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If they will patiently receive my medicine.

Duke fen. Fie on thee! I can tell what thou wouldst do,

Jaq. What, for a counter, would I do but good? Duke fen. Moft mifchievous foul fin, in chiding fin: For thou thyself haft been a libertine,

As fenfual as the brutish fting itself;

And all th' embossed sores and headed evils,
That thou with licence of free foot haft caught,
Wouldft thou difgorge into the general world.
Jaq. "Why, who cries out on pride,
"That can therein tax any private party?
"Doth it not flow as hugely as the fea,
""Till that the very very means do ebb?
"What woman in the city do I name,
* When that I fay, the city-woman bears
"The coft of princes on unworthy shoulders ?
Who can come in, and fay, that I mean her;
"When fuch a one as fhe, fuch is her neighbour?
Or what is he of bafeft function,

"That fays, his bravery is not on my coft;

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Thinking, that I mean him; but therein fuits "His folly to the metal of my speech?

"There then; how then? what then? let me fee "wherein

"My tongue hath wrong'd him; if it do him right,
"Then he hath wrong'd himfelf; if he be free,
"Why, then my taxing, like a wild goofe, flies
"Unclaim'd of any man.

But who comes here ?

SCENE VIII. Enter Orlando,with his fword drawn.

Orla. Forbear, and eat no more.

Jaq. Why, I have eat none yet.

Orla. Nor fhalt thou, till neceffity be ferv'd.

Jaq. Of what kind fhould this cock come of?

Duke fen. Art thou thus bolden'd, man, by thy diftrefs?

Or elfe a rude defpifer of good manners,

That in civility thou feem'ft fo empty?

Orla. You touch'd my vein at firft; the thorny point Of bare diftrefs hath ta'en from me the fhew Of smooth civility; yet am I in-land bred, And know fome nurture. But forbear, I say.

He dies that touches any of this fruit,
Till I and my affairs are anfwered. ·
Jaq. If you will not

Be anfwered with reafon, I muft die.

Duke fen. What would you have? Your gentlenefs fhall force,

More than your force move us to gentleness.

Orla. I almoft die for food, and let me have it. Duke fen. Sit down and feed, and welcome to our table.

Orla. Speak you fo gently? pardon me, I pray you I thought that all things had been favage here; And therefore put I on the countenance

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Of ftern cómmandment. But whate'er you are,
That in this defart inacceffible,

Under the fhade of melancholy boughs,

Lofe and neglect the creeping hours of time;
If ever you have look'd on better days;

If ever been where bells have knoll'd to church;
If ever fat at any good man's feast;

If ever from your eye-lids wip'd a tear,
And know what 'tis to pity, and be pity'd;'
Let gentleness my ftrong inforcement be,

In the which hope I blush, and hide my fword.

Duke fen. True is it that we have feen better

And have with holy bell been knoll'd to church;
And fat at good mens' feafts, and wip'd our eyes
Of drops that facred pity had engender'd:
And therefore fit you down in gentleness,
And take upon command what help we have,
That to your wanting may be ministred.

Orla. Then but forbear your food a little while,
Whiles, like a doe, I go to find my fawn,
And give it food. There is an old poor man,
Who after me hath many a weary ftep
Limp'd in pure love; till he be firft fuffic'd,
Opprefs'd with two weak cvils, age and hunger,
I will not touch a bit.

Duke fen. Go find him out,

And we will nothing wafte till you return.

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Orla. I thank ye; and be bless'd for your good com


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Duke fen. Thou seeft, we are not all alone unhappy : This wide and univerfal theatre

Prefents more woful pageants, than the scene
Wherein we play in.

Jaq. All the world's a stage,

* And all the men and women merely players; They have their Exits and their entrances,

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* And one man in his time plays many parts:

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His acts being feven ages. At first the infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurfe's arms.

