Abbildungen der Seite

characterized the school to which allu- | hear. If he has not come among us sion has been made above. Funds will with all the divine power which he has ever be at hand for its support. From manifested in some other places, he has this school the Bible is excluded, and had mercy upon our low estate, and done the only prospect now is, that hosts of great things for us, whereof we are glad. young infidels will issue from it to op- The first appearance of awakened pose us in our efforts to spread the gos- feeling occurred about two months since. pel. Hatred to Christianity is inter-One of the boys had, during the vacawoven with its very texture. It num- tion, witnessed the death of his mother, bers more than five hundred students, who though a nominal Christian, is said but it is a pleasing circumstance, that a to have been a woman of very bad charlarge amount of contra influence is at acter. Her death appears to have been work in the various mission schools in an awful one, and to have struck terror this city. into the heart of her son. He said he could not bear the thought of dying as she had died, and going down to hell with his sins aggravated by all the spiritual privileges and temporal mercies he had


LETTER FROM MR. TRACY, SEPTEMBER enjoyed in the seminary. After his re

29, 1849.

Religious Interest in the Seminary.

MR. TRACY has charge of the seminary, at Pasumalie, connected with the Madura mission, and the Christian reader of this communication will find much cause for gratitude in the evidence presented that upon this seminary, as well as others in the foreign field, God has looked in mercy.

to their studies.

turn here he could find no rest, until, as I hope, he found it in Christ.

The reader will not fail to notice, as he reads the following paragraph, the widely extended influence of one revival. This is not the first instance in which the work of grace among the Nestorians has led to prayer, and has resulted in spiritual blessings in other missionary fields.

An account of the recent revival The mission seminaries should be objects of among the Nestorians, excited in teachspecial prayer, that God will make them institu-ers and scholars, a desire for a similar tions in which many young men may be trained blessing among ourselves. Several of who shall be prepared, by the influences of the the church members seemed to have reSpirit, to be eminently useful among their coun-ceived a new spirit of earnest, importutrymen-faithful native preachers of the truth; nate prayer, and a day was subsequently and there is special cause for gratitude when set apart for special prayer and fasting. these institutions are visited with revivals. The The meetings were deeply solemn, and number of pupils in the seminary under Mr. I never witnessed more earnest prayers Tracy's care is thirty. Their general conduct than were offered by some of the native has been good, he says, and they are attentive members of the church. The general feeling of solemnity was increased, and several of the most hopeless of the students were brought under conviction, and I trust were led to the foot of the cross. Nine or ten are now indulging the hope that they have been born again, and several others, with a greater or less degree of interest, are inquiring what they must do to be saved. I trust the Lord is yet in our midst, and that he will manifest his power and grace in the salvation of these dear youth. O for faith to wrestle with God, until not one of them shall be left out of the ark of safety.

One person only, the wife of one of the teachers, has been added to the church since my last report. Early in the year, two or three of the students manifested some interest in religious things, and desired to be admitted to the church; but one of them fell into sin, and both lost, to a great degree, their religious feelings. The external conduct of church members was unexceptionable, so far as I know, but there was a great want of fervor in religion. A death-like lethargy seemed to have seized upon the church as well as upon the impenitent, and I had almost come to the conclusion that the Lord had forgotten to be gracious, and had cast us off forever. But he has rebuked my unbelief, and has shown that his hand is not shortened that it cannot save, nor his ear heavy that it cannot

The goodness of God manifested in saving some of the most hopeless youth in the seminary, has strengthened a determination, long since formed in my mind, never to despair of the most abandoned. One of these young converts, of whom I have the most confident hope,

was for a long time apparently a confirmed He reached Madura in March, 1849. This comliar and thief, and was strongly suspected munication shows that he is interested and happy of grosser crime; but I trust the Lord in his work. has washed and sanctified him, and made him a vessel of mercy.

I cannot help looking upon this visitation of the Lord both as a token of his favor to the seminary in particular, and as an earnest of rich blessings yet in store for this benighted people. I am sure it will encourage you, and all who love the cause of Christ, to pray more earnestly and with more hope, for a blessing upon our labors.

