The Scots Magazine, Band 42Sands, Brymer, Murray and Cochran, 1780 |
Im Buch
... Capt . Cooke , the celebrated circumnavigator , killed on the island O'why'hc . 43 . Sept.7.21 . British forts on the Miffifippi taken by the Spaniards . 27 . Nov. 17. Congrefs receives a new French ambaffador . 79 . 28. Omoa evacuated ...
... Capt . Cooke , the celebrated circumnavigator , killed on the island O'why'hc . 43 . Sept.7.21 . British forts on the Miffifippi taken by the Spaniards . 27 . Nov. 17. Congrefs receives a new French ambaffador . 79 . 28. Omoa evacuated ...
Seite 27
... Capt . Jofeph Brandt , at the head of 1500 loyalifts and Indian warriors , fur- prifed and took Fort Stanwix , in which there were only at the time 100 Ameri- can troops , the greateft part of the garri . fon having been drawn out to ...
... Capt . Jofeph Brandt , at the head of 1500 loyalifts and Indian warriors , fur- prifed and took Fort Stanwix , in which there were only at the time 100 Ameri- can troops , the greateft part of the garri . fon having been drawn out to ...
Seite 43
... Capt . Cook , and the Discovery , Capt . Clerke . This fact is related in a letter received a few days ago from a private perfon in Kam- given , according to the ufual custom , to fchatka . The ministerial report is first the Governor ...
... Capt . Cook , and the Discovery , Capt . Clerke . This fact is related in a letter received a few days ago from a private perfon in Kam- given , according to the ufual custom , to fchatka . The ministerial report is first the Governor ...
Seite 44
... Capt . Cook , late commander of that floop , with four of his private mariners , having been kill- ed on the 14th of February laft , at the island of O'why'he , one of a group of new - difcovered iflands , in the 22d de- gree of North ...
... Capt . Cook , late commander of that floop , with four of his private mariners , having been kill- ed on the 14th of February laft , at the island of O'why'he , one of a group of new - difcovered iflands , in the 22d de- gree of North ...
Seite 45
... Capt . Clerke , to whom the command then devolved , faw no pof- fibility of revenging the death of the brave Capt . Cook , but was obliged to keep on the defenfive till his mat was repaired . In the mean time he made friends with the ...
... Capt . Clerke , to whom the command then devolved , faw no pof- fibility of revenging the death of the brave Capt . Cook , but was obliged to keep on the defenfive till his mat was repaired . In the mean time he made friends with the ...
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addrefs affembly affiftance affociations againſt alfo anſwer army becauſe bill Britain cafe Capt Captain carried caufe command commiffion confequence confiderable conftitution court defire enemy eſtabliſhed exprefs faid fame fecond fecurity feemed fent ferve fervice feven feveral fhall fhips fhould fide fince firft fituation fleet fome foon foot French frigate ftate ftill fubjects fuch fuffered fupport gentlemen George George Brydges Rodney guns himſelf honour Houfe Houſe increaſed inftance intereft iſland Jamaica juft juftice King laft lefs letter Lieut London Lord George Gordon Lord North Lord Stormont Lordship Majefty Majefty's meaſures ment minifter moft moſt motion muft muſt neceffary neral obferved occafion officers paffed parliament perfons petition pleaſure prefent prifoners Proteftant purpoſe queftion reafon refolutions refpect Ruffia ſaid Scotland ſhall ſhips ſtate thefe themſelves theſe thofe thoſe tion troops uſe veffels vice Weft whofe