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address his long-espoused bride. "My sister" -eternal covenant oneness of interest and divinely constituted relationship. The thought that sinners such as we should be one with Incarnate Deity, was amazing great to my mind. Yea, sometimes, I almost forgot where I was; only every now and then I heard my companions rattling at somebody's door, and grumbling to themselves they would say, "would'nt care if we could get Banks in some where to rest." But Banks was internally feasting upon the beautiful words "My sister; my love, my dove, my undefiled," &c. The silent town of Whittlesea was that night a solemn place for study for me. It was "Good Friday;" and as we were wandering about houseless, homeless, and apparently friendless-this thought worked deep in my soul-" it was about this hour when Judas having betrayed him, that he was led away to the Judgment Hall, and poor Peter denied him." Who can tell the deep agonies of our Saviour's soul, while passing through the scenes of Gethsemane, Pilate's bar, and Calvary's bloody tree? I laboured to follow him in these places; and certainly I had something of Watt's spirit, when he says

"Did Christ my Lord suffer,

And shall I repine ?"

No, I did not.

As the church clock of Whittlesea struck three, a heavy mist began to fall upon usand again the words spake in me:" Open to me, my sister, my love; for my head is filled with dew, and my locks with the drops of the night." It was to me, as though Christ said "I am coming full of the Holy Ghost, anointed by the Spirit for my work;" as the Father hath said "I have put my Spirit UPON HIM," yes! "the Holy Ghost the Comforter" was in and with him, in all that life-giving power essential to his nature, character, position, and work. "The drops of the night" were not only words denoting the travail of the Redeemer's soul; but they led me to consider the many precious words he spake unto our fathers in the days of old, waiting, and travelling, until the Incarna tion morning came. All the Old Testament manifestations of Christ-all the Old Testament promises and prophecies concerning the Messiah, were so many "drops of the night," and when he came, his locks were filled with them; they were all fulfilled in him, "and of his fullness have all we received,; and grace for grace."

About six o'clock, I met a man who told me where the Baptist Parsonage was. I knocked-in a moment, the kind pastor "opened to me," the tale was soon told, and for three hours I slept in the beautiful bed, which had all night been waiting for me; and I had all night been searching and looking for it; and, although I shall ever be thankful for that night's sacred contemplation in the silent streets of Whittlesea; still, my weary frame was glad enough to lay down and rest. Of course, I preached in the morning from the text I had studied all night. Among the large congregation then gathered together, I saw before me my two brethren

Male and Flory, who had also been to rest. But when I read my text-"My head is filled with dew; and my locks with the drops of the night"--they looked hard at one another, as much as to say-"Is he going to tell the people all our sorrows?" I said not one word about it; I went to the text as well as I could; but the preaching was exceedingly poor to my mind, after such a night of study and thought.

I must close. We had a good anniversary that day at Whittlesea. The spacious chapel was filled; Mr. Irish preached sweetly to us in the afternoon; and at night I was as happy in the Gospel as I can be on earth. Brethren, I thank you-and, if the Lord spare me, you shall soon hear again from-C. W. BANKS. 2, Eldon Place, London. S.E.

"ZION," GOLDington CresCENT, ST. PANCRAS. Dear Brother Banks, There are always some of the Lord's family who are looking out, both here and in Australia, for the arrival of THE VESSEL, anxious to see whether it contains anything in reference to that part of God's church worshipping at Zion. It is with pleasure I tell you, that on Good Friday last, we held our annual meeting. The object being the liquidation of the debt. We were favoured with the company of nearly 200 to tea; presided over by our Pastor: all were happy; and many were heard to exclaim: "This is the best meeting we were ever at." We gave them the best of everything; and the proceede (being entirely voluntary) amounted to £14. You see, that at Zion there are still those that possess principle. The churches, I feel sure would do well to imitate so good a plan. At half-past six the numbers present reached nearly 600. Mr. James Nunn took the chair, supported by brethren Rowland, Pearce, Vaughan, Godsmark, and Christian. Their remarks were good; one and all being led out in a peculiarly happy style, calculated to uphold the truths of God; and were listened to with great satisfaction. It was stated by the Treasurer that during the seven years and a half, that the debt had been reduced by the voluntary principle, nearly £100 every year; the present paid off amount being nearly £800. The singing was much admired; our friends having practised several choice pieces; which were sung with great spirit and exactness; and elicited universal satisfaction: it was indeed a happy evening; the result approaching £20. JAMES MARKS.

