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The number of native teachers, who are helpers in this good work, is estimated at five thousand, of whom twelve hundred are in the service of the Church Missionary Society in London.

were grievous not to help and encourage them, when they suffer so bitterly for coming within the sound of the 'glad tidings,' and cleaving to the faith once delivered to the saints. The urgent wants of my suffering neighbours keep me and many others in helpless poverty; and, now that the potatoes are again growing short, we have no comfort left us, but what flows from the living water'" (From an incumbent in the south of Ireland). The society, in consequence of the exhausted state of its funds, has not been enabled to meet this urgent call to the extent of their earnest desire. It is but one out of many which the committee can only answer by reduced grants. May the Lord put it into the hearts of their brothers and sisters of our apostolical church to pour out of their abundance into his emptied treasury!

IRELAND.-"Some twelve months ago I addressed a request to the Prayer-book and Homily Society for books for the poor converts in my neighbourhood; and I have to beg their accept ance of my very warmest thanks for the very liberal grant then made to me. God is, I trust, about to pour forth the light of his gospel in this most benighted country, and especially here, where his word has so often been burnt; and even to be known to keep a bible, or to read it, or to hear it read, is almost sure to be followed by the most malignant persecution, by such close and every-moment annoyance, that nothing but the grace of God could be sufficient to enable poor THE LIMERICK PROTESTANT ORPHAN INhuman nature to endure it. Yet, all praise to the STITUTION.-This society receives at once every Redeemer! his power is every day making freer eligible orphan, in compliance with the divine course, and that in places where hitherto no sign will, and in dependence upon the divine blessing; of spiritual life has been seen. In the union of no arrears, therefore, of cases for admission ever we have between 500 and 600 children, and occur. No child is suffered to perish, or to conin the adjoining union of some 150; nearly tract vicious habits and incurable infirmity, by 700 in all, learning the church catechism, many delay. .... All are regarded as alike members of of them coming to church, and those for whom I the same household of faith, and are treated with can procure prayer-books so reading and repeat- equal sympathy; and the managers of this charity ing the responses, as would put to shame many remember that they are responsible for every soul a congregation that has for centuries enjoyed the placed within the circle of their operations by an nurture of the 'bread of life.' But it is quite need-all-wise and good Providence, who never withful as a means, in order to make all these children, holds adequate aid from them who sincerely and and our 300 to 400 converts read for themselves, in faith do their duty..... At the monthly meetworship with the understanding and the spirit, ing, on the 11th July, two boys were granted, as and attach them to our holy liturgy, to supply apprentices, to protestant tradesmen, very strongly each of them with a prayer-book, at least when recommended. Letters were read from the superin church. To attain this object, I have made a intendent of the model farm, giving a gratifying collection among my friends and neighbours in account of that hopeful experiment for practically of prayer-books; and these, together with improving the abilities, habits, and condition of your grant, have done much; but still a vast num- the agricultural population-the main strength of ber are without them, and their attention wanders. every country, especially of one like poor Ireland, Almost the whole of these poor people are now all almost destitute of manufactures. There are now but paupers, and know not how they shall pass eight boys learning agriculture in the garden of the next six weeks. Many, alas! will never live the clergyman under whose care they are, and through them: every resource is consumed in pre- experimentally instructed in husbandry on the serving life: few rectors but are suffering sad pri- model farm, considerately let to the same minister vations, from the poor-rates eating up almost the by viscount Guillemore, a most generous and conwhole of their benefices, and scarcely a curate who stant friend of the society, and one of its viceis more than half paid. All this calls upon me presidents. The visitors of the ladies' committee to appear again as a suppliant for another grant made a very pleasing report of the establishment of prayer-books, for the use of this awaking' for training female orphans for servants, which is district. The chancellor of - has just been here, a branch of this society. and inspected most of our schools and unfinished buildings. Alas! our national, but papist ingratitude, seems to have dammed up the tide of English sympathy, even for the advancement of God's glory and the winning of souls to Christ. And I do admit our national unthankfulness, our turbulent and rebellious spirit as a people; but is not this an incitement to seek the enlarging and strengthering of the borders of his church? I implore your committee, then, to listen to this renewed petition for a supply of prayer-books; and I feel convinced that, if any of its members should pay a visit to this unhappy country, and personally examine our scriptural and church schools, they would acknowledge that their generous grants have been well bestowed. I should not, under other circumstances, be so importunate a beggar; but money to pay for however little, these famishing people have not to give. O, it

