Abbildungen der Seite

solemn and grand ideas. The first requisite of good hearing is some preparation for the work."

A number of other requirements are indicated, ending with one on Honesty, which may be profitably pondered by all Churches, and which we give at length:

"Yet, once more, surely a paragraph, if not a whole lecture, should be given to the subject of Honesty. In the crowded assembly recently a lady in dress and jewellery, after occupying a seat and listening to the sermon, was noticed putting one penny in the box. We ought not to judge; she might have meant it for a crown piece, for the discourse was on 'Filling up to the Brim.' But it is remarkable what numbers of people never think that, because the amount is voluntary, there is no need for honest payment for the comfort of the chapel and support of the ministry. In a circular recently prepared by Mr. Ruskin advertising a new edition of his works, he says, I do not care that anybody should read my books who grudges me a doctor's fee per volume.' Hearers might well be instructed that for advice with regard to their property they have to pay six shillings and eightpence; that for advice with regard to their bodies they have to pay a guinea; but for advice with regard to their souls they ought not to quote 'without money and without price,' for that is a perversion of the passage of Scripture. The attendants on a concert pay on an average half-a-crown; on a lecture, say, one shilling; but on a sermon- -well, let it be calculated, and it will be found that in many cases it is not more than one penny each, and even for paying that some folks consider themselves liberal. Surely not a few hearers need to be taught the first principles of honest payment.'

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portion to her age and population, is better provided with churches, Sunday schools, and religious institutions and agencies than any country in the world, with the exception, perhaps, of England and Scotland.' The work of meeting the spiritual wants of that country is peculiarly heavy, for since 1880 the territory of the United States has been increased to nine times the size of what it was then; and during the same period the population has increased at the rate of thirty-three per cent. every ten years, nearly triple the present rate of increase in England; so that the population, which at the beginning of the century was less than three millions, is now more than forty. And yet while the churches that were once patronized by the New England states have become miserably effete, all the other churches have prospered and have kept pace with the progress of the population. need not quote all the statistics of the different denominations, but we may mention the leading facts. In 1776 the number of ministers of all denominations was 2164, and the number of churches 2963. In 1876 the ministers were 56,148, and the churches 88,056. 1878 the ministers had increased to 69,080, and the churches to 103,059. In 1850 there was church accommodation for over 14 millions; in 1860 there was accommodation for 19 millions; and in 1870 there was accommodation for over 21 millions of the population. The value of the church property held in 1870 was about 70 millions of pounds sterling. Among the different Protestant denominations the Methodists are the most numerous, having 23,562 ministers, 32,000 churches, and 3,428,050 members.



The Baptists come next; they have 20,292 ministers, 30,231 churches, and 2,656,221 members. The Presbyterians are third in the order of strength, their numbers being-ministers, 14,383; churches, 20,685; members, 1,783, 627. The Sunday schools are about the best in the world; the American Home Missionary Society alone has, within the last fifty-two years, planted or aided 4000 churches, and gathered 281,000 persons into their membership.

A recent number of the Freeman has the following: "Churchmen who tremble for religion should the Episcopal Church in this country be disestablished, would do well to examine carefully Dr. Schaff's statement of the work of the churches in the United States published in an American magazine. They go to At the annual meeting of the "Church prove, as he says, that' America, in pro- Association," held March 4th, the


Council reported that they had been enabled to arrest the progress of ritualistic practices, which were no longer on the increase, but on the decrease :

"Those who have at heart," they say, "the best interests of the Church of England will be gratified to learn that, though a very large number of additional churches have been opened for public worship during the last three years, yet statistics prove a marked falling off during that period in the use of 'Eucharistic vestments,' 'incense,' and other ritualistic and illegal practices. That Ritualism in nearly every case is disliked by a large majority of parishioners is evident whenever a fair opportunity is afforded them of showing their true opinions. Such a check to the progress of Ritualism, the Council think, can, under God, only be attributed to the instrumentality of this Association, which, alike by its legal action, and by lectures and publications, has satisfied Churchmen that ritualistic practices are not only condemned by the law of the land, but are utterly antagonistic to the fundamental principles of our Reformed Protestant Church."

