Abbildungen der Seite

bed till he could watch no longer, the Pimento wood, which burned very clear, served him both for firing and candle, and refreshed him with its fragrant smell.

He might have had fish enough, but could not eat them for want of salt, because they occasioned a looseness, except craw fish, which are there as large as our lobsters, and very good. These he sometimes boiled, and at other times roasted, as he did his goats flesh, of which he made very good broth, for they are not so rank as ours; he kept an account of five hundred that he killed, while there, and caught as many more, which he marked on the ear and let go.

(To be continued.)

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The Petition of the Right Hand and path by the lowest and most con

the Left.

Humbly Sherweth,


HAT your petitioners have, for a great number of years, laboured under the most painful and unjust oppresions. That, unwilling to come forward with complaints which chiefly concern themselves, they have hi

temtible of the populace, intermingled with disorderly crowds, when they should have proceeded regularly forward: and buffeted and shouldered about the streets, when they ought to have glided smoothly and pleasantly on without interruption or vexation. That, in defiance of their utmost exertions and precautions to avoid these evils, they have hitherto found all their efforts unavailing. That no urgency of business, no call for expedition, no perambulation of pleasure or recreation is exempted from these attacks; and that, deprived of every comfort, conveniency and advantage, they are force to take to bye-paths and lanes, however circuitous and dilatory, rather than subject themselves continually to perplexities, which fail not to irritate their temper, and teaze them out of that patience which for such a length Ed. of time has so particularly distin

* Lest any of our fellow-citizens

should be at a loss to know what


cular grievance is nere alluded to by our humorous orrespondent, may be proper to mention, that in London, and other well regulated cities, it is a rule, that in walking the streets, all those who have the wall on their right hand shall keep close to it, while those who have it on their left shall keep at a certain distance. The adoption of this rule effectually prevents all interruption or jostling of persons moving in opposite



guished them. That, no longer able to endure what has already worn them out with fatigue and vexation, your Petitioners have at last come to the determination of making one effort to obtain redress, by appealing to the candour, justice and humanity, of those who are qualified to relieve them, and who must be conscious in their own minds, that what has already been represented is neither imagi. nary nor exaggerated.

That it appears to your Petitioners, that the particular grievances under which they have so long laboured originate from Causes, which, with much deference, they beg leave to state to your High Mightinesses for your serious consideration. That after the most minute investigation, they are humbly of opinion, that these causes are, 1st, an unnatural quality or power in the walls of this city to make all bodies move irregularly and improperly that come in contact with them; and, secondly, a natural disposition in these bodies not to resist what is disorderly, inconvenient, and detrimental. Your High Mightinesses must well know, that the common and established laws of matter in the walls of all well-regulated cities are such as attract powerfully the Right hand, and as powerfully repel the Left hand, when proceeding in opposite directions. By this simple law all motion is regulated without confusion, interruption, or delay; for while all the right hands are, by the power of attraction, kept close to the wall, all the left hands by that of repulsion are kept at a proper distance, and consequently all intermixture, crowding, jostling, and obstruction, are completely prevented. Now, it is evident to your High Mightinesses, that for these last 200 years` the walls of this city, and those of every other ill-regulated city and town in Scotland, have possessed qualities or powers diametrically opposite to these

established laws of nature; and that in addition to this singular deviation, they possess an alternate power of repulsion and attraction, by which bodies moving along, instead of proceeding directly forward, are perpetually drawn to, and thrust back. every ten or a dozen yards, so that they form a waving or serpentine course, similar to that of a snake winding its laboured way through a field of beans or strong wheat, opposing its progress.

Your Petitioners have already remarked, that as the natural disposi tion of bodies is uniformly to comply with these unnatural laws in matter, in other words, not to struggle against powers which by practice have become habitual, and which by resistance would be troublesome, it is apparent, that, till the first cause be removed, it is next to impossible that any provision can be made against the evils of the second. Your High Mightinesses will readily perceive that these evils are precisely the grievances of which your Petitioners complain, and from which they have so long suffered. These sufferings, they humbly conceive, entitle them to state specifically, and they hope clearly, what appears to them to be the radical cause or origin of all the hardships they have experienced; and as the high powers vested in your Mightinesses are sufficiently great to remedy or controul what is detrimental to the comforts of society, they flatter themselves with the fond hope that ere long the walls of this city will possess very different qualities, and that every thing will proceed directly and easily forward without confusion or obstruction.


