Abbildungen der Seite

Happy the man with whom she deigns to


[give. She brings the balm that heals the wounds A ftrong and fure defence would you desire? Make her your friend, and half my pow'rs expire.


PLUS belle que l'amour,

Je n'avois pas un jour
Que j'epoufai mon pere,

Que m'avoit fait fans mere ;
Au bout d'un an
J'avois un enfant :

Admirez ma destiné,

Qui mourois fans être né.

Answer to the REBUS in our last.

[blocks in formation]

Studying your Rebus, my fpirits did lag, A Quaint name for a fool, a conjunction But I happen'd at last to think upon

Magi The horn-book, is guarded in front and in rear,

By a and by z I folemnly declare ;
The middle of wit, I take i for to be,
And when you're at church, you must

bend your ne;

By fpelling like a beau, as you see I've done;

I've found out your riddle as fure as a gun;

of doubt,

With a tool, there much fam'd, a town's name will make out. ANOTHER.

TO SELAH inverted, if you will add

By the connection will plainly be shown, What to acquire fome mifers run mad, The name of a town, in Suffolk well known.

EPITAPH on a Tomb-stone.

And though with your riddle fo fmart you GOD works wonders now and then,

have been,

Here lies a mille, an honeft man ;

'Tis nothing at all but your own Magazine. Affliction fore, long time he bore,

Bank-Side, Southwark,

Jan. 19, 176 1.

P. B.

Phyficians were in vain, 'Till God did please, to give him ease, And free him from his pain.


Nothing of great moment has been

Othing of great moment has been

ny, during the courfe of this month. When the last dispatches were sent from Saxony, the king of Pruffia's army was fo pofted, that the troops of the right wing were in poffeffion of Freyberg, Chemnitz, Zwickau, and Altenbourg, together with the feveral towns and villages in that neighbourhood, and their left wing extended as far as Meissen; where they remained very quiet.

The king of Pruffia was at Leipfick the beginning of this month, from which January, 1761.

place heavy complaints are made of the ri gorous treatment imposed on the inhabi tants there; particularly, that on the 5th inft, their magiftrates were fuddenly arrefted, together with 70 of their richest merchants, who were conducted by the foldiers to the Hotel-de-Ville; where Capt. Dyhern foon after fignified to them, on the part of the King, that they must without delay pay two millions of crowns, if they would avoid more fevere treatment. They' reprefented the impoffibility of fatisfying the demand, and offered 500,000 crowns; but M. Dyhern infifted on two millions,



not chufing to propofe fuch a trifle to the King; and gave them to understand, that if the whole was not produced, they must expect other measures. That being a day of acceptance there, all the bills of exchange were sent back protested. Befides the 70 merchants of Leipfick, feveral others of Saxony, Upper Lufatia, and Thuringia, have been arrested. The inhabitants of Leipfick have no longer the liberty of going out of the city without liberty from the commandant. The Pruffians have begun their military executions at Naumburg.

It is computed that the king of Pruffia will have 150,000 men in the field this year, and that most of them will be ready to act by the end of next month.

Advices from Vienna import, that as there remains scarce any hope of bringing about a peace this winter, their court is now intent upon nothing but meafures for carrying on the war with the utmoft vigour; to which end they propose to bring into the field armies more numerous than they have had in any of the preceding campaigns.

From the frontiers of Poland, we learn, that the Ruffian troops under Gen. Tottieben, have entirely evacuated Pomerania, by order of field-marfhal Butturlin, who, it is faid, has difpatched a general to Petersburg to inform the Empress of the motives for his quitting that province.

From the Allied Army we have advice of an affair that happened on the 23d ult.


at Heiligenstadt, where Gen. Luckner, who was pofted there with a corps of between 3 and 4000 men, was attacked by a body of 10,000 French, under the command of Count Broglio. The town being nearly inverted on all fides, Gen. Luckner had no other method of retreat but by the road that leads to Witzenhaufen, where he gained an advantageous eminence, from whence he cannonaded the French with fuch fuccefs, that he fecured his retreat to Scharffenstein, without the lofs of a fingle man or horfe killed or taken, only a few wounded in the affair. But an officer, with 54 militia-men, who were left in the town, were taken. The lofs of the French is reckoned at above 300 men. On the 24th Gen. Luckner was detached to Heiligenftadt, and, finding the French had left it, retook poffeffion of it. The other quarters of cantonments of the Allied army have been unmolested.