NEW ZEALAND (From a letter of the rev. R. Burrows to the secretary of the Church Missionary Society, dated Waimiti, December, 1847). "Two of our Christian natives have died, both of whom, we have reason to hope, are now in glory. One of them, whose Christian name was Ruth, evidenced a faith so simple, and yet so stedfast, that, in all our visits to the sick and dying, we never remember a case so interesting. She knew little more of the doctrines of the gospel save that she was a sinner, and that Christ was her Saviour; but she had that knowledge which shall destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. She had been an invalid for some time, but always made an effort to be present when the Lord's supper was administered. At our last she was led up by her friends, and became so weak while in the settlement that she was not able to

Have these individuals no souls to be saved or lost? I maintain that, as Christians, we are bound to submit to any amount of personal inconvenience, rather than endanger the souls of our fellow-creatures. I cannot sit down without breathing an earnest prayer that the blessing of God may continue to rest on the labours of this society" (speech of J. Labouchere, esq., at the annual meeting of the Lord's-day Society).

return to her home. We therefore provided a place for her, where she continued to her death. On our first interview with her after the abovementioned period, she expressed her wish to depart, and be with Christ.' Anxious to know that her hopes of heaven were built upon a solid foundation, among other remarks of a similar kind, she was told that she was a sinner, both by nature and by practice: to this she replied, tears starting into her eyes at the same time, 'True, I AGITATION IN THE MINDS OF THE Jews, am the chief; but the blood of Jesus Christ clean- &c.-The rev. F. C. Ewald, in his report from seth from all sin.' Every succeeding visit seemed Jerusalem, in April last, says: "The great comto strengthen the assurance that she was a sinner motions in Europe, the cry, Down with the saved by grace. Many very interesting conversa- kings and governments,' and the persecutions of tions took place during the three weeks that inter- the Jews in some parts of France and Germany, vened. Two days before her departure, being in have roused the Jewish population in the holy great agony, she said, 'When will the messenger city, almost to a man, to inquire and consider to of my Saviour come? I see him in the distance; what these great troubles will lead. Many of but I want him to take me now.' Being reminded them asked me with great anxiety about the state that his time was the best, Yes,' she replied, I of Europe, and their brethren there. They have know it is; and I wish to abide his time; but the offered up prayers in behalf of the Jews in Europe; pain of the body makes the spirit long to depart.' and all believe the time is fast approaching when Her husband, who was with her in her last Messiah's kingdom will be established over the moments, says, that, when she was no longer able whole earth, pointing to the prophecy of Daniel: to speak, she pointed upwards, signifying that theAnd in the days of these kings shall the God of messenger was approaching to convey her to heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be glory. Her end may be said to have been more destroyed. And the kingdom shall not be left to than a peaceful one: it was a manifest triumph other people; but it shall break in pieces, and over sin, Satan, and the world." overcome all those kingdoms; and it shall stand for ever." In this state, their minds are now prepared to listen to the glorious truth of the second coming of Christ in great glory. I often showed them what we believe in this respect, according to the scriptures; but, at the same time, I preach to them Christ crucified,' as our sole hope in life and death. I exhort them first to be reconciled to God by Christ Jesus, then they may confidently expect his second coming in great glory.". "On Good Friday," writes the rev. J. Nicolayson, "the bishop baptized at the morning service the rabbi from Salonica-now named James Elijah..... We have a good hope, not only of the sincerity of his profession and the purity of his motives, but also of the actual experience of the life of faith, and the power of grace divine." From Amsterdam the rev. C. Pauli reports: "Last Sunday, after the second lesson in the morning service, Mr. and Mrs. de Vries received the rite of holy baptism. They then handed to me, through their godfathers and godmothers, partly believing Jews and partly Christians belonging to our church, their three lovely children, who, one after the other, received holy baptism in the cause of the triune Jehovah. There was hardly an eye that remained dry in a large congregation." Mr. P makes a most cheering report of the large number of Jews who attend his public ministrations: "Palm Sunday came; and the chapel was very full in the morning and evening, both of Christians and Jews: there could not have been less than between two and three hundred Jews." A still larger number attended the regular Jewish lecture on the Wednesday evening following; but on Good Friday and Easter Sunday the chapel was quite full with them. "The great mass of Jews," he adds, "who were listening to our services and sermons, with marked attention, is very encouraging.Amsterdam, May 5."

