Abbildungen der Seite

3 O Jesus, show thy great compassion The flame of love shall break forth.

Unto the soul that pants for thee;
Hear thou my humble supplication,
My God, be merciful to me!
I know thou art with pity filled
To sinners who thy mercy crave;
My pardon by thy blood is sealed,
I know 'twas shed my soul to savę.
4 I recommend myself for ever
To thee, with filial confidence ;
I pray, O Lord, regard in favor

My tears, and humble penitence;
I thro' thy death am justified,
No condemnation is in me;
I shall remain to thee allied
Since I am reconcil'd to thee.
5 O let thy Spirit still attend me,
Nor from my soul withdraw his light,
Protect, and graciously defend me,
And order all my steps aright;
That I may, without variation,
By humbly walking in thy ways,
Suit to thy will my conversation,
While here I run my mortal race.
6 Give me the armor of the Spirit,
Support me with thy pow'rful aid,
Then bold in faith, I need not fear it,
When hostile pow'rs would me in-


When here my pulse no longer beats.

277. T. 14.

MISTAKEN souls! that dream of

And make their empty
Of inward joys, and sins forgiv'n,
While they are slaves to lust.
2 Vain are our fancies, airy flights,
If faith be cold and dead;
None but a living pow'r unites
To Christ the living Head.

3 'Tis faith that changes all the heart,
'Tis faith that works by love,
That bids all sinful joys depart,

And lifts the thoughts above.

4 'Tis faith that conquers earth and

By a celestial pow'r ;
This is the grace that shall prevail
In the decisive hour.

5 True faith obeys its Author's will,
As well as trusts his

A pard'ning God is jealous still
For his own holiness.

6 When from the curse he sets us free,
He makes our nature clean;
Nor would he send his Son to be
The minister of sin.

Thus will thy kingdom, mighty Saviour,
In which true righteousness is seen,
Be further'd by my weak endeavor;
There grace and truth for ever reign.7
70 yes, above all else I'll love thee;
My heart,tho' worthless, be thine own;
Could infinite compassion move thee
To leave for me thy heav'nly throne?
Then let my heart be dedicated

To thee; fix there thy residence
Till I shall be to heav'n translated,
In joy to see thy countenance.
8 Lord, while my faith to thee as-

O may thy grace descend to me;
Thou art my joy which never endeth,
O fill my heart with love to thee.
I will adore and love thee longer,
Than while my heart its throbs re-

His Spirit purifies the heart, And seals our peace with God; True holiness nought can impart But Jesus' cleansing blood.

278. T. 37.
THO' ev'ry child of God

Is a new creature,
Yet do we feel the load

Of sinful nature;
Which, if by faith we cleave

Can, tho' it cause us grief,

To Christ our Saviour,

Condemn us never.

2 He's merciful and kind
Past all expression;

If we are but inclin'd
To make confession
Of all our sinfulness,

His great compassion
Prompts him to grant us peace,
And consolation.

3 He grants us, for our tears,
His oil of gladness;
Delivers, heals and cheers,
Dispels our sadness:
Yea, tho' our bodies die,
His resurrection
Proves, they shall certainly
Rise to perfection.

4 My portion is the Lord,
I seek his favor;

And in his name and word

Confide for ever. Nought in the world to me Can yield such pleasure, As to be found in thee,*

O Christ, my

XVI. 280.*


Of the

T. 97.

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JESUS, our glorious Head and Chief,
Dear Object of our hearts' belief,
O let us in thy nail-prints see
Our pardon and election free;
And, while we view by faith thy pier-
ced side,

Call thee our Lord and God, who for
us dy❜d.

[blocks in formation]

5 All those who, thro' a beam of light, Can see and own they are not right, 2 The doctrine of Christ's blood and But enter on a legal strife,


Imparting life to us thro' faith,
A myst'ry is, which is reveal'd
To babes, but from the wise conceal'd;
Thereby the Saviour's flock on earth
is known;

Of this the ransom'd sing before God's

3 While human nature doth exist,

While Jesus reigns as Lord and Christ,
So long of the whole gospel this
From first to last the substance is ;
All, to whom God his counsel doth

To this as truth divine can set their seal.

Amend their former course of life,
And toil & labor hard from day to day;
Such also miss to happiness the way.
6 Butsinners, who, with pungent smart,
Bewail the vileness of their heart,
Mourning because of unbelief,
Of sinners deem themselves the chief,
Despairing of their self-made righte

[blocks in formation]

Obey my voice, and walk in all my ways,

I'll grant to thee in heav'nly realms a place."

8 His Holy Spirit we receive, And on our Saviour's word believe; We trust in his atoning death, As the foundation of our faith, And in his robe of righteousness array'd,

Are 'midst his chosen richly comforted.

9 The humble sinner's shame we feel; And pow'r divine to do God's will, These are combin'd in ev'ry heart That in Christ's merits hath a part; No more, for want of strength, good motions die,

Since Jesus gives us constant victory.

