Abbildungen der Seite

Oxford. Oxonia illustrata sive omnium celeberrimæ istius Universitatis
Collegiorum, Aularum, Bibliothecæ Bodleianæ, Scholarum pub-
licarum, Theatri Sheldoniani, necnon Urbis totius Scenographia,
delineavit et sculpsit D. Loggan.
Fol. Oxoniæ, 1675
History of the University from the death of William the Con-
queror to that of Queen Elizabeth, by Sir J. Peshall. 4to. Oxf. 1773
Pietas Oxoniensis, or Records of the Oxford Founders, by J.
Fol. Oxford, 1828

Reasons of the Present Judgment of the Universitie of Oxford,
concerning the solemn League and Covenant, the negative Oath,
the ordinances concerning Discipline and Worship. Approved
by general consent in full Convocation, June 1st, 1647. In So-
mers Tracts, 2d Coll. Vol. 5.

The Judgment and Decree of the University of Oxford, passed
in their Convocation, July 21, 1683, against certain pernicious
books and damnable doctrines destructive to the sacred persons
of Princes, their state and government, and of all human society.
Reprint in Somers Tracts, 3 Coll. Vol. 1.

Sundry Things from Several Hands concerning the University of
Oxford, viz. A Petition from some well-affected therein-A Model
for a College Reformation-Queries concerning said University.
4to. London, 1659. Reprint in Harleian Miscellany, Vol. 6.
Decima et Primitiæ Collegiorum in Universitate Oxoniensi.
In Gutch Collectanea Curiosa, Vol. 1..

Parecbolæ sive excerpta e corpore statutorum Universitatis Oxon.
Accedunt articuli religionis XXXIX. in ecclesia Anglicana
recepti, necnon juramenta fidelitatis et suprematus. 12mo. Oxon. 1740
Corpus Statutorum Univeritsatis Oxon. sive Pandectes consti-
tutionum Academicarum e libris publicis et regestis Univ. con-
4to. Oxoniæ, 1768
Addenda ad Corpus Statutorum, necnon index alph. 4to. Oxon. 1825
University Statutes, translated by G. R. M. Ward. Vol. I. con-
taining the Caroline Code, or Laudian Statutes promulgated
8vo. London, 1845

University Statutes, translated to 1843 by the late G. R. M.
Ward, and completed under the superintendence of James Hey-
wood. Vol. II. containing the University Statutes from 1767 to
8vo. London, 1851


Catalogue of all the Graduates in Divinity, Law, and Physick,
and of all Masters of Arts and Doctors of Musick, who have
regularly proceeded or been created in the University of Oxford
between Oct. 10th 1659 and July, 1688.
12mo. Oxford, 1689
Same, with the Chancellors, High Stewards, Vice-Chancellors,
and Proctors, 1659-1727. Also the parliament-men from 1603

to 1727.

8vo. Oxford, 1727

8vo. Oxford, 1800 8vo. Oxford, 1851

Continuations of same to 1735, 1747 and to 1760.
Catalogue of all Graduates, &c., 1659-1800.
Catalogue of all Graduates, &c., 1659-1850.
The University Calendar for 1832-'35, '37, '38, '40, '42, and '58.
8 vols. 12mo. Oxford, v. y.
Codices Manuscripti et impressi cum notis manuscriptis; olim
D'Orvilliani qui in Bibliotheca Bodleiana apud Oxonienses
4to. Oxonii, 1806

For other Catalogues of the Bodleian see Bandinel B., Coxe H.,
and James T.

Oxford. Catalogue of the Works in Medicine and Natural History contained in the Radcliffe Library, Oxford. Evo. Oxford, 1835 Astronomical Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory 1840-48, by M. J. Johnson. 9 vols. roy. 8vo. Oxford, 1842-50 The English Prize Essays, a new edition brought down to the present time. 5 vols. 12mo. Oxford, 1836 Contains Essays by Addington, Arnold, Burgess, Coleridge, Copleston, Eden, Heber, Keble, Milman, Sewell, Ld. Tenterden, Whately and others.

