Masters of paffion fway it to the mood Of what it likes, or lothes. Now, for your anfwer. Shy. I am not bound to please thee with my Shy. What, would'ft thou have a ferpent fting thee twice? Ant. I pray you, think, you queftion with a Jew. As feek to foften that, (than which what's harder !), Let me have judgment, and the Jew his will. Shy. What judgment fhall I dread, doing no wrong? You have among you many a purchas'd slave, Which, like your affes, and your dogs, and mules, Because you bought them. Shall I fay to you, There is no force in the decrees of Venice. Whom I have fent for to determine this, Come here to-day. Sal. My Lord, here ftays without, A meffenger with letters from the Doctor, Duke. Bring us the letters, call the meffenger. [yet. Baff. Good cheer, Anthonio: what, man, courage The Jew fhall have my flesh, blood, bones, and all, Ere thou fhalt lofe for me one drop of blood. Ant. I am a tainted weather of the flock, Meeteft for death: the weakest kind of fruit Drops earliest to the ground, and fo let me. You cannot better be employ'd, Bassanio, Than to live ftill, and write mine epitaph. Enter Neriffa, drefs'd like a lawyer's clerk. Duke. Came you from Padua, from Bellario? Ner. From both, my Lord. Bellario greets your Grace. Baff. Why doft thou whet thy knife so earnestly? [The Few whetting his knife on the fole of his shoe. Shy. To cut the forfeit from that bankrupt there. Gra. Not on thy fole, but on thy foul, harfh Jew, Thou mak'ft thy knife keen; for no metal can, No, not the hangman's ax, bear half the keennefs Of thy fharp envy. Can no prayers pierce thee? Shy. No, none that thou haft wit enough to make. That fouls of animals infufe themselves Are wolfish, bloody, ftarv'd, and ravenous. Shy. Till thou canst rail the feal from off my bond, Thou but offend'ft thy lungs to speak fo loud. Repair thy wit, good youth, or it will fall To curelefs ruin. I ftand here for law. Duke. This letter from Bellario doth commend young and learned doctor to our court. Where is he? A Ner. He attendeth here hard by To know your anfwer, whether you'll admit him. Our Grace fhall understand, that, at the receipt of Y your letter, I am very fick; but at the inftant that your messenger came, in loving visitation was with me a young Doctor of Rome, his name is Balthafar. I acquainted him with the cause in controverfy between the Few and Anthonio the merchant. We turn'd o'er many books together he is furnished with my opinion, which, bettered with his own learning, (the greatnefs whereof I cannot enough commend), comes with him at my importunity, to fill up your Grace's requeft in my ftead. I befeech you, let his lack of years be no impediment, to let him lack a reverend eftimation; for I never knew fo young a body with fo old a head. I leave him to your gracious acceptance, whofe trial fhall better publish his commendation. Enter Portia, drefs'd like a Doctor of Laws. Duke. You hear the learn'd Bellario, what he writes, And here, I take it, is the Doctor come. Give me your hand. Came you from old Bellario? Por. I did, my Lord, Duke. You're welcome; take your place. Are you acquainted with the difference That holds this prefent queftion in the court? Which is the merchant here ? and which the Jew? Duke. Anthonio and old Shylock, both ftand forth. Por. Is your name Shylock? Shy. Shylock is my name. Por. Of a ftrange nature is the fuit you follow; Yet in fuch rule, that the Venetian law Cannot impugn you, as you do proceed. You ftand within his danger; do you not? [To Anth, Ant. Ay, fo he says. Por. Do you confefs the bond? Ant. I do.. Por. Then must the Jew be merciful. Shy. On what compulfion muft I? tell me that. It droppeth, as the gentle rain from heav'n • Wherein doth fit the dread and fear of kings; But mercy is above this fcepter'd sway, It is enthroned in the hearts of kings; It is an attribute to God himself; And earthly power doth then fhew likeft God's, Which if thou follow, this ftrict court of Venice Must needs give sentence 'gainst the merchant there. Shy. My deeds upon my head! I crave the law, The penalty and forfeit of my bond. Por. Is he not able to discharge the money? I will be bound to pay it ten times o'er, That malice bears down truth. And I befeech you, To do a great right, do a little wrong; Por. It must not be; there is no pow'r in Venice Can alter a decree eftablished. "Twill be recorded for a precedent; And many an error, by the fame example, Shy. A Daniel come to judgment! yea, a Daniel. No, not for Venice. Por. Why, this bond is forfeit ; And lawfully by this the Jew may claim Hath been moft found. I charge you by the law, Proceed to judgment. By my foul I fwear, Por. Why, then thus it is: You must prepare your bofom for his knife. |