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Printed by A, MURRAY and J. COCHRAN.

32101 042065332

A CHRONOLOGICAL SERIES of Events, continued from our preceding volume.

To each article is annexed the number of the page of this volume in which it is to be found.


Feb. 14. Capt. Cooke, the celebrated circumnavigator, killed on the island O'why'hc. 43. Sept.7.21. British forts on the Miffifippi taken by the Spaniards. 27.

Nov. 17. Congrefs receives a new French ambaffador. 79.

28. Omoa evacuated by the British. 143.

Dec. 15. Motion made in the House of Peeis refpecting the public expenditure. 70. 130. 20. Meff. Stratton, Brook, Floyer, and Mackay, tried for the arrest and imprisonment of Lord Pigot. 102.

30. Affociations begun, and committees of correspondence appointed, for obtaining a redress of grievances. 51.


Capt. Fielding takes fome Dutch merchantmen while under convoy of Dutch war-
Thips. 46.

Jan. 8. Adm. Rodney takes a fleet of Spanish merchant-ships. 93.


obtains a victory over a Spanish squadron. 94.

Feb. 1. A commiffion paffes the great feal appointing Gen. Clinton and Adm. Arbuthnot commiffioners for reftoring peace in America. 49.

— 14. Mr Burke presents a bill for the better regulation of the civil lift, &c. 194. 14. An act paffed in the British parliament, allowing Ireland to trade to North A. merica, the West Indies, and the coast of Africa. 100.

23. Adm. Digby takes a French man of war and fome transports. 99.

Marcha. The British ambassador requires of the States-General to give an anfwer in three weeks concerning the fuccours claimed by G. Britain. 155.

The Empress of Ruffia fends a declaration to the belligerent powers respecting neutral ships. 212. — to which these powers return answers. 270, 71.

29. The states of the province of Holland alledge, that the succours claimable by Britain are confined to wars begun in Europe. 156.

April 3. Roffia invites the States-General to join the armed neutrality. 213.

6. The British Commons take into confideration the petitions from counties, &c.


-6. The states of Zealand recommend a negociation with Britain. 212.

17. Great Britain fufpends all the stipulations respecting navigation and commerce with the States-General. 214.

-17. Rodney's and Guichen's British and French fleets in the West Indies engage. 257, &c.

29. Fort St John on the Spanish main furrenders to the British forces. 379.

May 6. Infurrections in South America against the Spanish government. 490. 1. Charlestown in South Carolina furrenders to Gen. Clinton. 263.

A great deal of damage done by eruptions of Mount Etna. 434.

June 2. Most destructive riots in London. 281.

9. Lord George Gordon committed to the Tower of London for high treason. 493. 9. Martial law declared in Pennsylvania. 415.

15. The British and French fleets in the Weft Indies engage again. 303.

28. Trials of the London rioters begun. 362.

A proclamation in America by the Marquis de la Fayette, inviting the Canadians to join the American confederacy, $34.

July 5. Adm. Geary falls in with and takes part of a fleet of French Weft-Ir dia fh ps. 384.

8. Denmark and Sweden declare their acceffion to the armed neutrality. 431.

11. Executions of the London rioters begun, 417.

11. A French fleet and army take poffeffion of Rhode island. 426. 477.

Twenty hips of a fleet bound to Quebec captured by the Americans. 534.

Aug. 9. A fleet of British Eaft and West India fhips taken by the combined fleets of

France and Spain. 443. 546.

16. Gen. Gates defeated by Lord Cornwallis at Camden in South Carolina. 485. 18. Gen. Sumpter defeated by Col. Tarleton. 487.

Great damage done by a fire at Petersburg. $44.

22. The two ships which failed in 1776, on a voyage for making difcoveries, arrive in Orkney. 549.

30. Privateers prohibited from taking their prizes into Portugal. $44. Sept. 1. The British parliament dissolved, and another called. 495.





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