[ocr errors]

Essays contributed by Members of the University. Svo. Lond. 1855
Magazine, or University Museum, calculated for general instruc-
tion and amusement. Embellished with Copper Plates.

Vols. 1-10. London, 1768-73

Oxoniana, or Anecdotes relative to the University and City of
4 vols. 18mo. Oxford, 1806
Poemata praemiis cancellarii academicis donata, et in Theatro
Sheldoniana recitata.
3 vols. 12mo. Oxonii, 1810
Guide to the Architectural Antiquities of the Neighbourhood of
8vo. Oxford, 1836
From Oxford to Rome, and how it fared with some who lately
made the journey, by a companion traveller (Miss Harris).

12mo. London, 1847

For other works relating to Oxford, Historical, Descriptive, and Literary, see Amherst N., Chalmers A., Dela Motte P. H., Ingram D., Wade W. M., and Wood Anthony. Oxley J. Journals of two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales. With Maps and Views of the Interior. 4to. London, 1820 Ozanam A. F. Dante et la Philosophie catholique au treizième siècle. Nouvelle édition corrigée et augmentée, suivie de recherches nouvelles sur les sources poétiques de la divine Comédie. 8vo. Paris, 1845 J. Dictionnaire mathématique ou idée générale des Mathématiques. 4to. Amsterdam, 1691

4to. Paris, 1687

Traité des lignes du premier genre expliquées par une méthode
nouvelle et facile.
Cours de Mathématique qui comprend toutes les parties de cette
science les plus utiles et les plus nécessaires à un homme de
5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1693
Nouveaux élémens d'Algèbre, ou principes généraux pour
résoudre toutes sortes de problèmes de mathématique.

8vo. Amsterdam, 1702

Traité de l'arpentage et du toisé, nouvelle édition, mise dans un
nouvel ordre par M. Audierne.
12mo. Paris, 1779
Récréations mathématiques et physiques, qui contiennent plu-
sieurs problèmes d'Arithmétique, de Géométrie, de Musique,
d'Optique, etc. Avec un traité des horologes élément.

4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1750

Same. Nouvelle édition totalement refondue et considérable-
ment augmentée par Montucla.
4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1790

Méthode de lever les Plans et les cartes de terre et de mer.
Ouvrage entièrement refondu et considérablement augmenté par
M. Audierne.

12mo. Paris, 1781

Ozeray M. I. F. De l'origine et des progrès du Christianisme Orthodoxe depuis la prédication de Jésus Christ jusqu'à la mort de Théodore le Grand. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1846

Pabodie W. J. Calidore, a Legendary Poem.

8vo. Boston, 1839

Pacca B. Cardinal. Historical Memoirs written by Himself, translated
from the Italian by Sir G. Head.
2 vols. 12mo. London, 1850

Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire ecclésiastique du dix-neuvième
siècle, traduits sur la 3me Edition Italienne; enrichis d'une
notice sur le cardinal Pacca, de nouveaux documens et de notes
critiques. Avec le portrait du cardinal. 2 vols. 8vo. Lyon, 1833
Paccasei J. Einleitung in die Theorie des mondes. 4to. Wien, 1783
Pacheco de Narvaez L. Libro de las grandezas de la espada, en que
se declara muchos secretos del que compuso el commendador
G. de Carranza.
4to. Madrid, 1600
Pacho J. R. Relation d'un voyage dans la Marmarique, la Cyrénaique
et les Oasis d'Audjelah et de Maradèh, accompagnée de cartes
géographiques et topographiques et de planches représentant les
monuments de ces contrées.
Atlas Fol. Texte 4to. Paris, 1827
Rapport des commissaires nommés par la commission centrale
de la Société de géographie, pour examiner les résultats du
voyage de M. Pacho dans la Cyrénaique.
8vo. Paris, 1826
Pachomius S. Regula monachorum, epistolæ ac verba mystica.
Acced. Præcepta ex ms. cod. Florentino. In Gallandius Bibl.