CLARE, SUFFOLK.-On Sunday April 4th, 1858. Mr. Pells preached in the morning to a densely crowded congregation from 2 Col. 12. Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead." After which, Mr Pells baptised a man his wife and five others, one of which number was for a neighbouring church. In the afternoon at the close of a sermon founded on Acts xiii. 31, "His witnesses unto the people." Mr. Pells addressed six of those whom he baptized in the morning, and received them into full communion.

LITTLE MOORFIELDS.-The Old Baptist Church, for many years meeting in Red Cross Street, in the city, under the pastoral care of Mr. Whittaker, have, (since his retirement to Tunbridge Wells,) removed to White Street, near Finsburysquare. The first anniversary of Mr. George Webb's becoming their minister, was holden on Lord's-day, April 18th; and on the following Tuesday the public recognition of Mr. George Webb, as their pastor, took place in Ebenezer Chapel, Buttesland Street, Hoxton, (lent for the occasion). Mr. Ball, of Wandsworth, conducted the services-Mr. Flack read the Scriptures, and implored the divine blessing. Mr. W. Palmer gave his views of a Gospel Church; Mr. G. Webb, at considerable length declared his conversion and call to the ministry. Mr. Hazelton offered the ordination prayer in terms most appropriate and sincere. Mr. Geo. Wyard gave the charge in a most excellent, comprehensive, and fatherly spirit. C. W. Banks addressed the Church; Mr. Bell closed the meeting, which was pleasant and pro

fitable to many.

lowship. Mr. C. then took his place at the table,
responded to the same, and gave an affectionate
address to us as a Church; he then gave the right
hand of fellowship to five persons, two of whom
he had baptised, and three by honourable dismis-
sions from other churches of the same faith and
order, (thus making an increase of thirteen mem-
bers since the commencement of the year.) At the
close of which, we as Pastor and church, sat down
to celebrate the dying love of our adorable Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ. The whole of the service
was one of the most interesting and affecting we
ever witnessed, there being scarcely a dry eye in
the place. We would with the Psalmist say, "Save
now we beseech thee, O Lord: O Lord, we beseech
thee, send now prosperity." Signed,

[blocks in formation]

BEDMOND.-The ordinance of Believer's Baptism was administered in Salem Chapel, Two Waof the Baptist Chapel, Bedmont, on Lord's-day ters, Herts, by Mr. Henry Hutchinson, the pastor morning, March 28th, 1858, to one male, and one female, after a very suitable discourse from 1 Corinthians, 12th chapter, 13th verse. "For by one spirit are we all baptised into one body." The Lord was with us; every nook and corner of the chapel was crowded. They were united to the church at Bedmond on the following Lord's-day, April 4th. We baptise at Two Waters because we have no baptistry at Bedmont: the friends at Two Waters kindly giving us the liberty of baptizing there. I believe many of the Lord's family are longing to go through the ordinance, but are afraid to presume; their greatest fears are, that they are doubtful whether they have set ont right; in short they are doubtful whether their religion is a Arminian preachers who have told them they must be more holy and righteous, and they have waited to get better, and find they get worse, and they still get worse, for the longer they live the deeper is the conviction, they are sinners and need an atoning sacrifice.

KEPPLE STREET.-The third anniversary of Mr. Milner's pastorate, was held on Thursday evening, March 25th. A goodly number sat down to a well provided tea, and all seemed very happy. At half-past six o'clock, the public meeting commenced, over which the Pastor presided. After a song of praise, Mr. Pells, of Clare, implored the divine blessing to rest upon Pastor and people, and also on the proceedings of the then present meeting. Mr. Milner, in his introductory address, spoke freely of the uninterrupted union that did happily subsist between himself and his people. Brethren in the ministry were called upon to address the meeting from a few verses contained in the 68th Psalm, and that in the following order-right one, or a wrong one: some have sat under Brother Green spoke from the 9th verse, Anderson 10th verse, Austin 11th verse, Wyard 13th verse, and Williamson 18th verse. Each address was well delivered and listened to with the utmost attention, after which the Pastor closed the happy meeting by prayer. That Pastor and people may long be thus happily united; yea, even until death shall sever the shepherd from his flock, is the ardent desire of ONE WHO WAS PRESENT.

