+ Send down thy likeness from above, | 2 I thank thee, that in mercy thou Thine image, Lord, on me impress; "GIVE me thy heart, my son," "Give me thy heart, and listen to my word; Observe my ways, Walk in the path of grace; I'll grant thee my protection." 2'Tis only this whichChrist of us desires; 306.* T. 376. Hast waken'd me from death, Arous'd me out of sin's deep sleep, And call'd to walk in faith. 3 Complete thy work, and crown thy That I may faithful prove, Which whispers only love. 4 Which teacheth me what is thy will, 5 This unction may I ever feel, 308. T. 74. O LORD in me fulfil heart, and whatsoe'er is By faith on thee to feed. 4 Thou art my Life, thy pow'r divine Shall influence ev'ry motion; O may thy Spirit me incline To true unfeign'd devotion: Thus I eternal life shall gain, And, till my latest breath, remain A member of thy body. 5 Lord Jesus, thou my Shepherd art, Who dyd'st for my transgression; When lost, I caus'd thee pungent smart, When found, joy past expression: Ah! best of Shepherds, ever keep Within thy fold thy helpless sheep, Protect it from all danger. 6 Thou art my faithful Friend in need, My flesh and bone, my Brother; Thy faithfulness and love exceed That of the fondest mother: Thou art my Healer when I'm sick, My Cordial strength'ning me when weak, My refuge in all trouble. 7 O Lord, how very short I fall, 316.* T. 58. WHAT peace divine, what perfect happiness Our Saviour's presence to our hearts conveys ! Unto us poor sinners, thereby is given A blessed antepast of bliss in heaven, And lasting joy. 2 Altho', dear Jesus, we can't see thy face, Werichly may enjoy thy love and grace, Since thou hast pronounced those souls thrice blessed, Who, tho' they do not see thee, are possessed Of faith in thee. 3 Were we but all desirous, day and night Thee to enjoy, O what supreme delight Would both soul and body taste in thy favor! We then with all our heart could say, "Dear Saviour, Who is like thee !" 4 Long suffring, merciful and kind to be, Forgiving daily and abundantly, To heal, cheer, and comfort, and show'r thy blessing On us, with looks thy tender love expressing, Is thy delight. 5 Gracious Redeemer, grant to us while here Of thy salvation constantly to share, May our souls and senses, without cessation, Prompted by love and need, for consolation Unto thee look. 6 Thus in communion may we live with thee, Happy like children, till thy face we see; Tho', while here we tarry, we're often grieved, May we apply to thee and be relieved In all distress. 317.* T. 228. HOWbright appears the Morning-star, With grace and truth beyond compare! The royal root of Jesse ; O David's Son, of Jacob's line, My soul's belov'd, and King benign, Thou cam'st from heav'n to bless me. Precious, gracious, Ever glorious,-and victorious, Is my Saviour, Nought but he can please me ever. 2 From him descends a beam of joy, When he, with a complacent eye, Beholds his needy creature: Immanuel! my sov'reign good, Thy word, thy Spirit, flesh and blood Grant me,-richly, Renew my very nature. Thro' thy merit-to inherit Thy salvation; Hear my ardent supplication. 3 The Father from eternity In mercy was inclin'd to me, Thro' thee his Well-beloved: I, as a member of thy bride, In thee, my Jesus, can confide, Thy love remains unmoved. Oh! I have joy, That in heaven, Thee my Saviour with thanksgiving, I shall love and praise for ever. 4 Tune all your notes to songs of praise, If you can earthly music raise, To join celestial concerts; Be the phrases-of our praises, 'Fore the Lord of bliss and beauty. 3 Before the world I make my boast, That he in whom I place my trust, Is Lord of light and glory : Praise and blessing,-never ceasing Here, and by the hosts of heaven! 318.* T. 185. THE unbounded love of my Creator Heart-felt gratitude doth claim; Why did Christ appear in human nature? 'Twas for me he man became ; While the whole world's Saviour I confess him, As my own Redeemer oft I trace him, And his merits I apply To myself especially. 3 When my mind pursues this medita tion, That the all-creating Word Hath by his humanity and passion, To God's image man restor❜d; I regard my body as Christ's temple, 'Tis my aim to follow his example, And my vessel, thro' his grace, In due honor to possess. 319.* T. 68. BLISS beyond compare, Which in Christ I share! O! his mercy is unbounded, Therefore blest am I. 3 When the Lord appears, This my spirit cheers; When his love to me revealing, He, the Sun of grace with healing, In his beams appears, This my spirit cheers. 4 Then all grief is drown'd; Pure delight is found. Heav'nly bliss and consolation. Joy and peace in his salvation, Ev'ry grief is drown'd Where such bliss is found. LORD T. 4. 320.* Is while I am here, 2 When with him, my Lord, in closest With thee and thy people inseparably. union, I can all things else forget; In his fellowship and blest communion, I heav'n's bliss anticipate ; By his presence he dispels all sadness; Filling my poor soul with joy & gladness; Tho' I often am to blame, Yet his love is still the same. 2 Concern'd for more grace 'Fore thee to be contrite,& lowly & poor. Toshow forth thy praise,-Toserve thee with gladness, and walk in thy ways. 4 If question'd by thee: 66 Say, lovest thou me?" 323.* T. 206. lown I shall prove-Deficient, O Lord, THOU slaughter'd Lamb, :||: yet thou know'st that I love. 5. John's portion so blest To lean on thy breast, Be mine, till with thee, Whose love the same-doth still abide, I am no longer mine, :||:-But thine, When time is no more,l for ever shall be. Of spirit, body, soul. :||: 2 My King benign! ::-I'd fain be thine; Not anything,-No smallest hankering, Cause me while here I stay, My dearest Lord, from thee :||:-To stray No, may each breath-Exalt thy death, 2 Nought in this world affords true rest, O LET thy countenance, most loving But Christ's atoning blood, This purifies the guilty breast, And reconciles to God: Hence flows unfeigned love to him Who came lost sinners to redeem, And Christ our Saviour doth appear · Daily to us more dear. 3 My only joy and comfort here Is Jesus' death and blood; Saviour, 325. T. 14. Where countless pardon'd sinners meet, JESUS, my Saviour, full of grace, Adoring at his feet. 322.* T. 14. THY child so minded ever keep, 2 May I to thee in all my wants 3 Tho' tis but little I can do, Be thou my heart's delight, Remain my fav'rite theme always, My joy by day and night. 2 Hungry and thirsty after thee, 3 May thy blest Spirit to my heart, 4 The myst'ry of redeeming love For ever dwell with thee. |