestal, Capt. Hood, fell in with


M. Bofcowick, a member of the Royal Society, who is lately fet out for; fome of the eastern parts of Turkey, has prepared a mathematical inftrument to dillover the true tranfit of the planet Venus under the face of the Sun the 6th of June nex', which is likely to prove eficacious for the longitude at fea.

WEDNESDAY, March 11.
Advice came to Portfme uth, that his ma-


two French ships richly laden, said to be worth upwards of 20,000l. both which fhips he took, and carried them fafe into Leghorn.

THURSDAY, March 12.

A woman was committed to the New Gaol by justice Hammond, for falfly fwearing a child to a perfon in the Borough. She had contrived to make herself look big, till a neighbour of hers was brought to bed, who, being in the fecret, lent her the child, and the supposed father was fent for to fee his fon; who believing it to be his own, made her a handsome present, and provided every thing neceffary on such an occafion; but a few days after going to fee her, found she had abfconded; on which he made a strict enquiry, and finding her out, took her before the above magiftrate.

SATURDAY, March 14.

Admiralty-office. Capt. Douglas, of his majefty's fhip Unicorn, on the 8th inft. met with his majesty's fhip Tweed, and in standing together towards the Lizard, they took the Marshal Broglio privateer, of 8 guns, and 80 men, belonging to Breft, but laft from Morlaix.

MONDAY, March 16.

Captain Rushworth, of his Majefty's Thip Alarm, arrived in Torbay the 12th inft. with a cutter privateer of eight guns and 68 men, called La Lutine, commanded by Francois Pestel, which he took the preceding day, soon after she came out of Cherbourg.

We hear from Wiltshire, that on the marriage of a noble officer in that county, his chaplain's first fermon was upon the following text: .... "When a man hath taken a wife, he shall not go out to war, neither hall he be charged with any bufinefs, but he fhall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife, which he hath taken." Deut. xxiv. 5.

This day Thomas Castlebine (otherwife Cherry) and Elizabeth his wife, who were condemned at the last affizes at Leicester, for the murder of Edward Brown, were executed at Leceifter, on a gallows erected before the houfe wherein the murder was committed.

TUESDAY, March 17.

St. James's. His majesty having this day thought fit to diffolve the privy-council, and, at the fame time, to appoint a new one, confifting of the fame members with the former council, together with Anthony

carl of Shaftesbury, all the lords and others prefent were thereupon fworn of his majesty's most hon. privy council, and took their places at the board accordingly.

His majesty was then pleafed to declare the right hon. John earl of Granville, lord prefident of his majesty's mest hon. privy council.

WEDNESDAY, March 18.

The house is now finished, which was erected at the expence of the fociety for the encouragement of arts, manufactures, and commerce, to be set on fire, for experiment, in order to he extinguished without water. The houfe is fituated at the end of Portland-ftreet, Cavendish-square. It confifts of three ftories, and is about fifteen feet fquare; has a brick wall round the two first stories; is provided with ftair-cafes, ceiling, tiling, windows, doors, &c. in the fame manner as any other house, but with a larger quantity of wood than ordinary. It is to be fet on fire by means of kindled faggots placed in every room, and, when the blaze is at its greatest height, the machines of Mr. Godfrey are to be thrown in to extinguish it. They confist of small barrels, holding about ten or twelve gallons of fome fluid or chymical prepara tion; in the middle of each is a small chamber, filled, as is supposed, with gunpowder; the explosion of which, and the difperfing the chymical fluid, are to do the intended business. It is faid this experiment has been tried, and found to have the desired effect.

Admiralty-office. Mr. Coxon, conful at Alicant, informs their lordships, that on the 10th of Feb. his majesty's frigate Favourite, commanded by Capt. Pownall, took a French privateer, called the St. Jofeph and St. Antoine, of 12 guns and 85 men, commanded by Antoine Victoire. THURSDAY, Márch 19.

His majefty went in the ufual ftate to the house, and gave the royal affent to the feveral bills then ready, among which the following are the principal:

An act to continue the duties for encouragement of the coinage.