CLARE, SUFFOLK.-Mr. Pells having resigned his pastorate here, will (D.v.) preach his farewell sermon in the afternoon of the last Lord's-day in This unexpected step has caused much surprise and grief among the friends at

June next.

Clare, but as the church believe the Lord is

about opening a door to Mr. Pells, where his labors may prove more abundantly successful, they bow to the event, believing "the hand that wrought it is divine;" therefore he leaves with their best wishes and ardent prayers for his future' welfare. And they wait in humble expectation the Lord will soon appear for them, that the church which has so greatly increased under his ministry, and the vast congregation which assemble from Sabbath to Sabbath may not have to wander from place to place as sheep without a shepherd.

THE SUN SHINING ON SILVER HILL, WINCHESTER, Mr. William Chappell, formerly of Colchester, and late of Barley, near Royston, having supplied the Baptist Church of Christ in the above place, and being heard on every occasion with consider able pleasure and much profit to our souls, in the early part of January last, at a meeting called for the special purpose, after earnest prayer, and mature deliberation, we came to the following conclusion, which we are thankful to say was unanimously agreed upon, to give Mr. Chappell a cordial invitation to take the pastoral oversight of us as a church and people, which after much consideration, be felt it his duty to accept; and on Lord's-day afternoon the 11th of April following, was publicly received a member and Pastor of the church, after a suitable and affectionate address by the senior deacon, who in the name of the whole body, gave him the right hand of fel

One of the persons baptised has been a Sunday school scholar with us; the other is a teacher in the Sunday school: thus we are encouraged in that department, as we have had several of the teachers of the school and the Superintendent baptised after they have engaged in H. H.

their labors.


(Continued from page 58.) We left the author of "The Triumph of Christ on the Cross" wandering through Holland, Rotterdam, and onward to London. We pass over several pages of narrative, and falling upon the 20th page, we find a careful and striking record of Mr. Samuel's entrance into London, twenty-two years since; and of the commencement of the work of grace on his soul.

We hope this testimony will be profitably perused by all who sympathize with us in the restoration of God's elect people from among the Jews; and, especially by those who love to trace the flowings of grace in the hearts of the ransomed.

The volume from whence the following extract is made contains upwards of 200 pages, on subjects of vital importance. The work may be had at our office; or of Mr. Samuel, 1, Moliere Terrace, Lower Broughton, Manchester. Mr. Samuel says

"In the year 1836 I came to London for

when these words came to me, "If thou diest in thy sins, thou shalt surely perish." I then, for the first time, went down on my knees, and wept bitterly, calling on the God of Israel to show the cause of my misery. Bending the knees is contrary to the Jewish custom, as well as to pray with the head uncovered. But I did both; how it came to pass, I could not tell. That night I had no sleep, as the thoughts of death and perishing, were dreadful to me. The Jews believe on a place of reward and punishment; but deny any knowledge of where they are going, until the dissolution of soul and body. Again, they say, death makes atonement for all their sins. That night, I tried to take comfort from this,

