As Stephen Sly, and old John Naps of Greece, And twenty more fuch names and men as thefe, Sly. Now Lord be thanked for my good amends! All. Amen. Sly. By th’Mafs, I think I am a Lord indeed. What is thy name? Man. Sim, an't please your Honour. Sly. Sim? that's as much as to fay, Simeon or Simon put forth thy hand and fill the pot. The fervant gives him drink.] I thank thee; thou shalt not lofe by it. Sly. Marry, I fare well, for here is cheer enough. Where's my wife? Lady. Here noble Lord, what is thy will with her? Sly. Are you my wife, and will not call me hufband? My men should call me Lord, I am your good man. Lady. My hufband and my Lord, my Lord and husband; I am your wife in all obedience. Sly. I know it well: what muft I call her? Lord. Madam. Sly, Alce madam, or Joan madam? Lord. Madam, and nothing elfe, fo Lords call La [dies. Sly. Come, fit down on my knee. Sim, drink to her. Madam wife, they fay, that I have dream'd, and slept above fome fifteen years and more. Lady. Ay, and the time feems thirty unto me, Being all this time abandon'd from your bed. Sly. Sly. 'Tis much.--Servants, leave me and her alone.Madam, undrefs you, and come now to bed. Sim, drink to her. Lady. Thrice noble Lord, let me entreat of you, To pardon me yet for a night or two. Or, if not fo, until the fun be fet; For your Phyficians have exprefly charg'd, Sly. Ay, it ftands fo, that I may hardly tarry fo long; but I would be loath to fall into my dream again I will therefore tarry in defpight of the flesh and the blood. Mell. Your Honour's Players, hearing your a Are come to play a pleafant comedy; Seeing too much fadnefs hath congeal'd your blood; Therefore, they thought it good you hear a play, Sly. Marry, I will; let them play; is it not a Commoditya Christmas gambol, or a tumbling trick? Lady. No, my good Lord, it is more pleafing ftuff. Sly. What, houfhold stuff? Lady. It is a kind of hiftory. Sly. Well, we'll fee't; come, Madam wife, fit by my fide, and let the world flip, we fhall ne'er be younger, THE THE TAMING of the SHREW. ACTI. SCENE I. T A Street in PADU A. Flourish. Enter Lucentio and Tranio. LUCENTI O. RANIO, fince for the great defire I had I am arriv'd from fruitful Lombardy, And, by my father's love and leave, am arm'd Gave me my Being: and my father first, A merchant of great traffick through the world: 1-from fruitful Lombardy.] So Mr. Theobald. The former editions, instead of from, had for. ingenious.] I rather think it was written ingenuous ftudies, but of this and a thoufand fuch obfervations there is little certainty. Lucentio Lucentio his fon, brought up in Florence, Glad, that you thus continue your refolve, Talk Logick with acquaintance that you have, In brief, Sir, study what you most affect. Luc. Gramercies, Tranio, well dost thou advise; If, Biondello, thou wert come afhore, We could at once put us in readiness; And take a lodging fit to entertain Such friends, as time in Padua fhall beget. Tra. Mafter, fome fhew to welcome us to town. 2 Sir Thomas Hanmer, and after him Dr. Warburton, read to virtue; but formerly ply and ap ply were indifferently used, as to ply or apply his ftudies. SCENE SCENE II. Enter Baptifta with Catharina and Bianca, Gremio and Hortenfio. Lucentio and Tranio ftand by. Bap. Gentlemen both, importune me no farther, For how I firmly am refolv'd, you know; That is, not to bestow my youngest daughter, Before I have a husband for the elder; If either of you both love Catharina, Because I know you well, and love you well, To make a Stale of me amongst these mates?. Unless you were of gentler, milder, mould, Cath. I'faith, Sir, you fhall never need to fear, But if it were, doubt not, her care shall be Hor. From all fuch devils, good Lord, deliver us. Tra. Hush, mafter, here's fome good paftime) toward; That wench is ftark mad, or wonderful fro ward. Luc. But in the other's filence I do fee Maid's mild behaviour and fobriety. Peace, Tranio Tra. Well faid, mafter; mum! and gaze your fill. Bap. Gentlemen, that I may foon make good What I have faid, Bianca, get you in; rafide. VOL. III. C |