Abbildungen der Seite

NOLLET, Abbè, his comparison of
the effects of thunder, with those
of electricity, 576. Of the means
of preferving men and buildings
from, ib.

NORWOOD, Mr. his experiment for
measuring the degree of a great
circle of the earth, 105.


BRIEN, Mr. his speech on tne
loan-bill, in the Irish parlia
ment, 1. On the non-refidence
of the clergy, 91.
ODE, on the defcent of Hygeia to
the earth, 245..
OPIATES, taken in the gout, dif-
cuffed, 372.

OPIUM. See HUCK. Ufed in the
cafe of a bite by a mad dog, 445.
OSBORNE, Sir W. his fpeech in the
Irish parl. on the non-refidence
of the clergy, 90.
OWEN, Dr. his account of the good
effects of musk, in a convulfive
difeafe, 438.

OXEN, recommended for the
plough, in preference to horfes,
277. Lord Clare's fuccefs in the
ule of, 278. Further recom-
mended, 484.

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[blocks in formation]

PALSY, occafioned by a fall, cafes
of, 438, 441.

PARABLE, of the piece of filver,

verfified, 4c9.
PARAPHRENITIS, cure of, 356.
PARIS, Abbè, droll account of his

miracles, 555.
PATRIOTISM, theory of, 507. Rea-
lity of, investigated, ib.
PAUL, St. his meaning, when
fpeaking of the prince of the power
of the air, 214. His oration be-
fore K. Agrippa, new version

of, 219.
PERIPNEUMONY, cafe of, 543.
PERKINS, Mr. his obf. on the be-
nefit of cool air in the small-
pox, 433.
PERRY, Mr. his debates in the
Irish parl. 1, 11, 81-86.

PERSECUTION, religious and civil,
difcuffed, 263. Church of Rome
attacked and defended on this
head, ib. feq.
PERSFIELD described, 226.
PERSPIRATION, infenfible, ac-
count of, 363.

PHILOSOPHERS, natural, humane
expoftulation with, for their
cruel treatment of animals, in
their experiments 58c.
PIBRAC, M. his remarks on the
treatment of wounds attended by
the lofs of fubftance, 593-
PICTS, their origin investigated,

PIETRO, San, his hiftory, 561.

Kills his wife from principles of
falfe heroifm, 562.

PLUTO defcribed in the character
of an undertaker, 143.
PLEURISY, cafe of, and cure, 356,

POPE, of Rome, abfurd veneration

formerly paid to, 46.
PORTLAND, duke of, deprived of
the foreft of Inglewood, &c. 327.
Administration severely cenfured
on that account, 328; and vin-
dicated, 329.

PRINTS, the feveral kinds of, their
characteristics, 165. Remarks
on those of several great mafters,

PROLAPSUS uteri, account of one,
attended with peculiar fymp
toms, 431.
PROVISIONS, Causes of the prefent
dearnefs of, 255. The late riots
on this account animadverted on,
280. The pleas of rioters on
this fubject not to be regarded,


[blocks in formation]


ACINE, Lewis, his eulogium,
514. Tranflates Milton, 518.
His death, 519.
RARE's Progrefs of Hogarth, deli-
neated and criticised, 170.
RAPE, different fpecies of, humor-

ously defined, 404.
REMBRANDT, the painter, charac-
ter of his works, 166.
RICHARD II. probably mifrepre-
fented by hiftorians, 115. The
crimes imputed to him impro-
bable, ib.