the purpose of keeping the Passover, expecting to meet a countryman of mine, who, for years, had kept his Passover in London. During my stay, I called at the same eating-house, where I heard of the melancholy news of the death of my brother. As I was sitting with my brethren Jews, a gentleman came in, seated himself at the same table, and called for a cup of coffee, who afterwards proved to be a converted Jew. He first began to talk about business, and, by degrees, he introduced religion, and the Messiah. I heard one in the room say, "This is a converted Jew." I said to the party with whom I was talking, "We will have a bit of fun with him." I then addressed myself to him by saying, "You are one who have forsaken-but, alas! it afforded me none. I believe the religion of our fathers, and deny the law that atonement is made by the death of one of Moses; and believe one to be God, who Man, the God-man Christ Jesus. Having was condemned by our Rabbis and Priests, heard there was a house in New Street, Biand who was hanged on a tree-Jesus of shopsgate Street, for the purpose that Jews Nazareth,-whom you say was the Son of might converse about Christianity: the house David. Where can you prove it from our was occupied by a converted Jew, named Bible?" He replied, "That he had not for- Saul; he was also the clerk in the Episcopal saken the religion of our forefathers, nor Chapel, Palestine Place, Cambridge Ĥeaththe law of Moses. I believe that the Messiah one day I resolved to go there. I met a is come, and that Jesus of Nazareth was the gentleman in Bishopsgate-street, and inMessiah, and will prove it from the Word of quired of him for this place. He replied, God." I replied, "If he could do that, I "I am going that way, and I will take you to will believe, but it must not be from the it! When we arrived at the house, he walkChristians' Bible, but ours." An Hebrew ed in with me, invited me in, and asked me Bible was placed upon the table, and he took to sit down. He inquired my errand. I another from his pocket. The principal told him, I had heard there were gentlemen parts on which we discoursed, were Genesis here, who would converse about the Mesxlix. 10; Isaiah liii.; Zech. xii. 10. But my siah. He said that he was an Israelite, and companion and I considered we had gained was convinced by the word of God that the the point in argument, therefore I said, "As Messiah is come, and that Jesus of Nazareth he could not prove from the Bible, that the was the one; also, except we believe in Him, Messiah is come, much more that Jesus of whether Jew or Gentile, it is impossible to be Nazareth was he, I could not believe." He saved. After two hours' conversation I left then replied, "That if I believed not, I him, without any advantage from his argushould die in my sins and perish." We ments, except from the words he mentioned, then commenced ridiculing him, and he left. "If ye believe not that Jesus of Nazareth is Soon after, I also left, and while in the street, the Messiah, ye cannot be saved." This was these words, "Who can tell, but that Jesus like a hammer, driving the former conviction is the Messiah?" came to me very power- deeper into my conscience. What, said I fully; so that the thoughts made me un- within myself, without believing, impossible comfortable, as I believed that the very to be saved! What, must I perish eternally! thought itself was blasphemy. I tried all This was an addition to my former troubles. I could to shake it off, and to get it from my One day as I was musing on the state of my mind. The more I tried to get rid of the mind, the words came to me with great thoughts, the closer they clave to me. The power, "The soul that sinneth it shall die." arrow of the Almighty was sent forth into This was in my conscience like a mighty thunmy heart, and there it must remain. These der, which shook me to the centre. My thoughts followed me up for some time, whole frame trembled. I begged of the Lord awake or asleep, at home or abroad, which to open my eyes to understand his word, to made me very miserable and unhappy; such teach me things that are right, and not suffer feelings I never realized before. One day, at me to be led astray. I thought within myself my apartments, I took up an Hebrew Bible, that I would go again to the afore-mentioned and began to examine those portions before place, as the gentlemen asked me to call again. referred to; finding nothing to satisfy me, I When I came there I saw the same Israelite, shut it up, when the words spoken by the whose name was Alexander; who afterwards Jew came to me, "If thou believest not, thou became bishop of Jerusalem. It was rather shalt die in thy sins and perish." They came remarkable that I should find him there, as with such power, that for a short time I knew he only visited occasionally, taking his turn not what to do with myself; not knowing with others belonging to the London Society whence they came, or what they meant. The for promoting Christianity among the Jews. uneasiness of my mind kept increasing, until During our conversation he asked what effect I was much distressed. I remember, one our last interview had had upon me, which I evening, on retiring to rest, saying my pray-related with tears running from my eyes. ers, I begged the Lord to remove the blas- He gave me some tracts and his card, and told phemous thoughts, as I then considered them, me to call upon him at his private residence

A WORD FOR THE PRECEPT; not under the penalty of the law, for Christ



[THE query to which the following is a reply, appeared on page 60, of THE EARTHEN VESSEL for March, 1858.-ED.]

MR. EDITOR.-Dear Sir-This is a remarkable age, inasmuch as a great many are very anxious, if possible, to get every moral and evangelical obligation explained away in order that their lax habits may be excused, and that their negligence of revealed obligations may find a palliating apologist in some acknowledged man of truth. How few there are who dare to talk of duty, to urge the precept!