And then the whining school-boy, with his fatchel,
And shining morning-face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to fchool. And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woful balad

Made to his mistress' eye-brow. Then a foldier, Full of ftrange oaths, and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honour, fudden and quick in quarrel; Seeking the bubble reputation

. Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the juftice, < In fair round belly, with good capon lin❜d, ▾ With eyes fevere, and beard of formal cut,

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Full of wife faws and modern inftances,

And fo he plays his part. The fixth age shifts
Into the lean and flipper'd pantaloon,

. With fpectacles on nofe, and pouch on fide;
His youthful hose well fav'd, a world too wide
For his fhrunk fhank; and his big manly voice,
Turning again toward childish treble, pipes,
And whiftles in his found. Laft fcene of all,
That ends this ftrange eventful hiftory,
Is fecond childifhnefs, and mere oblivion,
Sans teeth, fans eyes, fans tafte, fans every thing.
SCENE X. Enter Orlando, with Adam.

Duke fen. Welcome: fet down your venerable burAnd let him feed.

Orla. I thank you moft for him,
Adam. So had you need,


I scarce can speak to thank you for myself.

Duke fen. Welcome, fall to: I will not trouble you,
As yet to queftion you about your fortunes.
Give us fome mufic; and, good coufin, fing.

Blow, blow, thou winter wind,
Thou art not fo unkind

As man's ingratitude;

Thy tooth is not fo keen,
Because thou art not fheen,

Altho' thy breath be rude.

Heigh ho! fing, beigh ho! unto the green holly;
Moft friendship is feigning; most loving mere folly.
Then heigh ho, the holly!

This life is moft jolly.

Freeze, freeze, thou bitter fky,
That doft not bite fo nigh

As benefits forgot:

Tho' thou the waters warp,
Thy fting is not so sharp

As friend remember'd not.

Heigh bo! fing, &c.

Duke fen. If that you were the good Sir Rowland's


As you have whisper'd faithfully you were,
And as mine eye doth his effigies witnefs,
Moft truly limn'd, and living in your face,
Be truly welcome hither. I'm the Duke,

That lov'd your father. The refidue of your fortune
Go to my cave and tell me. Good old man,
Thou art right welcome, as thy master is ;
Support him by the arm; give me your hand,
And let me all your fortunes understand.





The palace.

Enter Duke, Lords, and Oliver.

Duke. But were I not the better part made merey,

OT fee him fince? Sir, Sir, that cannot be

I should not feek an abfent argument

Of my revenge, thou prefent: but look to it;
Find out thy brother, wherefoe'er he is;

Seek him with candle; bring him dead or living,
Within this twelvemonth; or turn thou no more
To feek a living in our territory.

Thy lands and all things that thou doft call thine,
Worth feizure, do we feize into our hands;

Till thou canft quit thee by thy brother's mouth,
Of what we think against thee.

Oli. Oh that your Highness knew my heart in this : I never lov'd my brother in my life.

Duke. More villain thou. Well, pufh him out of


And let my officers of fuch a nature

Make an extent upon his house and lands :
Do this expediently, and turn him going.



Changes to the foreft.

Enter Orlando.

Orla. Hang there, my verfe, in witness of my love; And thou thrice-crowned queen of night furvey, With thy chafte eye, from thy pale sphere above, Thy huntress' name that my full life doth fway. Rofalind! thefe trees fhall be my books, And in their barks my thoughts I'll character; That every eye which in this foreft looks,

Shall fee thy virtue witnefs'd every where. Run, run, Orlando, carve, on every tree, The fair, the chafte, and unexpreffive fhe.


SCENE III. Enter Corin and Clown. Cor. And how like you this fhepherd's life, Mr Touchstone?

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Clo. Truly, fhepherd, in refpect of itfelf, it is a good life; but in refpect that it is a fhepherd's life, it is naught. In refpect that it is folitary, I like it very well; but in refpect that it is private, it is a vile life. Now, in refpect it is in the fields, it pleafeth me well; but in refpect it is not in the court, it is tedious. As it is a fpare life, look you,


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