Since the presentment of this report one of the most eminent of the ritualistic clergymen, Canon Carter, has resigned his living on the ground of his conscientious objection to relinquish ritualistic practices. Protected as he had been by his bishop from persecution, and unable to comply with the bishop's advice, he considered his resignation as the only course open to him. If other ritualistic clergymen were to follow this example this phase of modern Anglo-Catholicism would occasion less irritation in the Established Church. The real question at issue, however, might still remain, the doctrine supposed to be taught by the Eucharistic vestments, and it would be hopeless to look to the Church Association for help in this matter.


and the seventh annual gathering of the church in Brisbane. The proceedings were commenced by a tea-meeting, to which about fifty members and friends sat down. At the conclusion of the tea the leader of the Society (Mr. John Garsden) took the chair, and in his opening remarks congratulated the members upon the satisfactory condition of the church. Several addresses, recitations, and readings followed, Mr. Slater reading a very interesting paper upon the progress of the New Church throughout the world. After giving a number of particulars from the Minutes of the English General Conference, Mr. Slater stated that an immense amount of work had been done in the way of distributing and translating into foreign languages literature bearing upon New Church doctrines, and that the Society was making great progress on the Continent of Europe. In Australia there was a Society of the New Church in Adelaide of thirty-four years' standing; one in Melbourne, twenty-five years; Auckland, thirteen years; Sydney, three years; and Brisbane, seven years. Each of the three first had a regular minister. In the Mauritius there was a Society of twenty years' standing. There were also several receivers of the New Church doctrines in Switzerland, West Indies, and South Africa. The president of the fifty-ninth American annual Convention of the New Church reported that there had been distributed, gratuitously, during the year 10,200 works to the Protestant clergy on their application. Since this work of distribution began there had been a grand total of 45,000 works distributed. Dr. John Ellis had also distributed 50,000 copies of an address to the Protestant clergy of America. The Convention voted 150 dollars to each of the missions of Italy and Sweden. During the evening Mr. J. H. Nicholson gave a very humorous sketch, of his own composition, and Mr. Herman read an interesting article from the New Jerusalem Magazine on "Tartary and the Ancient Word." A pleasant and instructive

(From the “Brisbane Courier," Jan. 9.) evening's entertainment was brought to

The annual soiree in connection with the New Church was held in the place of worship, Wickham Terrace, last evening, the occasion being the first anniversary of the opening of the building,

a close about half-past ten o'clock.


Meeting of Hymn-Book Committee.
During the week ending April 10th

solemn event call for suitable thoughts
and feelings. The lessons from the
Word and the hymns and anthems
which relate to the subject are then in
due place and season.
Those who were
present in church must have felt that
last Good Friday's service was conducted
in a most fitting manner.

the Committee appointed by the Con- tical teaching of the highest value. ference to revise and enlarge the Hymn- The solemnities of that supremely Book held its final session in the Young Men's Christian Association Building, Peter Street, Manchester. All the members were present except Messrs. E. J. Broadfield and G. L. Allbutt, and the work was so far completed as that its appearance before the next session of the Conference may be confidently expected. The Peter Street Society gave a soirée on Thursday evening, April 8th, in order that the New Church friends in and around Manchester might have an opportunity of meeting the various ministers and laymen of whom the Hymn-Book Committee is composed. The gathering was both numerous and representative, upwards of 200 friends being present, including members of many Lancashire Societies. After tea the chair was taken by the Rev. C. H. Wilkins in the schoolroom, and addresses were given by the Revs. Dr. Bayley, Dr. Tafel, J. Presland, J. Deans, J. Boys, and J. F. Potts, also by Messrs. Willson and M'Lachlan. Music, vocal and instrumental, was contributed from time to time by various ladies and gentlemen, and a humorous recitation from Dickens by Mr. Morris, which provoked considerable merriment. The proceedings, which were of a very enjoyable character throughout, were brought to a close at about ten o'clock.


(From the Manual of the New Church,

Wretham Road, Soho Hill.)

Good Friday was observed by this congregation in the usual manner, service being held in the morning.

