His offer'd benefits embrace, And freely now be sav'd by grace. 7 This is the time, no more delay; This is the acceptable day: Come in this moment, at his call, And live for him, who dy'd for all!
SINNERS, obey the Gospel word! Haste to the supper of the Lord: Be wise to know your gracious day! All things are ready; come away! 2 Ready the Father is to own, And kiss his late returning son: Ready your loving Saviour stands, And spreads for you his pierced hands. 3 Ready the Spirit to impart Grace to subdue the stubborn heart; To shed Christ's love in you abroad, And witness you are born of God. 4 Ready for you the angels wait, To triumph in your blest estate: All heav'n is ready to resound, "The dead's alive, the lost is found!" 5 Come, sinners, to your gracious Lord, your ear, and hear his word; His offer'd grace with joy receive, Hear sinners, and your souls shall live.
15 In search of empty joys below,
Ye toil with unavailing strife: Whither, ah! whither would yè go? Christ hath the words of endless life..
6 To you he calls," my goodness prove,
My promises for all are free: O taste my everlasting love,
And let your souls delight in me."
SINNERS, hear the joyful news, God, your Maker, is your Friend: Think not, that his wrath pursues, That his curses you attend. "As I live." Jehovah saith, "I do not desire your death, "Rather, rather would I see "Each poor sinner turn to me." 2 O then turn to him, and live, Turn to him with all your woe; He is ready to forgive,
Ready blessings to bestow. Outstretch'd see his arms of love, Haste his tender heart to prove; Haste, ye sinners, you will find,
Jesus casteth none behind.
244. T. 106.
YE sinners, in the gospel trace
The Friend and Saviour of mankind;
HO! ev'ry one that thirsts, draw nigh, Not one of all th' apostate race,
'Tis God invites man's fallen race; Salvation without money buy, Buy wine, and milk, and gospel-grace. 2 Come to the living waters, come, Sinners, obey your Maker's call; Return, ye weary wand'rers, home, God's grace in Christ is free for all. 3 Ye heavy laden, sin-sick souls, See from the Rock a fountain rise; For you in healing streams it rolls From Jesus, made a sacrifice!
4 Nothing you in exchange need give; Leave all you are, and have, behind: Thankful the gift of God receive, Pardon and peace in Jesus find.
in him salvation find.
His thoughts,his words, &actions prove, His life and death-that God is love! 2 Behold the Lamb of God, who bears The sins of all the world away; A servant's form he meekly wears,
He dwells within a house of clay: His glory thro' a veil is seen, And God with God, is man with men.
3 Behold our God incarnate stands,
And calls his wand'ring creatures
He all day long spreads out his hands;
Come, weary souls, to Jesus come: Tho' ye be e'er so much opprest, Believe, and he will give you rest,
4 Ah, do not of his goodness doubt, His saving grace for all is free; He saith, "I ne'er will cast him out,
Who as a sinner comes to me;
I can to none myself deny :"
4 Come, O my fellow sinners, come, Groaning beneath sin's pond'rous weight;
He calls you now, invites you home!
Come quickly, ere it be too late;
Come, sinners, come; why will ye die? Tho' foes protest, and friends repine,
245. T. 151.
SINNERS, would ye be healed? Then come to Jesus Christ; In him is grace revealed, Come only undisguis'd; Come poor and miserable, Draw nigh just as you are; You'll find, that he is able Your losses to repair.
2 His wounds are open fountains To wash you white all o'er, Yea, were your sins like mountains, Or sands on ocean's shore; Believe in the atonement
By Christ's all-saving blood; Do not delay one moment, Come to the Lamb of God!
WHERE shall my wond'ring soul begin While I to heav'nly songs aspire? A slave redeem'd from death and sin,
A brand pluck'd from eternal fire; How shall I due thanksgivings raise, And sound my great Deliv'rer's praise! 2 O how shall I the goodness tell Saviour, which thou hast shown to me?
That I, a child of wrath and hell
A happy child of God should be;
He dy'd for crimes like your's and mine.