THE CHRISTIAN SABBATH." It is impossible to estimate the benefits which this day has afforded to sinful creatures. If we only looked at the benefit which it conferred upon the children of the poor, we must feel that the advantage was no slight one. It was proved that hundreds and thousands of such children would never receive any religious instruction at all, were it not for the institution of the sabbath, and for the Sundayschools opened on that day. Now, if the sabbath is of divine appointment, and if it is a blessing to the whole human race, it does appear to me that a society, which endeavours to draw the attention of the people of this great country to the obligation of consecrating the day to God's service, has a strong claim to the support of Christians. Never had it so strong a claim as at the present time. We live in eventful times. And who would pretend to deny that, when we behold kingdoms destroyed, nations convulsed, and society shaken to its very foundations, and when we ourselves have only lately escaped from a storm which had threatened to produce fatal effects, if this country had been visited for its sabbath desecration, as it deserved to be, God would have dealt with her very differently to what he had done. It has been ascertained by a gentleman, who had been employed by the parochial authorities of the metropolis, to collect evidence for the house of commons, that no less than 50,000 persons were employed every Sunday in buying and selling. You all know, too, how awful is the violation of that day on the railroads. You all know how great is the desecration in the post-office, where thousands of persons are employed, and, I must add, as a commercial man, unnecessarily employed. I firmly believe, that, if post-office labour were entirely to cease, it would lead to no practical inconvenience. But, even if it should be so, are we to submit to no sacrifice for the sake of the many labourers in that establishment?

H. S.


No. IV.

POOR Kitty, she had yet much to learn! How could she tell what would contribute to her happiness? how could she expect that change of occupation or of place would secure content to hearts unsanctified, or give back strength to limbs on which God had set the seal of corruption? The farmer received one more note: it brought tidings of the dangerous illness of his little grandson -the unknown but well-beloved. Mrs. McHale's words were few, her expressions wild and incoherent: the letter bore neither address nor date, and that was the last she ever wrote, or the last, at least, that ever reached Elm End farm! Kyle mourned over the sickness of his Kitty's child, as did David when the hand of the Lord was laid in wrath upon his son: he mourned in very bitterness of heart; and when, day after day, he looked morning and evening for comfort, or at least for fresh accounts of the little one's state, and none came, he was almost beside himself with impatience and grief. Not an afternoon passed without his riding into the town to see if the second post (there being but one delivery at Elford) had not brought him the letter for which he pined. But it was all in vain: no letter came; and the farm was neglected, and the grey hairs on the old man's brow became white, and his spirit waxed faint within him; for he languished under the sickness which cometh of hope deferred in the heart where God is not all in all. I was, meanwhile, consulted by Mrs. Kyle, as to the best means to be taken for putting an end to the suspense which was naturally so hard to bear; and the advice I gave was to write to the clergyman of the parish in which McHale lived, or had lived, at Land of him to make inquiries respecting the object of her solicitude. Indeed, I offered myself to do so; and my offer was accepted with thanks. Accordingly, the letter, from which so much was hoped and expected, was written and despatched; and in due course of time an answer was returned; and God saw fit that it should not be an answer of peace. Blessed be his holy name! that (his very nature being love), whatever be his decrees, we may rest assured that the events under their control are being ordered for our good; if not for present consolation, at least for eternal benefit. Such a feeling as this assurance generates gave steadiness to my voice, and calmness to the mother's heart, while I read to her the intelligence which brought saddening disappointment instead of the hope, of which the expectation had hitherto been the "ground of her rejoicing," and the only thing which had kept her husband from despair. Kyle heard me say that the vicar of St. could give no clue to the present residence of the McHales, further than that they had some time previously quitted L, he believed for a distant part of the country, with lips compressed, and clenched hands; his eyes riveted on the letter from which I was reading, and his whole countenance wearing an expression of uncontrolled discontent and rebellion against the dealings of God towards him. O, could we, when trouble presses heavily upon us, listen to the still small voice within, which (when the cold heart freezes under

the blast of disappointed hopes, or the warm heart bleeds at the wounds inflicted on its most cherished affections) whispers,

