Abbildungen der Seite

too high, and consequently dangerous, and this high
pressure may vary from 1oz. to 6001b on the square
inch.-J. H.
letters are cut deeply, and with the sides as square as
possible (the plainer the letters the better) then a strip
of cold lead, a little larger than the size required, is laid
in, and hammered with a wooden mallet till the incised
space is perfectly filled (the hammering requires much
care). The surplus lead is then scraped away, leaving the

surface quite smooth.-W. H. A.

words "unknown." If I can get the book I will give, in another number, some more particulars about it BERNARDIN. [4116.]-AIR-STRUNG PUMP.-If "Coal Miner" will take his pump out, or rather the pipes that are in the water, he will find that the short pipe, which is called the blast hole piece, is what is called blast hole tight that is, all the holes, or nearly so, are more or less cho up with dirt, so that the water will not enter fast enough to follow the bucket in its upward stroke. Perhap Coal Miner" is not aware that when the bucke which lies between the bucket and clack is forced through decends in the pump barrel, the greater part of the a the bucket valve, provided the clack is air-tight, and consequently there is a partial vacuum or empty space, the atmospheric pressure pressing upon the top side of the bucket, so that if it is only a 3in. pump there is 135 nearly, additional weight to be lifted at each upward short pipe, perforated with a number of holes at the stroke of the bucket. The blast hole piece is usually sides, with a wood plug driven into the bottom end Sometimes they are put in without a blast hole piece, with only a plain pipe open at the end instead. If the blast holes are air-tight, the water will not ascend through the clack sufficiently to counterbalance the atmospheric pressure.-BELL VALVE. I do

which is formed thus: glass of lead, llb.; pearl ashes, 6oz.; borax, 4oz.; arsenic, loz. This mixture, treated like the one given in No. 12, p. 286, produces a very soft flux, with a strong vitrifying power. Glass of antimony (black). By the mixture of the red and yellow as given (p. 286), a great many browns may be produced. Blue: to the above flux add a sixth or an eighth part of ultramarine, and keep it in fusion till the ultramarine vitrifies. To darken the colour without increasing the quantity of ultramarine, zaffre faxed with borax may be employed A deep and very good blue may be prepared by zaffre, [4033.]-SLIDE REST.-I called "J. D. L.'s" atten-Vitrify the mixture in a strong fire, and prepare it for 1 part to 4 parts of either flux with a little borax. tion to my letter of October 15, last year, correcting the use by levigation. A strong body of this colour will give description given by "Levers or no Levers," of the way the effect of blackness. For a weaker blue, the quantity of making a worm-wheel; and since that "W. H. N." has of zaffre must be diminished. As I do not know where given a method in answer to the same correspondent, "Sable" resides, I cannot say where he can get them, which is more faulty still than the first. I can say only at any respectable chemist's.-D. F. ASHTON. "proved" to my directions, as I have made many for single threads, and one for double, and one for triple lish "frame" lever is the best watch anyone can have for [4087.)-RAILWAY GUARD'S WATCH.-A good Engthread, and I know, from having failed without in my first trial, that the notches must be first cut in with a keeping time; the "three-quarter plate," though more excircular cutter in the dividing machine, in order to en- pensive, does not go better, and anything worth having sure having the desired number, before they can be will cost £5 and £6. Persons who do not mind going to finished with the hob or tap, and I am perfectly sure a little more expense to be sure of a good watch, and that any one who has tried to do without will say the always perfect time, can get one with a compensation same. The reason is this:-Say you want a wheel of balance, rated, for £8 to £12. These are all in silver 120 teeth to work with a screw of 15in. pitch or 6 threads cases; they can be had in gold for about £6 more. to an inch, as is the case in my dividing apparatus. not enclose a diagram, as it would be impossible for any This will require the circumference of the wheel to be one not acquainted with watches to tell a good from a 18in. at half the depth of the teeth, at which point the bad one. The holes absolutely necessary to be jewelled diameter will be rather less than 5 in. Now for the are five in number-both the balance holes, always total diameter of wheel, we must add the depth of tooth jewelled in every watch, both the 'scape wheel holes, and -viz., half on each side, which in this case is (say) in. one fourth wheel, or seconds hole. It is a mistake to go circumference over all will be 18-457in., giving room for watch repaired, especially a person to whom money is an full, making the total diameter (say) 5in. exactly, and the to a jeweller's or silversmith's either to buy or to have a rather over 123 spaces of 15in. each; so that if we started object. I speak to those who wish to possess, and to cutting as "W. H. N." proposes, we should get 128 teeth those who value, a good watch, and with no intention to instead of the 120 that we required-to say nothing of injure anyone. The reason is obvious, it takes at least the fact that the teeth would be out of all shape, from ten years at the bench to become a good workman, not the job being commenced with a tap suitable enough for a thorough one. The less jewellery in a watchmaker's 123 teeth, but not coarse enough by 1-40th of its own "show" the better the workman, and I may as well inpitch for making 120 teeth on that particular diameter. clude Dutch and American clocks, and cheap watches in the same category. Not that good watch-makers do not keep such things, but because they will rather be found inside the shop, or perhaps hidden quite out of sight. They are acknowledged only to prevent the loss of a sale or a possible customer. It is needless to say these remarks apply only to London and the larger towns. In the country watchmakers are everything,-" umbrellas to mend," teapots, and even opticians.-NOBODY.

Proved.-J. K. P.

[4034.]-BOAT STEERING.-The power will be increased exactly in proportion to the extra length given to the arms of the yoke.-J. B.

[4040].-WHEEL GEARING.-Bevelled wheels to run well must be cross sections of two cones, whose axes are the axes of their respective shafts, and the apices of the cones therefore at the point where these axes cut each other. One of these cones being given there can be but one of which the side under these conditions will exactly touch through its whole length the side of the given cone. And therefore there can be only one bevelled wheel which will gear properly with a given wheel on the same shafts. Both wheels must be therefore changed to give altered speed.-J. B.

[ocr errors]

[4054.] MICROSCOPIC INVESTIGATION WITH POLARIZED LIGHT.-If "H. P." will, with your permission, kindly give his promised hints, I am sure they will be highly acceptable to many of your readers, as well as to myself. Muspratt calls acetic acid "the bane of the brewery;" and a ready method of watching this intruder and instantly detecting his presence would be valuable to me and many of my "great posterity." Acetic acid is specially mentioned (Circle of the Sciences, p. 85) as a polarising substance. Perhaps "H. P." would kindly give a handy chemical test for its presence and strength. I find the microscope very valuable, and have ordered a polariscope.-JOHN BARLEYCORN.

[4071.]-DRAUGHT IN BOILER.-Open up the flue running into the chimney and clean all out thoroughlythe larger these flues are the better-and govern the draught by the damper. Will find there is nothing the matter with the boiler in making bad draughts.-J.H. [4075.]-SOLDERING SOFT METAL.-For soldering soft metal use bismuth, 8 parts; tin, 3 parts; lead, 5 parts. A little mercury will make this more fusible, addition

of tin less so.-J. B.

[4077.]-WATER ANALYSIS.-" Aqua" I think ex: pects too much of the volumetric system of analysis. If he will give the names of the solutions obtained from Messrs. Griffin & Sons, I may perhaps be able to answer this first part of his query. He must not expect to be able to estimate the organic nitrogen, carbon, the nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, and albuminoid constituents what he requires is Wanklyn's process, which is scarcely by using litrated solutions; the nearest approach to

more than a series of ammonia determinations.


full details of this I refer " Aqua" to "Water Analysis," by E. T. Chapman, 58. (Trübner), or if he particularly wishes it, I will give an outline of the process.-GEORGE


[blocks in formation]

[4083.]-CLEANING WHITE CORAL.-Place the coral in a running stream for a week or ten days, turning it once or twice to let the stream impinge on the different sides.-J. B.

[4084.]-COMETS.-In reply to the query of "W. R." the following may be interesting:-The comet expected by astronomers is known as D'Arrest's; it has not, I believe, been detected yet. Mr. John Birmingham, of Tuam, and Mr. George J. Walker, of Teignmouth, have both made repeated observations for the re-discovery of the comet, but they have not been successful in their efforts. The position of the comet on the 29th inst. is predicted to be RA, 15h. 27m. 52s. and NPD 77° 59′. On this date it should therefore be situated a little to the

north-east of the star Delta in Serpens. The comet, if visible, certainly cannot be seen with the naked eye but only with the assistance of the most powerful telescopes The comet recently discovered by Dr. Winnecke, is unfavourably situated for observation. - WILLIAM F. DENNING, Hon. Sec. O.A.S.

[4085.]-PERRY'S MICROSCOPE.-" Salopian" is informed that the distance between the lens and object glass is fin. The microscope can be had for 30 stamps from the maker, E. Perry, Sherbourne-road, Birmingham. (See advt.)

[4087.)-GLASS PAINTING. I herewith furnish "Sable" with browns and blue. For brown use flux,

[4095.-SILVER COIN.-I made a mistake in reading
on the sketch KAROLUS REX. FR., Mr. H. W. Henfrey
is quite right reading RICARDUS REX.-BERNARDIN.
[4113.] -PHOSPHATE OF LIME.-This valuable
substance is used to a large extent as a manure; is
known also as "coprolites," and is found in the tertiary
beds of mountainous districts, such as Norfolk "Crag,"
but before using, it is usual to purify it by the addition
of sulphuric acid, which liberates a portion of the phos-
phoric acid-under the influence of which part of the
bone-earth is rendered in the form of tolerably pure
superphosphate of lime. The use of this as a manure is
to keep up the supply of mineral matter in the plants.
If these mineral bodies be present in the ground in
small quantities, and if fresh crops be continually carried
off without provision for the return of matter so re-
moved, the land will, in process of time, become ex-
hausted, and sterility will be the inevitable result. It
is now well known to the practical farmer that the
superphosphate, when drilled in judiciously with the
turnip seed, stimulates the growth of the plant in the
earliest and most critical stage of its existence, and in
this manner secures a far more abundant return than
when the supply is omitted. Phosphate of lime is used
also in medicine, and is obtained chemically pure by the
following process:-burnt bone or animal charcoal is
put into large pans, and hydrochloric acid is added in
the proportion of about 15 gallons for every cwt. of
charcoal employed, then the pans are filled up with
water and stirred daily for about a week; the charcoal is
suitable vessel, and common soda is added, until it no
then allowed to settle and the liquid drawn off into a
longer occasions a precipitate; this is allowed to settle.
The liquid, which is a solution of chloride of soda or
common salt, is drawn off and the precipitate repeatedly
acid cannot be detected by nitrate of silver; it is then
washed with water, until the presence of hydrochloric
pres charcoal which is left in the tuns furnishes (after
strained to free it from the water as much as possible,
pressed and dried, and is then ready for the market.
Phosphate of lime is taken as a medicine principally in
washing) animal charcoal-pure for organic analysis.
the form of syrup of the hypophosphites, and is used
where disintegration of the human frame exists.

