Abbildungen der Seite

hang down their heads from the depth | ministers rebuke to many more favored Chrisof their emotions, cover their faces with tians. their hands, and wipe away the flow

ing tears, several of them even sobbing Three of our native brethren have realoud. Attentive as our audiences usu-cently gone on missionary work to as ally are, I have never seen them more deeply or universally moved. Several new hearers were present.

A member of our congregation came to my study with a question of conscience. He told me that when he was still a member of the Armenian community, he had in his possession some money, belonging to their church. Being in straitened circumstances, he supplied his wants therewith, intending soon to restore the sum. But time passed on and he found it no easy matter to return it. Meanwhile he became a Protestant, and the matter remained unsettled. He now came to inquire how he could best return the money so that it might not be applied to foster the superstitions of that church, in being expended for pictures or other unscriptural practices. We told him of a way in which he might secure a useful appropriation of the sum. He is a very poor man, and will have to work hard and long to realize the necessary amount; but he says his conscience gives him no rest, and he is determined to refund what is not properly his own, though at no small sacrifice to himself.

September 3. As Dr. Smith was unable, from indisposition, to preach yesterday, the two congregations met in one place. The house was crowded, and some who came went away without hearing the truth, because there was no room for them in the house. The audience in the morning was not only attentive, but many were again impressed to tears. I cannot forbear to add the remark, that none but such as have experienced it know how great is the pleasure of preaching to a people so ready to listen to, and be impressed by, the truth.

20. With gratitude to God I would record, that the mason mentioned above gives us reason to hope that he has been born again. There is evidently a great change in his views of divine things and in his feelings, and we cannot but believe it is a saving change.

Native Helpers.

many different places; one to Aleppo, to occupy for several months the post vacated by the death of Bedros Vartabed; another to Oorfa, to be associated with one already there; and one to a village, for a short time, where his father is priest. Another has been for several months at Killis, whither he has removed his family, and where he may be considered as permanently stationed. We have thus five individuals, in four different places, laboring to build up the kingdom of Christ. Had we the means, we could easily send one or two more to other places. The one on a visit to his father's village, came to us several times and proposed to go, saying that his conscience gave him no rest until he had gone and made known to those ignorant people the truth. The one gone to Oorfa is one of our strongest and ablest church members. He has a powerful mind and a sound judgment, united to a most excellent Christian spirit. He is a very thorough student of the Scriptures, and often comes to us with questions on the sacred text, such as would not occur to many a theological student, and which evince the depth of his researches in the holy oracles. It is also extremely pleasant to observe how high are his views of entire consecration to God. He considers himself bona fide devoted to his service, and bound to live for the great object of building up his kingdom. He has sketched in his own mind a tract, which he thinks of writing, on entire consecration; showing that it is the imperative duty of every follower of Christ to live wholly to his glory. We feel great satisfaction in having such a man laboring abroad. The brother stationed at Aleppo is the best educated in our whole community, and is well qualified for that station. May the great Head of the church crown the labors of these men with abundant success.

The Vartabed of Arabkir.

It is painful to learn that the individual spoken of in the following paragraph, in regard to whom pleasing hopes have been entertained, has given so much evidence that, as yet, he has no real love to the truth, and no part in Christ.

It certainly furnishes occasion for much gratitude, that the missionaries among the Armenians find so many able and faithful helpers among the native brethren; and the zeal, and the sense of 21. In communications from this staobligation to live for Christ, which they manifest, tion, the Vartabed of Arabkir, who de

The Field Open for the Labors of Females. 22. The number of females and moth

now so large as to afford an extensive and very interesting field of usefulness to our ladies. They receive from them many visits, and have opportunity for making as many as they can possibly find time to make.

In all their vis

Recent Entelligence.

