And, when she put it on, fhe made me vow, That I should neither fell, nor give, nor lose it. Por. That 'fcufe ferves many men to fave their gifts; And if your wife be not a mad woman, And know how well I have deferv'd the ring, She wou'd not hold out enmity for ever, For giving it to me. Well, peace be with you! [Exit with Neriffa. Ant. My Lord Baffanio, let him have the ring. Let his defervings, and my love withal, Be valu'd 'gainst your wife's commandment. Baff. Go, Gratiano, run and overtake him, And in the morning early will we both Re-enter Portia with Neriffa. [Exeunt. Por. Inquire the Jew's houfe out, give him this deed, And let him fign it; we'll away to-night, And be a day before our husbands home: This deed will be well welcome to Lorenzo. Enter Gratiano. Gra. Fair Sir, you are well o'erta'en: Por. That cannot be. This ring I do accept moft thankfully, And fo, I pray you, tell him; furthermore, Ner. Sir, I would fpeak with you. I'll fee if I can get my husband's ring: Which I did make him fwear to keep for ever. [To Por. We fhall have old That they did give the rings away to men; [fwearing, But we'll out-face them, and out-fwear them too : Away, make hafte, thou know'ft where I will tarry. Ner. Come, good Sir, will you fhew me to this houfe? [Exeunt. ACT V. SCENE I. Belmont. A grove or green place before Portia's houfe. Enter Lorenzo and Jeffica. Lor. HE moon shines bright: in fuch a night as TH this, When the fweet wind did gently kifs the trees, Jef. In fuch a night Did Thisbe fearfully o'er-trip the dew; Lor. In fuch a night Stood Dido with a willow in her hand Upon the wild fea-banks, and wav'd her love Jef. In fuch a night Medea gather'd the inchanted herbs, Lor. In fuch a night Did Jeffica fteal from the wealthy Jew, And with an unthrift love did run from Venice, Jef. And in fuch a night Did young Lorenzo fwear he lov'd her well; Lor. And in fuch a night Did pretty Jeffica, (like a little fhrew), Jef. I would out-night you, did no body come But hark, I hear the footing of a man. Enter Stephano. Lor. Who comes fo faft in filence of the night? Lor. What friend? Your name, I pray you, friend? M . Mef. Stephano is my name, and I bring word, My mistress will before the break of day Be here at Belmont: fhe doth ftray about By holy croffes, where he kneels, and prays, Lor. Who comes with her? Mef. None but a holy hermit and her maid. I pray you, is niy mafter yet return'd? Lor. He is not, nor have we yet heard from him. But go we in, I pray thee, Jeffica, And ceremoniously let us prepare Some welcome for the miftrefs of the house. Enter Launcelot. Laun. Sola, fola, wo ha, ho, fola, fola! Lor. Who calls? Laun. Sola! did you fee Mafter Lorenzo and Mistress Lorenzo fola, fola! Lor. Leave hollowing, man: here Laun. Sola! where? where? Lor. Here. Laun. Tell him, there's a poft come from my mafter with his horn full of good news. My mafter will be here ere morning. Lor. Sweet love, let's in, and there expect their And yet no matter why fhould we go in? [coming. My friend Stephano, fignify, I pray you, Within the house, your mistress is at hand; [Exit. Stephano, And bring your mufic forth into the air. How fweet the moon-light fleeps upon this bank ! Still quiring to the young-ey'd cherubims; Doth grofsly clofe us in, we cannot hear it.' Come, ho, and wake Diana with a hymn; Jef. I'm never merry when I hear fweet mufic. [Mufic The reafon is, your fpirits are attentive; For do but note a wild and wanton herd, Lor. • Or race of youthful and unhandled colts, Therefore the poet • Nor is not mov'd with concord of sweet sounds, 'Let no fuch man be trufted-Mark the mufic." Enter Portia and Neriffa. Por. That light we fee, is burning in my hall : How far that little candle throws his beams! So fhines a good deed in a naughty world. Ner. When the moon fhone, we did not fee the candle Por. So doth the greater glory dim the lefs A fubftitute fhines brightly as a King, Until a King be by; and then his ftate Empties itself, as doth an inland brook Into the main of waters. Mufic, hark! [Mufic Ner. It is the mufic, Madam, of your houfe. Ner. Silence beftows the virtue on it, Madam, When every goofe is cackling, would be thought Lor. That is the voice, Or I am much deceiv'd, of Portia. [Mufic ceafes. Por. He knows me as the blind man knows the cuc By the bad voice. Lor. Dear Lady, welcome home. [kow, Por. We have been praying for our husbands healths, Which speed we hope the better for our words. Lor. Madam, they are not yet; But there is come a meffenger before, Por. Go, Neriffa, Give order to my fervants, that they take [A tucket founds. Lor. Your husband is at hand, I hear his trumpet: We are no tell-tales, Madam, fear you not. Por. This night, methinks, is but the day-light fick; It looks a little paler; 'tis a day, Such as the day is when the fun is hid. Enter Baffanio, Anthonio, Gratiano, and their followers. If Baff. We fhould hold day with the Antipodes, you would walk in abfence of the fun. Por. Let me give light, but let me not be light; For a light wife doth make a heavy husband; And never be Bassanio so from me; But God fort all! You're welcome home, my Lord. Ba. I thank you, Madam: Give welcome to my This is the man, this is Anthonio, To whom I am fo infinitely bound. [friend; Por. You fhould in all fense be much bound to him; For, as I hear, he was much bound for you. Ant. No more than I am well acquitted of. Por. Sir, you are very welcome to our house; |