5 For you the healing current flow'd From the Redeemer's wounded side; Languish'd for you th' eternal God,
For you the Prince of glory dy'd! Believe, your sins shall be forgiv'n; Only believe, and your's is Heav'n,
Now begin the heav'nly theme, Praise ye Jesus' saving name; Ye who Jesus' kindness prove, Triumph in redeeming love.
2 Ye, who see the Father's grace Beaming in the Saviour's face; As to heav'n ye onward move, Praise and bless redeeming love. 3 Mourning souls, dry up your tears, Banish all your guilty fears; Jesus will your guilt remove, Prompted by redeeming love.
4 Ye, alas! who long have been Now from bliss no longer rove, Willing slaves of death and sin; Stop and taste redeeming love. 5 Welcome all by sin opprest, Welcome all to Jesus Christ; Nothing brought him from above,
Should know, should feel my sins for- Nothing but redeeming love.
And that I am an heir of heav'n!
3 Outcasts of men, to
Harlots and publicans, believe; He spreads his arms t' embrace you all, Repenting sinners he'll receive: No need of him the righteous have, He came the lost to seek and save.
6 He subdu'd th' infernal pow'rs, His tremendous foes and our's, From their cursed empire drove, Mighty in redeeming love.
7 Sing, ye ransom'd, to his praise, Tune your songs to grateful lays; Mortals, join the hosts above, Join to praise redeeming love.
LORD Jesus Christ, my sov'reign Good,
Thou fountain of salvation! Behold how sin's most dreadful load Fills me with condemnation. My sins indeed are numberless; O Lord, regard my deep distress, Relieve my guilty conscience. 2 In pity look upon my need,
Remove thou my oppression; Since thou hast suffer'd in my stead, And paid for my transgression; Let me not yield to dark despair, Nor live in constant dread and fear Of death and condemnation.
6 Lord, I approach thy mercy-seat, With contrite heart I thee intreat, And pray thee to forgive me; Show pity and receive me; Cast all my sins and trespasses Into the ocean of thy grace,
And them no more remember. 7 Oh, for thy name's sake, let me prove Thy mercy, gracious Saviour! The yoke, which galls me, soon remove, Restore me to thy favor:
Thy love shed in my heart abroad, That I may live to thee my God,
And yield thee true obedience. 8 Thy joyful Spirit give me pow'r, Thy stripes heal my diseases;
3 When I review my mis-spent days Apply thy blood at my last hour
I feel a heavy burden; Reflecting on my trespasses,
I scarce could hope for pardon; But should be hopeless and forlorn, Uncertain where for help to turn, If I had not thy promise. 4 But thy reviving gospel-word, Which leads me to salvation, Doth joy unspeakable afford, And lasting consolation. This tells me, thou wilt not disdain A broken heart replete with pain, That turns to thee, O Jesus. 5 Me, heavy-laden sinner, hear, To thee I make confession; To my complaints now lend an ear, Regard my supplication. My longing is, O wash me clean From ev'ry spot and stain of sin, Like David and Manasseh.
To save me, dearest Jesus! Then to thy promis'd rest me bring, That with the ransom'd I may sing Thy praise above for ever.
251.* T. 132.
OUT of the deep I cry to thee,
My God! with heart's contrition; Bow down thine ear in grace to me, And hear thou my petition; For if in judgment thou wilt try Man's sin, and great iniquity,
Ah! who can stand before thee? 2 T' obtain remission of our sin, No work of ours availeth; We're helpless, guilty and unclean,
Unless God's grace prevaileth; We're 'midst our fairest actions lost, And none 'fore him of aught can boast, We live alone thro' mercy.
3 Therefore my hope is in God's grace, And not in my own merit; On him my confidence I place, Instructed by his Spirit: His precious word hath promis'd me, He will my joy and comfort be; Thereon is my reliance.
4 Tho' sin with us doth much abound, Yet grace still more aboundeth; Sufficient help in him is found, Where sin most deeply woundeth: He the good Shepherd is indeed, Who his lost sheep doth seek, and lead, With tender love and pity.
252.* T. 75.