Marshal Broglio on the 2d inft. attacked the town of Duderstadt, and got poffeffion of it; but upon the arrival of the generals Kielmanfegge and Luckner, they were drove from thence with the lofs of 600 men killed, and 200 taken prisoners.

The Hereditary Prince of Brunswick has ordered the field train of artillery belonging to the English troops to join the corps which is under the joint command of Kielmanfegg and Luckner, probably with a view to make a diversion somewhere.


Letter received from Lisbon, dated November 11, runs thus: "Had it not been for Lotd Kinnoul, the captain of the His (the English man of war that minifler was on board of) would have thrown a broadfide into our ship of the line the N. S. da Conceicao de Magazan, whofe commandant, when the English hung out their flag and gave the fignal, would not take the trouble to answer it as ufual at fea, and made nothing but ironical manoeuvres. The N. S. coming into port 8 days after, the affair came to the, knowledge of the Directors of the Admiralty, and the Portuguese captain will certainly be punished."

We have the following account from Paris: "M. Laurent, Knight of the order of St. Michael, has invented an artifi

cial arm, which imitates every motion of the natural one. This mafter-piece now lies for the infpection of the curious at the Royal Hospital of Invalids. A foldier, who has had both his arms fhot off, and who has but five inches of ftump remaining on the left fide, eats, drinks, and takes snuff and writes with that artificial arm. His Majefty has been defirous to fee the invention and the inventor, who was introdnced to the king and queen, and the reft of the royal family. This ingenious contrivance has been shewn to the academy of fciences, who have fignified the highest marks of approbation."

MONDAY, Dec. 29.

An exprefs arrived at the Earl of Holderneffe's office, with advice that her ferene highnefs the princefs of Naffau Weil


burg, daughter of the late princefs of Orange, was fafely delivered of a daughter, at the Hague, the 18th of November.

A young man at Birmingham, quite a ftranger in that town, laid a wager at a publick houfe there, that he could drink a gallon of ale in two hours, but fell down after he had drank about two quarts, and expired immediately; he eat a hearty fupper of beaf-steaks with new bread, and while he was drinking the ale, eat nuts, which, it is thought, choak'd him, as his throat immediately fwelled, and turned black. He faid he had been a drawer in London. In his pocket-book was wrote Jofeph Morris.

Letters from Meurs fay, that the body of the Lord Downe was interred there the 10th of December, with all military honours.

The Hon. John Dawney, Esq; member of parliament for Cirencester, fucceeds to the title of Lord Viscount Downe, of the kingdom of Ireland, in the room of his brother, deceased.

They write from Dunkirk, that between there and Calais 10 fhips were wreck'd, between the roth and 14th of December. Accounts from several other parts are full of damages done by the late ftorms.

This evening at an auction-fale of pout ing pidgeons, at Mr. Hayes's, the Frenchhorn, in Beach-Lane, eighteen pair and an half of pigeons were fold for 92 1.9 s. 6 d. THURSDAY, JAN. 1.

The Ode for the New Year, written by William Whitehead, Efq; Poet Laureat, and fet to mufick by Dr. Boyce, Mafter of the King's Band of Muficians, was performed before his Majesty.

This night one of the French prifoners at Bristol found means to break out of the Black-hole, at Knowle, and went immediately to the fign of the Dog, a publick houfe, and untiling the roof, got to the fervant-maid's room, dragged her down stairs, and cut her with a knife in several places, and would have murdered her, if her cries had not awakened the Mafter of the house, who hastened to her, and fecured the villain, who is fince taken proper care of. Nothing was miffed but fome bread, butter, and cheese, of which he had Eaten very plentifully; having, for several mifdemeanors, been upon half allowance for these last three months.

A few days ago 28 French prifoners efcaped out of the prison at Bristol, by un

dermining part of the walls; but being timely pursued, all but three were foon af. ter retaken.

Laft week, a Farmer's fervant at Wimbledon, in Surry, after having called up the man early in the morning to fetch the cows, complained of a drowfinefs, and went to lie down, when the fell into a trance, in which the continued between fix and seven days, almoft without figns of life; but at last the awaked with cold, knew nothing of her long fleep, went to bed, and fell into another trance, and fo continued five days; when the awoke the appeared hearty and chearful, and likely to continue fo.

FRIDAY, Jan. 2.

Admiralty-Office. Rear-Admiral Rodney, by a letter of the 31 past, gives an account, that his Majefty's floops the Carcass and Bonetta, which he had fent in pursuit of a French Snow Privateer, chaced her till she fell in with his Majesty's fhip the Tweed, which took her. She is called the Du Guay Trouin, of ro guns and 52 men, had been out three days from St. Malo, and taken nothing.

