Abbildungen der Seite



THERE is probably no

T subject connected

with the war which is more interesting than the power possessed by Paris of standing a siege. We have, therefore, thought it well to place before our readers the accompanying map of Paris, showing its fortifications. The drawing has been prepared from the latest maps which can be obtained, and is as accurate as is consistent with the scale.

Paris is situated, to use a military term, à cheval on the Seine, near the junction of this river with the Marne, the latter river covering the city on the east, while a bend of the former protects the western side. The fortifications consist, first, of a chain of detached forts or fortresses commanding the rivers, and, secondly, by an enceinte continué running right round the city. The bastion system of Vauban is adopted throughout.

The exterior line of defence commences at St. Denis on the north, and extends to the Marne at Nogent, a distance of about eight miles. It consists of nine fortresses, and opposes the direct advance of troops from Germany. On the south Paris is covered by a line of six forts, reaching from the Marne to the Seine, a distance of about seven miles. These complete the defence of the south; four are pentagonal and two quadrilateral. They are built of substantial materials, and contain bomb-proof barracks, and have casemated curtains. The third exterier line of defence is eight miles long. It does not consist of a chain of forts, but of the great citadel, Mont Valérien, which

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serves as a tête-du-pont to the bend of the Seine, which covers Paris to the east. Mont Valerien is supported on one side by Fort d'Issy, and on the other by St. Denis. It is the most

important work of the whole. The front toward

the river is 460 yards long, and the other four faces average 328 yards each. There is bombproof accommodation for stores and 4,500 men. The ring of detached forts, all of which will be casily found in our map, extends over 22


Within this is seen the enceinte continué, or continuous line of fortifications. This consists of no fewer than ninety-four bastions. The exterior sides average 328 yards per bastion, forming an enceinte of 30,840 yards, or nearly seventeen miles, probably the largest work of the kind ever executed. The cost was enormous-to judge from Marshal Marmont's opinion, was well spent. Marmont considered the fortifications of Paris "an event the most useful and important in the defence of France." The escarp of the enceinte is 33ft. high, the ditch being 82ft. wide. The distance from the boulevard to the enceinte continué averages about 1,093 yards, and that from the enceinte to the forts is about the same. So long as the forts are unconquered it will be impossible to bombard Paris from a less distance than about 7,000 yards, and even then the siege train will be under fire at a range rather too close to be pleasant.

In addition to these defences it is stated that earthworks are being raised from fort to fort, but we learn from private letters that these are of a very insignificant description, affording good cover, it is true, for riflemen, but not safe against even 6-pounder guns. It is stated that more than 1,000 guns can be placed in position; but this estimate, no doubt, includes a very large number of weapons which, however effective at close quarters, will be practically useless at long ranges.

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norning, and Pittsburgh at noon of the 17th,aving traversed the distance from St. Louis to Pittsburgh in some 18 hours, or at the rate of about -30 miles per hour. From the newspapers of the following day it might have been quite as easy to race the storm on to the sea-coast, and perhaps to rather particulars of the damage to shipping which t caused. For several years the Smithsonian Institution has been collecting meteorological observations from ll parts of the country, and labouring to deduce rom the facts thus gathered the laws governing he phenomena of the weather and the climate; and :he valuable results so gained can now be drawn ipon in inaugurating the new system of storm preliction and reporting. "The determination of the full details of this system will be arrived at," says General Myer, in a communication to the Secretary of War, "only after careful study of the modes already tested in other countries, and consultation with experienced observers, telegraph companies, boards of commerce, and business men, as to their application or improvement in our own. There will need to be the study and determination of the points for observation; the supply of instruments, and the facilities for their use; the exact observations to be made; the exact form and times in which, when made, they are to be reported; the points at which reports are to be collected and deductions from them had; the places at which and the modes by which these deductions shall finally be announced, by telegraph and signal, and so made useful to the public, for the benefit of commerce, by the warning they may give or the aids they may offer. It is a wise provision of the act," he adds, "that it enables the army to be thus extensively utilized in the interest of commerce, by the exercise of duties already established, and which will require but little additional outlay. It would be needless and unwise to enter upon large expenditures by attempting at the beginning too extended a scope for the endeavour. I would suggest, therefore, that action under the resolution be limited, until the best modes for its execution shall have been wisely determined."

In accordance with this view, he asks for an ap

propriation, for carrying out the law, of the modest sum of 15,000 dollars, for the current fiscal year, ending June 30, and 25,000 dollars, for the next fiscal year, ending June 30, 1871. As showing that the scheme is regarded with prompt favour by the interests it is designed to benefit, General Myer mentions the fact that the favourable proceedings upon the subject of six boards of commerce had, at the date of his communication, and within little more than a week after the approval of the joint resolution, been received at the office of the chief signal officer.

Professor Joseph Henry, of the Smithsonian Institution, writing to General Paine in approval of the objects of his joint resolution, points out the following conditions as essential to the success of the proposed system:

"Ist. The points from which the telegrams are to be sent must be carefully selected and furnished with reliable instruments. 2nd. These instruments must be in charge of persons properly trained to make the observations. 3rd. The telegrams must be transmitted regularly to some central point at fixed hours of the day. 4th. They must at this centre be collated and their indications interpreted by persons having a competent knowledge of the laws to which the motions of the storms are subjected. 5th. I do not think the military posts as now established will be sufficient to fully carry out the plan; additional stations would be required. 6th. An appropriation would be necessary for the pay of the telegrams, furnishing the instruments, and the necessary superintendence."