was once told by a professed preacher of the Gospel, that "he had no objection (no objection? indeed!) to the precept, providing it is used gospelly." What do these gentlemen mean by this? Do they mean to say that we have nothing to do with precepts, but such as are in the gospel ? or do they mean that the precepts of the New Testament are only binding upon the elect? They may as well tell us that the mandates of the throne only extend to the royal family. The apostles did not so think nor so speak. They knew there were laws in the royal house (the church) peculiar to the royal family, and that there were duties incumbent upon every relation of life. That it was the duty of every husband to love his wife; that it was the duty of every wife to obey and reverence her own husband; that it was the duty of every father to avoid provoking his children; that it was the duty of children to honour and obey their parents; that it was the duty of masters to give unto their servants that which is just and equal; that it was the duty of servants to shew all fidelity to their masters; that it was the duty of kings to reign over their subjects in righteousness; that it was the duty of subjects to submit to the higher powers. Again, they say, "We have no objection to the invitations if (what an impious if!) they are qualified." Qualified, forsooth! That is, I suppose, if the invitation is given to the character invited. Well, what logic! Who ever heard of an invitation without such a qualification? and for a poor, ignorant worm to talk about qualifying what Jehovah has already qualified is arrant folly. Suppose you were to send an invitation by your servant to certain persons, and that servant so qualified your invitations that many whom you invited were afraid to come; what would you do with that servant? I believe many had better let the invitations alone, unless they delivered them as God has given them. But let us return to the pre


Duty is ignored by many a professed son whose character and conduct publicly demonstrates that he is not even a servant, much less a son. Those gentlemen who regard grace as the patron of evil, have two apologies for their inconsistencies. One is, "We are not under the law." True, as Christians we are

was made a curse for us. "But, say some, we are neither under the penalty nor the precept. True, as Christians we are neither under the penalty of the law to be thereby damned for our sins, nor under the precept of the law in a covenant form to be thereby saved for our obedience. But will any one tell me that we are not so under the law as not to be obliged to respect the conduct it prescribes? What! shall morality be required of the world, and not of the church ? What! shall sons seek an excuse for those omissions and commissions for which the servants shall be damned? What! has God repealed the law for his sons, and left it in full force against his servants? What! shall the son sin with pleasure when the servant dreads to offend his Master? What! shall the servant regard the law, and the son trample the same under foot? Delivered from the law indeed! to whom then are we responsible? Take away the law, and who can claim our homage, our fear, our love, our service, our devotion? Free from the law in the Antinomian sense, and we are free from God. Marvellous infatuation! God's law is eternal, and we shall be eternally under law to God. The devil, now in hell, is as much under law to God as when in heaven. And hence the Saviour reminded him of his obligations, "Thou (Satan) shalt worship the Lord thy God," &c. Matt. iv. 10. And the saints in heaven to all eternity will be under law to God.

The comprehensive spirit of the law is: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God and thy neighbour as thyself." These are the headings of the two tables. If we love God we shall desire to keep the first table. If we love our neighbour, we shall not kill him, nor steal from him, nor bear false witness against him. Persons who glory in not being under the law when their rebellion against God-when their practical covetousness, &c., is patent to the world, are doubly deceived. I again say, that we are not under the law in its punative relation to us as sinners, because our dear Redeemer died for all our transgressions of the law in this sinning world; but we are, and must remain, under law to God in its preceptive relations to us as creatures. The law in paradise was: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God." The law now is: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God;" and the law will ever be: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God."

The second apology they have is by placing all their faults upon the human scape-goat, called "the Old Man." He is a dreadful old rascal I know, and if he has to bear all that is put to his account he will have a tremendous day of reckoning. I know there are who are "putting down" (to use a vulgar expression) to the old man every day. But, who is this old man you talk so much about? Is he an acquaintance of your's? Is he any relation to you? Does he belong to you? If he does, how is it that you can so complacently heap so much villany upon his head? I ask again, Do you know who this old man is? I presume you will say, some old fellow that don't belong to me-a sort of next-door-neighbour.

But allow me to tell you that that old gentleman is yourself your very self-that same self which is to be judged according to the deeds done in the body. I know what you mean by the old man, and I have had long acquaintance with him, and I have often tried to make him my scape-goat, to bear my sins into the land of forgetfulness; but it may appear strange to some that I never could take such liberties with this queer old fellow that some appear to do. No, indeed; instead of palming my sins upon some supposed "old man," I have been obliged to take to myself shame and confusion of face. When the Lord looked upon Peter after his fall, he wept bitterly. He did not say, "Lord, it was my old man." When Nathan went to have a little parabolical conversation with David, and brought the matter home, David did not say, "Nathan, 'twas my old man." No, No; but "I have sinned against the Lord." I think those who have such an accommodating old man, know nothing about the new man of the heart. I am not attempting to dispute the fact that the (sinful) flesh is against the (sinless) spirit, and vice versa. I feel this daily. But what I am speaking against, is that abominable and deceptive practice of putting every thing down to the "old man" (as though he was some distinct person from ourselves) with: "O, I could not help it-it was the old man-put it down to the old man."