[blocks in formation]

Hectare = 2:471143 acres.
Any bookseller will procure from the Queen's printers a
copy of the Metrical Act, with table of statutory equiva-
lents, for a shilling or less.-J. B.

[4117.]-BULLION IRON CEMENT.-William Hall

of Bourne Brook, near Birmingham, can supply" R. G. B.

with the above.-LLAH.

[merged small][graphic]

and of which the following is a description. A is a
retort-stand, B a retort, and C is s spirit lamp or any
other convenient heating apparatus, D is a vessel
containg a small spiral tube ending in E. When in use,
the beak of the retort B should be luted in the end of
the spiral, and the tube D filled up with water, which
should be frequently changed. The distilled water is dis-
charged at E.-WALTER J. NICHOLLS.

any quantity of distilled water, he will find the old
[4122.]-DISTILLED WATER.-If "Moses" wants
saucepan of no use. The best plan is to drill a hole in
the top of the kitchen boiler and fix in it a gas pipe,
carry it through a cold water tank, if one is near, or a
bucket, which he must keep filled, and he will find his
wants supplied without further trouble. He must ar
it, and the highest point must be above the tank.-M.
range his pipe so that he has no lodgment of water in
W. G.

[4123.]-SOLDERING BRASS.-Nothing better than Dr. Burnett's disinfecting fluid-i.e., chloride of zinc.

-J. B.

[4123.]-SOLDERING.-I always solder brass with the ordinary flux (hydrochloric acid killed with zinc); can give others if required.-CURRENT.

[4126.]-DAMP WALL.-If the wall will not hold pasted damp-proof paper, tack it to the plaster and paste the ordinary paper upon it. The damp-proof paper can be bought at the paper-hanger's.-LLAH.

[4126.]-WALL PAPER.-Wash the wall before paper

ing with two or three coats of shell or seed lac dissolved in naphtha or methylated spirit, till a slight glaze appears on the face of the plaster showing that it will not absorb more.-J. B.

[4128.]-WATCH-MAKING beg to inform "Comand they are fitted into the plate, and kept in their place pensating Balance" that the jewels are fixed into watch plates by being fitted into brass settings of their own. I think that it would be a difficult thing for any one to do, without by two or sometimes three small screws. the apparatus and the practice of a watch jeweller. Wh regard to the magnetic balance, I am sorry to say that there is no cure but to put a new one, and also a new destroying the magnetism of a piece of steel except pendulum spring. I am not aware of any means of making it red-hot, which of course would spoil a watch balance.-HENRY CHAPMAN.

[4129.]-FISHERMAN'S NETS.-For garden, take hank of sailmaker's twine, rub about half an ounce of common fat on it, then dip it in Stockholm tar, put one end over a pin or nail, and put a stick through the other part, and twist it until all the tar is squeezed out of it, but see that every part is coloured; then ball it off same as worsted, and fill your netting needle (this you can make). Now stretch a piece of stout whipcord along for headline, same length as net required, and begin at the right hand, and work towards the left, forming a clove hitch with the twine round the cord, every inch for size of mesh (Fig. 1), then form a second tier of mesh by passing the needle up through the last mesh, now to ward the right hand, underneath, over, and under its


FIG. 2

[4115.]-TROPICAL FIBRES.-The book in question has for title "Tropical Fibres: their Production and Economic Extraction, by E. G. Squier, formerly Minister of the United States in Central America. London: Sam. Madden & Son, price 6s. I wrote to the firm, size of the mesh by the fingers of the left hand. But own part (see Fig. 2). Draw it tight and regulate the Sam. Madden & Son; but my letter returned with the better net for a garden would be what is called a diamond

net, the same as ships have worked round their "poop," made from stout whip-cord or ratlin line. Put two iron bolts horizontal, as far apart as length of net required, bearing in mind that when finished and seized into its proper place, it works up one foot in every ten, make one end of the line fast to one of the bolts, and pass it over the other bolt, until you have got as many parts as width of net required-all this to be stretched perfectly tight, and all the parts close together. Take a rule and chalk, and mark the place for the seizings, or tyings, tying every alternate two with twine. Suppose you wanted a net which when done, was to fill up a space 30ft. long, by 24in. wide, and the size of the diamonds to be 6in. by 3in., then the length between the bolts should be 33ft. and the number of parts of line on stretch nine, and the distance between chalk marks for seizings Sin.-W. W. LARKIN, Scarborough.

[4180.]-FERN CASE.-If the design is too heavy, cut the legs off level with the top of the box and screw into each a length of iron gas pipe, and get a light metal rib made to go round the top, which can be screwed to the top ends of the tubing. The clumsiness depends on the style of work; mine is as light and elegant as a case needs to be.-T. FLETCHER.

"Printer's Register." It and the "Register" are only
2d. monthly; and the "Dictionary," when complete, can-
not fail to be of the utmost service to all "Young
Printers."-T. JOHNSON.

[4147.]-COIN OR MEDAL.-"Exergue's" coin is one-
third of a farthing, coined for Malta in 1827.-HENRY W.
HENFREY, M.N.S., &c.,

[4149.]-ELECTRICITY AND EPILEPSY.-It is exceedingly unlikely that electricity can do any good in this disease, nor can medicine do more except by attending to the general health. Epilepsy is either due to an organic defect in the brain, derived from ancestry, or in some cases to the formation of a "cyst" or parasitic inmate within the head; and in neither case can any direct influence be exerted: good food, proper air and exercise, and cleanliness, are the only agents.-SIGMA.

[4168.]-LEAD STICKING TO STEEL.-" Anon" will find that if he blackleads his steel before hardening it, the lead in which he hardens will not adhere to it, as actual contact will be prevented between the lead and the steel.-HENRY CHAPMAN.

[4165.]-ASTRONOMICAL.-T. Round, Handsworth, may convert heliocentric latitude and longitude (L and 1) into geocentric (L and ') by means of the following équations:c = S+ 180° - 7 tang 0 =

[merged small][ocr errors]

R cos L

[ocr errors]

tang (045) cot c e = 90° + - ± 0

[blocks in formation]

[4150.]-BOILER FEEDING.-"The Giffard Injector" is considered the best substitute for the force pump; detailed in our MECHANIC, Vol. X., No. 240, Oct., 1, and R, the distance of the planet from the sun, and

29, 1869.-J. H.

(4151.)-ORCHIS.-The orchis described is most likely Orchis Fusca," which is larger than "Orchis Ustulata," but sometimes hardly distinguishable from it. -TRESSILIAN.

[4153.]-COLOURING IRON WIRE.-"A. E. O" can colour his iron wire, which must be bright and clean, with green lacquer, by heating the wire on a stove and dipping it in, if it is in the bundle; if not, he could use a brush; he will find this give it the required brass colour. Pins are coloured by boiling them in tin shavings and cream of tartar in water, which gives them

the white colour.-J. M.

[4154.)-STEEL PLATE.—“H. W. H." must put his steel plate in quick lime, pounded very fine. This will keep it for many years if it is put in a dry place.-J. M. [4154.]-ENGRAVED STEEL PLATE.-The best plan for "H. W. H." to preserve his plate is to let the wax stop on it, and keep it in a dry place.-PETER PINDAR.

S and r, the sun's longitude and the radius vector of the earth, are supposed to be known quantities. L, 1, and the log. of R may be found from the planetary tables for any given time, and S and the log. of r are given in the "Nautical Almanack " for every day in the year.-HENRY T. VIVIAN.

[4168.]-THE VALUE OF A TESTRIL.-In answer to "B.," I think that the word Testril in the passage of Shakespeare referred to is only another version of "Tester," viz., a sixpence. Further, sixpences are mentioned in the preceding lines, and this line says Testril also."-HENRY W. HENFREY, M.N.8. &c.

• a

[4169.)-RUST JOINTS.-Take one of sal ammoniac in powder (by weight) two flowers of sulphur, eighty iron borings, made to a paste with water, to set quickly.

J. H.

[4173.]-CLEANING GALVANIZED VESSELS.-The simplest plan is to scour them with a strong solution of hot water and common washing soda; but I should recommend your correspondent to have the vessels painted, or if used for hot water and soap, to use best tinned vessels, as galvanized iron attracts soap in such a manner as to cause this deposit, which is disagreeable and unsightly.