And Professor Elias Loomis, of Yale College, author of a valuable text-book upon Meteorology, writes to General Paine upon the same subject at length. He says:

deductions from them; and whenever a violent adductor muscle, by snapping together its light storm was in progress, to decide in what direction valves, thus forcibly ejecting the water within and with what velocity it was travelling; determine against the water without, flits through, and somewhat places it would visit, and at what hour it would times even skips upon its native element, like an arrive and finally transmit the announcement aquatic butterfly. But no pedestrian does so in all immediately by telegraph to those places especially Mollusca-dom. Why then should not these pedate interested. Such a system could not be expected bivalves, the mussels, walk as others of their own to attain satisfactory results without a pretty large people do ? "For want of brains!" says one. You number of well-selected stations, and especially are mistaken, sir. They have brains, the right without the service of a competent meteorologist kind too, and in the right place, a real pedal to superintend the entire system. The superin- nervemass, or ganglion; a little bilobed brain tendent should be well informed respecting the at the very base of the "understanding" itself, progress which has been already made in this that is, exactly nuder the foot, as was fabled of department of science; he should have strong a very agile dancer, that his brains were in his faith in the practicability of attaining useful results heels. by a system of storm-warnings; and he should have no other engagements which would prevent him from giving his whole attention to this subject, especially whenever a violent storm was raging in any part of the United States."

These coincident views of the two highest authorities in the United States upon all matters relating to meteorological science doubtless foreshadow substantially the actual working of the system when it shall have been fully established. In due time we may reasonably expect to see every lighthouse and other prominent and sightly point upon the borders of the great lakes and the Atlantic coast connected by telegraph with a central meteorological bureau, to which intelligence of an approaching storm can be simultaneously and speedily conveyed-to be in turn communicated, by means of a uniform system of signals, to all vessels within reach, in ample time to enable them to prepare for the coming danger.

That the results of the operation of this system will be in the highest degree valuable, both as regards the immediate practical object of protecting our commerce from disaster, and as furnishing an aid to scientific investigation in a most important direction, there can be no reasonable doubt.


AN any one see a snail travel, and not ask

CAN mentally, "how it does it?" The method

certainly is curious. A fleshy disc is protruded, and caused to project in the direction of locomotion; it is then spread out flatly, and while slightly adhering to the object over which it is passing, a contractile energy is exerted, and the little animal bearing its house is drawn onward. Thus by the repeated protrusion, expansion, and contraction of this soft organ, in due time its journey is accomplished. Because of this method of progression on ventral disc, all those shell-fish, or, properly speaking, molluscan animals, so constituted, are called by the systematists, gasteropods, a term which means ventral-footed. And in rank these gasteropods stand


next to the most highly organized of the mollusca. But some of these shell-encased creatures do not travel at all. Take, for instance, the oyster, called a monomyary, because the valves are held together by a single muscle. This sedate bivalve once settled, probably never moves from that spot. But all the dimyaries, or two-muscled bivalves, well represented "It is believed that our knowledge of storms is by the common edible mussels, possess a foot, already sufficiently precise to enable a competent which is not greatly unlike that of the snails. The meteorologist to furnish information which would be mussel's foot, however, presents, in its class, the of great value to commerce, provided he had at his least developed condition of this organ, for it is a command a sufficient corps of observers scattered spinner rather than a walker; or, as Owen says, over a considerable area to the west and south-it is subservient to the function of a gland, which west, and also had the means of transmitting his secretes a glutinous material analogous to silk, the warnings immediately by telegraph; and if such filaments of which are termed the byssus," which a system were pursued for several years, it could often serves for attachment to rocks. He farther scarcely fail to conduce to more precise know- says, "in most dimyary bivalves the foot is an ledge, which would render it possible to give more organ of locomotion." Some of the river mussels reliable and definite warning of the approach of in babyhood spin a byssus with which to moor themdangerous storms. selves against the currents of the stream. When "In order to secure the objects here contem- older grown this necessity is overcome, and the plated, it would be indispensable to have observa- capacity just mentioned is lost. Then the adult tions from a pretty large number of stations, at turns its foot into a ploughshare, and is dragged along intervals not exceeding one or two hundred miles, in the furrow it makes in the mud. The razor-shell and scattered over a region to the west and south- alternately bores downwards and propels upward, west of those points for which the warnings were the foot doing all the work. With the foot as an regarded as specially important. These observa- elastic spring the heart-shell leaps along. But the tions should include all the usual meteorological common black mussel, Mitylus edulis, and its deinstruments, but more particularly the barometer, spised neighbour, the brown horse-mussel, Modiola with the direction and force of the wind. The ob- plicatula, who ever saw them walk? Propulsion is servations should be made daily at fixed hours, and not always walking. The scallop with its large should be reported by telegraph to some competent meteorologist, whose business it should be to compare the reports without delay, and make the proper Naturalist.

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By Rev. S. LOCKWOOD, Ph.D. in the American

Now, if seeing is believing, mussels can walk. We once saw a young brown mussel, of the species Modiola plicatula, about five-eighths of an inch in length, turn his foot to most excellent account. We had pulled the youngster's beard off, and then had deposited him at the bottom of a deep aquarium. The water was probably but poorly aërated, hence he was evidently ill at ease, and to our astonishment he at once began travelling over the pebbly bottom, then up the glass side, with the utmost facility and grace. The foot moved precisely as any univalve gasteropod would do, and with the same easy gliding motion. The movement was continued without interruption until it had reached the surface of the water, a distance of not less than 10in., which, added to the distance travelled over the bottom, was probably equal to 14in. At the surface it lost no time in spinning its byssus, which it fixed to the side for a permanent abode.

