7 Thine is the kingdom, thine the pow'r Thy kingdom come; thy will be O'er angels, and o'er men ; The glory too for evermore Is thine; Amen, Amen! 200. T. 166. OUR Father, who in heaven art, Hallow'd be thy most blessed name; done Always in heav'n and earth the same; Give us this day our daily bread; XI. Of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. T. 22. 201. [abroad, BEFORE the heav'ns were stretch'd From everlasting was the Word ;With God he was, the Word was God, And must divinely be ador'd. 2 By his own pow'r were all things made; By him supported all things stand; He is the whole creation's Head, And angels fly at his command. 3 Mortals with joy beheld his face, Th' eternal Father's only Son; How full of truth, how full of grace Was Christ in whom the Godhead shone! 4 Archangels left their high abode, MY song shall bless the Lord of all, My praise ascend to his abode : Thee, Saviour, by that name I call, The great, supreme, the mighty God! 2 Without beginning or decline, Object of faith, and not of sense; Eternal ages saw him shine, He shines eternal ages hence. 3 As much, when in the manger laid, Almighty Ruler of the sky, As when the six days work he made Fill'd all the morning-stars with joy. 4 Of all the crowns Jehovah bears, Salvation is his dearest claim ; The angels and elders before him fall down, With accents melodious him praising; Unto the Lamb slain, and to him on the throne, They render glory unceasing. 4 The church on earth in humble Out of ev'ry nation and kindred, And made us thereby kings and priests) unto God, To him thanksgiving be render'd." On men pass final sentence: [dread, The ransom'd with gladness will lift up their head, And live with Jesus for ever. 204. T. 14. O THE delights, the heav'nly joys, 2 Sweet majesty and awful love 3 Princes to his imperial name 4 Upon that dear majestic head 5 This is the Man, th' exalted Man, 205. T. 341. 2 Hail your dread Lord and ours, Dominions, thrones and pow'rs! Source of pow'r he rules alone: Veil your faces, prostrate fall, 3 Justice and truth maintain 206.* T. 97. THOU reign'st above on heaven's throne, The Father's Equal, God the Son; That thou, Lord, madest, and redeem- 2 With awe and reverence 'fore thee, 'Fore him must bow. 3 Of this great truth we boldly witness bear, And to mankind this doctrine will declare, That he, who to save us assum❜d our nature To sin, and Satan's pow'r; But with an outstretch'd arm, he saves, 6 The Holy Ghost he sends Our stubborn souls to move, The love of sin departs, Soon as his voice invites our hearts 8 The world and Satan rage, 9 Tho' press'd, we need not yield, Our Righteousness and Strength. 10 Assur'd that Christ our King Will put our foes to flight, 210. T. 595. And suffer'd on the cross, is the Crea- HOSANNA to the Son tor Of heav'n and earth. 209. T. 595. PREPARE a thankful song To the Redeemer's name! His praises should employ each tongue, Of David, and of God, Who brought the news of pardon down, And seal'd it with his blood. 2 To Christ, th' anointed King, Who made our peace with heav'n. THOU Maker of each creature, 2 Lord, let us be increasing In spirit serve thee so, 213.* T. 68. 2 Life! thou dyd'st for me, And distress me to deliver, The Corner-stone, he of the church is Thou dost our cause before thy nam'd. [fram'd. In whom the building's fitly join'd and 3 As Leader, he before his people goes, And constant vict'ry gains o'er all his foes: peer, He is our High-priest, having no com- 5 Of all the feeble he the Strength re- As Hero in the fight he conquest gains: 6 As Lord, none dare his sov'reign He is thy Lord, be joyful, O my soul! 7 He is the Life, by whom all things The Way, which cannot ev'n by fools 8 The Word, by whom all things t Who even now to life can raise the dead: He's our Redeemer, who hath shed The world to save, and reconcile to 9 Thee, gracious Lord, our Saviour Since we're partakers of thy saving grace: plead, Father As Advocate, and for us intercede, And confidently on thy name rely: 11 As Bridegroom of the soul, the To thee, who purchas'd her, is close ally'd. [sake, As Head, thy body thou wilt ne'er forBut of each member special notice take. 12 As Shepherd, thou thy sheep dost richly feed, Protect from harm, and to green pastures lead: O Bread of life, whereby alone we live, Thro' thee we everlasting life receive. 13 O living Fountain, he who drinks of thee Shall thirst no more to all éternity. |