Faithful Efforts of Native Christians. One of the most pleasing effects of this revival in the seminary has been its influence upon the members of the church. They have, almost without exception, been stirred up to new activity in the cause of their divine Master, and this has been manifested not only in their more earnest prayerfulness, and in their endeavors to do good to their fellow students, but in their increased anxiety for the salvation of the heathen. Besides daily circles of prayer for the impenitent students, they have a weekly concert of prayer for the heathen. These meetings have all been commenced, and carried on, without any suggestion or assistance on my part. But their efforts for the good of the people have not been confined to their prayers. I have often seen them, during the hours of recess from study, conversing with people passing on the road; and most of the church members, as well as those who we hope have been recently born again, spend every Saturday afternoon in visiting, and distributing Scriptures and tracts, in all the villages within reach. From the reports which they bring back to me I have pleasing evidence, not only that they are faithful in declaring the truth to all to whom they can gain access, but that, in general, they are very kindly received, and listened to by the people. In several instances, brahmins have invited them into their houses, have conversed freely and kindly with them on the subject of religion, and on their leaving, have urged them to return again. May all the seed thus sown spring up and bear fruit an hundred fold, to the glory of God.


DR. SHELTON, it will be remembered, has been but a short time connected with the mission.

Labors for the Sick.

It is now six months since I entered upon the pleasant duties of my department, during which time I have enjoyed many tokens of love from the Giver of all good. It is his hand alone that has protected, guided and blessed.

Dr. Scudder left Madura for Madras three days after I arrived here, consequently the labors peculiar to his department immediately devolved upon me. He extended the blessings of his profession to those beyond the mission circle, "until his great compassion was A well known among this people." large number of the sick daily assembled on his compound, for medical treatment; to all of whom he first gave religious instruction, and afterwards prescribed for their maladies. If any came after the hour appointed for religious instruction, they were deprived of medicine for that morning; the object of such a course being to prevent tardiness, and bring all within hearing of the truth. He has prepared the way for similar labors among this people to be continued. Knowing that, with little expense of time and money, a great amount of physical suffering can be relieved, and good seed be sown, (although much of it falls on stony ground and by the way side,) I can conscientiously pursue no other course.

Since the first of July, (the time I opened a register,) I have entered between six and seven hundred names. During the three months previous, the attendance was somewhat greater. The truth has been read to more than two thousand souls, including the children and those who accompany the sick, during the six months of my labors, in a place retired from the noise and confusion of the city, and under such circumstances that the speaker gains a quiet, and apparently an interested hearing. What amount of good may result from scattering the truth in this manner, none can tell. If one soul even shall at last be found at the right hand, the labor will not be in vain. No cases of special religious interest have occurred among the sick. As a people, the natives are at heart very ungrateful. They eat their medicine and go away without any sense of obligation or gratitude. The diseases are much the same as in America among the lower orders of the people, excepting

that they are somewhat modified by a new church. The brethren of the Longreater degree of moral depravity, and don Society kindly suspended their own a want of early medical treatment. The services and united with us. The introevil and melancholy effects of the latter ductory exercises were conducted by cause, could not be more clearly exhib- brother Young, and the sermon ited. preached by brother Stronach. Afterwards I presented the design of the ordinance of baptism, with the duties and

Advantages of the Pulneys.


All the brethren at present are enjoy-obligations of those receiving it, and ing such a measure of health as to per- elicit the motives of the candidates in asked various questions, calculated to mit each to labor in his own field, and to accomplish a good amount of labor. asking baptism, their belief in the funThe members of this mission, in seasons damental doctrines of Christianity, and of debility and partial loss of health, their faith in Christ. These were anhave resources for recruiting, which swered by each individual, in an audible, those in other missions have not. When unhesitating, and fearless manner; evifears begin to arise as to their health, dently with the design, that as the assemthey can turn their eyes to the blue bled congregation had heard the quesPulneys, which, but a day's journey dis- tions, so they should hear their answer, tant, tower among the clouds, and take and know, and witness to, their firm purcourage. I have not yet had the plea-pose to cleave to one God, Father, Son, sure of visiting them; but from the ac- and Holy Ghost, and to love, serve and counts of those who have, I think they are properly called the "life-preserver of the mission." Affections of the liver and jungle fever, are the only two diseases in which missionaries may not hope to receive benefit from a visit to them. General debility is one of the first precursors of disease, which can generally be removed by a short residence among the Pulneys, as well as in New England.


obey him, with their positive and unal

terable determination to have no more fellowship and connection with their forner idolatry and superstitions. The

church was filled with an attentive and apparently interested congregation. All the services passed off in a most pleasant and orderly manner; scarcely less so than in any well-instructed and Christian congregation.