For its lively colours, perhaps ruthlessly, we had picked this little fellow out of a large family cluster, snugly packed in a hole in one of the piles of the dock. It was a large group of all sizes, literally bound together by the silken cords of-attachment shall we say?

A fellow captive was a full grown, black, edible mussel, torn from its anchorage, a stone near by, at low tide. We afterwards found ensconed in this black shell an amount of intelligence which filled us with astonishment. If his youthful fellow-prisoner could beat him at walking, he was about to accomplish the feat of climbing to the same position by means of a species of engineering of a very high order.

In order the better to understand this singular feat, let us introduce it by the narration of some spider tactics we once witnessed. The insect had captured a large beetle, but could not get it to its web, and seemed indisposed to prey upon it away from its den. It had dragged the prey under the web, which was about two feet above. It ran up to a point close by its web; there it attached a thread by which it speedily descended, and then attached the other end to its booty. Again it ascended, affixed another thread, then descended and affixed to the prey as before. Each thread, in sailor phrase, was made taut. After a good many threads had been in this manner attached, each being stretched tightly, and each pulling a little, the weight was seen to ascend a small fraction of an inch. Again the threads were increased, and again the weight ascended a little more; until at last, after incredible labour, perseverance and skill, the little engineer had the satisfaction of success; for its well-earned booty, with one final, tiny jerk "brought up" at the desired spot. The explanation of all this is simple. Suppose we take a cord of the material known by the ladies under the name elastic, and attach it to an ounce weight. If but very moderately stretched it would certainly pull at least a grain. Supposing it to do that, a second one would pull with equal force, and it would be but a simple estimate to determine how many threads would be required to raise the entire weight. But enough of this. Now for the mussel.

Placed at the bottom of the aquarium, where it had been for a couple of days, it had succeeded in wriggling itself up to one of the glass sides of the tank. This accomplished it protruded its large foot, stretching it up as high on the glass as it could reach, this organ seemingly adhering very tightly. A little hole opened near the extreme forward end of the foot. This tiny hole was really the extremity of a folded or closed groove. Out of this a drop of white gluten, or mucus, not larger than the head of a pin, was exuded and pressed against the glass. There was then a slight withdrawing of the foot, simultaneously with an unfolding or opening of the groove, which contained, as if moulded there, the already completed delicate thread. This done, the partly contracted foot (not drawn into its shell at all, be it understood) was again extended, this time a little higher than before. The groove or spinneret was again closed, except the little opening on the surface of the foot, whence another little drop of mucus appeared, which also was pressed against the glass. Again the foot was withdrawn a little, the lips of the groove unfolded, and the moulded thread set free. This gave thread number two. Each was evidently set at considerable tension. And in this wise, thread after thread was formed and set. I regret that I did not record the exact number, but am sure that it was about twelve or sixteen, and the time occupied was between two and three hours, when lo! up went the mussel,

about three-eighths of an inch high. Yes, he was
drawn up by his own cords. He was literally lifted
from terra firma. Not at all suspecting what was
to follow I mentally exclaimed "This little fellow
knows the ropes."
There was next a period of rest. Whether it was
due to exhaustion of material, and was meant to
allow the secreting gland time to evolve a fresh
supply or not, I cannot affirm; but may say that
such was my belief, for after an hour or so it set to
work again precisely as before, attaching a new
cluster of threads. This cluster was set about ĝin.
higher than the previous one. When this new
group of filaments was finished, the same result
followed, another lift of a fraction of an inch, but
not quite so high as the first. I now suspected its
motive-the animal was actually in this singular
manner attempting to reach the surface. It wanted
to take an airing, and was really in a fair way to
bring it about.

While setting its third cluster of threads, I foresaw a serious difficulty in the way, and one against which the spider never has to contend. It was this: after the third lift had been achieved the threads which had accomplished the first lift had changed direction; that is, the ends of the threads, which had pointed downward when pulling up the mussel, were now pointing upward, and were actually pulling it down. Of course the lowermost thread or threads would exert the most retrograde traction. Thought I, "Sir Mussel-man, you will have to exercise your wits now." I rejoice to say that the ingenious little engineer was complete master of the situation. The difficulty was overcome in this way-as each lowest thread became taut in an adverse direction, it was snapped off at the end attached to the animal. This, as I think, was done by two processes; the one by softening that end of the thread by the animal's own juices, purposely applied, as the pupa in the cocoon moistens its silk envelope, when wishing to soften the fibres, so that it can break a hole through which the imago may emerge; the other by a moderate upward pulling, thus breaking the filament at its weakest point.

