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ask what they should do to be saved. They felt that they were sinners, and needed the help of Christ. They had trusted in serpents, and prayed to the shades of their fathers long enough. Now they saw that these were the servants of satan, and that he had made use of them to entice the souls of men, and entangle them in his meshes. But said they, "Our purpose henceforth is to serve only the true God, and do what we can, though in the face of opposition, to demolish the kingdom of satan and exalt that of heaven." They are lads of unusual spirit, enterprise and decision; and if they continue in their present purpose, they will throw around them an influence for good, which their fathers, brothers and companions, will be compelled to feel. They have taken part in a few of our religious meetings, and their prayers seem to come from hearts accustomed to the exercise.

LETTER FROM MR. MARSH, August, 1849.

MR. MARSH, who has been at Table Mountain, writes now from a new station, Itafamasi. The year of which he speaks in the commencement of this letter, is the year from the time he went to Table Mountain. The reasons for leaving that location, after remaining there nine months, and pitching his wagon in a new place in the wilderness, will be found in this communication, as stated by himself.

This closing year finds me in similar circumstances as the last; my wagon is pitched in the wilderness for my tent; a few huts of thatched grass, for storehouse and sleeping-place for my boys, would scarcely distinguish the spot from a hunter's lodge; and the continual throng of traders which surround me with their thatch, their pumpkins and corn, or their milk and eggs, each eager for his sixpence, or the woman for her garden pick, or the girl for a bit of cloth, or a few strings of beads, would lead the passer by to suspect me a country peddler.

Thus, with me, the year ends as it began, amid the labors and discomforts always attendant upon establishing a new station.

of stores, and after encountering the peril of our lives in the midst of the waters of the Umgeni, the mission reconsidered the matter, examined the country, and advised to abandon the field, till some more accessible portion of it becomes so populated as to call for the resumption of a station in another place, among that people. The natives there have formerly lived near the whites, and been subject to those hardening influences so opposed to the influence of the gospel. To eat flesh and drink beer, to marry wives, to sing and dance-these things were to to them more congenial pastime than the humble worship of a crucified Savior.

It will be seen, however, from the following paragraphs, that the missionary was not left to labor in a field so trying without evidence of the presence and the favor of God.

Yet there were some more than mere idle hearers, some who writhed as they kicked against the pricks of the gospel. The indignant jealousy of their petty chief led him to proclaim,-"Let him be cast out and removed far from me, who becomes a Christian or learns a book;" and I doubt not that many, anxious to learn, were restrained through fear. But even his own children would often steal away, and ask to be taught. On our leaving, all pretended to be sorry, and many, perhaps, were so at heart. And we regretted to leave them in those wild and thorny pastures of sin, as sheep without a shepherd.

Cases of Interest.

There was one man, of more than ordinary character, who had not a little excited our interest. He was regular in his place under the tree where we worshiped, and a most attentive listener. Though he had five wives, the laugh of men and kings did not deter him from lingering on Sabbath evening, to learn more of God's word. Finally, he was seen clad in a shirt, which may almost be called the "anxious seat" of this people. On the last Sabbath of our stay, he remained sitting after others had left, and with a serious countenance asked, "Where shall we find another teacher who will tell us the news from God?"

With the people of Table Mountain I spent nine months, and we deserted that We have usually had with us eight or station last May. After various mishaps ten natives, employed as laborers and in entering the place, such as upsetting taught as learners. Five of these, the ponderous Dutch wagon, detention of whom we have the highest hope, among rocks and pits and hills, too steep call themselves brothers. The eldest for twelve oxen to draw a small supply we believe to be a true child of God.