"Bethink thou what thou art, and whereA sinner, in a life of care;"

how different would be our conduct! how humble, instead of proud and stiff-necked, would be our bearing under the chastening rod! how, instead of the downcast eye of sullenness, or the expression of unholy desperation, which but too often marks the mourner among us, how would our eyes be raised towards the "hills from whence cometh our help," and to the far sky beyond; where, midst the blackest clouds, faith never fails to discern the rainbow which tells that God is ruler of the storm-the rainbow which gives confidence to the humble, in the assurance it conveys that their Father is Lord also of the elements, and that, though his floods be mighty, yet he will never allow them to break the heart which trusts in him, nor overwhelm the hope which is founded on his word. But, alas! the father of her, whose story I have undertaken to narrate, was not a true child of God; therefore affliction came, not as from a parent, but a hard and cruel tyrant; and the proud spirit chafed, and neither would nor could, in meekness and resignation, "follow the footsteps of the crucified." "I will go and find my child," Kyle exclaimed, as I ceased reading; "she shall return to me; and, if I walk the length of Ireland, I'l find her, and bring her home."

"I pray God, in his good time, to restore to you your child," I replied, gently; and, without appearing to notice the impatient gesture with which he strove to interrupt me, I added, "But let me intreat of you, Kyle, not to throw away the opportunity offered by your present troubles for becoming more what you ought to be, by being stiffnecked and rebellious. Think who it is that ordereth all things both in heaven and in earth, and then say whether it be possible he should order any thing amiss? When we are afflicted,' says a good man'," I continued, "we should remember always the love which is smiting us; nor should we dare to look at our griefs but in the light of God's presence, lest, looking at them alone, we be soured by their sharpness, or become fretful, or dull, or even desperate, and so reprobate. We should cast ourselves upon the assurances of his love, even though it bear the semblance of the flame-breath of the furnace; and walk humbly with him, lest we mar or hinder the blessed purpose of his mercy toward us'.”

"Mercy!" the farmer exclaimed, as I concluded the quotation; “ mercy do you call it, to separate a father from his child?"

"Hush, David; hush!" his poor wife cried, while the tears rolled down her cheeks;" O do not speak so, David! It is speaking against God: you must not; indeed you must not."

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"Mrs. Kyle is right," I said mildly, yet firmly; "your words, it is my duty to tell you, are blasphemous. They will be recorded in God's book against you."

My words were perhaps too harsh, too uncompromising; so, at least, Kyle thought them;

but, contrariwise, blessing; and as a Christian she could look back upon the time, not with satisfaction certainly, for the memory of it was painful (like that, alas! of most of the latter part of her wedded life), but without any mixture of self-condemnation, or the uneasy tremblings to which that ever gives rise. Reader, have you never felt that you would give hours of happiness, your most cherished hopes, ay, and worlds, were they yours to give, to recall words of bitterness, or looks that "pierced the soul," of those dear to you, but offending, perhaps erring, who are now beyond the reach of your apologies, or who cannot listen to your regrets? Vain regrets they are, worse than vain, for they are torturing; and few there are, I fear, among us, who have passed life's meridian without experiencing them in one form or another. From the past, then, let us take warning: for the future may we beware! Let each word we utter be the word of a Christian; or rather, let each thought we entertain be that of a true disciple of the meek and lowly Jesus; and then there will be no fear of our offending with our tongue, and having to bear the painful consequences often arising from having done so; for "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." It must have been a truly chastened heart, the outpourings of which would have been gentleness and love, when the body was writhing under the pains and aches experienced by Kyle on the evening of which I have been speaking. His heart, alas! was far from being chastened-far from being purged from its old infirmities and corruptions; and the language which he used, it was most painful to his wife to hear; but she bore all he said with meekness; and, while her hands were ministering to his comfort, and her lips spoke words of tenderness, her heart was communing with God; and her spirit, at the fountain of all mercy, was refreshed, and strengthened to perform its labour of love.