proceeded to declare I was nothing more nor less only to remark that their affinity smal than one which had cooled down from a fused con- been determined solely by the ener dition, something like iron slag; nay, it was even stances attending their origin. Idothe urged that I was older than any other rock, and the terly refute the idea that the first-lottheorists mapped out an idea-which existed for the globe was a granitic one! many years after, chiefly owing to its remarkable suaded it could not possibly have her novelty-showing how the whole universe was for. I will give you my reasons by-and-by art, merly one great cosmical fog; that this diffused ingly bold assertion. What that cus matter was condensed into suns, planets, and satel- I doubt if science will ever be able wi lites, each of which existed for ages in a molten But the fact that it was not granite does y condition, owing to the heat evolved during the least invalidate the theory that every e process of condensation; that the exterior of each and satellite was so condensed fr planet cooled during the time which followed, and matter. This theory must rest on ette that granite formed part or whole of this cooled and, singularly enough, additional fact envelope! Such in brief was the orthodox notion to its support every day. We have not of my birth, little more than a quarter of a century idea of what the primitive rock or ago. globe was. The antiquated notion t Shall I enlighten my readers a little as to the have been granitic arose out of mist nature of my mineralogical composition? I feel tions. It was found that, however el sure that most of them are acquainted with it stratified rock, whether containing fort already, but, if only for form's sake, I must go some variety or another of granite we through with it again. My name is of Latin deri. Hence followed the hasty deduction, th vation, and was given me on account of the granu- one granitic crust encircled the fluid lar character presented by my different minerals. interior of the earth. It was shows Generally speaking, these are four in number-quent rocks were themselves formed « quartz, felspar, mica, and hornblende. Very fre- wear-and-tear of this granite, how the g quently there are also traces of other minerals; in many places covered up by its own deze but these are the commonest, and those in fact the so-called metamorphic rocks were the which make up my bulk. The quartz portion you formed as stratified deposits, but altere may tell by its glassy appearance, and usually milk-present appearance through the intense he white colour; whilst another good test is its newly-created seas, along whose bottoms te superior hardness. This mineral is almost pure been elaborated. silica, and is one of the most refrangible of known All this is wrong, and it behoves me substances. It can with difficulty be slightly descend from the region of pure hypothesis t dissolved in hot water, under great pressure; whilst of pure fact. It is just possible, speaking rese it requires a great deal of heat to melt it, and, of all the varieties of my family, that Pre generally speaking, some sort of flux to set it may be oldest. This, however, has aver a-going. The next most abundant mineral in the thoroughly determined. One of my reasons i constitution of myself and relatives (for our name believing I could not have required any very goo is legion) is that called felspar. Your eye may heat to reduce me to the molten con-linen, and the detect it in any mass, by its pink or flesh-colour, in this process the agency of water, as well as whilst it is so soft that you may scratch it heat, was necessary, is as follows-Many of the with your finger nail. It is owing to the unusual larger quartz crystals entering into a composition abundance of this mineral that I am sometimes are hollow. Frequently these holon's are pere er so friable or "rotten," as the felspar decom- less filled with water. Now, it known fact that The next day our little engineer had accomplished poses, and then causes the other minerals to fall molten matter at a white beat recomms its tempera the wonderful feat of climbing to the surface by asunder, just as the bricks of a wall would if all ture to be considerably lewens i bet re it can even ropes fabricated during the ascent. Without delay the cementing mortar were to decompose away, evaporate the water mere moved with it. It it moored itself securely by a cluster of silken lines In many districts, as in Cornwall, where granite has been recently show that crystalized matter at the boundary where sky and water met, and was comes to the surface and has been subjected to at- which has undergone pare into tison has there allowed to enjoy the airing it had so deser-mospheric wear-and-tear for hundreds of ages, it is usually cavities in its crystals, na e' inne wild, vingly won. Bravo! my little Mussel-man! No not uncommon to find the fine felspar washed into but either stony matter or a kid gas, and, in acrobat can beat thee on the ropes. a newer deposit. Such is the well-known" kaolin," many cases, even a perfect van Heuer the And what are we to say to all this? Blind in- or China clay of commerce. The chemical com- conclusion is arrived at that in the case of course. stinct, forsooth! Who believes it? The wise men position of felspar is more complex than that of grained granite, containing much quartz, there is of the ages have written as the tradition of the quartz. For instance, although its commonest actually more proof of the action of water than d elders-" byssus-bound," of our Mytilus. But it elements are silica and alumina,-the former the dry, ingneous fusion. It is more than provable can make of its bonds mooring lines of safety base of common sand, and the latter of clay, therefore, that pressure, heat, and water combined against the storm, and with consummate skill can there are also contained in it more or less of soda in the deeply-seated parts of the earth's res build a silken stairway into its own wished-for and potash, lime, magnesia, and iron. Mica, the would cause the rocks to be reduced to a kind elysium of delight. It is some three years since next commonest mineral I possess, is so well paste, and that this paste would be some variety the writer witnessed the facts here recorded, and to known as hardly to need description. All my granite. I can hardly enter into the abstruse de this day the sight of a mussel inspires him with readers are surely familiar with the small, thin, of the deductions which have been made from profound reflection on the ways of Him who made silvery-looking scales contained in almost every chemical and microscopical examinations of mys these creeping things of the sea. piece of granite. Its ingredients are much like and relatives. Suffice it to say they result in those of felspar, only differently mixed. quently hornblende is a mineral entering into our overlying rocks stratified or otherwise, is a pr Fre- ing that pressure, and this, generally speak composition, and my listeners will readily remem- liminary and indispensable necessity to the form ber it from its black or dark olive-green colour. of granite; that, if pressure be absent or less When it is very abundant, it produces a rock vary that required, notwithstanding all the other ing from dark grey to black. A great number of what quirements may be present-such as heat, s may be termed varieties of hornblende are known of mineral ingredients, &c.-such a resulting to mineralogists. Its chemical composition, gene- rock would not be granite! It might be a rally speaking, is about one-half silica, more than a of porphyry, or basalt, or greenstone, fi quarter magnesia, and little more than half a pressure were removed, and the moltes quarter lime: besides these, there are usually allowed to cool in the open air, simply traces of iron, alumina, and fluoric acid. lava! From a microscopical examinati I mentioned above that I had many relatives, various granites, it has been shown that the who were more or less nearly connected (I cannot the Highlands of Scotland indicate their say by blood, but by mineralogical similarity of been formed under no less a pressure than ** composition). These take various names, on of overlying rocks more than were the grue account of their leading peculiarities. Among Cornwall. There is good reason for belie these the commonest is porphyry, which takes its latter to have required at least 40,000. name from the purple variety used by the ancients pressure; so, in that case, the granites of th in making vases, &c. This my hearer may know lands must have been formed when 669 from the large and distinct crystals, usually of overlying rocks were piled above them! felspar or quartz, which are embedded in the granular matrix. Through porphyry granite passes into all sorts of allied igneous rocks, such as claystone porphyry, clinkstone porphyry, felspar porphyry, and so on. When hornblende takes the place of mica in the composition of granite, the latter goes by the name of syenite; when tale supplants mica, the result is called protogine. A fine-grained compound of felspar and granite, with equally minute scales of mica, gives to us the varictal name of pegmatite. According to the number of minerals entering into our composition, I and my relatives are roughly classed as binary, ternary, and quaternary granites. All this detail of structure may sound very dry and tedious; but it is absolutely necessary to go through with it, if my listeners wish to be more intimate with me. Although I have not a distinct recollection of my birth (as indeed, who has?), yet I have more than a suspicion that such elements as soda, potash, lime, &c., greatly assisted as fluxes in bringing me Plutonic commentators into my original molten condition. I have mencarried their victory too far. Not content with tioned the great number of relatives which claim proving that I was not a mere aqueous rock, they near or distant kinship with me, and I have now