About two or three years since, he account of the natural features of the field to came out from the darkness and deg-which he has removed. May the moral aspect radation of the Zulu land. On his way of that particular field, and of the whole region, hither, he met with a man who, in a pro- become ere long, as interesting as the natural fane oath, swore by the Almighty God. He inquired who that was by whom he swore? and was answered, it was the The new field which has been selected, great King in heaven, by whom all where I am now making the beginnings things were made. He ridiculed the of a station, is east of Table Mountain, idea, and said there was no such King. the place we left. It is about forty But he was assured that the missionaries miles east of Pietermaritzburg, thirty taught these things to the people in Na- miles from the bay, in a direction betal. On his arrival here, he soon sought tween north and north-west; ten miles opportunity to hear for himself. He mar- about north from Inanda, and the same veled at the strange things he heard, and distance west of Umsunduzi. It is the wished to hear again and again. Having basin containing the branches of the obtained a book he commenced learning, Umhloti river. This tract of country is that he might read the news for himself. about ten miles in diameter, and is nearly He soon drew forth the jeering rebukes surrounded by mountains. Some of of his friends, as a treacherous believer; these are mere peaks, some ridges, and but he told them he cared not for their others spreading off in level lands far mockery, for he was resolved to learn of beyond; but their sides are walled up God. He sought employment of the so steep that out of three hundred and missionary that he might be taught sixty degrees which surround, there are daily, and most eagerly did he snatch my not even sixty which either man or bundle and run before my horse, when I beast would venture to climb; and but told him he might go with me. From two or three narrow passes where a that day to this, (now nearly a year,) he wagon could possibly find its way. Uphas lost none of his zeal to embrace ev- on these heights, this whole country is ery opportunity to learn more of God's presented to the eye in a moment of word. We soon had hope of him as a time. It is a huge basin with a rocky praying Christian. Though a dull schol- brim, and filled with ten thousand verar, he has learned to read; which was so dant hills and valleys, whose mellow earnestly desired by him that he said it scenery strangely contrasts with the wild was his king. I have been anxious to battlements around. From these valleys learn his thoughts before the first ray of issue fountains, and rills, and brooks, and revelation entered his soul, but he assur- rivulets, the numerous ramifications of ed me he had no thoughts, he "was a which, like leaf and twig and bough and mere thing"; that he never even sus- branch, form one trunk; uniting to form pected there was a Creator of himself or the Umhloti, which flows out through its the things around him; that all was dark, rocky portals and winds its way to the and he just lived and walked like the sea. In the centre of this basin, among cattle. He was at once anxious for his the sources of these infant streams, the friends, and four of my younger boys are country rises several hundred feet. This with me through his influence; and as I elevation is ascended by following up hear their praying voices, from behind between the streams, upon the interventhe hill, in the cold dew of the morning, ing ridges, to their common juncture. I too am encouraged to pray, with more Here is formed a plot of an hundred hope that they also will become the chil- acres, which we hope and pray may one dren of God. One of them I cannot but day become the site of a Christian vilconsider an uncommon boy. He has lage. The native name of the place, been with me but about three months, adopted for the station, is Itafamasi, (the and is now able to read the translated plain of milk.) We hope the results of portions of the Old and New Testament future years will constrain us to believe without aid from a teacher; and after thus that God designed this spot to be consereading the story of Joseph, he rehearsed crated to his worship, and that he left to me the particulars, from beginning to these narrow avenues to this wonderful end, better than I have ever heard a Sab-country, that his gospel might enter in bath school scholar of his age before.

Itafamasi, the New Station.

Mr. Marsh certainly gives a very interesting

and dwell here. For a station, it has decided advantages over the place left. The people are far more numerous, and less sophisticated by foreign influences. It is not so remote from other stations,

and yet not so near as to interfere with | tion to the truth, and shows that so many obstaother fields; and it can be reached, if cles are in the way of those who would obey the not without difficulty, yet without incur- gospel May desires and prayers be directed to ring the actual danger which existed be- Him in whose hand are all hearts. fore.

Characteristic Believing.

Many such instances of believing as the one here given, are met with by missionaries, not in Africa alone.

The people hail the arrival of a teacher among them with apparent joy, but for the most part it is, I fear, an ig norant, selfish joy. On my second visit here, I spent the night at the kraal of the chief. I was entertained with unusual kindness. In the morning, his son approaching me said, "We are believers." I asked what he believed. To which he replied, "I wish to work for you;" and this is a specimen of the joyful belief of many. They rejoice and believe, because they wish to work for you, or wish you to make them a present, or wish to trade with you, or for some other reason equally showing the depraved worldliness of the human heart. But God can change boisterous ignorance to humble faith. We will not faint, for in the very midst of these darkminded savages God can build a church firmer than these everlasting hills, and more beautiful than these green valleys, where sweet waters gently flow.

On the 17th of September, Mr. Marsh adds, at Ifumi, where the mission, as appears, had been holding its annual meeting:

I have only time to add that we are now separating to return again to our labors, and I think we all feel that it has been good for us to be here. God has been with us, and we go away with new zeal and more brotherly love, and more joy in our work.