CANTON. Mr. Bridgman writes from Shanghai, August 4th: "Our revision has proceeded to Romans, chapter 8th. Our average progress in

clared himself a Protestant, and came to | sion to the Constantinople Patriarch, and this place and joined our Protestant com- is now expecting from him either an inmunity, has been mentioned. He ap-vitation to the capital, or the offer of peared well in many respects; but from some diocese. the first, discovered a lack of decided [I have just heard that he has started relish for, and interest in, purely spirit- for Constantinople to-day, Sept. 24.] ual things. Of the errors of his church he seemed sufficiently sensible, but his love for the truth was not so strongly marked. In this respect, we hoped he would improve as time progressed. Dur-ers connected with our congregation, is ing three months of connection with us, he regularly attended our services, and manifested interest in our work. He even made arrangements to settle down here, and commenced business; and to a letter from the Patriarch of Constantinople inviting him to the Armenian church, its, they are expected to improve the he promptly replied in the negative. time by giving instruction from the word But soon after entering on business, of God, and in conversing on religious which brought him into contact with subjects; and they always find an attenworldly men, who labored to bring him tive ear. back to the old church, he began to manifest coldness towards the Protestants, and soon withdrew entirely from all our meetings. Several of our brethren visited him and labored to induce him to continue his attendance; but he manifested so much of a worldly spirit, as much to dishearten them. Very soon after, he began to drink raki again, (a strong drink of the country,) which custom he felt bound to abandon when he joined our community; for no man can here be regarded as a Protestant, who drinks. And soon after this his return to the old church was complete. It is now plain, that the restraints under which he was laid by the profession of Protestantism were irksome to him; and that while he professed it externally, he had no cordial love for its stern requirements. He never could be induced to make even a prayer in a small circle. His first espousal of the truth was not so much from conviction, as we afterwards ascertained, as because he became involved in an ecclesiastical quarrel. With such an unrenewed and worldly temper, the developments in his case are perfectly natural, and are not to surprise us. At first the enemy raised a shout of triumph; but by this time, they themselves seem to feel that his return has been but a slight acquisition. His withdrawal from us has been no perceptible injury to the cause. The feelings and conduct which he has since evinced prove him so clearly to be wholly worldly-minded, that every one sees that he left, not because he found not the truth among us, but because he has no real love for it. He has made proposals of reconciliation and submis

this work, through the four Gospels and the Acts,
was about thirteen verses per day; and now,
though the work is much more difficult, our pro-
He thinks the revising com-
gress is the same."
mittee will be able to finish the work in the
Autumn of 1850. There are now three churches
building at Shanghai; one by the mission of the
(English) Church Missionary Society, one by the
Episcopal mission, and one by the Baptist mission
from the United States. Mr. Bridgman repeats
his earnest request for missionaries to be sent to
that city; not only that they may aid in the great
work to be done there, and in the many towns
and cities now accessible, but that they may form
a station from which missionaries may go to the
north and west of China. Just as many men
and women as you can send," he says, "will find
work here opening before them in every direc-
tion, and nothing but the man of sin to oppose


[ocr errors]

CEYLON-Death of Mrs. Apthorp-A letter from Mr. Smith briefly announces the death of Mrs. Apthorp, at Panditeripo, on the 3d of September. Her health had been for some time declining, and she had been removed from Batticotta to Panditeripo, that she might be more free from care, and in more favorable circumstances for sickness. A few days before her death, Mr. Smith wrote, "Her mind is in a peaceful frame, and waiting the call of her Master to lay aside this body of sin, and enter into her rest, and receive her reward." Afterwards, announcing her death, he says, " Her mind was peaceful, trusting

in Christ." Her remains were to be deposited at Oodooville, by the side of her husband.

m. c. 24,75; gent. 21,50; la. 18,75;
juv. cir. for sch. at Ceylon, 30;

95 00-119 18

GREECE.-Mr. King, in a letter dated Oct. Albany, Cong, ch. and so. 15: Bluehill, do. * 18th, says:

For a few days past, I have been much occupied with the Italian refugees from Rome; in conversing with them on the subject of religion, and supplying them with the word of God. Within three days, I have sold to them nearly fifty copies of the Bible and New Testament in Italian. (Diodati's Translation, which they prefer) Several of them have expressed to me their full conviction, that the Roman Catholic religion is not the religion of Christ. One of them has applied to me for from 500 to 1,000 copies of Diodati's Italian Bible, for distribution. He says that when he was a boy, he was confined, locked up in a room. eleven days, and fed on bread and water, because it was discovered that he had in his room a copy of the Italian Bible (Diodati's). I find myself pretty fully occupied in missionary work, and feel happy in it.