NOTE. It has seemed to the writer, that in the perfection of movement shown by the Modiola plicatula, as given above, a high stage of foot development is indicated, such as would hint at a grade out-ranking Mytilus e dulis. The figure inserted is that of M. edulis; but the

process of climbing is the same.-S. L.


HERE are few rock substances on the surface of the globe which have received more discussion and been more investigated than myself. I am somewhat proud of the attention I have received in this respect, for most of the leading geologists of every country, for the last century, have devoted themselves to the task of seeking out my antecedents. I am acquainted with a whole library of books, all most learnedly written, and various of them proving the reverse of the other, which have been penned on this inexhaustible subject. Even yet the question can hardly be regarded as finally settled. Every now and then some moot point or another crops up to engage the attention of philosophers, but, thanks to the progress of other sciences, the investigation of these is no longer confined to verbal expressions. It is not a little amusing to remember the hot discussions which were held over me at the beginning of the present century. Philosophers though they professed to be, the disputants resembled political squabblers more than anything else. One set declared I was born amid fire, the other that I was of purely watery origin. Each believed in their own ipse dixit, and, as nothing could be absolutely proved, backed their own opinions by personalities. Somehow or other the former sect, who were called Plutonists, got the better of the latter, who were termed Neptunists. (The origin of these phrases my readers will not find it difficult to understand.) But my


these operations, but I assure my hearer
One is naturally astounded by the ma
little doubt as to the general correcte
deductions. In this way the minerals
struction of myself and others supplem
teaching of organic remains as to the i
antiquity of the globe! Nothing short of ane
of time would have sufficed for all the cha
which have been rung upon it.
believe many of my granitic relations are noth
There is reas
more or less than re-melted stratified rocks. ►
their enclosed fossils! As these have been sh
depressed or submerged, so as to bring the low
seated portions within the influence of the eart
internal heat, they have been first metamorphos
into a similar condition to gneiss and mica-schie
and, if the sinking went on, have passed thron.
this stage into that pasty condition which deprive
them of all stratified structure, and converted the
into what I am myself! Then succeeded a revers
of the movement: so that this grauite would b
thrust slowly upwards with all the overlying strat
piled above it. The movement went
these were tilted into a continuous mountain-chair

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r high and extensive table-lands. Meantime the ranite nucleus would form the heart of such ountains, the strata dipping away, as in the Himalayas.

limb at 9h. 25m. On the 13th, 2 Ceti will disappear
at the moon's bright limb at 9h. 27m. and re-
appear at her dark limb 6m. afterwards. On the
16th, Tauri will disappear at the bright limb at
10h. 11m., reappearing at the dark limb at 11h. 7m.
Lastly, Saturn will disappear at the dark limb of the
moon at 6h. 4m. p.m. on the 30th, and will emerge
from behind the bright limb at 7h. 18m.

I fancy I hear some of my listeners remarking But if granite can only be formed under such mmense pressure, how is it we find such large reas of country where nothing else is to be seen?" Mercury is an evening star during September, atn the answer to this we have the gist of the argu-taining his greatest eastern elongation at 4h. 33m. in nent, and I would respectfully ask the special the early morning of the 8th. Having passed this he ttention of my audience to it. Let them ask them- becomes apparently stationary on the 21st. On the selves where the materials came from to form the 16th, at 4h. 54m. p.m., he will be in conjunction with Laurentian, Cambrian, Silurian, Devonian, and, in the bright star a (Spica) Virginis. He continues in short, all the other subsequent formations? They the constellation Virgo all this month. He rises not could only have been formed out of the waste of long before 8 o'clock in the morning at the beginning still older and already solidified rocks. Each of the month, and soon after 7 at the end of it; setting formation, therefore, represents the amount of at those periods soon after 7 p.m., and about wear-and-tear which went on during the period 5h. 30m. p.m. respectively. He souths on the 1st at 1h. 33.n. p.m., and on the 30th at 14m. past noon. when it was deposited. If there had been no Venus is a morning star throughout the month, rising compensation against this levelling process, all on the 1st about 2h. 50m. a.m., and on the 30th about the prominences would soon have been worn down 4h. 17m. a.m., southing at 10h. 25m. a.m., and to common level, and the claboration of more 10h. 49m. a.m., and setting about 6h. and 5h. 20m. p.m. recent deposits been self-checked. But each sucon those days respectively. She travels from Cancer ceeding formation shows that this was not the case, into Leo during September, and is in conjunction with but indicates that the physical arrangements of our Regulus at 4h. 48m. a.m. on the 14th. She is in planet have been much the same through all time perihelion at 4 in the afternoon of the 20th. Mars is to what they are at present; that atmospherical also a morning star, and a little more favourably and marine wear-and-tear were counterbalanced by situated for observation than he has been; albeit he is upheaval from beneath; that the exterior force still an exceedingly minute and insignificant object. emanating from the sun and resulting in all these He rises somewhere about 3m. past 1 a.m. on the 1st, atmospherical effects, was exactly adjusted by the souths at 81m. past 9 a.m., and sets about 5h. 16m. native force of the earth, exerted from the interior p.m. On the 30th he rises about 0h. 48m. a.m., souths outwards. These two have been in equable counter- at 8h. 27m. a.m., and sets about 4h. 9m. p.m. He is in poise from the beginning, otherwise the great the constellation Cancer during the entire month; and life-scheme of our globle would never have had time afternoon of the 1st. Jupiter rises on the 1st, about in conjunction with 2 Caneri at 3 o'clock in the J for its development! 10h. 31m. p.m., and about 8h. 53m. p.m. on the 30th; after which he is visible all night long. He souths on the 1st at 6h. 51m. a.m. and on the last day of the month at 51. 8m. a.m. He still remains in Gemini.