Easter Sunday with its glorious themes received an equally suitable celebration. On that day all was calculated to evoke feelings of exalted joy. From the first glimpse of the church with its floral decorations, and from the first notes of the organ voluntary in the morning to the last triumphal hymn at night, the services were characteristic and happy. The festive appearance of the church as full congregations assembled, the warmth and unanimity with which every one seemed to join in the services, and the holy sphere of worship which prevailed made the day especially delightful. The two sermons, explanatory of the New Church doctrines on redemption and salvation by the Lord's blood, were also received alike by friends and the numerous strangers present with great pleasure.

The social party was held on Tuesday, March 30th. The Easter social is always small, but on this occasion 120 friends were present, the largest number ever present at an Easter meeting. After tea an excellent programme was presented, and the various items of music, recitations, etc., with the usual proportion of dances, were all greatly enjoyed.


The sermon was well adapted to convey from the pastorate of the Society On the retirement of Mr. Westall true ideas upon the practical nature

of the solemn events that day com- worshipping in the Temple, Bolton memorates. Although it is right Street, Salford, it was determined by that New Churchmen should think his friends to present him with a testimuch more constantly of the Lord monial of their esteem. In connection glorified and triumphant than of Him with this testimonial the following in His sufferings and crucifixion, yet it letters have been published (the first is proper that on the day set apart by of which is addressed to the subscribers Christendom-one day above all others to the testimonial fund), and we gladly in the yearly routine of services—the insert them in our pages:— latter aspect of His Divine work should receive due attention; for the whole scriptural account of His last sufferings when rightly understood involves prac

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,-For the information of those who were absent, I may state that a soirée was held at the schoolroom, Irwell Street,

on Saturday the 27th March, at which o'clock. Addresses suitable to the an illuminated address was presented solemn nature of the anniversary were to Mr. Westall, to which the names of delivered by the chairman and by eighty-six members of the Salford con- Messrs. J. F. Howe, S. Appleyard, and gregation were attached, and there were D. Denney. The meeting was opened by others who desired to join in the testi- the singing of a hymn, and closed with monial whose names were received too the Te Deum, and intermingled with the late for insertion. At the same time addresses were anthems and other pieces the testimonial purse was also presented, of sacred concerted music performed by containing a cheque for fifty guineas. the choir. At about half-past eight Some subscriptions were received after the greater number of those present the purse had been presented. The betook themselves to the schooolroom, cost of the testimonial, etc., and other where more music was performed and expenses have been paid by a friend, so that the entire proceeds of the subscription to the purse have been handed to Mr. Westall.-I remain, ladies and gentlemen, yours respectfully,


"THE CLIFF, HIGHER BROUGHTON, MANCHESTER, April 2, 1880. "P.S.-The following is a copy of a letter received from Mr. Westall.-P. J. L. :



LOWER BROUGHTON, March 31, 1880.

light refreshments served. In the enjoy. ment of these and pleasant conversation upwards of another hour was spent, and the friends then separated. The junior members' class, which meets every fortnight under the presidency of the pastor for the study of the doctrines of the New Church, met on the evening of the 10th ult. for its annual festival. The Rev. W. C. and Mrs. Barlow were the host and hostess of the occasion, the latter ably assisted by Mrs. J. Williams. About forty young people were present at the tea, "MY DEAR MR. LIVSEY,-Words and a few more joined the party at a very inadequately express the later hour. The evening was very gratitude I feel for the very noble pleasantly spent in listening to music testimonial which my friends have pre- and playing games of various kinds, sented to me and my family. The Mr. Barlow proving himself a most beautifully illuminated address, and the proficient master of the ceremonies. purse containing a cheque for fifty A few dances were also included in the guineas, are a mark of appreciation, programme. At the close the Rev. W. affection, and esteem which come like C. Barlow briefly addressed his young grateful incense to our souls, and next friends, who expressed their thanks by to the help of a Divine Providence, and the inner approval of our own consciences, will greatly stimulate and encourage us to persevere in well-doing. Kindly convey, then, this feeble expression of my thanks to our friends, and assure them that this tribute of their kindness will hold the very highest place in our regards. With the very warmest regards for yourself and Mrs. Livsey, in which my whole family unites, believe me yours truly,