An act to enable John earl of Sandwich, Welbore Ellis, and Robert Nugent, Efqrs. to take in Great Britain the oath of office as vice-treasurer and receiver-general of all his majesty's revenues in Ireland; and

William earl of Harrington, customer and collector of the ports of Dublin, Skerries, Malahide and Wicklow; and Richard Rigby, Efq; keeper and master of the rolls in the court of Chancery in Ireland.

An act for applying the money granted in this feffion towards defraying the charge of the pay of the militia in England when unembodied, and of the cloathing of part of the faid militia now embodied, for one year, beginning March 25, 1761.

An act for the better prefervation of the game in Scotland, and for repealing an act paffed in the 24th year of his late majefty's reign under the fame title.

A bill for granting one million for the ufes therein mentioned, and for exempting any fums granted or to be granted to the royal family, from the payment of taxes.... For the relief of infolvent debtors.....For enlarging the harbour of Whitehaven... For raifing a certain fum for discharging the navy debt, and for raising 500,000l. to be applied to the naval fervices of the prefent year....For granting to the king a certain fum out of the finking fund....For rendering more effectual, an act for the limitation of the crown, and better securing the rights of the subject relating to the commiffions and falaries of judges, and for the payment of judges falaries out of all or any of the revenues which shall be applicable to the ufes of the civil government.

After which his majefty made a most gracious fpeech to the house. See page 154. of the Magazine.

FRIDAY, March 20.

His majesty in council was this day pleafed to declare the right hon. George Dunk earl of Halifax, lieut. gen. and general governor of his majefty's kingdom of Ireland.

The right hon. Sir Francis Dashwood, Bart. treasurer of his majesty's chamber, was, by his majesty's command, fworn of his majesty's most honourable privy council, and took took his place at the board accordingly.

His majefty has been pleafed to iffue his royal proclamation, for diffolving this prefent parliament, and declaring the calling of another. The writs for calling a new parliament, are to bear tefte on Saturday the 21st of this inft. March, and to be returnable on Tuesday the 19th day of May next.

Likewise a proclamation, in order to the electing and fummoning the fixteen peers

of Scotland. The peers of Scotland are to affemble at Holy Rood Houfe in Edinburgh, on the 5th of May next, to choose the fixteen peers.

His majefty in council was this day pleafed to order the lord high chancellor of Great Britain, to caufe writs to be forthwith iffued for electing members for the convocations of the clergy, which writs are to bear tefte the 25th of this inft. March, and to be returnable the 22d of May next.

The king has been pleased to iffue a proclamation, declaring his majesty's pleasure for continuing officers, not already removed or difcharged, in Great Britain, Ireland, and the ifles of Jerfey, Guernsey, Alderney, and Sark, for four months from the date of the faid proclamation; in regard that the space of fix months, from the time of the demife of his late Majesty, hath been found not fufficient for paffing and compleating new grants, commiffions, and appointments.

SATURDAY, March 21.

The Eaft-India company received the difagreable news, that the Ajax, Capt. Lindsay, homeward-bound from Bengal, was taken by the Prothée, a French 64 gun fhip, off Cape Clear, after a fmart-engagement, and carried into Breft. Captain Lindsay was killed in the action, before the hip ftruck. The Ajax had a large quantity of diamonds, filk, muflin, and other valuable effects on board. Denham Indiaman failed from Bencoolen, before the Ajax left Bengal, and has not been heard of fince; which occafions fome uneafiness.


His Excellency lieut. gen. Yorke, arriv ed in London from Holland. He has left his fecretary at the Hague, to take care of the British affairs at that court, in his abfence.

MONDAY, March 23.

Was held a chapter of the hon. order of the Bath, at St. James's, when his Majefty was pleafed to create the following perfons knights of that Order, viz. Lord Carysfort, late knight of the thire for Huntingdonshire. Lieut. gen. Yorke, his Majefty's minifter plenipotentiary at the Hague. Sir James Gray, bart. his Majesty's Majorenvoy extraordinary at Naples. general Amherst, commander in chief of his Majefty's forces in North-America. Major-general John Griffin, colonel of the thirty-third regiment of foot. George Pococke, Efq; admiral of the Blue. Sir Wil


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