(4183.)-SIDEREAL TIME.-If "W. H. C." is in possession of a transit instrument he will find little difficulty in setting his clock to exact sidereal time, and ascertaining its performance. What he will have to do is to make it work 0h. Om. Os. at the instant of the passage of the first point of Aries, or the intersection of the ecliptic and equator, over his meridian, and to ascertain whether it continues to do so or not day by day, and if not what is the variation. The passage of the com mencement of Aries itself does not admit of observation, as there is nothing to mark its position in the heavens; but" W. H. C." will find in the "Nautical Almanac," or in "Dietrichsen and Hannay'sAlmanac," a list of stars whose right ascensions have by continual observation been very accurately determined, and as right ascension is nothing more than the distance in time from Aries, he may observe one or other of these stars instead of that point. At the instant of the passage of the star chosen for observation over the middle wire of his transit, the time by the clock supposed to be going should show the right ascension of the star. If it does not, the clock must be altered by the difference. He will no doubt have been able to set his clock so that this difference shall not be very large. After he has in this manner brought his clock into some accordance with the heavens, he may, by comparing the time which it gives with the right ascensions of several stars taken from the almanac, obtain a difference for each object, and the mean of those will give the difference on sidereal time for any instant, called the clock error." The daily sidereal loss or gain, i.e. the "rate," may be ascertained by a comparison of the errors for different days. Having found the "clock error" and "rate," he may if he pleases correct his clock for both-for the first by moving the hands, and for the latter by the means provided for regulating it, but if they gallons in each stroke, x 20 = 36-262400 gallons per the price he thinks was one shilling. Probably Mr.

are small he will perhaps find it better not to alter the clock, but to allow for them as a correction. If "W. H. C." is not furnished with a transit instrument, he may perhaps contrive some substitute for it, such as the smooth edge of a board placed accurately perpendicular and at some distance due south of a small hole in a metal plate. With his eye at the hole he may observe the stars as they disappear behind the board, or, if he likes to arrange it so, as they pass from behind it.HENRY T. VIVIAN.

[4134.].-STAINS IN CLOTH.-"H. A." can take the stains out of his cloth with liquid ammonia, by applying it to the red spot. A small quantity is sufficient.-J. M. [4134.]-STAINS IN CLOTH.-"H. A." can remove the red stains that he speaks of by ammonia or any other strong alkali, the object being to decompose the organic salt (sulphate of picrine, I believe) which is formed by the sulphuric acid combining with the materials of the cloth.-A. E. TUCKer.

[4137.]-BRAZING BAND SAWS.-" Subscriber" must bring the two ends of the saw close together and fasten them, then take a small pan of charcoal and place it under the ends, and then direct the fame of a blow pipe upon them. The ends will soon become red hot, when sprinkle some borax (powdered) upon them, and then add your solder with a piece of iron. The way to make the solder is to melt 8 parts of brass filings and 1 part of silver in a crucible, and this when poured out must be filed away and the filings put into a solution of sal ammoniac in water. When wanted for use this must be taken out with a piece of iron rod and laid on the ends of the saw until melted. When the ends are firmly united and quite cool you may file off the superfluous solder. I do not know that this is the best way, but it is the way I have always seen it done.-F. W.

[4141.]-ELLIPSOGRAPH.-I have an instrument such as Thomas Smith wants, which I made in 1857, and sent a sketch of to the Engineer, on November 7th that year, and it appeared about a fortnight after in that paper. It is exactly suited to isometrical drawing, as there is only one adjustment-viz., an expanding crank for any sized ellipse up to 3 inches, so long as you do not require to alter the proportion between the axes, and you can strike the complete oval without moving the instrument. I have not time to make a drawing of it just now; it is rather troublesome and expensive to

make.-J. K. P.

[4145.]-OIL VARNISH.-The best varnish for oil paintings is made of mastic and turpentine. Copal varnish is more durable, but the mastic varnish is more commonly used, as it can be removed and renewed with less risk to the picture. A warm dry atmosphere is absolutely necessary for the successful varnishing of a painting, which should be thoroughly dry to prevent any subsequent cracking.-DIGAMMA.

[4146.]-BOOKS ON PRINTING.-A "Young Printer" will find Houghton's "Printer's Practical Everyday Book" to answer his purpose best. It is a foolscap 8vo., of 150 pages, which makes it very convenient for the pocket; and considering the amount of really practical information contained in it, 3s. 6d. is not too much for it. It may be had of the author, Lily Bank, Tulkethstreet, Southport. There is another, published by Mr. Crisp, of the Independent, Yarmouth, about the same price. If not already a subscriber, I would strongly advise him to send at once three stamps to 3, Bouveriestreet, London, E.C., for a specimen of the "Typographical Dictionary," at present issuing with the

It is not only possible to use the same lens for
portraiture and magic lantern, but easy to accomplish.-PETER Pindar.
I am doing the same thing he wishes to do. First ob-
tain the focal length of the lens, then place a picture in the
lantern; with the rack-work move the inner fittings con-
taining the lenses to the centre of the outer fitting,
measure from the picture to the centre between the two
lenses, the same distance as the focal length, make the
nozzle of the lantern the length to receive the lense at
the distance just obtained. For price of lens see the
sixpenny sale column.-W. H.

[4158.]-WATER PUMPS.-Rule to find the num-
ber of gallons a pump will lift per minute. Square the
diameter in inches, and multiply by length of stroke in
inches, and by 002833, and by the number of strokes per
8 x 864 x 10 640 x *002833 1-818120

minute.-J. H.

[4159.]-VINEGAR.-"E. H." may prepare a very good vinegar for domestic purposes by adding to each gallon of syrup composed of 111b. sugar, and 1 gallon of water, a quarter of a pint of yeast. If kept for three days at a temperature between 77 and 86 (25° and 30° Cent.), it will be sufficiently acetified to allow of being drawn off into the ripening cask, where loz. of bruised raisins and loz. of crude tartar are to be added to each gallon of liquor. When the sweet taste has entirely disappeared, it should be drawn off into bottles and corked down tightly. It is stated that such vinegar will contain as much as 5 per cent. of pure acetic acid. From 2 to 8 per cent, is the average strength.-A. E. TUCKER.

[4160.]-KILLING MOTHS.-"J. C. S." will find
"Benzine Collas" answer his purpose. The insect to
be killed should have some poured on it, when death is
almost instantaneous. The benzine seems at first to

destroy the colour; but on evaporating, which it does in
a minute or two, it reappears. I have collected for five
years, and never use any other poison. N.B.-The ben-
zine sold for burning will not do.-A. S. C.

[4160.]-KILLING MOTHS, &c.-If your correspon-
dent, "J. C. S.," will drop his moths and other small
insects, which he intends to preserve, into a jar of car-
bonic acid gas, he will have a most certain plan of keep-
ing them entire and perfect; besides that, the insects
are not tortured, as they are killed instantly. By keep-
ing the carbonic acid gas in a stoppered bottle it will
last him some time, so that he will not require to make
fresh every time. Any respectable chemist will supply
a jar of gas or the material for making it for a trifle.-

[4160.]-KILLING MOTHS, &c.-The quickest and
best method of taking the life of an insect intended for
preservation is as follows:-Frame a tin or metal box
air-tight and water-tight suited to the size of the insect,
having carefully placed the insect inside, float the box
on the surface of boiling water, the heat generated in-
side will suffice to speedily and mercifully kill the insect.
After the lapse of a few seconds the struggles of the in-
sect will cease, take the box off the surface of the water,
dry the outside of the box and proceed to set the insect
in the usual way. After the insect has remained for a
few days undisturbed, remove the braces and pins, and
I defy any one to preserve insects better than by this
mode. To re-set insects badly preserved, obtain a fish
globe, place some silver sand at the bottom, damp it,
pour off superfluous water, take some blotting paper,
press it on the damp surface of the sand until it likewise
becomes damp, place the insect to be re-set on the sur-
face of the damp blotting paper, then get a cloth,
thoroughly wet it, squeeze all the water you can out of
the cloth, fold it into several thicknesses, cover the
mouth of the fish globe, and having tied it round, place
a plate on the top of the globe to prevent evaporation,
after the lapse of 24 or 48 hours the insects will have be-
come relaxed and can be set afresh; but they must be
set directly they are removed from the globe as they dry
very rapidly. The latter part of these instructions do
not strictly relate to the question asked, but I have
added them, thinking that to the uninformed they would
prove useful.-G. F. SMITH.

[4160.]-TO KILL MOTHS.-Drop a little chloroform on blotting paper and place it in the box where the moth is; this prevents pain (if insects have feeling), afterwards stab, with a bone blade dipped in prussic acid, the thorax. This will entirely destroy life at once.-T. J. C. C.

[4175.]-OLIVER CROMWELL'S SHILLING.-The ordinary shilling of Oliver, dated 1658, with the obverse inscription "OLIVAR. D.G. R.P. ANG. SCO. HIB., &c. PRO.," is worth from one guinea to two guineas. At the sale of Mr. Duncombe's cabinet, June, 1869, one in splendid condition sold for £2.-HENRY W. HENFREY, M.N.S., &c.

[Mr. Batty values it at from 12s. to 30s.]

[4176.]-CALLAND'S BATTERY, ETC.-The first part of this question I have already dealt with. The other I cannot reply to.-SIGMA.

[4177.)-BEES AND BEE KEEPING.-" Anon" is sorry that he cannot give a more precise address of the publisher of Payne's Bee Book than Paternoster-row, Neighbour of Regent would be able to give more precise information, as "Anon "well remembers Mr. Payne

speaking of that house.
The additional box, or
glass, or straw hive,
called by whatever
name it may, should
have no entrance hole
in it. Any old cigar box,
or American cheese
case, or butter keg, ca-
pable of holding from
51b to 201b
used. If "Anon had
not mislaid Payne's
book he would willingly
have given it to "Apia-
tor "there is nothing

like it for simplicity. Mr. Payne conceived it better that the hive should have a board under it distinct from, and not fastened to, the board which is nailed on any old stump, as by this means the hive could with ease be bodily moved from one place to another. The hive must be quite flat at the top, and not fastened down with mortar: the bees do that part of the business themselves.

[4182.]-GALVANOMETER.-If "T. B." will refer to Vol. IV., p. 149, and Vol. VI., p. 494, he will find a mode of making a galvanometer. If these do not suit him, I will give him full details for making a galvanometer, needle instruments, &c., through the columns of the ENGLISH MECHANIC. The following references relate to galvanometers :-Vol. IV., p. 6; Vol. IV., p. 199; Vol. VI., p. 155, 177, 494, 495; Vol. VIII., p. 59; Vol. IX., P. 179.-CURRENT.

[If all readers were like "Current" we should not be so often required to repeat information previously given.-ED. Ê. M.]

