My hands alone engag'd below, 5 When thou,my Saviour, shalt'appear, 72.* T. 22. MAY all those blessings on us flow, And in our lives their virtue show, Which from the manger to the cross, Thou, Lord, hast merited for us. V. Of the Sufferings and Death of Jesus Christ, and his Resting in the Grave. I'll beset, pray to thee, and think of Olivet. 74. T. 580. BEHOLD! how in Gethsemane Th' incarnate God doth sweat for thee Till drops of blood fall down; For thee the Lord lies prostrate there, Hear his thrice-utter'd,mournful pray'r Mark ev'ry dol'rous sigh and groan. 2 I'm lost in wonder and amaze; Here I'll abide and melt and gaze, 'Tis God's beloved Son! How heavy is the weight he bears! His soul is fill'd with grief and fears, Lo! now the bitter cup comes on, 3 Lord, dost thou suffer thus for me? Dost thou endure such misery, To give me life and peace? Then will I bear this on my heart, "My all is purchas'd with thy smart, Thy sweat & blood sign myrelease." 75. T. 96. OFTEN I call to mind the place Gethsemane, to which the Lamb, Who lov'd to be in loneliness, With his disciples often came, Where, out of boundless love to me, He wrestled in an agony. 2There,overwhelm'dwith grief,hesaid: | 2 How is Jesus' sacred sout oppressed 66 My soul is sorrowful to death;" And suff'ring freely in my stead, He drank the bitter cup of wrath; Now on his knees, then on his face, He weeps, and sweats, and bleeds, and prays. 3 So lov'd me the eternal God, That he became the Son of man, And took my sin's prodigious load. My soul, admire his gracious plan! Thy stripes, thy guilt and curse he bore; Believe and thankfully adore. 76.* T. 99. With our sins' prodigious load! Tho' an angel comforts the distressed, Weak and fainting Lamb of God! Yet what trembling seizeth him all over Tears and sweat and blood his visage cover, And in drops fall on the ground, 3 Jeers and stripes and mock'ries he endured, Meek and patient, in our stead; How are Jesus' gracious eyes obscured: View his wounded back and head; He, whom whips and thorns have la [ted: cerated, MOSTawfulsight!myheartdothbreak, Is the Lord, who all things hath crea Oh! it can ne'er my mind forsake Ah, his pungent grief and smart, Melt and break my stubborn heart. 4 See him bear his cross, in deep affliction, On his sore and wounded back, Led to Calvary for crucifixion, [rack Where his limbs they stretch and As a Lamb he's led unto the slaughter, And his soul is poured out like water: Vinegar and gall he tastes, While his suff'ring body wastes. 5 Now behold him weeping, bleeding, crying, 'Midst two thieves, upon the cross; Lo, he bows his sacred head; and dying, Life eternal gains for us. Lord, afford us all thy Spirit's unction, To consider this with heart's compunc tion: Might our words and actions prove There shall be our hiding-place. 7 Therefore all his agony and passion, And his sin-atoning death, Shall remain, through grace, our faith's foundation, While we draw our vital breath: Thus shall neither honor, wealth nor pleasures, Rob our souls of everlasting treasures; 8 Could we tune our hearts and voices higher Than man's most exalted lays, We may weep beneath his cross, 9 Odelightful theme past all expression: Thy Redeemer dy'd for thee !" Ah,this prompts mydeepest adoration, When I hear, "He dy'd for me." Might my thoughts, my words and whole behaviour, [Saviour; Prove that I believe in Christ my Yea, my love to Jesus show His to me, in all I do. 10 Lamb of God! thou shalt remain for ever Of our songs the only theme; For thy boundless love, thy grace and favor, We will praise thy saving name: That for our transgressions thou wast wounded, Shall byus in nobler strains he sounded, 80.* T. 151. THOU Source of my salvation, In torrents yield thy breath; 2 I'll go with thee, my Saviour, Till through his pores, in anguish, My sins the Lord conveyed I "Fore Pilate's judgment seat; These, these did him deliver Into the foe's dire hand; 5 should have felt for ever The pangs my God sustain❜d. Behold the man! he's bearing Our curse, meek as a Lamb! And now, behold them rearing Him on the cross's stem! There to complete his passion, His sorrows, pain and woe, His blood for our salvation In copious streams doth flow. 6 Thou for thy foes intreatest; Lord Jesus, who was I? Thy friends thou not forgettest; Turn, Lord, to me thine eye! Thy mouth now grace declareth To the repenting thief; My guilty soul this cheereth, Of sinners I am chief. 