229 34

37; Dixtield, m. c. 1; Ellsworth, cong ch.
m. c. 63,75; Machias, ch. and cong. to
cons. Rev. GILMAN BACHELDER of Ma-
chias Port, an H. M. 55,11; Searsport,
cong, ch. and so. 32; Waterford, m. c. 8,70; 212 56


Cheshire co. Aux. So. W. Lamson, Tr.
Dublin, Trin. ch.
Keene, m. c.

Sullivan, Ch. and so.

Walpole, La sew. so. for the Wal-
pole sch. Ceylon. 35; m. c. 15;
wh. and prev. dona. cons Mrs.
Winchester, Contrib. 65; m. c. 32;
juv. miss. so. 3; wh. cons. S. W.

10 00


27 00

50 00

441 90

100 00-193 00

Hillsboro' co. Aux. So. J. A. Wheat, Tr

Goffstown, Cong ch. and so.
Peterboro', J. Field,


30 00--34 00

On the 8th of November, he writes again, "Rockingham co. Conf. of chs. J. Boardman, Tr.

have sold to the Italian refugees nearly one hundred and fifty copies of the Italian Bible and New Testament. I have applications for more, but have not a single Bible left. Rev. Mr. Lownds has written to Malta for a supply, and more are expected soon."

Home Proceedings.


REV. JUSTUS DOOLITTLE, of Paris, Oneida County, New York, and Mrs Sophia A. Doolittle, of Auburn, New York, sailed from Boston, November 23d, in the ship Lantao, Captain Johnson, for Hongkong. Mr. Doolittle is a graduate of Hamilton College and of Auburn Theological Seminary. He is to join the mission at Fuh-chau.

Rev. Dwight W. Marsh sailed from Boston, December 7th, in the Stafford, Capt. Searle, for Smyrna, on his way to Mosul. The parents of Mr. Marsh now reside at Sandusky city, Ohio. He is a graduate of Williams College and of Union Theological Seminary, New York. He goes to recommence missionary labors at Mosul, which were discontinued in 1815, after the death of Dr. Grant.

Derry, Pres. ch and so. 79,50; m. c. 20,50; 100 00


Caledonia co. Conf. of chs. E. Jewett, Tr.
Hardwick, D. French, wh. cons. Mrs. ELIZA
G. FRENCH of Palmyra, N. Y. an H. M.
Chittenden co. Aux. So. M. A. Seymour, Tr.
Burlington, R. W. Francis,

327 00

100 00

150 00

Windham co. Aux. So. F. Tyler, Tr.
Brattleboro', 8. 9.

10 00


200--37 00

297 00

Windsor co. Aux. So. J. Steele, Tr.
Chester, Cong. ch. and so.
Windsor, Cong. s. s.

Legacies.-Middlebury, Jerusha Frisbee, by
Ira Allen, Ex'r, 140; Newbury, Miss Mary
Gould, by Caleb Gould, Ex'r, 151,75;

Berkshire co. Aux. So. Rev. J. J. Dana, Tr.
Pittsfield, A col'd woman,
1 90

W. Stockbridge, BENJAMIN CONE,
wh. cons. him and CHARLOTTE
CONE H. M. 500; Centre, s. s. in
cong so. 2;

Boston, S. A. Danforth, Agent,
Brookfield Asso. W. Hyde, Tr.
Brimfield, Gent. 71,50; la. 61; m. c.

Brookfield, Gent. and la. 183,94;
m. c. 19,40; juv. sew. so. 5;
Charlton, Gent. 16,20; la. 45,06;
m. c. 13,71;

Dana, Gent. and la. 12,25; m. c.
Dudley, Gent. and la. 69,71; m. c.