O Whither shall I fly, Depress'd with misery? Who is it that can ease me, And from my sins release me? Man's help I vain have proved, Sin's load remains unmoved. 2 O Jesus, Source of grace! I seek thy loving face, Upon thy invitation, With deep humiliation; Oh, let thy blood me cover, And wash my soul all over. 3 I thy unworthy child, Corrupt throughout and spoil'd, Beseech thee to relieve me, And graciously forgive me My sins, which have abounded, And my poor soul confounded. 4 Thro' thy atoning blood, That precious healing flood, Purge off all sin and sadness, And fill my heart with gladness; Lord, hear thou my confession, And blot out my transgression. 5 Thou shalt my comfort be, Since thou hast dy'd for me: I am by thee acquitted Of all I e'er committed; My sins by thee were carry'd, And in thy tomb interred. 6 I know my poverty; But ne'ertheless for me
Are all good gifts procured, Since Jesus death endured: Thus strengthen'd, I may banish All fears, my foes must vanish. 7 Christ! thy atoning blood, The sinner's highest good, Is pow'rful to deliver, And free the soul for ever From all claim of the devil, And cleanse us from all evil.
8 Lord Jesus Christ! in thee know I shall not perish, I trust eternally :
But in thy kingdom flourish ! Since thou hast death sustained, Life is for me obtained.
9 Lord, strengthen thou my heart, To me such grace impart, That nought, which may await me, From thee may separate me; Let me, with thee, my Saviour, United be for ever.
253.* T. 123.
O LORD, afford me light!
I'm straying still in darkness, And know myself not right. This I perceive, alas! Tho' I'm not what I was, Yet what I ought to be I find not yet in me,
2 I know 'tis not the same To be a real christian, Or only one in name : To him alone is due That name, who doth subdue His lusts thro' Jesus' pow'r, And lives to self no more. 3 Ah, my defect lies here-
My love to thee my Saviour, Is not as yet sincere ; Hence grief doth me corrode, I'm to myself a load, I'm not inclin'd to part
With things that cause me smart. 4 Resolve my stubborn breast! I must sincerely venture, Else I shall find no rest.
The work at once is done.
5 Vile worm! should'st thou refuse To Christ to be devoted, Who dy'd upon the cross To save thee by his death, Who gave thee life and breath? Who Christ hath for his Friend, His bliss will never end.
6 The language of true faith Is this: "Lord, my Redeemer, Oh, by thy blood and death, Be thou my Help and Shield, To thee myself I yield.
I'm thine, and thine will be To all eternity."
7" Do what thou wilt with me; If I am but prepared
A vessel fit for thee, To live unto thy praise, Cloth'd in thy righteousness, And sanctify'd by grace; Then happy is my case."
THE Lord first empties whom he fills, Casts down whom he would raise; He quickens, when the letter kills, Exalting thus his praise.
2 All fears and terrors, when he smiles, At once must disappear; The bruis'd and wounded heart he heals, And feeds with heav'nly cheer.
3 When he applies his healing blood Unto a sin-sick soul; This balsam pow'rful, precious, good, Ne'er fails to make it whole.
4 He freely laid his majesty And all his glory by, That our wants, thro' his poverty, He richly might supply.
5 He's full of grace and truth indeed,
Of peace, of life and light;
To all, that helpless sinners need, He gives thy soul a right.
6 Tho' heav'n's his throne, he came from thence
To seek and save the lost; Whate'er might be the vast expence, His love would bear the cost.
7 On us he spent his life and blood, Our losses to retrieve; Mankind's redemption now holds good For sinners who believe.
THE Lord descended from above, Our loss of Eden to retrieve; O God of mercy, grace and love,
If all the world in thee may live, In me a quick'ning spirit be, And witness thou hast dy'd for me.
2 Thou loving, all-atoning Lamb, By all thy pain and agony, Thy bloody sweat, thy grief and shame, Thy cross and passion on the tree, Thy meritorious death, I pray, Take all, take all my sins away. 3 I'll be like Magd'len at thy feet, And humbly bathe them with my
The hist'ry of thy love repeat
In ev'ry mourning sinner's ears; That all may hear the joyful sound, That I, ev'n I, have mercy found.
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