That from the hunters' aim had ta'en a hurt, Duke fen. But what faid Jaques ? I Lord. O yes, into a thousand fimilies. look Drike fen. And did you leave him in this contem plation? 2 Lord. We did, my Lord, weeping and commentUpon the fobbing deer. Duke fen. Show me the place; I love to cope him in thefe fullen fits, Lord. I'll bring you to him ftraight, [ing [Exeunt SCENE II. Changes to the palace again. Enter Duke Frederick, with Lords. Duke. Can it be poffible, that no man faw them? It cannot be ; fome villains of my court Are of confent and sufferance in this. I Lord. I cannot hear of any that did fee her. They found the bed untreafur'd of their mistress. 2 Lord. My Lord, the roynish clown at whom Your Grace was wont to laugh, is also missing: Your daughter and her coufin much commend Duke. Send to his brother, fetch that gallant hither: SCENE III. [Exeunt. Changes to Oliver's house. Enter Orlando and Adam. Orla. Who's there? Adam. What! my young mafter? oh, my gentle. mafter, Oh, my sweet mafter, O you memory Of old Sir Rowland! why, what make you here? No more do your's; your virtues, gentle Mafter, Oh, what a world is this, when what is comely Orla. Why, what's the matter? Adam. O unhappy youth, Come not within thefe doors; within this roof Your brother (no; no brother; yet the fon, Yet not the fon; I will not call him fon Of him I was about to call his father), Hath heard your praises, and this night he means And within it; I overheard him, and his practices: This is no place, this houfe is but a butchery; Orla. Why, whither, Adam, wouldst thou have me go! Adam. No matter whither, fo you come not here. Orla. What, wouldst thou have me go and beg my Or with a bafe and boisterous fword enforce A thievifh living on the common road? I rather will fubject me to the malice Of a diverted-blood, and bloody brother. 6 [food? Adam. But do not fo; I have five hundred crowns, • The thrifty hire I fav'd under your father, • Which I did ftore, to be my fofter-nurfe • When fervice fhould in my old limbs le lame, • Hot and rebellious liquors in my blood; Therefore my age is as a lufty winter, Frofty, but kindly; let me go with you; I'll do the fervice of a younger man In all your bufinefs and neceffities. Orla. Oh! good old man, how well in thee appears Adam. Mafter, go on; and I will follow thee Than to die well, and not my mafter's debtor. [Exeunt. SCENE IV. Changes to the foreft of Arden. Enter Rofalind in boy's cloaths for Ganymede, Celia drefs'd like a fhepherdefs for Aliena, and Clown. Rof. O Jupiter! how weary are my fpirits? Clo. I care not for my fpirits, if my legs were not weary. Rof. I could find in my heart to difgrace my man's apparel, and cry like a woman; but I muft comfort the weaker veffel, as doublet and hofe ought to show itself courageous to petticoat: therefore, courage, good Aliena. Cel. I pray you, bear with me, I can go no further. Clo, For my part, I had rather bear with you, than bear you; yet I should bear no cross, if I did bear you; for I think you have no money in you purse. Rof. Well, this is the foreft of Arden. Clo. Ay; now I am in Arden, the more fool I; when I was at home, I was in a better place; but travellers must be content. Rof. Ay, be fo, good Touchftone. Look you, whe comes here; a young man and an old in folemn talk. Enter Corin and Sylvius. Cor. That is the way to make her fcorn you still. Cor. Into a thousand that I have forgotten. • Thou haft not lov'd. Or if thou haft not fat as I do now, Wearying the hearer in thy miftrefs' praife, Or if thou haft not broke from company O Phebe! Phebe! Phebe ! [Exit Syl. Rof. Alas, poor fhepherd! fearching of thy wound, I have by hard adventure found my own. Cl." And I mine. I remember, when I was in "love, I broke my fword upon a ftone, and bid him take "that for coming a-nights to Jane Smile; and I re"member the kiffing of her batlet, and the cow's dugs "that her pretty chopt hands had milk'd; and I re"member the wooing of a peafcod inftead of her, from "whom I took two cods, and giving her them again, "faid with weeping tears, Wear thefe for my fake, |