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We by none will be exceeded,
While we laud this mystery;
And with wonder :||: God incarnate

49. T. 22.

MAKER of all things, Lord our God,
Now veil'd in feeble flesh and blood,
To reconcile and set us free
From endless woe and misery;

2 What heights, what depths of love
In thy blest incarnation shine![divine
Let heav'n and earth unite their lays
To magnify thy boundless grace.

50. T. 14.
HOSANNA to the royal Son
Of David's ancient line!
His natures two, his person one,
Mysterious and divine.

2 The root of David here we find,
And offspring is the same;
Eternity and time are join'd

In our Immanuel's name.

3 Blest He that comes to wretched men
With peaceful news from heav'n!
Hosannas in the highest strain
To Christ the Lord be giv'n!

51. T. 155.

CHRIST, the sov'reign Lord of all,
Was a Babe laid in a manger,
A poor Stranger;

'Midst the people styl'd his own
Quite unknown;

In the world, which he created,
Disavow'd, despis'd and hated;
Him our Lord and God we own.

2 O thou Day-spring from on high! When we, lost in deepest wonder, Duly ponder,

On thy love in coming down
From thy throne,

To save sinners from damnation !
For thy love and great compassion,
Thee we praise, thank and adore.

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BOTH to the Seraph and the worm
God's goodness doth abound,
He calms the sea, calls forth the storm
And fructifies the ground.

2 But yet his mercy to man's race
More richly was display'd;
He pity'd us in our distress,

And therefore flesh was made.

3 That he as man might sympathise
With every grief we feel,
And being made a sacrifice
With blood our pardon seal.
54. T. 240.

ALL hail, Immanuel,
Eternal Word, all hail!
O Jesus, sinners' friend,
Whose mercy knows no end,
Love made thee condescend,
With men to make abode,
And, veil'd in flesh and blood,
To bring us nigh to God;
Thy sacred name we bless,
Jesus, Jesus,

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IV. Of the Name of Jesus, and his Walk on Earth.

58.* T. 146.

LORD Jesus, when I trace
Thee as the great Creator,
With fear I hide my face;
But when in human nature
I see thy deep distress,
And lowliness of heart,
I freely must confess
That thou my Brother art.

2 Therefore I'll thee adore
With deep humiliation,
And own thee evermore
Lord of the whole creation;
But thy humanity,

Thy birth, thy life, and death,
Unite soul to thee,

While here on earth I breathe.

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JESUS, I love thy charming name, 'Tis music to my ear;

I gladly would thy praises sound,

That earth and heav'n might hear. 2 Yes, thou art precious to my soul, In thee is all my trust; Jewels to me are gaudy toys, And gold is sordid dust.

3 Omay thy name still cheer my heart, And shed its fragrance there! The noblest balm for all its wounds, The cordial of its care.

4 I'll speak the honors of thy name,
With my last lab'ring breath;
When speechless, thou shalt be my
My joy in life and death. [hope,
61.* T.
T. 58.

SACRED name of Jesus,
So great and holy,

That all our tongues can never praise
thee truly
As thou deserv❜st.

2 Holy name of Jesus,
Though men blaspheme thee,

I will adore, whene'er I hear or name
With gratitude.

3 Precious name of Jesus,

How sweet and blessed

Art thou to souls, who mourning and
Upon thee call!

4 Cheering name of Jesus,
Whence comfort floweth ;
Noangel like a contrite sinner knoweth
Thy pow'r divine.

5 Lovely name of Jesus,
Whoe'er confideth

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In thee obtains a treasure which
And never fails."

6 Saving name of Jesus,
In which salvation

Ispreach'd to ev'ry kindred, tongue and
nation, Might all thee praise!
7 Faithful name of Jesus,'
In thee I've trusted,
And of thy faithfulness on earth have
boasted, And shall in heav'n.

8 Blessed name of Jesus,
How efficacious

To save to sanctify and to preserve us!
Thee we adore.


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2 Jesus, when stern justice said,
"Man his life hath forfeited,
Vengeance follows by decree,"
Cry'd," Inflict it all on me."
3 Jesus gives us life and peace,
Faith, and love, and holiness;
Ev'ry blessing, great or small,
Jesus for us purchas'd all.
4 Jesus therefore let us own,
Jesus we'll exalt alone,
Jesus hath our sins forgiv❜n,
Jesus' blood procur'd us heav'n.
64. T. 14.

MY God a man! a man indeed,

An infant truly poor;
Born, for a sinful race to bleed,

Salvation to procure.

2 Who can describe the loveliness
Which was, blest Child, in thee?
Thy whole deportment heav'nly grace,
And true humility.