[4185.]-SILVER COIN.-In reply to "H. R. G.," his coin is a silver consular denarius of the Roman family of Lucretia. Obverse, helmeted head of Pallas; X. (for the value) in front, and TRIO. Reverse, Castor and Pollux on horseback with lances in rest. Underneath, CN (eius) LVCR (etius), and in the exergue ROMA. This coin was probably struck by Cneius Lucretius Trio, moneyer to the Republic in B.C. 219. Common: value 28.-HENRY W. HENFREY, M.N.S., &c.

[Mr. Batty has also kindly answered this.] [4188.]-SOFTENING ASH TIMBER.-Steam is the usual agent, but where practicable boiling in water is the very best means. The great thing is to have the right quality of ash: some kinds will bend, some won't. One locality will yield prime ash, another close by, with equally good soil, will yield inferior. The timber should be heavy, tough, and cut from a good butt; no matter if three years cut and seasoned. A splinter from this quality of ash will peel or pull off toughly, and run a long way down the plank before it gives way. Half-an-hour's boiling will soften 2in. square. Then have everything ready, for sharp is the word. Out with your stuff, from the boiler to the mould, and screw or wedge it up without" stop stay, or hesitation," and leave it to cool for a few hours. If "J. L. B. " fails again he may blame his timber.-PADDY.

[4189.]-CONDENSER.-About fifty sheets of tin foil, of the suitable size to the stand, would probably answer. The quantity varies according to the battery power used, and this with the quality of the insulation. "Electron" had best try by commencing his condenser and watching the

action as he adds sheet after sheet. The size of the Bunsen cell used is of little consequence so it is sumciently large for his wire; it is the number in series that is of importance, as this supplies the force for raising the tension, and this must depend entirely on his insulation, and may be from two to six cells.


(4192.]-CUTTING GRANITE. I had a piece of granite to cut and polish, very little larger than the piece he wants, and I got a piece of sheet iron, and with the aid of sand and water cut five sides while it was on the block as true as I could to the size I wanted. I then sawed it from the larger piece, and let it into a piece of soft stone. Then I got a small slab of Robin Hood or Hare Hill York, and rubbed until it was quite smooth, and then got a piece of snake stone and a little putty powder, and rubbed until it was quite hot, and gradually a fine polish came on it, though it took a great deal of time and patience. Perhaps Chemicus" may live nearer a place where they polish granite by steam power-if so, he can no doubt get it done cheaper and better that way.-J. W. G. S.

(4195.}-SENSITIVE FLAMES.-I fear that a satis. factory answer to "F. W.'s" query would occupy more space than should be allotted to one reply. The only apparatus "F. W." will require consists of-1st, small glass tubes (open at each end,) ranging in length from 10in. to 40in., and in diameter from 5-10ths in. to lin.; and, 2nd, a series of small jets (differently sized orifices in a metal pipe will serve the purpose) capable of giving a small flame of adjustable height. "F. W." has simply to place the tube over the dame and proceed to experiment. He has to bear in mind that the size of the flame, and length and diameter of tube, have their influence over the result, and that he cannot expect to succeed in obtaining "grand" results at the onset. Further information can be obtained from Dr. Tyndall's lectures on "Heat-a Mode of Motion," p. 254 (last edition.-H. P.

[4198.)-GAS COOKING.-We often bake bread with the oven as sketched, but it hardly pays, as will be seen from the following comparative consumption of gas for diferent purposes. Bread, 3ft. of gas per b. weight; meat, lft. to 14ft. of gas per Ib. weight; small fruit pie, 2ft. to 2 ft. of gas per Ib. weight; large pan of potatoes, 2ft. of gas per ib. weight; to boil water, lft. to lift of gas per gallon. To keep 1 or 2 gallons of soup or stew boiling steadily, lft. of gas per hour; toasting bread, about 2ft. of gas for 3 large rounds; boiling eggs, ft. of gas The above are from careful experiments with a meter registering small quantities of gas, for the purpose of testing the comparative cost with coal, and the result has been that the fire has been entirely discarded for several years. In fact, we have been in two houses and have never used the oven once. All our cooking is done on the kitchen dresser under the window, without any

trouble or dirt.-T. FLETCHER.

(4201.)-RED LEAD.-The dry red lead draws in the

oil if made up quickly, and seems to dry. Oil must be added till this tendency is overcome.-J. H. 4201.)-RED LEAD." Staem" could keep his red lead soft by putting it in a jar that has got an air-tight stopper, same as colour tubes.-J. M.


[4203.]-PARIS.-I wish to go to Paris for a fortnight. Can any one who has been inform me as to the best way of proceeding so as to see the place in as complete a way as possible, and not be too expensive? I should start from London with one or two companions. -PEREGRINE.

(4204.]-DRAWING-PEN-I am aspiring to become a draughtsman, but find great difficulty in using the drawing-pen. After making perhaps half a dozen strokes the ink collects above the pen points, and I cannot produce a stroke. I have Indian ink at 3s. the ounce, and a good pen. Will any of your numerous readers give me a few hints as to the management of the drawing-pen, and kindly inform me whether there is any medium that could be mixed with the ink to cause it to flow freely, though not so as to blot the paper?—T. M. [4205.] NAVAL ARCHITECTURE. Thanks for information obtained respecting my query, but I think there has been a slight misunderstanding. I applied at South Kensington previously to my writing to you, and was informed that it was no use my attending only in the evening, and my business does not permit me to go at any oth time. The fee also being £3) for a course of four years, no artisan has a chance of going there. Could any reader tell me of any other class that meets in the evening only, or where I could gain any information respecting any?-G. E. J.

[4206.]-CHROMATIC FAIRY FOUNTAIN.-Could you or any of your numerous correspondents give me the details of the illuminating portion of the Illuminated Chromatic Fairy Fountain, with the mode of producing

various colours ?-JET.

(4207.)-BLACK DIAMONDS FOR DRILLING, Will any brother reader inform me where I can procure black diamonds for drilling?-W. MORTON.

[4208.]-ADULTERATION.-Knowing the interest you take in the purity of articles of food, perhaps you or some of the contributors to "ours," could inform me how I might get examined a sample of tea (so called), just purchased in this neighbourhood. It contains a large quantity of positive dirt and dry twigs-very few grains of tea to be seen. Could I acquaint the authorities with the subject in any way?-J. MOODY.

4239.]-WATER-WHEEL-Will any of your readers inform me what description of water-wheel I could have erected, and what power could be obtained from a 3in. supply pipe (without pressure), and only 5ft. fall from pipe to drain below. Also what size wheel and diameter of pipe would be required for 10-horse power. Is the turbine better than the ordinary water-wheel?-J. ROYD. [4210.)-SIGN WRITING.-Would any of our correspondents give me information upon sign writing ?BRUSH HAND.

[4211.)—SILICA, OR WHITE FLINT. Can any of my brother subscribers inform me where I can obtain the above 7-WW.

[4212.]-VERNIER.-What is the simplest and most useful kind of vernier for dividing the 5 spaces in an hour circle of an 8in. equatorial? How can such a vernier be made, and how ought it to be fixed? Also one for the declination circle of 16in. span. If some kind friend would give a short paper with instructions how to set an equatorial with regard to N. and S. management of the verniers-levelling with respect to E. and W.-how to regulate and manage a sidereal clock, &c., he would, I am sure, bestow a great favour on ignorant "beginners" like myself.-H. A. C.

[4213.]--WITH'S REFLECTOR.-At what distance from the sun ought an 84in. With "redector to pick up Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, and Saturn?-H. A. C. [4214.]-TACKLE FOR SALMON.-As I think of taking a holiday in the highlands this autumu, I should like to have some advice as to the kind of tackle to take for salmon-fishing. I should like to set about making a rod, if anyone would give me a few ideas as to the matter. Will any of your readers oblige me so far?-DONCASTRIAN. [4215.]-COLOURING TILES.-I should feel much obliged if any of your correspondents can tell me how I can colour red roofing tiles (after they have been burnt) so as to give them a dark brown or blue colour, and to that it will not wash off with the rain. so fix in the colour permanently by acids, or otherwise, The process should not be difficult or costly.-A SUBSCRIBER. [4216.]-THE STAR -Is the star (Sigma 2084) Hercules divisible with an 8in. "With " reflector at the present time?-H. A. C.

[4217.]-HARMONIUM REEDS.-I am building a small harmonium on the vertical principle, for my own use, with two rows of vibrators. My wind chest is divided into four compartments, to represent four different instruments. I have one row fixed which represents bassoon and hautboy. These reeds are made by Esteve, Paris, and speak well. This is the size of lowest

note, CC-8 feet value. Now I shall esteem it a great favour if our good friend "Elève," or the Doctor, will advise me what reeds I should use for the other row that will harmonize with those I have fixed, and that will be very soft and not take up any more room. I should like to use the reeds that represent flute and cor-anglais, but the reeds generally used are too large for my instrument. W. D.

[4218.]-LEVEL.-Will any reader of our valuable paper be kind enough to inform me how to fix the tube in a wood-frame pocket level?-APPRENTICE. [4219.)-TIGHTENING PIANO PINS.-Will the "Harmonious Blacksmith," or any other practical contributor,


kindly instruct me how to tighten the pins of an old piano (grand, by Stodart, 1733), because it will not keep in tune, and I really cannot afford to buy another. "Harmonious Blacksmith" or others give opinions as to my suggestion to drive a small hardwood wedge in the front of each pin, and so tighten the pins, or else give me other and better instructions? I would like to do it without removing strings if possible.-MAN OF NECES


[4220.]-HUYGHENIAN EYEPIECE.-Will one of our kind readers give me a description of the above, and tell me the kind of lenses to get to obtain powers of 50, 100, mounting, centroing, and glazing the same? and 150 on a 40in. focus; also a good simple way of A small sketch will greatly oblige.-A SUBSCRIBER. [4221.3-RE-TINNING CAST-IRON HOLLOW WARE. -Will any brother reader be good enough to inform me how to re-tin cast-iron hollow ware (saucepans, &c.), and say what chemicals are used ?-ONE IN A FIX.

