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Deum non immolationibus et sanguine multo colendum: quæ enim ex trucidatione immerentium voluptas est? sed mente pura, bono honestoque proposito. Non templa illi, congestis in altitudinem saxis, struenda sunt; in suo cuique consecrandus est pectore.

God is not to be worshipped with sacrifices and blood; for what pleasure can He have in the slaughter of the innocent? but with a pure mind, a good and honest purpose. Temples are not to be built for Him with stones piled on high; God is to be consecrated in the breast of each.

SENECA-Fragment. V. 204.

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The being of God is so comfortable, so convenient, so necessary to the felicity of Mankind, that, (as Tully admirably says) Dii immortales ad usum hominum fabricati pene videantur, if God were not a necessary being of himself, he might almost seem to be made on purpose for the use and benefit of men.

ARCHBISHOP TILLOTSON-Works. Sermon 93. Vol. I. P. 696. (Ed. 1712) Probable origin of Voltaire's phrase. (See also VOLTAIRE, also MILLAUD under DEATH and OVID under GODS.)

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Yet verily these issues lie on the lap of the gods. HOMER-Iliad. Bk. XVII. 514. Odyssey. I. 267. BUTCHER and LANG's trans. That lies in the laps of the gods. (Nearest to the original, which is "in" not "on.") Other translations are:

But these things in the God's Knees are repos'd. And yet the period of these designes, lye in the Knees of Gods.

It lies in the lap of the Norns. [Fates.] From the Scandinavian.


Where'er he moves, the goddess shone before. HOMER-Iliad. Bk. XX. L. 127. POPE'S trans.

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