Abbildungen der Seite

race, inherited nature; I. ii. 358.

rack, thin, drifting cloud in the upper air; IV. i. 156. See note.


rate, judgment, estimation; II. i. 109: popular rate," estimation of the people; I. ii. 92.

razorable, fit to be shaved; II. i. 250.

rear, raise; II. i. 295.

reeling ripe, drunk enough to be on the point of reeling; V. i. 279.

remember, be mindful. consider; I. i. 20: remind; I. ii. 243: mention; I. ii. 405.

remembrance, memory, faculty of remembering; II, i. 232. remorse, pity, compassion; V. i. 76.

renown, report, praise; V. i. 193. required, asked for; V. i. 51.

requit, requited; III. iii. 71.

Cf. betid, I. ii. 31.

resolve, inform, put in possession of; V. i. 248. rid, destroy; I. ii. 364.

rifted, cleft, split; V. i. 45.

rounded, rounded out, completed; or, emcompassed, has its beginning and ending in; IV. i. 158.

royalties, rights and prerogatives of a sovereign; I. ii. 110.

sack, a name for white wines from Southern Europe; II. ii. 125; III. ii. 15, 32, 88. Formerly written "seck”: cf. Spanish seco, French sec.

sanctimonious, holy, sacred; IV. i. 16.

sans, without; I. ii. 97.

scamels, meaning uncertain, see note; II. ii. 176.
scandal'd, scandalous, disgraceful; IV. i. 90.
sea-change, a change caused by the sea; I. ii. 400.
sedg'd, made of sedge, flags, rushes; IV. i. 129.
sensible, sensitive; II. i. 174.

sets off, see note, III. i. 2.

setting, aspect, fixed look; II. i. 229. shroud, take shelter; II. ii. 43. signories, principalities; I. ii. 71. siege, stool, excrement; II. ii. 110. single, weak, feeble,

- also solitary, alone; I. ii. 432:

alone, in private; V. i. 248.

sirrah, used in addressing inferiors; V. i. 287, 291. skilless, ignorant; III. i. 53.

solemn, stately, venerable; IV. i. 153: sad, melancholy;

III. iii. 17, stage direction; V. i. 40, 58.

something, somewhat; I. ii. 414.

sooth, truth; II. ii. 150.

sorcerer, magician; III. ii. 49.

sorcery, magic, III. ii. 60.

sot, fool, dullard (French sot); III. ii. 101.

sour-eyed, with sullen look; IV. i. 20.

speak, proclaim; II. i. 8, 207.

spiriting, duties as a spirit; I. ii. 298.

sprites, spirits; I. ii. 381; II. ii. 120.

spurs, roots; V. i. 47.

stain'd, disfigured, I. ii. 414.

stale, decoy, bait; IV. i. 187.

standard, standard-bearer, with quibble on

III. ii. 18.


state, rank; by metonymy, duties of state; I. ii. 76. steaded, helped, been of service; I. ii. 165.

still, always, ever; IV. i. 108; V. i. 214. See also I. ii. 229; III. iii. 64.

stock-fish, dried cod; "make a stock-fish of thee," give thee a beating, as dried cod was beaten before it was boiled; III. ii. 79.

stomach, appetite; III. iii. 41: inclination; II. i. 107: courage; I. ii. 157.

stover, fodder; IV. i. 63.

strange, unfamiliar, rare, unusual; II. i. 112; II. ii. 28,

32; III. iii. 87; V. i. 228.

strangely, rarely, uncommonly; IV. i. 7.

sty, keep as in a sty; I. ii. 342.


substitution, deputyship; out o' the substitution," in consequence of being my deputy; I. ii. 103. subtleties, deceptions, illusions; V. i. 124. See note. succession, inheriting of property; II. i. 151.

suggestion, prompting to evil, temptation; II. i. 288; IV. i. 26.

sustaining, upholding, bearing up; or enduring the effect of salt water; I. ii. 218. Cf. Hamlet, IV. vii. 176, 177. swabber, one who washes or swabs the deck; II. ii. 48.

tabor, a small drum; III. ii. 133, s. d.; IV. i. 175.
taborer, a player on the tabor; III. ii. 160.
tackle, ropes, rigging; I. ii. 147.

tang, something that leaves a sting behind it, perhaps here associated with "tang," a sharp sound; II. ii. 52.

teen, trouble, anxiety; I. ii. 64.

tell, count (the strokes of the clock); II. i. 15, 289. temperance, climate, temperature; II. i. 42.