291 75

588 75

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Ware, West, Gent. 71,06; la. 46,30; m. c. 31,60;

69 75

148 96

Warren, Gent. 98,28; la. 54,21; m. c. 15,09;

West Brookfield, 127,64; unknown, 1,00 ;

167 58

122 80

129 24

4,026 82

Ded. prev. ack. 20; for print. 35; 55 00-3,971 82
Essex co. North, Aux. So. J. Caldwell, Tr.
Newbury, Byfield, m. c.

Newburyport, Dr. Dimmick's so.

gent. and la. wh. cons. Mrs. MARY E. DIMMICK an H. M.

Salisbury and Amesbury, Union evan. ch. and so. 13; W. Č. W. 1; Franklin co. Aux. So. L. Merriam, Tr. A friend,

Colerain, 1st cong. so.

Greenfield, 2d so. gent, and la. 108,80;

[blocks in formation]

35 05

231 72

14 00-280 77

500 00

123 87
19 51

[blocks in formation]

Shrewsbury, m c. 22; la. 47,75;
West Boylston, Gent. 44,75; la.
47,58; in. c. 30,47; to cons. Mrs.
F. A. J. CROSS an H M.
Worcester, 1st so. gent. 271; la.
134,80 m. c. 190,55; Centre so.
gent. 225,25; la. 360,87 m. c.
wh, cons. him an H. M. 100; Union
so. gent. 144,25; la. 87,33; m. c.
451,77; Salem-st. gent. 50,02; la.
30,60; m. c. 150,59;

Ded. prev. ack. 3,000; countf.
money, 1,75;

2,577 42

4,104 47

3,001 75-1,102 72

18 00

Worcester co. North, Aux. So. B. Hawkes, Tr.
Ashburnham, Ch. and so. (of wh. for Mad-
ura miss. 2;)

[blocks in formation]

200 00


36 70

Fairfield co. East, Aux. So.

25 00

Bridgeport, Dr. Hewett's ch.
Trumbull, Cong. ch. and so.

Groton, 66,80; m. c. 28.23; for Lu-
cretia Phelps, Ceylon, 20; E. G. 1; 116 03

Leominster, 56 80; Miss Martha R.


Lincoln, dec'd, wh.

cons. Miss


156 80

[blocks in formation]

7,608 07

220 03

7,828 10

2,265 42 10,093 52

250 00

19 00-269 00

50 00

32 00

Fairfield co. West, Aux. So. C. Marvin, Tr.
Greenwich, A friend,

Hartford co. Aux. So. A. W. Butler, Tr.
Avon, E. so.

Canton, Gent. 27,56; Centre, 24,70; 52 26
East Hartford, Gent. 174,75; la.


Hartford, N. ch. 604,67; S. ch.


310 97

974 39

Manchester, Gent. 262,50; la. 111,64; 374 14
Windsor, 1st so. m. c.
58 97-1,802 73

8 20-493 11 Hartford co. South, Aux. So. H. S. Ward, Tr.
New Britain, 1st so. 53; m. c. 27,88;
S. so. gent. 268; m. c. 37;
385 88
Newington, Gent. 50; la. (of wh.
for J. Belden and J. Brace, Cey-
lon, 40,) 65; young la. Eunean so.
(of wh. for M. L. Deming, Ceylon,
20,) 30; inf. class, 1; m. c. 25;
M. Kellogg, 10; H Camp, 10; A.
Camp, 15; J. Seymour, 17; L.
Luce, 10; E. Lattimer, 10; L. De-
ming, 12; Rev. J. Brace, 10; L.
Brace, 10; R. Wells, 10;

Palestine Miss. So. E. Alden, Tr.
Braintree, Juv. so. for the Jewess

[blocks in formation]

21 04

285 00

214 29-885 17

25 00-65 00 Litchfield co. Aux. So. C. L. Webb, Tr.

20 00

12 37

10 00

Coll. at annual meeting,

Goshen, A friend,

31 62-63 99 Middlesex Asso. S. Silliman, Tr.

18 75

1 00

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

50 00

Clinton, Benev. asso. of cong. ch.