The Rear-Admiral gives a further account, that the Anfon Cutter has taken a French Cutter Privateer, of 10 guns and 54 men, belonging to Dunkirk, which had been five days from Havre, and had not taken any thing.

The lords of the Admiralty have been pleafed, at the request of the Poft-maftergeneral, to order his Majefty's floops the Alderney and Hound, to sail to Flushing; one to convoy the pacquet-boats from thence to England, and the other to cruise between Helvoetfluys and Yarmouth road; and the Hound floop between Flushing and Orfordness, for the protection of the trade, as well as for that of the pacquet-boats, ftationed between Harwich and HelvoetAluys, and between Dover and Flushing.

A few days ago, Mrs. Ubly of Reading, was tapp'd by Mr. Collis, furgeon of that town, who took from her 27 pounds weight of a thick glutinous fubitance, and she is in a fair way of recovery.

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pursuit of them; and, on the 27th paft, between twelve and one in the night, he fell in with the brig, and fired his ftar-board guns at her as the passed him, and in lefs than eight or ten minutes the entirely difappeared, though it was a fine moon-light night, and he could fee for fome miles all round the horizon; in the morning he faw two fail within the land, which he chaced, and foon came up with; one of them proved to be a Snow Cartel from Quebec, the other the Grivois Snow Privateer from St. Maloes, of 10 carriage and to swivel guns, and 80 men, which latter he took. She had been out from Cherburg three days,

About ten this evening, as a poft-chaife was coming to town, between the turnpike at Tottenham-court road, and the first mile ftone, with the earl of March and George Auguftus Selwyn, Efq; a highwayman ftopped the poftillion, and swore he would blow his brains out, if he did not ftor; on which the earl of March jumped out of the chaise, and fired a piftol, and the highwayman immediately rode off.

MONDAY, Jan. 5.

The Right Hon. Mr. Secretary Pitt, hath laid before the Council a printed paper, dated the 27th of November, 1760, containing the refolutions of the Board of Health at Venice; which had been delivered to him by M. Colombo, the Venetian refident here; whereby it appears, That a contagious diftember had broke out at the town of Sarlata, in the island of Cephalonia, and that thereupon the quarantine upon thips coming from the islands of the Levant, subject to that republick, had been increased to forty days :---It is ordered in Council, that the quarantine at prefent fubfifting upon all fhips and veffels coming from thofe parts, and from, or through the Mediterranean, be duly and punctually complied with and officers, and all others whom it may concern, are to take notice, and govern themselves accordingly. Gaz.

TUESDAY, Jan, 6,

Letters from the Eaft-Indies, by the way of Holland, advise, that Goa, the capital of the Portuguese fettlements, in that quarter of the world, had been attacked and taken by the blacks who inhabited the circumjacent countries. It was this affair probably which gave rife to the story, about the Jefuits making themselves masters of it, as was reported fome time ago.


November 1, by way of South Carolina, fay, "The evening before last, capt. Benj. Clifford arrived here from Turk's Island, who says, that our men of war on the Jamaica station, cruifing off Cape Francois, took the French homeward-bound fleet, consisting of five king's frigates, and seven merchantmen."

This day 10,000 beaver fkins, and a large quantity of other valuable furs, were entered from Quebec.


A letter from Gibraltar, dared the 13th of November last, says,---" Some suspicion of an intended mutiny and fedition among the foldiers, threw us lately into no fmall confternation. Report faid at first, that more than seven hundred of them had joined in a confpiracy, to make themselves mafters of the garrifon after the strictest inquiries, it appeared that five or fix drunken profligate fellows, had behaved and talked in a mutinous manner, and attempted to fet a fedition on foot. The leader of thefe was inftantly hanged, in the most publick and exemplary manner; the rest punished feverely, and all is now in good order and difcipline."

FRIDAY, Jan. 9.

A few days ago, a fervant of Mr. Hall's of Buckingham, returning from market to that place, and finding the ferry-boat putting off from shore, full of people, was fo rash and imprudent (to say no worse of it) as to leap his horse into the boat, and with the violence of the fall, drove the poor people and their horfes to the farther fide, which inftantly carried the boat into the ftream, and over-fet it; by which fix perfons were loft, and the reft with great difficulty faved.

SATURDAY, Jan. 10.