[4222.]-PHOTOGRAPHY.-Can any photographer or painter inform me how to paint a photographic background on canvas so as not to crack?-OLD TOM.

[4223.]-DEFECTIVE BATTERY.-Will you allow me to thank you most heartily for inserting, and "Sigma" and "Ap-Rhys" for their kind and prompt reply to my query (No. 2533, April 23) respecting a defective battery? Living in the country miny miles from a large town, repeated efforts had to be made, to obtain zinc plates, &c. The silver plate, being nearly as thin as writing paper, got rent from the copper. I suppose it is fixed in the frame, and came off in removing the oxidation, &c., which had largely collected from using running water, bat when the battery stopped there was about an inch entire. Will use soft water in future, as advised by "Sigma." Not having suitable articles for replatinising, and afraid of not being able to do it properly, I got a new silver plate, and would feel most thankful if anyone would kindly inform me as to solder used? the material and process of soldering. Is the ordinary heated over a lamp or iron to drive off the mercury? I In replatinising the silver plate it is may add that the battery is one of Smee's, with six glass cells, six silver and twelve zinc plates with coil. Any information which may enable me to get it to act properly will be most thankfully received.-G. F. L.

[4224]-TREATMENT OF A CHRYSALIS.-Will any brother reader kindly instruct me how to procure the perfect insect from the chrysalis, in fact how to treat those that require to be kept din, such as the chrysalis of a death's-head mɔth, and those that are kept drier, such as the chrysalis of a butterfly ?-G. F. SMITH. how to make ice quickly and cheaply, and also how to [4225.]-ICE.-Will any reader oblige by telling me keep it when made?-A WARM COUNTRYMAN.

[4223.)—FERTILIZATION OF STOCK SEED.-Oan "Bernardin," or any of your numerous readers versed in floriculture, tell me the reason why doable stocks never produce sced? Information as to the method of impregnating the single stocks, so as to secure 75 per cent. of double flowers will doubtless be interesting and valu. able to many of your readers.-SAUL RYMEA.

11229.1-RE-PLATING.-Would some kind brother reader of our MECHANIC inform me how to re-plate articles with gold and silver.-M. SCHNEIDER. [4329.]—UNNOTICED QUERY.-WASHING MACHINE-No one has yet answered the query asking for plan of an easily-made washing machine. Will some reader do so ?-J. W.

[4230.]-A GENERAL FISHING ROD.-I should feel obliged if any of your piscatorial readers would give me some little information as to the making of a fishing rod for general purposes. I should like to have the dimen sions of the ints, with the different kinds of wood of which they should be made.-PEDESTRIAN.

[4231.]—SMALL PLANING MACHINE.-Would any correspondent give me a full description of a small planing machine to fit in the vice for planing up chucks, small slides, &c., say 1. by 9in. by bin. high? If not shing too much, please let me have drawing, and a fell description, as it will most assuredly be read by a great number of your correspondents, besides-TOMETER. (4232.]-UNNOTICED QUERIES IN MAGNETISM. -What is meant by horizontal and vertical intensity? Secular variation? How do you figure mentally the magnetic curves of the earth, and show their relation to the line of dip? Should be glad if "Sigma" would enlighten me on these points.-F. PEEL.

(4233.)-BICYCLE BRAKE.-Will some kind reader inform me how the brake of a bicycle is constracted where the wheels are covered with india-rubber? Is the facing of it iron or india-rubber, and will it wear out the india-rubber very much?-F. G. C.

[4234.]-SEWING MACHINE IRONWORK.-Can any reader tell me how to give the ironwork of a sewing machine that smooth jet-black surface seen on thuse turned out by manufacturers?—J. W.

4235.]-UNANSWERED QUERY.-I am sorry that no notice has been taken of my query (4010, melting and casting metal), page 287, for which I have been most anxiously waiting a reply. I should be greatly obliged if any reader would assist me, believing that many are able to give the information, and that it would be useful to many readers besides myself, for which I would willingly repay, through our MECHANIC, in any way in my power.-A BRISTOL AMATEUR.

[4236.]-BAR MICROMETER, &c.-I beg to thank F.R.A.S." for his kind reply to my query respecting Xi Ursa Majoris. In reference to the "bar micrometer," the only place in which I have seen it mentioned is the present list of Messrs. Cook & Son, where it is priced at 50s., the other forms of this instrument ranging in price from seven to twenty guineas. As your respected correspondent has not met with any micrometers in this form, possibly it may be either some resent invention, While thanking "F.R.A.S." for his generous offer to or else not efficient enough to bring it into general use. measure Xi Ursæ, for me, I beg to express the hope that he will, at his convenience (and when circumstances instrumentally-are more favourable), fulfil his kind intention at some future time.-ALBERT P. HOLDES.

[4237.)-VINEGAR.-I have 25 hogsheads of white wine which has turned so completely acid that it can and far superior to the vinegar made from malt, none of only be considered as wine vinegar. Although it is pure favour of the odour and taste of malt. Could some my customers will buy it, so great is the prejudice in entirely free from injurious effects on the human conchemical reader recommend how to prepare an aroma stitution, which would give my sour wine the odour and taste of malt vinegar?-GROCER.

[4238.)-KANSAS.-In No. 273, page 303, J. D. Rogers gives a glowing account of Kansas, which he thinks is the best place to emigrate to. Will J. D. Rogers inform me how much money it would require to reach Kansasthe fare, including all? I may state that I am a bricklayer-a trade I do not altogether give my mind to-in fact I do not like it; yet I could work at it till I got something else. Any other particulars would be thankfully received through the Mechanic.-Is AAC R. F.

(4239.)-MEDICAL COIL.-I have a home-made galvanic coil, 5 in. long, case 7 in. diameter; the primary wire consists of 1lb. No. 16; secondary about 216. No. 26, worked by a single-cell zinc and carbon, with bichromate solution. I think it is a very powerful coil. When the whole of the bundle is in, it is as much as six persons can stand. I wish to make it useful. Lately I have been troubled with pains in the back and chest. I think it is lumbago. Would "H. P.," who kindly wrote to our Mechanic (page 326), give me a little information on the above subject. Should he do so, I will make known the result in our pages.- LEARNER. 14210.]-WATCH-MAKING.-Will some of our readers oblige a country watchmaker's app entice with the best method to properly compensate or rate an expansion balance, so as to keep proper time in various climates; also the best way to cut and pise them, and what machine is generally used.-CHADWICK WEAVER. [4211.] - - BRICK OIL (huile de brique, oleum de lateribns).-What may be this oil, and for what is it employed? It costs 10s. a pound.-CURIOSUS.

(4242.)-INCRUSTATION IN BOILERS.--I shall feel obliged if any of the numerous correspondents of the ENGLISH MECHANIC will give me a cheap, tried method for preventing this.-A NEW SUBSCRIBER, Brussels.

(4243.)-WIRE NETTING MACHINE.-I should feel obliged if any of your correspondents could give me instructions how to make the above, or the name of a firm who make them.-PETER PINDAR.

(424)-EQUISONANT FLUTE.-On p. 280 of your specting the Equisonant Flute, which interested me very journ il appeared a communication from "Sable" remach-the more so, perhaps, as I had just met with a is alluded to. Having made many inquiries, without treatise by the late Mr. Clinton in which this instrument saccess, I am induced to ask if your correspondent will be kind enough to inform me where I can see of purchase such an instrament.-S.

[42131-SPARK FROM INDUCTION COIL-Would any kind reader tell me the way to find the length of spark that can be got from an induction coil.-H. A.

R. D.

(4249.]-COINS.-Obv. two laureated heads, on the (4227.)-PIKE FISHING.-As the season for pike has one is Oho, and on the other Hauerani: legend Franc. now arrived, might I ask for a few hints from any of Romr. Imp. A. M. Ther. Avg. Hvn. Bo. R. On the reverse, your contributors who are fishermen, as to the kind of two smaller heads; legend Eternitas Imperii.-F. W. C. tackle, method of using it, likely haants to find Mr. Jack, (4250)-ALGEBRA.-Will" C. H. W. B.," " Bernard best baits, and, indeed, any information that will be or some other anthematical reader kindly inform me what useful to an amateur angler out for a day's fishing ?-parts of algebra, plane trigonometry, and conic sections it is absolutely necessary to read in order to learn the ele


ments of the differential and integral calculus. References to be made to Mr. Todhunter's books on the above subjects.-A. DAVIES,

[4945.1-ELECTRICITY AS Α REMEDY FOR EPILEPSY.-I would recommend "T. M." by all means to try electricity. Properly applied from a proper machine it cannot fail to have a good effect. I am neither a galvanist nor a doctor, and cannot therefore recommend the most desirable points of application of the poles, as found by experience, in cases like "T. M.'s." But this I know, that epilepsy may be the direct or indirect result of too much electricity in the nervous centres, and therefore requires decreasing. To bring about this, place the positive pole on the back of the neck, and the negative pole on the lower extremities of the body, as the feet, hands, &c. Let a good quantitative current of feeble intensity pass throngh the body. In this way increase the application a minute each day, up to ten or fifteen, beginning low. Then decrease in same waya "T. M.'s" case is just such a one as my letter was intended to reach, and I sincerely hope that the pages of the MIRROR OF SCIENCE may become the means of expounding the practical way of constructing and applying apparatus suitable for self management.-W. A.

[4246.]-GLYCERINE AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR GOD LIVER OIL.-Some time since I heard that glycerine was being successfully administered as a substitute for cod liver oil, and have inquired at several druggists without obtaining a satisfactory reply as to the quantity that should be taken asta dose. I shall take it as a favour if you, or some of your correspondents, will kindly furnish me with the information required.-H. JEVONS.