RICHLIEU, Cardinal, his condu&t
and character, 563.
Riors, on account of the dearness

of provifions, confidered, 281.
ROADS, remarks on, 279.
ROSTOCK, in Mecklenburg, fome

particulars relating to, 483.
RUSSEL, Dr. his account of hyda-
tides discharged with the urine,
437. Of fome experiments on
the root of mezereon, 439. Of
an almoft univerfal emphysema,

RUTTY, Dr. his account of the
fuccefs of the cicuta in Ireland,



ABBATH, Jewish and Chriftian,
confidered, 287.
SACRAMENT of the Lord's fupper,
mistaken notions of, 290. True
fcriptural idea of, 291.
SALT-WATER, experiments on the
evaporation of, 581.
SAMUEL, Ch. vi. ver. 19. new ex-
planation of, 283.
SAXONS, their coins and weights
difcuffed, 57, feq. 337. Their
measures, 338.
Scors, the accounts of their Hiber-

nian defcent fabulous, 303.
SCURVY, at sea, fresh wort pre-

fcribed for, 415.
SHARP, Mr. his account of Italy
contraverted, 448.
SILVESTER, Dr. his obf. on the
mifchiefs occafioned by the fud-
den flopping of falivations, 440.
SKEPTICISM, & rational one com-

mendable, 114. Good effects
of, ib.
SMELFUNGUS, the fplenetic tra-
veller, defcribed, 175.
SOCIETIES, medical, first rife of,431
SOLOMON's Song, rational com-
ment on, 294.

SPAIN, fecret articles in the nego-
ciations with, in the reign of
Ch. I., 396. Duplicity of that
prince, in regard to the Spanish
match, 398.

SPENCE, Mr, his criticism on Dry-
den criticised, 423.
STAGE, Parifian, its controverfy
with the church, 288.
STATE, means of forming the mo-
rals of one, 571.
STRELITZ, towns of, defcribed,
485. Ducal palace there, its
grandeur, 487.

SUBSCRIPTIONS, to articles of
faith, their ill tendency, 114.
SUDLEY, Lord, his motion in the
Irish parliament for addreffing
the king, 81.
SUPPLIES, of public money, for
the year 1768, remarks on, 158.
SURGERY, Royal Academy of, at

Paris, excellency of its inftitu-
tion, and utility ofits progrefs, 586
SWEATING ficknefs, the famous

one in the 15th and 16th cen-
turies, account of, 365.
SYMONS, Mr. his account of an
bernia inteftinalis, 434-
SYMONDS, Mr. his account of an
extraordinary fucceffive growth
of teeth, 438.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

WARNER, Mr. plan of his gloffary to Shakespeare, 354. WATSON, Dr. on the effects of magnetia in vomitings, 444. WELSH, their situation and cir cumstances defcribed, 67. Account of the editions of the Bible

in their language, 326. WENTWORTH, Lord, his letter to Lord Mountnorris, on the enor mous increafe of office-fees, 391. WHEAT, of Smyrna, curious obier vation on, 586.

WILKES, Mr. deficient in the re quifites of an hiftorian, 469. Animadverfions on his condot and character as a patriot, 509. WOMEN, their longing, when preg nant, and its fuppofed ill effects, exploded, 94. Their mifcar riages, means to prevent. 9. Their nurfing their own children recommended, ib. WOUNDS, attended with loss of


substance, treatment of, 593. Farther remarks on, 594. WOUNDS, by gun fhot, manner of treating, 588. Solution of fome phenomena attending, 591. Y. ORICK, his fentimental travels, 176. Adventure with the Monk a Calais, 17-180. Account of his fervant La Fleur, 181. His benevolence to the beggars, 183. His adventure with the fille de chambre, 309 His converfations with people of distinction at Paris, 314. tis adventure with the peafant on the mountain, 317.


Page 51, par. 3, 1. 8, for national, read rational.

174, par. 2, 1. 3, dele them.


259, 9, from the bottom, for every perfon who has the leaf,

read thofe who have any.

377, 1. 1, of the note, for facred profeffor, read feared profeffor, 380, par. 2, 1. 19, for opinions, read pinions.

382, 1. 13, for datæ, read data.

412, Art. 47, 1. penult. for delineated, read display'd

494, Art. 10, 1. 11 from the botter, dele epithimum.


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