hearty rounds of applause. The quarterly tea and business meeting of the Society was held on Friday, April 16th, and was numerously attended. The Rev. W. C. Barlow presided, and four new members were received. The main business of the evening was the consideration of a series of alterations in, and additions to, the Rules of the Society, which were submitted by the committee preparatory to the publi cation of a new edition of the Rules, which has become necessary by the distribution of all the remaining copies LONDON (Camberwell).—On Good of the former issue. The thorough Friday this Society held its customary discussion and final adoption of these, tea and social meeting. The fine with a few modifications, occupied the weather provided an ample excuse for meeting until a late hour. With a view absentees, nevertheless the gathering to afford opportunities for self-culture both at the tea and the subsequent to the younger members of the conproceedings was fully as large as on pre- gregation, arrangements have been made vious years. The Rev. W. C. Barlow to commence, experimentally, a class for took the chair in the church at seven the practice of elocution, and another


for the study of botany, both for the was visited by the Rev. R. Storry, who present under the direction of Mr. is at present acting as the superinBarlow. tendent of this mission. Mr. Storry attended the Sunday school in the LONGTON (Staffordshire).-The small morning, preached to very attentive Society at this place continues to make congregations in the afternoon and progress and to maintain public wor- evening, and administered the sacraship in the mission-room in Wharf ment of the Holy Supper to sixteen Street. At a recent meeting of the communicants. The greater part of Society Mr. G. Taylor Platt was Monday was pleasantly spent in the unanimously appointed as leader. Mr. company of our esteemed friends Platt has been for many years a mem- the Fords, father and son, at their ber and very acceptable lay preacher in pleasantly-situated farm in the country. one of the Methodist bodies in the Mr. Ford, sen., has now reached a Potteries. Since he has become a great age, but retains the brightness of receiver of the doctrines of the New his faculties, and is fully interested in Church he has applied for his dismissal all matters relating to the Church and from the body with which he was con- to intellectual progress. Mr. Edward nected, which was not granted. He Ford is able to attend the services has thus for some time been compelled and to render useful assistance in the to remain in his old fellowship and on support of the Church. In the evening their preachers' plan. His appoint- of this day Mr. Storry met the Society ment to the office of leader of the for the consideration of matters conSociety of the New Church, which was nected with the working of the Society. announced in the local press, led to his Suggestions were offered for the raising unceremonious and ungenerous dis- of funds and for increased efforts in missal from the Methodist body with connection with the school and church. which he was connected. Deputations Hopes were also expressed that the appointed to wait on him had failed to Society might before long be able to do so, not the slightest charge was walk alone and undertake the entire brought against him, except his recep- management of its affairs. The time tion of the doctrines of the New for this, in the judgment of the little Church and his preaching to the flock, had not yet arrived, but we Society at Longton. The dismissal cannot but hope that it is fast apsought, therefore, in an orderly manner proaching. was refused, and at a quarterly meeting a proposal for the removal of his MELBOURNE (Derbyshire).--On Wedname from the members' roll and the nesday, March the 3rd, R. Appelby, preachers' plan was, amid warm debate Esq., of Derby, delivered an admirable and some remonstrance, adopted. This lecture on Thomas Brassy." On


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mode of liberation from associations March the 17th Mr. W. M. Cooke of which were no longer suited to promote Derby gave a most practical and his spiritual life was felt to be un- interesting lecture on People who generous and painful by our friend, thrive." Both lectures were well and also by the members of his family, attended; and such is the pleasure the who had long been united with the friends here derived from them, that same community. It has, however, we hope many New Church Mutual settled the question of membership Improvement Societies may have the and given full liberty to our brother to delight of listening to them and being enter heartily into the work which lies benefited by the illustrations and before him. He brings to this work a practical advice therein given. rich endowment of Christian and intel- In connection with the church we lectual culture, with which is combined have had three missionary lectures zeal and ability for his work. We under the auspices of the National have every reason, therefore, to hope Missionary Institution. The first was that his labours will be useful to the delivered on March 31st by Mr. C. Church he has now entered, as we trust Fairweather, on the subject of the they will be also in promoting his own spiritual growth.

On Sunday, April 18th, the Society


Trinity." The lecturer showed that an idea of God has existed in all times and in all ages, and has been

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