[blocks in formation]

6 Yet when my Saviour I shall see, 10 We rest in Christ, and yet desire, Because his love our hearts doth fire,Then shall I have this only plea: To serve his cause with all our might, Thro'the Lamb's ransom entrance gain." And deem our Saviour's burden light;

"Here is a sinner, who would fain

Don't we succeed, we think ourselves 7 Thus Abraham was sav'd by grace,

to blame,

[blocks in formation]

Believing in Christ's righteousness;
And all the ransom'd saints in light,
In this blest song of praise unite:
8 " All pow'r and glory doth pertain
Unto the Lamb, for he was slain;
And hath redeem'd us by his blood,
And made us kingsand Priests to God."
9 While here on earth I still remain,
This doctrine firmly I'll maintain ;
And both in word and deed proclaim
The pow'r of Jesus' saving name..

10 Lord Jesus Christ, all praise to thee!
That thou didst deign a man to be,
And for each soul which thou hast made
Hast an eternal ransom paid.

11 O King of glory, Christ the Lord!
God's only Son, eternal Word!
Let all the world thy mercy see,
And bless those who believe in thee.
12 Thy incarnation, wounds and death,
I will confess while I have breath,
Till I shall see thee face to face,
Arrayed with thy righteousness,

282.* T. 590.

When Christ himself to us doth manifest,

GRACE! grace! O that's a welcome And we in him find comfort, peace,


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2 Grace! how exceeding great to those
Who ready to despair,
Asham'd confess, and truly know
How vile and weak they are!
Yet grace, free grace, most sweetly calls,
"Directly come, who will,
Just as you are, for Christ receives
Poor helpless sinners still."

3 All we, who now are his, were first
Deeply convinc'd of sin;
Each felt the plague of his own heart
The leprosy within:
Then life and righteousness divine,
Thro' faith, to us were giv❜n;
Thus we a happy people are,

Joint-heirs with Christ of heav'n.

4. Now, dearest Lord, we inly pray,
That in thy service we
May active, true and faithful prove,
Deriving strength from thee:
O may we still in thee abide,
-For babes we are most weak,
Poor sinners still, who without thee

Can nought think, act, or speak.
5. We thirst, O Lord; give us this day,
To taste more of thy grace,
More of that stream which from the rock

Flow'd thro' the wilderness. 'Tis grace alone that feeds our souls,

Grace keeps us inly poor; And Oh! that nothing but thy grace May rule us evermore!

[blocks in formation]

and rest!

[blocks in formation]

WHEN a sinner in affliction

Mourneth on account of sin,
Feels the Spirit's deep conviction,
But no pow'r of faith within;
2 While a flood of tears is gushing,

"Where shall I find Jesus, where?" While the troubled soul is wishing,

"O that he my Saviour were!"

3 In a moment stands before us Jesus with his pierced side; Now we find, that he's desirous

Us from wrath to screen and hide. 4 Thus, the soul at once obtaineth Pardon from the sinner's Friend; To true happiness attaineth,

And to life which hath no end.


T. 14.

5 Then we with pity look on those Who still in darkness are,

WHAT joy or honor could we have, Inviting them to turn to Christ,

Polluted as we are,
If not the holy Lamb of God
Our joy and honor were!

2 Of nothing we have ever done
To boast could we desire,
When he to judge us shall appear,

Whose eyes are flames of fire.

3 None is so holy, pure and just,
So perfected in love,
That his best plea, or self-defence,
Of any weight could prove.

4 Nor is there any other way
Into the holy place,

But Christ, who took away our sins,
His blood and righteousness.

5 We know the righteousness complete
Which he procur'd for all;
We know the kind reception giv'n,
To the poor prodigal.

6 We know the Shepherd's love,who left
The ninety-nine behind,
And thro' the desart anxious went,
The hundredth sheep to find.

7 To him poor sinners may appeal
With all their misery;
The angels joy to see them come,
Christ calleth: "Come to me.'

286.* T. 14.

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HAPPY the souls who contrite are,
Them Jesus doth invite,
And gives to everlasting bliss
A never-failing right.

2 Tho' comforted, they still distrust
Their own untoward heart;
And wonder, that the Lord to them
Such mercy could impart.

3 To world and sin they bid adieu,
His pardon daily prove,

Desiring larger draughts to drink
Of Jesus' dying love.

And in his

mercy share.

6 For we, thro' grace, are taught to think

Each sinner that we see

May pardon, thro' Christ's precious blood,

Obtain, as well as we.

7 For Jesus' pardon, love and grace,
Produce an humble shame,
And us excite with thankfulness
His goodness to proclaim.

287. T. 14.

WITH glorious clouds encompass'd

Whom angels dimly see,
Will the Unsearchable be found,
Will God appear to me?

2 Will he forsake his throne above,
Himself to worms impart ?
Answer thou Man of grief and love,
And speak it to my heart!

3 In manifested love explain
Thy wonderful design;

What meant the suff'ring Son of man?
The streaming blood divine ?

4 Didst thou not in our flesh appear,
And live and die below,

That I might now perceive thee near,
And my Redeemer know?

5 Come then, and to my soul reveal
The heights and depths of grace,
The wounds, which all my sorrows

That dear disfigur'd face.

6 Before my eyes of faith, confest
Stand forth a slaughter'd Lamb;
Array me in salvation's vest,
Declare to me thy name.

4 When thus the blessings of his blood 7 Jehovah in thy person show,

And merits we enjoy,

Yea, from the fulness of his

Take daily fresh supply;

Jehovah crucify'd:


And then the pard'ning God I know,
And feel his blood apply'd.


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