As a proper

Cf. line 66.

name (with a pun), line 43. temperate, chaste; IV. i. 132. temporal, belonging to the world, his library; I. ii. 110.

as contrasted with

serve, wait on; I. ii. 47. IV. i. 5.

tend, attend to, listen to; I. i. 7:
tender, regard; II. i. 270: offer;
thatch'd, covered; IV. i. 63.
third, see note, IV. i. 3.
thou'rt, thou wert; I. ii. 366.
throes, causes pain; II. i. 231.
throughly, thoroughly; III. iii. 14.
tilth, tillage, cultivation; II. i. 152.

Cf. Psalm li. 2.

to, for; I. ii. 129; II. i. 75; III. iii. 54: compared to; I. ii. 480, 481; II. i. 178. trash, see note, I. ii. 81.


trenchering, a trencher" was a wooden plate or platter; perhaps formed by the drunken Caliban, who should have said " trencher," but who felt the impulse to rime with "firing," etc.; II. ii. 187.


trice, on a trice," in a moment; V. i. 238.

tricksy, sportive; or, full of devices, resourceful; V. i. 226. trifle, phantom; or, trick of magic; V. i. 112.

troll, sing; III. ii. 126.

trumpery, deceptive trifles (cf. French tromperie); IV. i. 186.

try, "bring her to try," bring her close to the wind; I. i. 38. twangling, vibrating, sounding; III. ii. 146. twilled, see note, IV. i. 64.

twink, twinkling; IV. i. 43.

unback'd, never ridden, untamed; IV. i. 176. undergo, suffer, submit to; III. i. 27: see also III. i. 3; I. ii. 157.

uneasy, difficult; I. ii. 451.

unmitigable, implacable; I. ii. 276.

unstanched, leaky, used figuratively; I. i. 51. upon, because of, in obedience to; III. i. 11.

up-staring, standing on end; I. ii. 213. Cf. Julius Cæsar, IV. iii. 280.

urchins, goblins (original meaning hedgehogs); I. ii. 326. See note.

urchin-shows, apparitions of goblins; II. ii. 5.

use, are accustomed; II. i. 175: practise; III. iii. 16: treat; V. i. 72; I. ii. 345.

vanity, illusion; IV. i. 41.

varlets, knaves, rascals; IV. i. 170.

vast, waste or desolate period (of night); I. ii. 327. Cf.

Hamlet, I. ii. 198.

vetches, tares, forage plants; IV. i. 61.

vex'd, troubled, distressed; IV. i. 158.

virgin knot, a reference to the zone or girdle that was worn by maidens in classical times; IV. i. 15.

visitation, visiting, affliction by the plague; III. i. 32. vouch'd, asserted, warranted; II. i. 60.

waist, in the waist, amidships; I. ii. 197. wallets of flesh, see note on III. iii. 46.

waste, spend; V. i. 302. Cf. Merchant of Venice, III. iv. 12.


ways, come your ways," come along; II. ii. 85.

weather, storm; I. i. 40; II. ii. 19.

weather-fends, shelters, protects from the weather; V. i. 10.

welkin, sky; I. ii. 4.

wench, sometimes used as a familiar term of endearment, as in I. ii. 139, 412, 479.

went, walked; II. ii. 63. Cf. go, III. ii. 22.

wezand, windpipe; III. ii. 99.

whe'er, contraction for whether; V. i. 111.

when, which time; V. i. 250: an exclamation of impatience; I. ii. 316. Cf. Julius Cæsar, II. i. 5.

whist, hushed, silenced; or into silence; see note, I. ii. 379. wide-chapp'd, wide-mouthed, open-mouthed; I. i. 60. wink, an instant; II. i. 242: "the perpetual wink,” the sleep of death; II. i. 285.

wink'st, closest the eyes; II. i. 216.

wisest," after the wisest," in the wisest way; II. ii. 77. withal, therewith, with it; III. i. 93; III. ii. 105. wond'red, wonder-working, full of wonder; IV. i. 123. worm, an expression of pity; III. i. 31.

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