Patrum. Vol. 4.

Pachymeres G. De Michele Palæologo sive Historia Rerum a M.

Palæologo ante imperium et in imperio gestarum. Fol. Venetiis, 1729
De Andronico Palæologo, sive Historia rerum ab Andronico
seniore in Imperio gestarum atque ad annum ejus ætatis unde-
Fol. Venetiis, 1729

De Michæle et Andronico Palæologis libri tredecim, recognovit
J. Bekkerus.
2 vols. 8vo. Bonnæ, 1835

Histoire des empereurs Michael et Andronique Palæologue,
traduite par L. Cousin.
2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1685

Paraphrasis in opera S. Dionysii Areopagitæ. In Gallandius
Bibl. Patrum, Vol. 2.

Pacian S. Barcilonen. Epistolæ ad Symphronianun Novatianum, paræ-
nesio ad pœnitentiam et sermo de baptismo. In Gallandius Bibl.
Patrum, Vol. 7.

Extant Works, with Notes and Indices, with Cyprian's Epistles.
8vo. Oxford, 1844
Pacuvius Fragmenta.
In Collectio Pisaurensis Poem. Lat. Vol. 4.
Same. In Corpus Poetarum ed. Maittaire, Vol. 2.
Padilla A. Historia de la fondacion y discorso de la provincia de San-
tiago de Mexico de la orden de predicadores por las vidas de
sus varones insignes y casos notables de nueva España.

Fol. Brusseles, 1625

F. de. Historia ecclesiastica de España del naciemento di
Christo hasta el ano di 700.
2 vols. Fol. Malaga, 1605
8vo. Padoua, 1842

Padua Guida della città e della sua provincia.

Saggi scientifici e letterari dell' Accademia di Padoua.

4 vols. 4to. Padoua, 1786-99

Padua Memorie dell' Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed. Arte.

Nuovi Saggi dell' Accademia Cesareo-regia.

4to. Padoua, 1809

6 vols. 4to. Padoua, 1817-47
Prospetto degli Studj dell' imperiale Università per l'anno scho-
4to. Padoua, 1822

lastico 1822-23.
Catalogo dei Codici manoscritti esistenti di S. Antonio di P.
da L. Minciotti con brevissime cenni biografici degli autori.

L'Orto botanico.


8vo. Padoua, 1842 Svo. Padoua, 1842

Paduanius J. De compositione et usu multiformium horologiorum solarium ad omnes totius orbis regiones ac situs in qualibet superficie. 4to. Venetiis, 1582 Rovine della città di Pesto detto ancora Posidonia (da Paoli). Fol. Roma, 1784 The work contains six dissertations in Latin and Italian on the ruins of Paestum, illustrated by 65 architectural and archæological Plates. See also Lagardette C. M., Ruines de Pæstum, Piranesi Rovine di Pesto and Wilkins Magna Grecia.

Paetus L. De mensuris et ponderibus Romanis et Græcis cum his quæ hodie Romæ sunt collatis. In Grævius Thes. Vol. 11.

Pagan B. F. de. Relation historique et géographique de la grande rivière des Amazons dans l'Amérique, extraite de divers auteurs et réduite en meilleure forme. 8vo. Paris, 1655 La théorie des Planètes, où tous les orbes célestes sont géometriquement ordonnés, contre le sentiment des Astronomes.

4to. Paris, 1657

Tables astronomiques données pour la juste supputation des
Planètes des Eclipses et des figures célestes, avec les méthodes
de trouver les longitudes.

4to. Paris, 1658

Paganel C. Histoire de Scanderbeg ou Turks et Chrétiens an quin

zième siècle.

Paganini N. See Conestabile G. C. Vita di.