3 According to th' appointed plan
My infant Saviour grew,

In favor both with God and man,

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In years and stature too.

4 My Saviour learned Joseph's trade,
Was call'd a carpenter, (Mark 6. 3.)
And therefore, that he earn'd his bread,
We justly may infer.

5 Often oppress'd with human care,
He to his Father sighs,

Or spends the night in fervent pray'r,
And offers tears and cries.

6 Again, as Teacher of Mankind
I see my humble Lord:
How cheerfully was he inclin'd
To preach the saving word!

7 To comfort men was his delight,
To help them in distress;
He ready was, by day and night,
To pardon, heal and bless.

8 Oft he was hungry, spent and sad,
In his own world a guest,
And of his own no place he had,
His weary head to rest.

9 Ah, might my heart a mirror be, Reflecting Jesus' grace,

That all, who

my behaviour see,

May some resemblance trace.

10 Grant me that meek and lowly mind,
Thou hast on earth display'd,
Which in thy holy life I find,
My Pattern, Lord and Head.

65. T. 11.

my soul, God ever blest
In the flesh made manifest!
Human nature he assumes,
He, to ransom sinners, comes.
2 He fulfill'd all righteousness,
Standing in the sinner's place;
From the manger to the cross,
All he did, he did for us:

3 All our woes he did retrieve,
He expir'd that we might live;
By his stripes our wounds are heal'd,
By his blood our pardon's seal'd.
4 Lord, conform us to thy death,
Raise us to new life by faith,
Through thy resurrection's pow'r,
May we praise thee evermore.

5 Circumcise our sinful hearts;
Purify our inward parts;
Lord, destroy the carnal mind,
That in thee we peace may find.

6 In thy righteousness array'd Let us triumph and be glad; Let us walk with thee in white, Let us see thy face in light.

66.* T. 14.

IMMANUEL's meritorious tears
Assuage our ev'ry pain,

His bitter suff'rings, cries and pray'rs,
Our fav'rite theme remain.

2 When Jesus' suff'ring life we trace, In ev'ry scene we find,

That he a man of sorrows was,
Though of unspotted mind.

3 All they who weeping now go forth,
And bear the precious seed,
May in our Saviour's walk on earth
Pattern and comfort read.

4 Among the evils of the fall
Which soul and body grieve,
This the most dreadful is of all,

That sin to us doth cleave.

5 Whene'er the Holy Ghost displays To our benighted hearts,

That we are wretched, vile and base, And light to us imparts,

6 How do we blush with conscious shame,

While tears of anguish flow! And did we not the suff'ring Lamb, The Friend of sinners know; 7 A contrite heart would never cease To weep most bitter tears; But faith in Jesus' saving grace The mourning sinner cheers. 8 Whenwe have that great bliss attain'd To find, that in all need Christ is our Counsellor and Friend, Then are we help'd indeed. 9 O'tis the greatest happiness, When of his peace divine We have a feeling, and he says, "Fear not, for thou art mine." 10 Our thankful tears then testify That Jesus wept for us, And we, possessing heav'nly joy, For him count all things loss.

11 Yet tears of grief at times bedew Our cheeks, while here we stay ; When we in heav'n his face shall view, He'll wipe all tears away.

67. T. 14.

my dear Saviour, when thy cares,
Thy toils for me I read,
My eyes run o'er with grateful tears,
And I bow down my head.

2 Thy suff'ring life I cannot trace,
Or read thy sacred word,
But I'm o'ercome with thankfulness
To thee, my gracious Lord.

3 What am I, Lord, that thou so much

Should'st love and value me? Vile dust I am, yet thou for such Didst bear thy misery.

68. T. 22.

My dear Redeemer, God and Lord,
I read my duty in thy word;
But in thy life the law appears
Set forth in living characters.

2 Such was thy truth, and such thy zeal,
Such def'rence to thy Father's will,
Such love and meekness so divine,
Iwould transcribe and make them mine.
3 Cold mountains and the midnight air
Witness'd the fervor of thy pray'r;
The desert thy temptations knew,
Thy conflict and thy vict'ry too.
4 Be thou my pattern; let me bear
More likeness of thine image here;
And at thy right hand me confess,
Arrayed in thy righteousness.

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T. 14.
O SON of God and man, receive
This humble work of mine;
Worth to my meanest labor give,
By blessing it with thine.

2 Servant of all, to toil for man Thou wouldst not, Lord, refuse: Thy Majesty did not disdain

To be employ'd for us.

3 In all I think, or speak, or do, Let me show forth thy praise; Thy bright example still pursue

Through all my future days. 4 By faith thro' outward cares I go, From all distraction free;

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