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I hope I have been successful in explaining a great difficulty, and that my listeners now see the reason why I and my relatives come to the surface. It is because the rocks which overlay me at my The visible phenomena of his satellites during the birth have since been stripped off and slowly re- month of September will be as follows. On the 1st moved by atmospheric agencies. All the formations day of the month, the first satellite will be eclipsed at which were then piled above me, are to be found in 12h. 18m. 22s. The shadow of the second will pass on to stratified rocks of later date; therefore, the period Jupiter's disc at 48m. past 1 in the early morning of of my birth is not limited to any particular geological the 2nd; the first reappear from behind the planet's epoch. I am found at the surface, surrounded by body at 3h. 49m., and the shadow of the second will pass rocks of every age, even including those of the off Jupiter's limb at 4h. 20m.; Sm. afterwards this This, as Tertiary. Wherever the pent-up force of the earth's second satellite will commence its own transit. most of the readers of this column are aware, is interior has thrust us up, there have we slowly ele-referable to the relative position of the Sun, Earth, vated the rocks lying upon us. In many cases this elevation has been so slow that it has hardly ex-37m. before noon, Jupiter will be in quadrature with and Jupiter: in fact, on the 18th of this month, just ceeded the rapidity with which these overlying rocks the Sun; that is to say, a line drawn from Jupiter to have been denuded away! Think of the vast the Sun will form a right angle with one drawn to the antiquity of our earth's crust, as indicated by these sun from the earth. Any one who will make a diagram facts alone! Since the granites of the Highlands of this upon a piece of paper, will see how very of Scotland were formed, twelve miles of over- obliquely the shadows of Jupiter's satellites will fall upon lying material must have been removed! Where his disc relatively to our line of sight, and hence how has it all gone to? Ask the nineteen miles in it is that their shadows may traverse the whole width vertical thickness of the known stratified rocks, of that disc before the moons which cast them come on all of which have probably been formed since to it at all. On the night of the 2nd, at 11h. 46m., the the granite itself. We scarcely need be afraid egress of the shadow of satellite 1 will take place. The of Time, when we have Eternity to draw upon!-satellite itself will not pass off the disc until 5m. past Science Gossip. 1 the next morning. At 1h. 51m. in the early morning of the 4th, the second satellite will reappear from occultation. On the night of the 5th, at 46m. after midnight, the third satellite will begin to transit Jupiter's disc, and will pass off afterwards at 3h. 12m. On the early 2h. 11m. 45s., and the shadow of the second come on to the planet's limb at 4h. 22m. On the 9th the in11h. 26m.; the satellite will come on an hour and gress of the shadow of satellite 1 will take place at twenty minutes later. The shadow will pass off at 1h. 40m. a.m. on the 10th, and the moon itself at 1m. past 3. On the night of the 10th satellite 2 will be eclipsed at 11h. 12m. 235., and satellite 1 reappear from occultation at 13m. after midnight. The second satellite will reappear from eclipse at 1h. 41m. 27s. a.m. on the 11th, only to be occulted by the body of the planet at 1h. 54m. It will reappear from this occultation at half past 4. On the 12th the ingress and its egress at 48m. past 1 in the next morning. An of the shadow of satellite 3 will occur at 11h. 25m., eclipse of the first satellite will take place at 4h. 5m. 8s. a.m. on the 16th of the month. At 1h. 20m. a.m., on the 17th, the ingress of the shadow of its shadow at 2h. 40m. the same satellite will take place, the satellite following The shadow will pass off at 3h. 34m. Satellite 2 will be eclipsed at 1h. 49m. 3s. a.m. on the 18th, and the first reappear from occultation at 6m. past 2; the second will reappear from its eclipse at 4h. 18m. 29s., and be occulted by the planet at 4h. 32m. a.m. At 11h. 24m., on the night of the same day, the first satellite will pass off Jupiter's disc. On the night of the 19th, the egress of the shadow of satellite 2 will occur at 10h. 46m.; the

ASTRONOMICAL NOTES FOR SEPTEMBER. BY A FELLOW OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. THE right ascension of the sun on September 1st, at Greenwich mean noon is 10h. 41m. 41-22s., and his declination north, 8 16' 21-3"; he is consequently to the W. of the star x Leonis (map, Vol. X, p. 545). He is now approaching the equator; and at 9m. past 6 on the morning of the 23rd, crosses it; when autumn com


This is, of course, the period of one of the equinoxes, so called from the approximate equality in length of the day and night. The nearest approach to such equality will, however, occur on the 25th, when the day will be about 12h. 1m. long; and the length of the night obviously 11h. 59m. The equation of time to be subtracted from that indicated by any instrument constructed to show the sun's meridian passage, is on the 1st day of the month, Om. 6'1s., and on the last day, 9m. 59-46s.