A Young Man Baptized-Opposition. account of the religious interest in the I wrote you in July, giving some little seminary. The correctness of what I then stated, in regard to the extreme anxiety we are compelled to feel, about all good caste youth who begin to manifest concern for their souls, has since been painfully verified. During our recent meeting, it was thought advisable to baptize one of the young men to whom I then alluded. His case is mentioned in the minutes of our meeting. He is a Koonbe of respectable talents, and we hope that God will make him greatly useful to his countrymen. His father is connected with the army, and all his friends, just now, are several hundred miles distant. On this account, we had reason to expect less excitement at his baptism, and besides, he was received into the church in the middle of a vacation in the seminary. From both circumstances combined, we hoped the event might pass without causing so much alarm as usual, to the seminary scholars. But such events do not take place without being known, and exciting commotion, among these hosts of idolaters. The young men themselves are not alarmed; but their parents are, and wish to remove them, at once and entirely, from our influence. The scholars are unwilling to leave us, and resort to entreaty, and sometimes deceive their parents, and continue to come under false pretences. In the present case all have returned with the exception of three; but the only condition of their doing so, is that they be allowed to come as dayscholars. Not one remains in the compound. The parents of some are sadly alarmed; but we are much gratified to see the scholars appreciate their privileges and anxious to improve them.

LETTER FROM MR. WILDER, OCTOBER The religious interest among them in

13, 1849.

creased steadily to the close of the term; and though they are now more reserved and cautious, yet I have good evidence that four or five still retain their convictions, and I trust they will, ere long, gain

THE letter to which Mr. Wilder refers in the following extract, will be found in the Herald for December last, page 417. The recent meeting spoken off, was the annual meeting of the mis-courage to give up all for Christ.


The statements made below will awaken

both pleasant and painful interest-joy, that one Certainly prayer should be offered by Chrisof good caste at Ahmeduuggur has recently been tians, not only for these young men, but for the found ready to confess Christ before men-and missionary who, at a time so critical, is their pain, that this event develops so much opposi-instructor.



at the gate of the rock, and in other parts, to prevent the mob ascending. The field officer of the day, and the collector, came up with all possible haste. In a few minutes afterwards, they were DR. SCUDDER Speaks, July 7th, of having just followed by the Brigadier and several attended the examination of Mr. Winslow's school physicians. But, alas! human efforts at Chintadrepettah. He was much gratified with availed not. The dead were found heaped what he saw. One of the pupils has been bap-on the steps, grappling each other, and tized, and hope is entertained that he is a Chris- in frightful attitudes. In a family contian. Another, who seemed to be taught of the sisting of six persons, but one child surSpirit, and who wished to be baptized, was taken vived to tell the tale. In another, the away by his relatives; but he escaped from them husband, wife, sister, brother, have all after a time, and went to the brethren of the Free perished. In a third, mother and child; Scotch Church, by whom he was baptized. He in a fourth, father and son, &c. From is now preparing to preach the gospel. Others, five in the evening of the 21st, and all some time since, became anxious with reference the next day, the interior of the fort and its immediate vicinity, presented a sad, to their spiritual interests, and were taken away and cruelly treated by friends. gloomy spectacle. In whichever direction we turned our eyes, we saw dead bodies, carried like dead sheep in carts and litters, surrounded by relatives and friends absorbed in grief.

Melancholy Loss of Life.

August 31. A most melancholy event, the result of the worship of idols, lately Sept. 11. Relative to the sad catastrotook place at Trichinopoly. Within that phe which lately took place at Trichicity, is a rock quite wide at its base, but nopoly, it is said that there are some tapering off towards the top until it suspicious circumstances. The Hindoos comes almost to a point, on which there attend their festivals attired in all their is a small temple of Pulliar. Part of the jewels, and perhaps there may have been ascent of this rock is dangerous, espec- a conspiracy at the bottom of this horriially in cases where the least thing occurs ble affair, to obtain possession of these to disturb the foothold. The catastrophe valuables. This case may be similar to just alluded to, took place a little before one which took place several years ago, sunset. At six o'clock, or thereabouts, when hundreds of natives, likewise from the dense masses ascending and bound for a pagoda, or a festival, arrayed descending, some confusion and jostling as usual in jewelry, were purposely capseem to have taken place, when, in an sized from boats, in crossing the river at instant, a column of the topmost wor- Cuddalore, and their persons stripped of shipers fell on those immediately below all their treasures. The conspirators were them, and these again on others occupy- the native officials. The design was ing a lower position on the rock, until, subsequently divulged, through a squabfrom confusion, and running, and press-ble that arose among the plunderers in ing, and suffocation, upwards of two dividing the spoil, which induced one or hundred individuals lost their lives, in more of the conspirators to inform against the vicinity of the shrine of the idol. the others.