for he cast on me a glance which I shall not easily forget it spoke defiance and resentful indignation; and, with closed teeth, he muttered something, of which the words "cant" and "hypocrite" were all that caught my ear. Then the unhappy man arose from his seat, brushed roughly by me, and placed himself exactly in front of his wife. An oath, a fearful oath (and this proves the danger, as well as the sinfulness of giving way to passion, for Kyle was no swearer by habit), fell from his lips, as he vowed to leave his home, and to seek his child, wherever she might be, till he found her. "And I will find her," were the last words he uttered, as, slamming the door, he hastily left the room. And that vow Kyle would probably have kept he would have left home duties, and a wife, whose loving heart the separation would have broken; but God yet viewed the wanderer in mercy, and, by fresh trials, he saved him from new sins. Heated and excited by the conversation we had held together, his brow fevered, and his pulses throbbing, the farmer wandered into his fields: there, having followed mechanically the meandering course of the streamlet (beside which his Kitty had been wont to play) to a considerable distance, hardly conscious of the subjects of his own thoughts, or aware of what he was doing, he at length, in weariness of both mind and body, threw himself upon its banks. There he lay for hours: the rain descended upon him, but he heeded it not: again the big drops ceased to fall; and the broken clouds allowed the sun to shine upon his aching head; but he did not mark the change. At length the evening damps arose heavily from the water they shot like liquid poison through the poor man's frame: he felt a numbness seize every limb; and, when he attempted to rise, he found that it required a painful effort to enable him to do so. With tottering steps the old man sought his home: the painful sensations which he experienced only added to the irritability of his temper; and it was in no kind or gentle tone that he bade At length the long, long evening drew to a his wife prepare his supper, and give him something close: Kyle consented to go to bed; but, warm to drink. Her heart sick with painful fore- when he attempted to rise from his chair, boding, and her eyes red with weeping, the poor his limbs sunk under him, a death-like numbwoman set about performing the task which so un- ness had spread over his whole frame, and graciously devolved upon her. No word of complaint he was forced to receive vigorous support in did she allow to escape her lips by no looks did ascending the stair-case. Supposing, however, she evince impatience, or even sadness (for that, she that this, and all other symptoms of illness, were felt, her husband might construe into reproof; and only the effects of a cold taken by being out in he was in no mood, she saw, for receiving reproof the evening damps, and that they would speedily with benefit to himself); but her manner was gentle be removed by warmth being applied both interas ever, and her attention to all his wants and wishes nally and externally, Mr. Kyle did not send for a was unremitting. How thankful in after years doctor; but, having administered as many of the was the poor woman for the control which, by simple remedies for such cases, of which she was God's help, she was that evening of bitter mor- mistress, as her husband could be persuaded to tification enabled to exercise over herself! And take, she went to bed, hoping in the morning to who can wonder at the feeling? for that was the find him, as she afterwards said, "quite come last evening ever spent by Kyle in the little par-round." Long before morning dawned, however, lour, where, in happier days, he and his Martha she was aroused from her slumbers by low moanhad spent their leisure time so pleasantly; and, ings at her side: at first she fancied that her bushad its hours been embittered by reciprocal taunts band was dreaming unhappily; and the impulse of and reproaches, how torturing would have been the moment was to wake him at once, thus to the recollections it would have left! But Mrs. save him from further discomfort; but a moment Kyle, I have before said, was a Christian; sorrow of afterwards loud cries, and words of senseless vioheart had brought her to the "Friend that stick-lence, told the poor woman that her husband was eth closer than a brother": as a Christian she comported herself, not rendering railing for railing, unkindness for unkinddess, neglect for neglect,


raving in the delirium of fever. Medical aid was instantly sought, and obtained as quickly as the distance between Elm End farm and the town of

would admit. Violent remedies were applied by Mr. Wilson immediately on his arrival, and all that skill and experience could do to subdue the raging fever was done; but fever, and in such a frame as the farmer's, was not easily subdued; and for days his state was truly pitiable.