The moon enters her first quarter at 58m. past 1 in the afternoon of the 2nd; is full about 12m. past 10 on the night of the 9th; enters her last quarter at past 1 a.m. on the 18th; and is new at Ch. 34m. a.m. on the 25th. At noon on the 1st she is 5'6 days old; at the same hour on the 2nd, 6-6 days old; and so on. On the afternoon of the 6th, at 3 o'clock, libration will bring an additional portion of her S.W. surface into view, and the same cause will operate in rendering more of her S.E. region visible at 1 o'clock in the morning of the 21st. She will be in conjunction with Saturn at 10h. 43m. a.m. on the 3rd; with Jupiter at 9m. past 2 in the early morning of the 18th; with Uranus at 53m. after noon on the 20th; with Mars at 10h. 36m. the next morning; with Venus at 7h. 13m. in the evening of the 23rd; with Mercury at 3h. 11m. a.m. on the 26th; and finally, with Saturn again at 12m. past 6 in the evening of the 30th. She will have occulted him (as will be mentioned immediately) 8m. previously. Three fixed stars and-as we have just saidSaturn will be occulted this month. Firstly, B.A.C. 6448 will disappear at the moon's dark limb at 8h. 7m. on the night of the 4th, and reappear at her bright

morning of the 9th the first satellite will be eclipsed at

moon casting it will come on 10m. afterwards, and pass off at 1h. 33m. the next morning. The ingress of the shadow of satellite 3 will take place at 3h. 25m. Satellite 8 will be occulted at 10h. 42m. on the 23rd, and reappear from occultation at 1h. 10m. the next morning. The ingress of the shadow of satellite 1 will take place at 3h. 14m. a.m. on the 24th, and the moon itself follow it at 4h. 34m. At 26m. 52s. past midnight on the 24th, the first satellite will disappear in eclipse, and afterwards reappear from occultation at 3h. 59m. a.m. on the 25th; the second satellite will be eclipsed at 4h. 25m. 38s. At 11h. 2m. at night, on the same day, the first satellite will begin to transit Jupiter; its shadow will pass off at 54m. later, the satellite itself leaving the planet's limb at 17m. past 1 the next morning. On the

night of the 26th satellite 1 will reappear from occultation at 10h. 27m. The shadow of satellite 2 will come on to Jupiter's disc at 10h. 46m., and pass off again at 1h. 20m. the next morning. Eight minutes afterwards satellite 2 itself will commence its transit and leave the face of the planet at 4h. 4mm. This same moon will reappear from occultation at 11 o'clock on the night of the 28th. Finally, on the night of the 30th, satellite 3 will reappear from eclipse at 11h. 36m. 32s.; will be occulted at 2h. 35m. the next morning, and come out from behind the planet at 5h. 8m.; while 5m. later the shadow of satellite 1 will appear on the disc.

Saturn is still an evening star, but must be looked for early, as he sets between 10 and 11 at the beginning of the month, and between 8 and 9 at the end of it. He is on the meridian at 6h. 42m. in the evening of the 1st, and at 4h. 52m. in the afternoon of the 30th. The time has practically past for favourHe remains on the confines of ably observing him. Ophiuchus. Uranus is a morning star, rising about 6m. past 1 a.m. on the 1st, and about 11h. 10m. on the last days of the month respectively. He comes on to the meridian in broad daylight all through September, and can only be observed during the hour or two which precede the morning twilight. He is situated throughout September on the confines of Gemini and Cancer. Neptune is not on the meridian until 38m. past 2 on the night of the 1st, but rises about 8 o'clock. He will be a little way to the N.W. of a Piscium during the entire month, his motion being so exceedingly slow.

Shooting stars are rare in September. There is just a suspicion thongh of the existence of two periodical showers-one at the beginning of the month, the other in the interval between the 18th and the 25th.


[We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions
of our correspondents.
The EDITOR respectfully
requests that all communications should be drawn
up as briefly as possible.]

All communications should be addressed to the

EDITOR of the ENGLISH MECHANIC, 31, Tavistockstreet, Covent Garden, W.C.

All Cheques and Post Office Orders to be made payable to J. PASSMORE EDWARDS.

as much as he knows, but no more; and that not in "I would have every one write what he knows, and this only, but in all other subjects: For such a person may have some particular knowledge and experience of the nature of such a person or such a fountain, that as to other things, knows no more than what everybody does, and yet to keep a clutter with this little pittance of his, will undertake to write the whole body of physicks: a vice from whence great inconveniences derive their original."—Montaigne's Essays.

In order to facilitate reference, correspondents when speaking of any Letter previously inserted will oblige by mentioning the number of the Letter, as

well as the page on which it appears.

THE HERSCHELIAN TELESCOPE. [289] SIR,-In my reply to Mr. White there is an error. A picture in Nichol's "Cyclopædia of the Physical Sciences," deceived me as to the arrangement actually adopted by Herschel. In this picture the axis of the eye-piece is not directed as it should be to the centre of the speculum, but parallel to the axis of the tube. This is the arrangement corresponding to the theoretically just way of making a Herschelian telescope, the vertex of the paraboloidal surface to which the to the eye-piece. mirror belongs falling on the edge of the mirror nearest Herschel in reality only tilted his mirror, an arrangement obviously imperfect. But he did not tilt it so that its optical axis passed through the centre of the eye-piece, as in Mr. White's arrangement. Had he done so, he would have had no field of view. He so tilted the mirror that its optical axis had a position mid-way between the axis of the tube and the axis of the eye-piece (regarded as an indefinitely long straight line). In this way the image formed by the mirror was formed by oblique pencils. RICHARD A. PROCTOR.