The 21st was the day on which the Pul


liar feast was celebrated; and according Decline of an Anti-missionary College at to a custom which has existed from time immemorial, people of all classes, indiscriminately, were allowed, on the occasion, free access to the summit of the rock, where an offering of plantains, cocoa-nuts, &c. is usually made by the Hindoo portion of them to the Pulliar, or the elephant faced god. The report of the accident was no sooner spread than it excited a general alarm. The whole town was up; people thronged to the foot of the rock; whole families repaired thither uttering heart-rending cries, anxious to know the fate of such of their members as had gone up. The main guard turned out. Sentries were posted

Oct. 10. Nearly three years ago, the conversion of a native student of the Free Church Institution in Calcutta created an extraordinary sensation in the Hindoo community. The excitement extended to the inmost recesses of native society. The rich and the great gave vent to their exasperated feelings in the most violent anathemas against the missionaries; and it was resolved that any man who ventured to send his child to the missionary institutions should be expelled from all the privileges of caste. At the same time it was resolved to establish a

scription which commenced with four hundred and thirty-six rupees a month, has, in the course of three years, dwindled down to the sum of seven rupees.

magnificent anti-missionary college, and the sum of three hundred thousand rupees was promised by the wealthy Baboos, as an endowment. The men who professed so deep an anxiety to rescue Is this the result of the conspiracy their children from the jaws of destruc- against the efforts of the missionaries? tion, might have quadrupled the amount, Are the missionary schools abolished? without feeling the loss of the money. The result of this magnificent effort to Those who considered the intensity of subvert all the educational institutions the excitement and the means of the ex- of the missionaries in Calcutta, and to cited, might have been led to think that establish a large and permanent semithe end of all missionary institutions nary on Hindoo principles in their stead, was at hand. But those who were better affords an additional illustration of the acquainted with the feebleness of the native character in Bengal. It has no native character, felt no alarm for their strength, or stability, or stamina. Whatstability. They knew that all native ever improvement depends solely on feeling was transient in exact proportion native agency, must as a matter of to its vehemence, and that the movement course decay. But the failure, in the would end, as every other effort of a sim- present instance, is by no means to be ilar kind during the last twenty years traced to mere niggardliness. Since the had ended, in smoke. The result has Hindoo Charitable Institution, as the not disappointed their expectations. In-anti-missionary college was designated, stead of 300,000 rupees, not 40,000 were was established in 1846, the sum exsubscribed, of which a little more than 32,000 were realized. This was put at interest, and the sum of 108 rupees a month was the result. This was the great capital with which it was intended to extinguish all the missionary institutions in Calcutta. At the same time a sum of 436 rupees was put down as a monthly subscription, by the Baboos, Rajahs and others.

A Funded Hindoo Institution at Madras.

pended by its managers and subscribers, in their poojahs and marriage and funeral festivals, in idle shows and pernicious gifts, has amounted to a sum, the mere interest of which would have placed this institution beyond the reach of accident. But the man who will cheerfully lay out two or three thousand rupees in having the Muhabharut read, will begrudge the small pittance of five The school was opened in February, or six rupees a month, which he may 1846, and seven hundred boys were ad- have put down to the school. There is mitted within the first two days. The nothing so intangible as a native subindividuals who had taken it in charge scription. Like the rainbow, it wears a were among the most wealthy and pow-lovely aspect, but while you are contemerful in Calcutta, and fully competent, plating it, it disappears. The man who by their substance and influence, to builds his hopes on the continuity of carry it to a successful issue. At first, native liberality, leans on a broken reed. those who could command an equipage visited it every hour; the teachers were regularly paid, and "every thing was orderly." But the visits of the managers were gradually discontinued; the teachers were kept two and three months in arrears, the best of them left the institution, and the establishment was reduced to 222 rupees. In the month of the cause of truth. December, last year, the teachers of the school were informed that some of 13. An institution, very adverse to the them must be dismissed, as it had not spread of Christianity, has, within a few sufficient funds for their maintenance. years, been established in this city. It The house which had been rented for is called Patchayappun's school. Patchforty-five rupees a month, was given up, ayappun, a Hindoo, died about fifty years and another, in an infamous locality, ago, and left a large amount of properrented at twenty-five rupees monthly. ty, which, by a late act of the Supreme Soon after, the establishment was re- Court of this Presidency, was devoted duced to one hundred and twenty-nine to the founding of this school, or is to rupees a month, as the managers had be devoted to its support. There is nothing to trust to but the interest of therefore but little danger of its failure the vested funds. The monthly sub- from such instability as that which has

But at Madras, it appears, an institution likely to exert much influence adverse to Christianity, has been established on a more permanent basis. It may be God's design, however, yet to make use of this institution as an instrument to promote

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