pared for the judgment which must follow. Again, there are others who, either from the loss of those dear to them, or from having long lain on a bed of sickness, have no longer a relish for the vanities or even the occupations of the world, from which they have been by necessity or choice totally secluded, and who therefore conclude that Had his mind not previously been harassed, and they are waiting as Christians should for the his thoughts not turned so entirely into one melan- change which to them must (they think) be cercholy channel, Mr. Wilson gave it as his opinion tain of gain; as though unfitness for the world that his vigorous constitution would have been able that now is constituted fitness for that, which is to to throw off the attack (violent as it was), brought come. This is a dangerous delusion, and one to on by his own imprudence, and that he would be guarded against the more, both by the sick and have rallied. As it was, there was too much by those whose duty it is to lead them in the right "method in his madness" for us to entertain much way, because it is one often employed by the father hope; and when, hour after hour, and day after of lies to lull the one into false security, and to day, the poor man continued raving, either about deceive the other as to the source whence that his daughter or her husband, who seemed to haunt seeming security springs; while the semblance of him as a frightful spectre, or their child, of whose reality which there is about it, because the more death-agonies he appeared ever to be the wretched deceptive, renders it the more baneful: the nearer witness, the most sanguine felt that despair was the counterfeit coin approaches in appearance to taking possession of their minds. His brain, the real, the more dangerous its circulation beindeed, was for so long a time disordered, that fear comes; for none but the most wary can then diswas entertained that, without one lucid interval, tinguish the one from the other; and many receives his soul would be called before its Maker; but the and pass on the baser metal, from sheer ignorance whirlwind had its mission: there was mercy in the of the marks by which it may be detected. In like stroke; and Kyle lived to own that it was so. manner, there is a kind of counterfeit piety, which His devoted wife, who, during the whole of his is often believed to be genuine by those who feel illness, never quitted his bed-side, except to take it, and which is generally regarded as such by those the little repose which she felt she must submit to, who witness its effects: I mean the species of deathor her strength would fail, and she herself would bed piety which is sometimes visible in those who, be laid up, and would thus be unfitted for the task having lived without God in the world, yet at the of attending upon her charge, had at length the close of life express great exaltation of feeling, and happiness of perceiving that she was recognized entire readiness, or even longing, to depart hence, by her husband. One evening, as she was ad- and, as they say, to "be at peace." Now, I am ministering the soothing draught, so frequently afraid that, unless their life has been the life of the tendered by her gentle hand, Kyle murmured, righteous, their death will not any the more be "Martha and instantly the grateful creature the death of such from their experiencing satiety fell upon her knees, and thanked God for his and weariness of life, and readiness to end it, of goodness. From that time the sick man had but which the charm is of course gone, when the solittle return of the frightful delirium; but his ciety of friends, the fresh air of heaven, and the strength never rallied: the severe illness through pleasures of the domestic hearth can no longer be which he had passed had completely destroyed enjoyed. A death-bed repentance, at the best, is his constitution, and shattered his aged frame; but a poor offering to make to the Author of our and when I first visited him I saw death plainly being, whose we are, and whom we were bound written on every feature. His decay was, how-to serve all the days of our probation; and, when ever, very gradual: many weeks he lingered; and the time so given was improved to the purpose for which, doubtless, by a merciful Father it was Vouchsafed; and pain and anguish, days of "tossing to and fro," and nights of restless watching, were blessed to the immortal spirit shrouded in that ruined tabernacle. David Kyle was indeed an altered man! During the last days of his sojourn upon earth I visited him constantly; and each time I saw him his heart seemed more dead to the world, and more alive to his eternal interests.


Now, mere indifference to, and estrangement from, the world, or the things thereof, are frequently to be observed in those who are in great pain, or who feel death to be at hand, and as marks of real Christian readiness for the dread summons they are not to be relied on. Acute pain deadens the feelings and sensibilities: it of course incapacitates the sufferer for taking an interest in what is passing around; and death even, as a means of rescue from its tortures, is hailed as a blessing; and those who in their misery declare they long for its approach are often the least pre

it is unaccompanied by the deep self-abasement which should mark the sinner's return by Christ to his justly-offended God, when it appears to produce only excitement of feeling, it should be regarded with distrust and apprehension.

Such, I humbly yet firmly trust, was not the repentance which was vouchsafed to Kyle upon the bed of languishing. Deep, heartfelt contrition for his past rebellion against God's holy will bowed his proud spirit to the very dust; and for many days after the conIviction took possession of his mind that he had grievously sinned, and that, while his body was in danger of dissolution, his soul was in peril of eternal damnation, his only prayer was that of the publican, his only thought how duly to approach the Saviour, through whom alone he knew the mercy which he craved was to be obtained. The first time I was admitted into the sick man's chamber, the sense of his own unworthiness seemed a burden almost too heavy for him to bear: he appeared crushed under the weight of the painful and humiliating feelings which it produced; and, without offering me his hand, or uttering one word

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