Some Account of the Persons Baptized.

As you have been already made acquainted with the principal points of interest in the history of the experience of

LETTER FROM Mr. Doty, Sept. 15, 1849. these individuals, it is now needless to

Additions to the Church.

THE family spoken of in this letter will be recognized as the one in regard to which interesting communications have been published in previous numbers of the Herald.

go over this history again. During the last five months, I have held various private interviews with them, both for instruction and examination. Mr. Talmage was still here during several of these examinations, and I believe was well satisfied of the propriety of their admission to the church, for which they had voluntarily made formal application. Mr. Young, whom I invited to attend one of these interviews, was also of the same opin

I wrote briefly in July, and now I write again, to record the continued favor of our God; especially in the realization of the anticipated privilege of welcoming an increase to the number of ion. professed disciples in our little church. It is true there still exists with them On Sabbath afternoon, July 29th, the or- much ignorance of many doctrines of dinance of baptism was administered to the Christian religion. They are not Hông-sin-si, the aged mother, and to her strong men, but mere babes. Their protwo sons, Ong-chieng-chôan, and Ong- gress in knowledge is necessarily slow, chieng-hong, of whose interesting cases as only one can read, and he only very you have been at various times informed. imperfectly. Hence they cannot search The occasion was one of deep interest the Scriptures with that profit with to every one here, who takes pleasure in which the better educated could, and the prosperity of the Lord's work among must depend for their learning almost this people. It was also the first cele-entirely upon what they hear. In the bration of any Christian ordinance in our case of the old mother, there is also a

disposition to place too great a value commands respect, though perhaps he upon externals, not, however, in any may not so powerfully influence those degree, undervaluing the absolute ne- with whom he comes in contact. He cessity of heart-work. This however can read some; and as by birth, so by can hardly be thought strange, when we qualification, he is the family patriarch, remember that never had an idea of any taking the lead in the reading of the thing else than ceremony in religion Scriptures and family worship. entered her even now but partially enlightened mind, until, in old age, and steeped in superstition, she came in contact with the gospel.

The younger son partakes of the disposition of both mother and brother; possessing much of the boldness and talkative powers of the one, with the In conversation on Christian experi- mild and unassuming bearing of the ence, it was always delightful to find other. He can read but very little; but how their views and feelings agreed is applying himself to the acquisition of with Scripture declarations and exhibi- such ability with evident success. He tions of character, of the existence of discusses truth and argues well; and which they could have had but a very urges home the consideration of these imperfect knowledge. Without the the- things with a good degree of tact and ory they possessed the feeling, without effect. All manifest a serious, honest the knowledge, the experience; while and active earnestness, which makes their practice, for months past, has been them lights, which we are encouraged a pleasant exhibition of the transforming to hope will shine brighter and brighter efficacy of the religion of Jesus. Their unto the perfect day; and which will, thirst for instruction, and delight in the we trust, enlighten many dark minds, Word read and preached, has ever been and enliven many dead souls around great, and knows no satiety.


The Communion Service.

On the Sabbath following the baptism,

From pointed and close inquiry it appears, that previously to their attention having been arrested by the gospel, the idea of the guilt and punishment of sin, had never entered their minds. Though they took their seats with the other disthey knew well the difference between ciples around the Lord's table, and comright and wrong, yet it would seem memorated his dying love. This was really as if there was no conscience ap- the first celebration of the Supper in our proving or disapproving, and no anxi- church edifice. Heretofore, the other ety about any hereafter. It was quite brethren and ourselves had united in the enough to pass respectably through this celebration of the ordinance in a private life, avoiding the punishment of human dwelling. The time had now come for law, and not subject to the reprehensions us to adopt a separate course. Besides of neighbors. the manifest propriety of observing all The natural dispositions of the mother church ordinances, as far as practicable, and her sons are quite different, and in the house of God, it became needful strikingly manifested in their Christian for the convenience of one of our memdeportment. She is very bold and free-bers, the old woman, who otherwise spoken. What she thinks, she is likely would necessarily be deprived of the to say; what she believes to be right, she does not hesitate to proclaim, and seems determined to practise. Her whole soul appears stirred up with a sense of the wicked folly of idolatry, and excited with an abhorrence of it. It makes little difference who may be present, she announces with boldness her convictions, and exhorts them to cast away their senseless idols and worship the one living and true God. Her manner however is not offensive, and she usually secures a hearing.

privileges of a part of the public worship on the day of the celebration of this ordinance, as, with her small, cramped feet, she could not walk to both.