8vo. Paris, 1855

Paganus. Poemata. In Delicia Poet. Germ. Vol. V. p. 1.
Page J. Harmonica Sacra, a Collection of Anthems in score, selected
for Cathedral and Parochial Churches, from the most eminent
Masters of the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries.

3 vols. Fol. London, s. a.
P. T. Traité d'Economie politique et de commerce des colonies.
Svo. Paris, 1801

Sir T. H. Considerations upon the State of Dover Harbour.

4to. Canterbury, 1784

-T. J. La Plata, the Argentine Confederation and Paraguay, being a Narrative of the Exploration of the Tributaries of the River la Plata and adjacent countries during the years 1853-56, under the orders of the U. S. Government, with Map and Engravings. 8vo. New York, 1859 Pagés P. M. F. Voyages autour du Monde et vers les deux Poles par terre et par mer pendant les années 1767-76. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1782 Same, translated into English. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1793 Fr. Cours d'études encyclopédiques, redigé sur un plan neuf. 6 vols. et Atlas. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1800

Paget J. Hungary and Transylvania, with remarks on their condition,
social, political, and economical. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1850
Pagi L. Histoire des révolutions des Pays-Bas 1559-84. Sec. Edition.

2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1728

Pagni G. Lettere a F. Redi in ragguaglio di quanto egli vidde et
operò in Tunisi.
Svo. Firenze, 1829
Pagnoncelli A. Sull' antichissima origine e successione déi governi
municipali nelle città Italiane.
2 vols. 8vo. Bergamo, 1823
Pagnozzi G. B. Geografia moderna universale, ovvero descrizione
fisica, statistica topografica di tutti i paesi conosciuti della terra.
14 vols. 8vo. Firenze, 1822-28
Paguierre M. Classification and Description of the Wines of Bordeaux.
Trans. from the French.
12mo. Edinburgh, 1828

Pahlin. See Palin.
Paignon M. E. Théorie légale des operations de Banque, ou droits et
devoirs des banquiers en matière de commerce d'argent.

8vo. Paris, 1854
Paillot de Montabert J. N. Traité complet de la Peinture, avec atlas
de 144 planches de figures explicatives. 9 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829
L'Artistaire, livre des principales initiations aux beaux-arts.

Svo. Paris, 1855

Pain and Sorrow of Evil Marriage, from an unique copy, printed by
Wynkyn de Worde, Percy Society Reprint. 8vo. London, 1845
Paine Js. Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Noblemen and Gentle-
men's Houses, and also of Stabling, Bridges, Public and Private
Temples and other garden buildings executed by him in different
counties of England.
2 vols. Fol. London, 1767-83

M. Medical and Physiological Commentaries.

3 vols. 8vo. New York, 1840-44

A Lecture on the Improvement of Medical Education in the

4to. New York, 1843

The Institutes of Medicine.

8vo. New York, 1847

Same. Fifth Edition.

8vo. New York, 1859

A Defence of the Medical Profession of the United States.

Svo. New York, 1846

8vo. New York, 1846
12mo. New York, 1848

A Lecture on the Philosophy of Medicine.
Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
A Discourse on the Soul and Instinct, physiologically distin-
guished from Materialism. Enlarged Edit. 12mo. New York, 1849
Essays on the Philosophy of Vitality, as contradistinguished
from chemical and mechanical philosophy, and on the modus
operandi of remedial agents.
Svo. New York, 1842

R. Treat. Works in Verse and Prose with Notes, to which are
prefixed Sketches of his Life, Character, and Writings, by C.
Svo. Boston, 1812

R. Troupe. Memoir of, by his Parents, printed for private dis-
4to. New York, 1852
Th. Rights of Man, being an answer to Mr. Burke on the
French Revolution. Part 1 and 2. 8th Ed. 8vo. London, 1791
Common Sense, addressed to the Inhabitants of America.

Same. (Reprint.)



Svo. Philadelphia, 1776
8vo. London, 1791

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