[4247.]-CHEAP GAS.-I write to thank "L. M.," and specially C. D. C.," for answering my last query respecting cheap gas. I purpose to adapt both the plan given by "L. M." of regulating the supply of gas to the burners, and also the plan of carburetting the gas on its way from the meter, as practised and found good by the latter gentleman, but before I do so he will greatly oblige by answering the two following questions:-1st. Must I, in order to get any increase of light and corresponding decrease in my gas bill, use a smaller burner than the ordinary No. 3, which I have all along been using? And, 2nd, where can I obtain the benzole he speaks of at 4s. 6d. per gallon, as I have been to at least a dozen chemists, druggists, and oilmen, but cannot get it, some affirming that they know nothing about it, others stating that I have made a great mistake as to price, and offering me what they state to be chemically pure benzole at 1s. 6d. a pint (which is a vast difference to "C. D. C.'s" estimate), and others again offering me benzoline, used in the common sponge lamps. An answer from the gentleman named would greatly oblige.-CHEAP GAS.

[4248.]-SILKWORMS.—I shall be glad if some brother reader will be kind enough to answer the following questions respecting silkworms. What is the average number of cocoons to make an ounce of silk? What is the price given for raw silk per ounce? Where can it be sold?


N future, if any query remains unanswered for four weeks, we shall insert the number and subject of the query in this list, where it will remain for two weeks, if not previously replied to. We trust our readers will look over the list, and send what information they can for the benefit of their fellow-contributors.

2637 2643






Electric Locomotive, p. 166. Iron Prism, 166.


Machines to go in the pocket may be manufactured which will prove weights up to one ton; and the apparatus is applicable to denote strains up to 100 tons, or more. visit to the Millwall Docks enables us to speak of the use of this machine as there applied. The ironclad turretship Abyssinia, built by Messrs. Dudgeon for the defence of Bombay harbour, is in process of fitment in the basin. Her plates are weighed on delivery, and, as they are from 8 to 10 inches in thickness, they weigh 7 to 10 tons each. At the place of manufacture these enormous slabs are tested and marked, and, on re-weighing, have been found very correct. The Duckham machine used to weigh these iron plates is capable of testing up to 25 tons, and, after two months' work, shows no sign of leakage or inaccuracy."


Pianoforte. To the "Harmonious Blacksmith," 166. ing of this Society took place on Wednesday, the 22nd Sulphate of Zinc, 166.

Cleaning and Refilling Barometer Tubes, 191. Faulty Engine, 191.

Coloured Prints for Decoration, 166.

Chemical solution, 166.


Metrical Act, 166.


Archery, 166.


Forbes' Knitting Machine, 166.


Water Meter, 166.


Arm-chair, 166.

[blocks in formation]

Magnetism, 166.


Artificial Teeth, 166.


Draught Wanted. 166.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Emery Grindstones, 211.

[blocks in formation]

(4249.]-ANATOMICAL MODELS.-In reading your widely circulated paper, I have often wondered at not seeing any articles on the construction of anatomical models in it. Could any of your readers or correspondents give me any information as to the mode in which they are constructed, or as to the materials that are used in their manipulation? I should like to glean some information on the subject, as I have been often told that it is both a scientific and profitable occupation, and from the figures I see quoted in price lists the profit mast be very large indeed, some very accurately con structed models bringing in price as much as from £40 to £150 each. I would also like to know if there are any works printed on the subject.-W. L. P.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

[4251.]-PAINT FOR AQUARIUM.-What is the best paint for the inside of an aquarium, only one side of which is glass? It should render the aquarium watertight, and at the same time should not injure the fish. If possible, I should prefer a green paint.--DIXI. [4252.] -ISOMETRICAL DRAWING. I would be obliged to anyon describing the method of drawing the ellipses that resent circles in isometrical drawing. I have tried to do so by Mr. Thos. Sopwith's scales, but they do not appear to be correct.-ISOMETROS.


Printers' Furniture, 237. Mushet's Steel, 237.


Grinding Drug Seeds, 237.


[blocks in formation]

[4253.]-TODHUNTER-Will one of your high mathe. matical friends kindly and indulgently give me his opinion on the following:-Todhunter (Trig. p. 11), states "the circular measure of two right angles is." Yet at 3880 p. 8, he asserts, "the symbol is invariably used to denote the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter." I cannot comprehend this use of the word "invariably," and should be glad to have it explained. 3888 -GIMEL.


Yacht Building, 238.


Bleaching Powder, 238.


Re-tinning Cast-Iron Hollow Ware, 238. Veneering, 238.

[blocks in formation]

Dyeing and Colouring Grass Leaves, 238.
Canoe, 238.
Sewage, 238.


Alarum for Dutch Clock, 288. Preparing Canvas, 238. Precipitating Gold, 238. Walking-stick Air-gun, 238. Slate Cistern, 238.


[4254.]-SEA ROUTE.-Can I go by sea from Liver- 3893 pool, or Isle of Man, to London, and what will it cost?-3898 W. J. EGGLESTON. 3901

ult., to view the Royal Arsenal at Woolwich, special permission having been obtained for that purpose from the War Office. The members assembled at the Arsenal at 2 o'clock, when they were conducted through the various departments by Capt. Stoney, R.A., and his assistants. The Gun Factory was first visited, where the method of preparing and welding the large coils of metal for heavy guns was exhibited, and the guns, in various stages of completeness, were shown. After a short examination of the Pattern Room, they were shown the process of casting, finishing and testing the heavy shot and shell for these guns, and then passed on to the rocket manufactory and machinery for producing bullets of compressed lead and other parts of the central-fire cartridges for breech-loaders. After witnessing the manufacture and filling of the percussion caps used in these cartridges, they proceeded to inspect the woodshaping machinery in the gun-carriage department, where is to be found one of the new Moncrieff guncarriages. Leaving the Arsenal a little before six, they started by steamboat for Greenwich, where they sat down to an excellent dinner at the Ship Tavern, at 7 o'clock.

THE NOMENCLATURE OF STARS.-Up to the time of Bayer (1603), it is reported that the stars were never otherwise distinguished in Europe than either by their Arabic names, such as Aldebaran, Rigel, &c., or by their position with respect to the constellation, such as "in the head of Andromeda," " the first in the belt of Orion," &c. The maps of Bayer gained him immortality at no great price, simply from his employing the letters of the Greek and Roman alphabets to distinguish the stars. The idea, if original, was improved by himself before the end of his life, as appears from the joint edition by himself and Julius Schiller, in which numbers are substituted. But in our time, Bayer is only known by his letters, and the numbers employed are those given by Flamsteed, Piazzi, &c. It has escaped the notice of all the historians of astronomy that letters had been used to distinguish one star from another before the time of Bayer, by Alexander Piccolomini, of Siena, who was successively Bishop of Patras and Archbishop of his native place. The third edition of his treatise "Della Sfera del Mondo," accom

Fog Horn. To the "Harmonious Blacksmith," 214. panied by his work "Delle Stelle Fisse," was published

at Venice in 1553; and throughout the whole of the latter he employes italic letters to distinguish the principal stars of each constellation from one another, and gives some rude maps in which they are employed. Neither Bayer nor Piccolomini at all insists upon the use of letters as an improvement, or even make any prominent allusion to it in their introductions; although, as it happens, the name of either would hardly have been mentioned in our day on account of anything else in their writings. The work of Piccolomini was sufficiently well known to be translated into Latin and published at Basle in 1568 or 1588, so that Bayer may very possibly have seen it and adopted or adapted the method frem it.

MADNESS IN ANIMALS.-The statistics given in M. Bouley's course of lectures on "Madness in Man and Animals" confirm the statement that hot weather is not a cause of rabies. Out of 302 cases recorded in six years, eighty-nine occurred in the spring from March to May, seventy-four in the summer from June to August, sixtyfour in the autumn from September to November, and seventy-five in the winter from December to February.

Steel Wire. To the "Harmonious Blacksmith," 237. Male animals appear far more subject to the attacks of

Rad Rheii, 238.

3303 Graduating Brass Circle, 238.

[4255.]-GOLD LACQUER.-I should feel grateful if 3903 any of your readers could give me a receipt for making 3906 French gold lacquer for brass work? Also a receipt for making steel bronze as used by Birmingham gas lamp makers.-BRASSFOUNDER.

(4256)-NEW VELOCIPEDE SADDLE SPRING.-I have recently seen a bicycle with the saddle spring carried beyond the guide socket, about 6in. over the front of the driving wheel. Can any of your obliging correspondents inform me if it is patented, and by whom? The hinder wheel was very small. Is there any advantage in this, if so, what is it?-T. L.

[4257.]-BOOKBINDING.-I think I have read somewhere that bookbinders use something with their glaire so that it does not matter whether the book is finished at once, or in a day or two's time. Can "Ab Initio' Or

any other reader tell me what it is? A few hints on finishing will no doubt interest many readers.-G. P. T. [4258.)-STEAM CARRIAGE.-Will your correspondent, signing himself "G. Prew," kindly state where the steam carriage described in No. 273, may be seen, and what is the probable cost ?-M. A.

Repairing India-rubber Combs, 239.


ping and Mercantile Gazette says. Mr. F. E. Duckham, HYDROSTATIC WEIGHING MACHINE.-The Shipof the Millwall Docks, has invented a most useful hydrostatic weighing machine, which may be seen in use at the docks in question. The principle of the apparatus consists in filling an open top cylinder with water and suspending the same from a crane. A piston is fitted with its rod passing downwards through the cylinder, and terminating in an eye for the attachment of the goods to be weighed. The dial gauge on the exterio shows the pressure, and cousequently the weight sustained. The patentee very justly claims as a merit of his invention, extreme simplicity and portability. A machine to weigh 10 tons weighs in itself only 84 lb.

the disease than female animals. Out of 320 cases of bites from rabid animals, 284 occurred with dogs (male), twenty-six with bitches, five with cats (male and female) and five with wolves (male and female). No instance is recorded of any attack on man by a rabid herbivorous animal. Now that we are approaching the dog-days, we commend these facts to the notice of the chief commissioner of police, and trust we shall have no repetition of the cruel and senseless police regulations as to the muzzling of dogs: to be consistent they should be in force all the year round.

THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA.— This important portion of the brain is placed between the tuber annulare and the foramen magnum, through which it passes into the vertebral canal, and is then called the spinal cord. If the membranes which invest the medulla oblongata are removed and its middle groove drawn asunder, there will be seen four or five bands of white substance ascending obliquely from one side of the medulla to the other. These bands decussate, some passing above, others below those of the other side, so that they are interwoven like plaited straw. This decussation is considered to explain the phenomenon, that when injury is done to one side of the brain, the disturbance of function is manifested on the opposite side of the brain. Thus, paralysis of the left side would be caused by some injury to the right lobe of the brain. Pressure on the medulla oblongata induces heavy sleep or stupor; while its laceration, even with the point of a needle, instantaneously extinguishes life; it is, however, placed in such a secure position as scarcely to be liable to injury.

[blocks in formation]


All communications should be addressed to the EDITOR of the ENGLISH MECHANIC, 31, Tavistockstreet, Covent Garden, W.C.


THE ENGLISH MECHANIC is one of the wonders of the world. I have paid 10s. and 15s. for advertisements in other journals that have not done me so much good as a sixpenny one in the ENGLISH MECHANIC.

W. J. EGGLESTON, Dewsbury.

The following are the initials, &c., of letters to hand up to Tuesday morning, July 5, and unacknowledged elsewhere:

J. Waghorn, W. Compton, Veritas, P. Brown, J. Mil-
lington, T. M. G., S. C., David Fisher, D. H. and Co.,
A. Varley, T. Taylor, Ashworth Bros, A. Ledward and
Co., J. Hinks and Co., Webb and Co., A. F. P., H. E. H.,
F. P., H. Taylor, Rev. T. F., W. Hewlett, J. Frances,
W. H. Hunt, Overlooker, Robert Still, J. Gillingham,
Wilson, Deeley, and Co., J. T. S., Payne and Sons, W.
Whiteman, S. Compton, Thos. Over, S. Rogers, E. J. I.,
J. Willis, Ladybird, James Steen, W. B., J. P. E., P. F.
McD., Amy Jordan, D. F. Batty, R. Gay and Co., J. G.,
J. B., B. P., White and Co., H. Childs, W. Hewlett, E.
H. T., P. and W., A. and L., E. Ledger, W. Southwood,
G. P., A. O. S., S. M., John Jeffrey, Rev. E. Kernan, E.
S. K., W. Barker, R. M. and Co., B. and W., Jas. Lusty,
Jas. Peters, M. A. Ennis, T. M., C. N. and Co., J. P., B.
P., A. Millidge, R. A. Proctor, John Hudson, M. Barker,
Mem., A Stoneman, Tautau, W. R. S., Beriro, R. E.
W., J. E. Mollon, Electron, Ignoramus, Joe, Giles, W.
B., Anxiety, H. G. T., Wm. Thomas, J. P., W. Gyngell,
A. E. Tucker, Saddler, West Coaster, E. V. D. S., E. S.
Woollett, Prof. M., N. T. M., B. M.

ERRATUM.-"Falcon" writes to correct an error in his description of Templeton's Method of Calculating Pressure of Steam on a Boiler by a Safety Valve. Instead of "the lever being weighted with a weight of 15lb." read "105lb."

of banter may be right enough, but we cannot find
room for a long answer, which consists of nothing but

H. JEFFREY.-The first part of your letter has been
amply discussed before. Your suggestion may be seen
amongst "Extracts from Correspondence."
WM. JOHNSON.-Your suggestion for improved candle-
sticks is not new, and therefore not worth patenting.
AN AMBITIOUS ONE.-Write to the Secretary of the
Society of Arts.

NATHAN. Any respectable optician will give you the
required information much better than any one else.
YORKSHIRE AMATEUR.-Get the number, we cannot

J. DAWSON.-You might have saved yourself the trouble of writing, if you had consulted our advertisement pages. The address is Clarke and Dunham, 48, Marklane, E.C.

BOILER JACK.-Exchanges must be paid for before in-
sertion. The scale of charges appears at the head of
the column.

CAMBRIDGESHIRE.-For hints on preserving flowers, see
Reply 4068, last week.

W. L. G. WRIGHT.-Your best plan is to advertise your

PAINTER.-Brodie & Middleton, Long Acre, W.C.
HARRY WALKER.-See latter part of description of the
Phantom Bicycle, on page 276.

TIES." Bell Valve" writes, hoping that the "Black
Country" subscribers to the ENGLISH MECHANIC
will shortly form several of these societies.

He sug gests that one should be formed in Wolverhampton, one in Wednesbury, and another in West Bromwich, and that members of either should be admitted to the meetings of all.

ALBERT PRIEST.-The dry earth system has been described in a former volume.

J. H. S.-Your views on the Patent Laws are in the
main correct, and have always been upheld by us.
The course you suggest of bringing pressure to bear
on individual Members of Parliament is the best way
by which a revision of the present law could be

DAVID FISHER (New Zealand). The subscription paid
by you to the former proprietor entitles you to receive
the numbers from him till the date mentioned. We
have sent you the numbers you require. Please in-
clude the cost when you next remit a subscription.
Mus's congratulation will appear with others.
EDWARD STEANE.-We cannot recommend your House-
hold Fire Escape.

THE CAUSE OF STORMS.-Mr. E. Jones, of 115, Royal
Road, says; "I hope our good friend Mr. Proctor, or
some one else, will give us a paper on the Cause of
Storms. Every one thinks he knows what a thunder-
storm is. I do not, neither do I think that one in
fifty does know.'

J. SARGENT, jun. (Finchley).-"I do not remember seeing the subject of pre-adamite man discussed in your columns. I think it is one that would interest many readers."

V. SHEPHERD.-You are wrong. Mr. Perry's address has been given in advertisements and elsewhere several times. Correspondents at least should search before they complain.

"COTTON CLERK" and "RAILWAY CLERK."-See announcement in this week's Sixpenny Sale Column. ASTER. Your symptoms can only be rightly understood by an oculist.

J. P. P.-See our imprint at bottom of last page of ad-
vertisements. Second query can only appear in Sixpenny
Sale Column.

A CONSTANT SUBSCRIBER (Derby).-Write to the District
Highway Board.

Mr. PROCTOR says:-" Sir,-I cannot wholly agree with
you as to the Astronomical Register.' I have always
thought it very plucky and praiseworthy on Mr.
Gorton's part to publish a magazine devoted wholly to
Letronomy; and if there were nothing else to give the

Register a good standing, the excellent reports of the
Astronomical Society's meetings would suffice for the
purpose. But I did think the attack on the ENGLISH
MECHANIC uncalled for and ill-considered (I withdraw
the word 'ill-natured,'-writing in extreme haste,
and not meaning my words to be published, I used
an ill-chosen expression). I am quite certain that if
you were to adopt rigid rules for the exclusion of all
subjects except exact science from your correspond-
ence columns, you would soon lose many thousands of
your supporters." We do not withdraw a single word
we considered it our duty to write last week, as the
small attack on us by the publication alluded to was
as unprovoked as it was senseless. Of the hundreds
of letters which "F.R.A.S." has been kind enough to
send us, the only one we thought it advisable not to
insert was one written some months since, which indi-
cated in a few sentences the poorness and dearness of
the said publication.
ARTHUR GREEN (Bermuda.) - Your former letter was

received and has been attended to. The vehicle is a
French invention, and we do not know the inventor's
address. Its merits are, to say the least, doubtful.
R. HOVENDEN.-Your suggestions for bringing rain from
the clouds by chemistry, electricity, and pneumatics,
are far too vague.


1786 W. Spence, 8, Quality-court, Chancery-lane, improvements cases for containing eggs, glass, in the construction of boxes or crockery. A communication. 1787 H. Pooley, Liverpool, and T. Roberts, an improved aste matic machine for weighing and registering grain.

1788 A. Walker, Edinburgh, improvements in window sashes. 1789 D. Forbes, York-place, Portman-square, and A. Price, P Lincoln's Inn-fields, improvements in the production of com pounds capable of being employed as manures. 1790 A. Barclay, Kilmarnock, improvements in smelting tren and other ores. 1791 R. Hudson, Graystone House, Adwalton, near Leeds, imeprovements in the manufacture of cloth. 1792 E. Finch, Beaufort-square, Chepstow, improvemente is machinery for forcing or exhausting air or aeriform fluids.

1793 W. R. Lake, Southampton-buildings, an improved fanect. A communication.

1794 A. Ruiz and Le Pelletier, 62, Rue de Provence, Paris, in provements in the construction of revolving coilers, applicable to loors for spinning hemp and flax. 1795 C. Stephens, Adiniral's Hard, Stonehouse, improvements in

boot trees.

1796 W. Brown, Portsmouth, improvements in the construction of steam and hydraulic rams used in naval warfare.

1797 P. Jensen, 89, Chancery-lane, improvements in apparata for indicating the speed of vessels and the velocity of running water. A conimunication.

1798 J. Smith, Keighley, improvements in machinery or appa ratus for spinning,

1799 A. Stewart and J. Stewart, Glasgow and Coatbridge, im provements in the manufacture of welded iron and steel tubes. 1800 J. Sinclair, Manchester, improvements in respiratory ap 1801. S. F. Van Choate, of Boston, U.S.A., improvements in 1802. G. Ritchie, Belmont Villa, Tyrwhitt-road, Upper Lewishamroad, improvements in sunshades, tents, tent pegs, and weatherprotectors.

distilling alcoholic liquors.

COLONISATION AND EMIGRATION.-Letters on this sub-paratus.
ject have been received from F.R.G.S., Maskelongue,
Alexandra, the correspondent who suggested
ENGLISH MECHANIC colony, and "M. D." who offers
favourable comments on the suggestion. All are pressed
out this week by other matter.