7 Thou anxiously complainest, "My God forsaketh me!" "I thirst," thou then exclaimest, Yet none refresheth thee. Thy passion being ended, Thou cry'st, "Tis finished! "My spirit be commended "To God!"'Twas finished. My heart with love is glowing, 9 Thou God of my salvation, While here, my confidence; On earth below I stay; Till I shall stand before thee, And for redeeming grace, With all the saints in glory, My Hallelujah raise. 81.* T. 594. [tressed, WITH painful penance thoughts disIn spirit I my Saviour view; I see him mourning and oppressed, While floods oftears his cheeksbedew: To change my sorrow into gladness, His sweat was mix'd with blood; Fill'dwith unutterable sadness, [and he, Trembled and agoniz'd for me. 2 O'erwhelm'd with grief and rack'd with torment, He's pain'd in ev'ry weary limb; They who should watch with him lie dormant, An angel comes to comfort him: O how heart-piercingly he prayed, When he his Father did accost, To have the bitter cup delayed: Here is my soul in wonder lost! 3 I see his countenance defiled, His forehead spit on I behold; I see him laugh'd at and reviled, Sharp-pointed thorns his head infold: Thus to the multitude displayed, His back with scourges raw & torn, A reed he beareth, is arrayed In purple, and then hail'd in scorn. 4 Breathless and almost suffocated, He bears the cross's pond'rousweight, Already feels what him awaited, The dismal scenes of torment great. I see him now in sore affliction Ascend the brow of Calvary; 'Tis here I view his crucifixion, Thereby it was he saved me. 5 I see his hands and feet extended Upon the cross in keenest smart ; I see him as his life he ended, I see the transfix his heart: spear Thus closed he his bitter passion, I for that living flood am thirsting, I'll thank and laud thee all my days; Long as I live, shall each pulsation, And ev'ry breath declare thy praise. 7 This awful, blessed meditation Oft fills my soul with conscious shame, Since Jesus dy'd for my salvation, How poor I am, how void of glory, Thou, Lord, know'st best; but yet With all my ailments come before thee, My suit is granted presently. 8 Thou, Jesus,art my God and Saviour, Thee will I serve with all my pow'r, On thee I'll meditate for ever, And for thy goodness thee adore: Thy dying love hath captivated My heart, and now my chief delight, Until to heav'n I am translated, Is to enjoy thee day and night, 82. T. 167. [stooping, GREAT High-priest, we view thee With our names upon thy breast, In the garden, groaning, drooping, To the ground with horrors prest. Angels saw, struck with amazement, Their Creator suffer thus ; We are fill'd with deep abasement, Since we know 'twas done for us. 2 On the cross thy body broken Cancels ev'ry legal charge; Pleading this authentic token, Guilty souls are set at large; All is finish'd, truth hath said it, Doubt no more, believe your Lord; To frail reason give no credit, You have his unerring word. 3 Lord, we fain would trust thee solely, 'Twas for us thy blood was spilt; Suff'ring Saviour, take us wholly, Take and form us as thou wilt; Thou hast borne the dreadful sentence Pass'd on man's devoted race: Grant us faith, and true repentance, They're thy gifts, thou God of grace. 83. T. 243. GO, follow the Saviour, Ye sinners, and marvel; 3 He's mock'd and defamed, 'Midst scourging and torture; By sinners is blamed, And led to the slaughter; 6 Our meek suff'ring Saviour Pray'd for his oppressors, And gained God's favor, There For us vile transgressors; He thus displays his boundless grace. 7 When he had prevailed, And all was accomplish'd, By prophets revealed'; He cried: "It is finish'd!" [dead. Then bow'd his head-and join'd the 8 Accept for thy passion, Most merciful Saviour, Our deep adoration : Remain thou for ever Our highest good,-O Lamb of God! 84.* T. 243. BLOOD worthy of praises! Of sinners, and bless us; Before the Jews bound him, Most heavily laden I kneeling have found him, (ground. Blood-sweat around bedews the 3 Thy blood-sweat, dear Saviour, Nought can bless me better : So cruelly used, With scourges so beaten, All over so bruised: While thorns disgrace his royal face. That in amaze-on him I gaze. 4 Behold the Lord Jesus, He bleeds to release us; For evermore-his name adore. 5. Thy blood-streams and bruises, Thy agonies, Saviour! Thy wounds' healing juices Have sav'd us for ever [sighs. From tears and cries-from grief and |