A letter was received from Monto Christi, dated Nov. 1st, couched in the following terms. "I can't help letting you know, that last week five French frigates, viz. Sipen, M. M'Carty, commander, Fleur de Lis, Dagarty, and Valeur Talbot, French frigates of 30 guns each, Prince Edward and Duc de Choifeul, privaters, with four or five merchant vefels, left the Cape; and the next day the Hampshire of 50 guns, and the Boreas, a frigate, fell in with them off the Tortugas, and difperfed them: Talbot, after engaging three hours, and M'Carty were taken at twelve at night; Dagarty and the Prince Edward are afhore and burnt,

Letters from New Providence, dated the Duc de Choiseul put into Port Paix, and


the rest of the fleet by favour of the night care, vigilance and activity, for the fecurity elcaped."

About two miles to the northward of Rush, in Ireland, one Mr. O'Connor has discovered a large coal-mine, which will produce great plenty of coal; it has been tried, and burns as well as any Newcastlecoal, at which the whole country are greatly rejoiced.

MONDAY, Jan. 12.

They write from Liverpool, that on the ift. inftant, James Johnson, son of Thomas Johnfon, Weaver, fervant to Mr. Baxendale, Cabinet-maker, a youth about 13 years of age, being fent from thence to Crosbie with a letter, took his brother Samuel (a boy between nine and ten years old) with him; after they had delivered the letter, they mistook the road home, and the weather being extremely bad and boifterous, were benighted on Crosbie Marsh. In the morning the elder lad was found fpeechlefs, lying on the ground, by one of the keepers of the Rabbit-warren, who brought him to Baxter's, and recovered him by the help of a fire and fome brandy; the younger lad was found next day dead, pear the middle of the Marsh.

TUESDAY, Jan, 13.

An officer who had come to the CrofsKeys, in Grace-hurch-street, in a stagecoach, and had brought with him a gun loaded with flugs, for his fecurity on the road, having ordered a coach to carry him from thence home, bid one of the porters of the inn, put his gun into the hackneycoach, in doing which the gun went off, and fhattered the leg of a Camberwell stagecoachman, who was on the oppofite fide of the street, waiting to turn into the inn. Another flug is lodged in the poor man's thigh, and two in the buttock, of one of the hories. The man is carried to Saint Thomas's hofpital, but it is feared he cannot recover. He has a wife and two children, and remarkably fober and well behaved.


From Belfaft in Ireland, we are informed that the gentlemen of that town have waited on Jofeph Higginson, Ffq; now lieutenant-colonel to the 62d regiment, and prefented him with a large filver cup of exquifite workmanship, on which there is the following infcription: “To major Jofeph Higginson, of the 62d regiment of foot, in gratitude, for his having exerted his great military knowledge, with the utmoft

of the town of Belfaft, on the landing of the French troops at Carrickfergus, Feb. 21, 1760; this cup is presented by the inhabitants of the town of Belfast." And a cup of the fame fize and workmanship is likewife to be prefented to lieutenant-colonel Jennings, who commanded the troops at Carrickfergus, when the French landed there in February laft.

His Majefty's letter is gone over to the lords Juftices of Ireland, ordering the pay ment of upwards of 1300 pounds, being the amount of the expences incurred by the inhabitants of Belfast, on the occafion of M. Thurot's invafion.

THURSDAY, Jan. 15.

They write from Aberdeen, that as a young girl of that city was asleep, a dog, not fufpected of madness, crept to her bed, and licked her face for fome time, which, upon awaking, the found all over in a lather of froth, and complained of no ailment that day. But foon after the was violently feized, with all the symptoms of that dreadful infection, and died raving mad.

From the fame place we are told, that laft week, a mad dog got into a gentleman's ftable, at a little distance from that town, and bit his horfe. The poor creature catched the infection fo fuddenly, that he killed the dog, and fell a tearing his own flesh from the bones; but being shot through a hole, made on purpose, all further damage was prevented.

FRIDAY, Jan. 16.

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The Right Hon. Robert Lord Henley, Lord-keeper of the Great Seal, this day delivered to his Majefty in Council, the Seal of Great-Britain, when his Majesty was pleafed to restore the faid Seal to him again, with the title of Lord Chancellor of Great-Britain. After which his Lordship took the customary oaths.

SATURDAY, Jan. 17.

Admiralty-Office. Lieutenant John Symons, of his Majesty's fhip the Unicorn, of 28 guns and 200 men, gives an account, that on the 8th inft. capt. Hunt, (his predeceffor in the command of that ship) being cruifing of the Penmarks, discover


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