"A REPORTER," who defends, in a rather weak way,
"Lewis's System of Shorthand," should have sent his
The same observation applies to Amy



J. R. D. (Coventry).-The subjects treated in the ENG-
LISH MECHANIC are too numerous to admit of the
order and classification you suggest. You complain
of "wanted "advertisements appearing in our columns,
when skilled mechanics are offered, say, 22s. weekly
If you advertised for a violin for instance, and said
you would give 5s. for it, could you expect a good one
for the money? It is the same with advertisers who
offer ridiculously low prices for skilled labour.
J. R. T.-Simply a notion, and a poor one to boot, or
about as good as that sent us for a Bicycle by W. J.
Pigott (p. 352) last week, and which by mistake crept
into our columns.

MANNS AND SON.-No stamps enclosed.

F. R. G. S. tenders his thanks to the Rev. W. F. Mc
Donald and G. Bennett, Esq., for so quickly and cour-
teously responding to his appeal for Australian papers.
HY. CHAPMAN on the Flute, next week.

W. E. MAGGS.-You are right. The notion is simply
absurd, and W. J. P. will not catch us napping again in

a hurry.

HINTS to Astronomical Students by Rev. T. W. Webb,
next week.

1803 T. Wrighton, Stockton-on-Tees, improvement in apparatus for lowering weights.

1804. R. Saunders, Croyden, improvements in breakwaters and structures for coast protection. 1805 J. Shackleton and B. Shackleton, Silsden, improvements in spool or paper tubes machinery or apparatus for manufacturing for use in spinning machinery. A communication. 1506 G. Thomson, Glasgow, improvements in treating manganese ores, oxides, or salts, and in making ferro-inanganese. 1807 S. J. Fellows and E. Fellows, Wolverhampton, improvements in planishing, levelling, and creasing frying pans and other metallic articles. 1808 J. Sax, 108, Great Russell-street, Bloomsbury, an improved mechanical recorder.

1809 8. Norris, 15, Gough-street, London, W.C., and T. Griffiths, Lombard Exchange, London, a machine or apparatus for mising and kneading dough and other ingredients.

1810 J. Napier and W. Cruickshank. Edinburgh, an improved arrangement and construction of portable bath.

1811 W. Martin, Nottingham, improvements in the manufacture of woven gauze fabrics made on bobbin net or twist lace machines. 1812 E. Lambert, Eagle, Lincoln, improvements in the construetion and arrangement of stages made of iron or other similar material, applicable to windmills or other buildings. 1813 E. V. de Forville, Nantes, France, improvements in veloci pedes.

1814 R. Morton, Stockton-on-Tees, improvements in apparatus for cooling liquids.

1815 D. Rowan, Glasgow, new or improved constructions and arrangements of valves and their actnating parts.

1816 H. A. Bonneville, 18, Chaussee d'Antin, Paris, a new and im

proved apparatus for warming and ventilating carriages and bouts,

A communication.

1817 J. Clark, Belmont-terrace, Notting-hill, radiating the axles of locomotive engines.

1818 V. Rastonin, 37, Boulevard Bonne-Nouvelle, Paris, im1819 W. E. Gedge, 11, Wellington-street, Strand, an improved process of drilling and cutting plane surfaces in the manufacture of crystal glass or metal ware, and an improved lathe for this purpose. A communication.

PITMAN'S SHORTHAND.-Besides the correspondence al-provements in steam engines.
luded to elsewhere we have received letters from Rose-
bud, J. F. Ballard, J. Bredall, and J. T., all in defence of
Pitman's system. Mr. Pitman has certainly a cloud of
witnesses in his favour. One correspondent, how-
ever, complains of the frequent improvements which
he introduces. F. W. Grierson, in no way discouraged,
promises a further vindication of Lewis's system next


IN obedience to the suggestions of a number of readers, we have decided on appropriating a portion of our space to a condensed list of Patents as nearly as possible up to the date of our issue.

1759 W. Rainford, Oxford-street, improvements in wardrobes
1760 C. J. Fox, R. Larchin, and J. Dodd, Saint Pancras, im-
provements applicable to reaping and mowing machines.
1761 J. Outram, Sevenoaks, improvements in rotary engines.
1762 G. Atterbury, West Bromwich, and G. Whitehouse, im.
provements in apparatus for communicating on railway trains.
1763 H. T. Davey, Chilton-road, Sudbury, improvements in appa-
ratus for washing and boiling linen and other fabrics.

1764 W. R. Lake, Southampton-buildings, improvements in
fastenings or connections for securing the cables and standing
rigging of ships. A communication.

1765 A. C. Bamlett, Thirsk, improvements in reaping and mowing machines.

1766 B. J. B. Mills, 35, Southampton-buildings, improvements in
the process and apparatus for making soup. A communication.
1767 J. Bullough, Accrington, improvements in slasher sizing
machines. A communication.

1768 T. C. Brown, Ipswich, improvements in valves applicable
to steam or water pressure.
1769 C. L. Franke, 18, Wilson-street, Finsbury, improvements in
the manufacture of steel.

1770 D. Collet, 13, Boulevart St. Martin, Paris, a new or im-
proved bleaching agent.

1771 J. H. Johnson, 47, Lincoln's Inn fields, improvements in
railways and engines. A communication.
1772 I. Bates, Dukinfeld, and J. Taylor, improvements in the
bridges of the furnaces of steam boilers.

1773 S. Neville, Ellison Glass Works, Gateshead, a new or im-
proved manufacture of plates of glass.

1774 P. Boland, Dublin, an improved bakers' barm or yeast.
1775 L. Hamel, improvements in the mode or method of pro-
ducing certain colours to be used for calico-printing purposes.
1776 W. J. Cunningham, 480, New Oxford street, and A. Dabb, im-
provements in means and apparatus for cutting type, and carving,
moulding, and ornamenting wood, metal, stone, and other mate-


1777 L. Mégy, J. de Echeverria, and F. Bazan, 60, Bouvelard de Strasbourg, Paris, an internal spring coupling and brake for transmitting, stopping, or regulating motion.

1778 J. Reid, Glasgow, improvements in locomotive steam engines.

1779 T. Graham, Green Mount-street, Beeston Hill, Leeds, and
T. Dixon, of Leek-terrace, Hunslet, improvements in rotary

1780 E. Morewood, Britton Ferry, Glamorgan, improvements in
the manufacture of tin and terne plates.
1781 J. J. Mendez, Buenos Ayres, improvements in ships and
1782 G. Speight, Spencer-street, Goswell-road, an improved glue
1783 W. E. Newton, 66, Chancery-lane, an improved mode or
process for obtaining glycerine from soap-makers' spent lyes. A
1784 A. L. Holley. Brooklyn, U.S.A., improvements in apparatus
for making Bessemer steel.

[ocr errors][merged small]

1820 J. G. H. Hill, Rouen, improvements in fastenings for elastic stockings, stays, corsets, bandages.

1821 W. E. Newton, improvements in the production of glucose, syrup, and sugar. A communication.

1822 W. B. Adamson, Glasgow, improvements in the manufacture

of artificial stone.

1823 R. Kell, Bradford, improvements in treating and distilling petroleum. A communication,

1824 J. Butterworth and J. B. Hutchinson, Leeds, improvements in the making of carriage, cart, and other wheels.

1825 J. Butterworth and J. B. Hutchinson, improvements in making wooden skewers.

1826 E. W. Sandford, New York, U.S.A., improved friction brake for cars and other purposes.

1927 W. R. Lake, improvements in rails for railwaya A com munication.

1828 W. Riddell, Crosby Hall Chambers, improved apparatus for cutting wood into sinall strips, filaments, or shavings.

129 W. R. Lake, improvements in breech-loading fire-arms, and in cartridges for the same. A communication.

18:30 W. Bull, F.L.S., F.R.H.S., King s-road, Chelsea, an improved case for the conveyance of plants.

1831 W. R. Lake, improvements in candles. A communication. 1832 C. McDermott, Brixton, improvements in pencils for mark ing on linen and other materials.


8745 E. P. H. Vaughan, improvements in the manufacture of fluoride of potassium and sodium, and of hydrate and carbonate of potash and soda. A communication.

8748 C. A. Marriott and E. Holt, improvements in steam engines. 8749 P. Pierce, improvements in horse or other gearing. 3767 C. W. Petersen, improvements in steam and other life boats and vessels.

3778 A. Matthiessen, a new or improved insulating subtance for the covering of electric telegraph conducting wires.

12 H. H. Cochrane, improvements in machinery or apparatus for working signals and switches on railways.

52 P. Jensen, improvements in means for closing or fastening neckties, stocks, cuffs, and other objects. A communication. 74 W. W. Hughes, improvements in furnaces.

113 G. Thorneloe, a new flexible valve for regulating the flow of fluids in pipes.

242 S. Lewin, improvements in elevators for raising and stacking


320 W. R. Lake, improvements in spring bed bottoms. A co munication.

856 B. Walker in 1 J. F. A. Pflaum, improvements in clutches for engaging and disengaging parts of machinery.

725 H. A. Bonneville, certain new and useful improvements in machines for setting types. A communication.

833 S. Brooke, improvements in the doffers of condensing carding engines.

909 T. L. Livsey, improvements in machinery for "filling" ot starching woven fabrics.

1093 W. R. Lake, improvements in looms for weaving. A communication.

1120 J. L. Norton, improvements in apparatus for dressing and furrowing mill stones.

1175 H. Shaw, improvements in machinery for hulling cotton seeds,

1185 L. C. Schermerhorn and C. Schermerhorn, improvements in manufacturing cheese. 1229 T. Thorpe, improvements in the manufacture of piled 1265 J. Ormerod, improvements in looms for weaving.


8757 R. H. Kay and A. T. Richardson, improvements in the manufacture of crape.

3769 W. R. Lake, an improved apparatus for roasting iron pyrites. A communication.

8774 J. Stanton, an improved rebounding safety gun-lock. 8777 W. H. Richardson, a new method of indicating or stamping crystal or glass measures,

8781 A. Bradshaw, improvements in printing machines. 3784 A. Chaplin, improvements in steam boilers.

1 C. Hodgson, improvements in the manufacture of compound rivetted bands of iron, steel, or other metal to be used as a substi cute for wire ropes.

8 S. Holman, improvements in apparatus for hinging, adjusting. and fasten ng gas-retort li ls, covers, or doors.

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