posed, namely, "Is it right and proper to teach children to pray ? I remember an anecdote-which I believe has been well authenticated of a minister in his travels stopping at an inn, in which he conversed with a little girl who was very ignorant of every religious matter, and he taught her a prayer which he requested her to repeat as often as she could, and the prayer was this, "Lord shew me myself." In the morning he left. Some weeks after, he had occasion to pass that way again, and feeling deeply interested in the child, he called at the inn to ascertain the state of her mind, and to his joy he found her in great distress, the Lord had heard her prayer, and convinced her of her state as a sinner. The man of God then taught her this prayer, "Lord, shew me thyself;" that prayer too was answered, and the poor little ignorant waiting maid was made wise unto salvation.

I thought of proposing twelve questions to the Sabbath school teacher in answer to his requisition; but as I have already trespassed so much upon your pages, I must confine myself to two:

Query 1.-Is there THAT in the irrational part of the animal kingdom which answers to prayer? I think there is; but they are not the prayers of duty, except it be of that duty which emanates from the law of necessity. As creatures, we are all dependent upon the great source of our being and subsistence, and this doctrine seems to constitute one universal element in the instinct of animated nature. "The young ravens cried." (Psalm exlvii. 9.) Yes, and so did young Ishmael with the same instinctive cry. Gen. xxi. 17.

Old man; know ye not that hell is half full, or nearly so, with those who once had an old man to whom they unscrupulously imputed the evil of their doings. What would they not give for an old man to bear the fault of their sins now? O, say some, you are coming Query 2.-Is prayer contemplated in the out. Ay! and it is time to come out, and moral code? If so, then it is a duty-a duty lay the ax of Almighty truth at the root of binding upon all, for whatever is comprehenthe antinomian tree. Thousands are deceiv-ded in the ten commandments is to be obsering themselves, I can see it-see it more particularly in the clear headed. Look at the Church-the Church professing the truth, and in what more than creed does that Church differ from the world? Can we distinguish the saints from sinners? Can we not often find more gravity, seriousness, and even morality in men of the world than in many in the Church? The Church of truth-or rather the professing Church of truth-has lost her character, and with her character her strength. I do not say that there are not some holy and blessed exceptions; ay, say you, and I suppose you are one of them-I do not say so. Indeed, sometimes I feel that I have been so old manish that I am afraid that I do not know anything as I ought (according to the term of my profession,) to know. But I hope I am looking out of obscurity-I feel now I want the mitre as well as the ephod. Holiness to the Lord is what I wish and pray for; I know I shall be called legal,-I am prepared for all that. Should I be right, and that I most fervently pray to be, it will matter but little what I am called.

I trust that the Sabbath School Teacher will excuse this long preamble, I did not intend writing thus, when I took my pen; and certainly I do not for a moment suspect him of any improper motive in the question pro

ved. Our inability to do all it prescribes, in no wise lessens its commanding authority. I again say, if prayer can be found in the law by positive command, or by implication, I unhesitatingly avow that prayer is and must be a duty. I might add another question, which may throw a little more light upon the subject, viz: Do we pray as sinners, or as saints? As sinners: do I pray for pardon? I pray, for pardon as a sinner: I have pardon as a saint. Do I pray for righteousness ?-I pray for righteousness as a sinner: I have righteousness as a saint. Do I pray for holiness ?-I pray for holiness as a sinner: I have holiness as a saint. Do I pray for wisdom? I pray for wisdom as a sinner: I have wisdom as a saint. Will it not follow that that prayer which is adapted to me as a sinner is also adapted to others as sinners. We know that we cannot teach sinners spiritually, we also know that we cannot teach them the gospel efficiently, and savingly. No: power belongeth unto God. Peter told Simon Magus to pray for forgiveness, not that he believed that Magus could of himself pray to God without the help of the Spirit, but he knew not that the Spirit might not attend his admonition, and lead him to sincere repentance.

When a child, I was taught to repeat the Pater Noster (the disciples; commonly

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