[blocks in formation]

9,53 m c. 29,21 ;

38 74

Holden, Gent. 58,27; la. 39,63; m. c. 27,82;

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Worcester co. Central Asso. A. D. Foster, Tr.
Boylston, Gent. 26,33; la. 16,25;

m. c. 7,42;

[blocks in formation]

Ded. coun. note,

Camden, U. C. ch. (of which for

debt, 30;) wh. cons. Rev. SAMUEL SWEEZY an H. M.

Clinton, A friend,

Deerfield, C. Preston,



Paris Hill, I. M.

433 16

577 17

1 00-576 17

28 23

Tolland co. Aux. So. J. R. Flynt, Tr.
Marlboro', Coll. 20,23; Mr. Gillett's Bible
class, 8;
Windham co. North, Aux. So. J. B. Gay, Tr.
Eastford, La.
34 65
N. Woodstock, H. B. for Madura miss. 10 00
W. Woodstock, Cong. ch.
7 00-51 65
Windham co. South, Aux. So. Z. Storrs, Tr.
Plainfield, Gent. 27; la. 50; m. c. 23; 100 00
Voluntown and Sterling, La.

A friend,


18 00-118 00

Central Falls, m. c. 55,37; la. 10,63; Little Compton, m. c. and s. s. for Alfred Goldsmith, Ceylon, 20;


Board of Foreign Missions in Ref. Dutch ch. C. S. Little, New York, Tr.

5,179 15 50 00 5,229 15

86 00

Berne, R. D. ch.


Brooklyn, do. m c.


Gansevoort, do.


New York, do. in Market-st. 79,92;

H. N. 20; C. H. A. 1;

100 92

Niskayuna, R. D. ch.



Union Village, do. m. c.

8 25 63 09 15 88

West Troy, s. s. for Oscar H. Greg

ory, Ceylon,

20 00-276 77

Buffalo and vic. J. Crocker, Agent.

Buffalo, La Fayette-st. pres. ch. m c. 13 60

Youngstown, Pres. ch.

44 76--58 36

Geneva and vic. C. A. Cook, Agent.

Bainbridge, Cong. ch.

18 61

Brockport, Pres. ch wh. cons. HoL

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Amsterdam, Village, pres. ch. m. c. 46,66; Arcade, indiv. for boarding-sch at Tuscarora, 2,50; Arkport, two friends, 10; Berkshire, Brookside miss. so. 10; Brownville, pres. ch. 20; Cambria, cong. ch. 43,69; Chester, pres. ch. 30; Cincinnatus, cong. ch. 7,87; Clinton, so of Christian Research in Hamilton coll. for Nathaniel Niles, Ceylon. 20; Cornwall, a friend, 5; Cortlandt Village, cash, 61c.; Elba, pres. ch. wh. cons. Rev. DARWIN CHICHESTER an H. M. 50; Essex, Mrs. Gould, 5; Franklinville and Union Parishes, 7; Greenville, pres. ch. 25; Lakeville, pres. ch. and so. 18; juv. miss. so. 18; Lincklaen, 1st cong. ch. m. c. 8; Little Valley, W. D. Burgess, 10; Morrisville, cong, ch. 23; New Berlin, la. miss. so. 2,69; New York, Horace Green, 50; Poughkeepsie, C. Bartlett, 20; I. T. 2, a friend, 1; Schenectady, pres ch. (of wh. fr. Rev. Dr. Backus for debt, 50,) 206,76; Troy, a lady, 1; Truxton, cong, ch. 6,52; Upper Aquebogue, cong. ch. 19;

[blocks in formation]

Bedminster, R. D. ch.


Clintonville, do.

7 50

Middletown, 1st do. wh. and prev.

dona. cons. Rev. NATHAN F. CHAP

MAN an H. M.

21 60

1,980 90

669 30

2,650 20

550 00

3,200 20

20 00-123 10

Van Vorst, 1st R. D. ch. m. c. Augusta, pres. ch. 21,25; Morristown, pres. ch. 164,12; Mrs. Charlotte B Arden, 50; Newark, Mrs. William Wallace, 100; 3d pres. ch. a bro, and sis. 1; South Orange, pres. ch. 80,68; Westfield, pres. ch. m. c. 5; W. Milford, do. 5,04;

427 09

550 19

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