On this occasion, we had a large and pleasantly attentive congregation, there being now, as at the baptism on the preceding Sabbath, a goodly number of women also present. Never before in Amoy, nor probably in any other place in China, had so many Chinese assembled at one time and in one place, to witness this simple and solemn ordiThe elder son is quite the opposite; nance. Many of those present had quiet and meditatively thoughtful, and doubtless never previously witnessed it. not disposed to much talk. What he Among numbers of my frequent or condoes say, however, is usually with much stant hearers, there seemed a solemnity point. His mild and retiring manner of feeling that indicated much thought



fulness. It seemed a pleasant, and Iren, and held alternately in our church trust it was a profitable day to the little and the chapel of the London Society's band of disciples, whose hearts appear mission. It is well attended. truly knit together, as members of one family, and partakers of like hopes and interests.

Account of Labors.

Some of the readers of the Herald are doubt less pleased, occasionally, to follow a missionary through such an account as Mr. Doty here gives of his labors and the employment of his time, thus gaining a more intimate knowledge of his "manner of life."

A succinct sketch of our various labors and services may be acceptable. Perhaps the best method will be to begin with our great day, and run through the week. I say our great day-for our Sabbath is not only the "day of all the week the best," but our great working day also.

On this day there are three services in the church.

1. At half past nine o'clock, morning, when I invariably preach.

2. At half past eleven in the forenoon. Service conducted by the evangelist.

3. At three o'clock in the afternoon. Brother Young assists me in preaching every alternate Sabbath.

The attendance on our Sabbath services continues to be much as heretofore reported. If there be any change it is on the side of encouragement. The average attendance at the morning services, I judge to be from one hundred and fifty to two hundred, while that in the afternoon is usually considerably greater. Of females too, we always have a representation. One thing which I regard as indicating advance, is the more frequent, and more attentive attendance of men of character and respectability. It is a much more common thing to see such scattered among the congregation, easily recognized by their dress and manner.

At the opening of the church in February last, I adopted the following as a formula of public worship, and adhere to it, viz: 1. Invocation. 2. Reading the Decalogue. 3. Singing. 4. Reading a portion of Scripture. 5. Prayer. 6. Sermon. 7. Prayer. 8. Singing. 9. Benediction. In the afternoon the order is the same, except the reading of the Decalogue, which is omitted.

Monday. Each first Monday afternoon of the month, we have our Chinese monthly concert. This service is conducted alternately by each of the breth

Tuesday, afternoon. - Bible class on the New Testament. The regular class is composed of from nine to twelve individuals, with a number of other regular attendants. It is not unfrequently that thirty, forty, fifty, or more, convene and quietly listen to our scriptural investigations and explanations. At present we brews. I have adopted the plan of makare engaged on the Epistle to the Heing this lesson of the Bible class the subject of discourse the following Sabbath morning.

Wednesday.-I preach, on this afternoon, in the school-room, to the scholars, and a few women who assemble from the immediate neighborhood.

Thursday, afternoon.-Bible class on the Old Testament. Prosecuting the study of the Old Testament in course, we have advanced to the second book of Kings.

Friday, morning.-A family meeting in the house of the old woman and her sons, for expounding the Scriptures and prayer. Usually a number of the neighbors, chiefly women and children, convene. I generally alternate with the evangelist.

Saturday. On every Saturday morning preceding our communion, every two months, we have a preparatory meeting. This service consists in reading and expounding an appropriate portion of Scripture, social and free interchange of views and experience, instruction and exhortation, singing and prayer. This is usually a pleasant, profitable and interesting exercise.

On days not otherwise occupied by public services the church is opened, when the native evangelist is present for conversation and free discussion with any who may come in, and the distribution of tracts to those who can read and profit by them. The evangelist also resides in a building of ours connected with the church, where, in a more private way, he converses with and instructs those who may call. It is quite impossible for me to attend these services. My time and strength are required, if not exhausted, in study to prepare for and in performing the other labors, of a more public and formal char


In addition to the above, every morning at half past eight o'clock, I meet with a number of Chinese in my own house, for reading the Scriptures and prayer,

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