MR. FIRTH AND "F.R.A.S." [290] SIR,-I really think that it is too bad of Mr. Firth to continue his absurd comments on the valuable Astronomical Notes by "F.R.A.S." All the readers of the ENGLISH MECHANIC owe a debt of gratitude to "F.R.A.S." for the preparation of these most useful notes. But we cannot expect him to contribute so much of his time for our advantage if his labours are to be continually carped at by some who seem unable to appreciate their value.

Mr. Firth's last letter reminds me of an episode in "David Copperfield." Mr. Dick has been installed into apartments somewhat limited in extent, but sufficient for his requirements; Mrs. Crupp, however, remarks that "there's not room to swing a cat," to which Mr Dick makes the apt rejoinder, that "he doesn't want


to swing a cat, so what can that matter to him?" We have been supplied by "F.R.A.S." with information true for the present time, but not for all time. Mr. Firth, however, remarks that thousands of years hence the state of the case will be different; may not we readers of the ENGLISH MECHANIC rejoin (not inaptly) that "we don't want to know what will happen thousands of years hence, so what can that matter to us ?"

The fact is that when the Nautical Almanac says that a celestial object at a given date and hour will have a certain longitude and latitude, it in effect asserts, as "F.R.A.S." has said, that that object will be in a certain part of such and such a constellation, the date and the hour are as truly parts of the statement as the longitude and the latitude. If it were not so, Mr. Firth would not be justified in rudely telling "F.R.A.S." that he is talking nonsense, because it would at least be obvious that "F.R.A.S." had been trying to render us a service, and therefore that any error he might unwittingly have made could not be too courteously and kindly corrected. But as a matter of fact"F.R.A.S." was wholly in the right.

Mr. Firth should endeavour to understand that men of "F.R.A.S.'s" calibre do not write in our columns to raise discussion, nor because of any pleasure it gives them to see their views in print (those who so write cannot be too severely handled): "F.R.A.S." writes, we all feel, from a disinterested desire to impart useful information. Nothing is more likely to discourage him in his exertions than to see his communications made a reason for twaddling comments by those who cannot appreciate the spirit in which he writes.

"F.R.A.S." has suggested that Mr. Firth had better do the astronomical notes himself. We are all interested in loudly protesting against any such arrangement. But I have a proposal to make which will no doubt suit all parties. Let Mr. Firth devote his energies to describing the state of the heavens 10,000 years hence; and let him give directions that his papers shall be reserved until the epoch they refer to. RICHARD A. PROCTOR.

THE NATURE AND CAUSE OF LIGHT. [291] SIR,-I am sorry to see that "T. A." has not taken in good part my suggestion that his views about light are unsound. I did not make that suggestion without a purpose. Those who "confuse counsel by words without knowledge" must not complain if they meet with a check. "T. A." should remember how large a proportion of our readers trust only to these who know to save them from being misled and confused by those who do not know. In saying this I am not claiming anything on my own account; I have not found out for myself what I know about light, but have learned it from the careful study of the work (the observations, experiments, writings, and so on) of other men; and I knew that most of "T. A.'s" views were opposed altogether to the whole series of results obtained by the scientific students of the subject he treated of. I held it to be important that the readers of our journal should also know this; and therefore, without any ill-feeling at all towards "T. A.," I said

as much.

Let me add that he had been very blunt himself in contradicting me about the "crepuscular curve," whose existence he abruptly denied. It turned out that he was simply unfamiliar with the meaning of that well-known expression. But I may take this opportunity of admitting the justice of his subsequent criticism. Since the words "twilight curve" express exactly the same as "crepuscular curve," and are much less likely to be misunderstood, I ought to have used them. I make a rule of using the simplest words I can find; but in this case, by inadvertence used the less familiar expression.

Now as to the first question "T. A." asks, I must remind him that it belongs rather to the subject of chemistry than of light considered in the abstract. But apart from this, we do not yet know why light from the violet end of the spectrum should have the power of producing chemical action (of causing the combination or decomposition of certain substances), while light from the red end has no such power. How, or why, then, should I be expected to explain a well-known but still more recondite phenomenon? "T. A." might as reasonably say, "Mr. Proctor professes to have some knowledge of the laws of light and colour, let him tell me, then, why some people have red hair, others black, and yet others brown or flaxen." "T. A." some time back called on me and on our "F.R.A.S." par excellence, to answer two questions of similar profundity. He was invited to reflect on an old proverb about questions and answers as related to wisdom and folly. Truly, with out reflecting on "T. A.'s" wisdom in asking this particular question, I must admit that I should be but foolish did I pretend to answer it. That it will be answered some day I make no question, but years of patient labour must I believe come first. At present let us content ourselves with stating what the experiment shows. First of all, light, passing through an orange-yellow glass will not affect a sensitized collodion plate. That was to be expected, because little or no light from the violet end of the spectrum can pass through such glass (as we know from the absorption spectra of orangeyellow glasses). Light waves of more than a certain length cannot produce the required chemical action, then, it appears. But after the collodion film has been subjected to the action of actinic light, orange-yellow light has the power of destroying the impression and fogging the plate all over. A most interesting fact, serving to show that after the arrangement of the molecules of the film has been affected in a certain way, by the shorter actinic waves, the longer light waves have the power of further influencing the arrangement of

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