May it therefore please your High Mightinesses to take under your serious consideration the complaint of your distressed Petitioners, and afford them that relief which their long and patient

patient sufferings lead them to expect from the Guardians of order and conveniency. And your Petitioners will ever pray. The Right Hand and the Left. Edinburgh, 17th Dec. 1805.

The Description of a Mausoleum, or
Sepulchral Monument, of King HEN-
Queen of SCOTLAND, and Father
of King JAMES the 6th of that
Kingdom, and 1st of GREAT BRI-
TAIN. From an old MS.


HIS Mausoleum, or Monument, consist of a curious and very remarkable piece of historical paint ing upon canvas seven foot four in-. ches long, and four foot seven inches and an half broad; containing a great variety of figures and inscriptions, wherein several words of the inscriptions there are abbreviations, but for the better understanding of them, they are here writ at full length so far as they appear to be legible.

In the higher right corner of this picture is an insription, being the ti tle of the whole work, thus : "TRAC... A Lamentabilis int. nécio

ters here above points, are added, from great probability, if not certainty, that they were there at first.

The title of the picture is translated into English, that every body may know the design and subject matter of this historical piece of painting.

Next to the inscription containing the title of the work, is an altar covered, whereupon is the figure of our Saviour, treading under foot a death's head, pointing with his left hand toward the wound in his side, and supporting the cross with his right, on the top of which cross are the four letters 1. N. R. I. and there is a representation of two green curtains upon rods and rings on each side of the altar.

In the lower right corner of the picture is an oblong frame, wherein is a landskip of twenty three inches and a quarter in length, and seventeen inches in breadth, which, because it represents many things very remarkable, is hereafter described by itself.

Upon a side wall near to the altar is an inscription as writ on paper pasted on a board, whereof one corner of the paper seems as if it had been fixed with a wafer, but loosed, upon which are the title and para

SER.. SS. . . . Henrici Sco- graphs following:
tory Regis.

Which very probably is
"Tragica et Lamentabilis Internecio
Serenissimi Henrici



And being rendered into English, is, 66 The Tragical and Lamentable Slaughter

"Of his Highness Henry King of Scots.

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"En Subsequentium Heroum Ef"figies Vivas Henricus ejus Nominis primus Fama Dignissima nuper Scotiæ Rex, a Comite Both"wello Suisq. Conjuratis



"atrocissime Casus unacum Servo "Camerario

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[merged small][ocr errors]

"EST Prudentiss. Hic Speciosis"simusque Princeps non, sine Magno Civium Suorum dolore, luctuque cum Annos Vixerat tantum 21; Cujus Animam Deus Suscipiat "sibi in Gloriam.

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[ocr errors]

This is only to give an example of words abbreviated and at full length, and of words defaced in this and the following inscriptions, where what letters, words, or sentences are wanting, there is blanks left with points an- "Jacobus ejus Nominis Sextus swerable to their length, and any let-Interempti Henrici Filius Dei gra


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"Matheus Comes Lennoxæ de "Sanguine Regum Scotorum Su"periorum Principum Pater et "Avus ætatis inter faciendum hoc "Annis 50.

"Domina Margareta Dowglas illius uxor Cometessa Lennoxæ uni"ca Filia et Hæres Archibaldi Co"mitis Angussiæ et Margarete Sco"torum Reginæ Senioris Filiæ "Henricr Septimi Angliæ Regis "Superiorum Duorum Principum "Mater et Avia ætatis inter facien“ dum hoc Annis 51.

"Carolus Stuart illorum Filius "ætatis inter faciendum hoc Annis "undecim."

the following epitaph in Latin, in two columns, with this title :

It is at first view very evident, that about two lines and an half in the first paragraph (each line consist. ing in length of 63 inches,) of this inscription are artfully defaced and vitiated, partly by raizing to the very threads of the canvas, and partly by.. superinducing other letters, so as most of that paragraph might not be understood, yet two significant words are still to be seen.

Next to this inscription, in the middle of the Mausoleum, is a magnificent tomb, where King Henry Darnley is lying on his back at length in armour, gilt, with his hands in a devout posture, having under his head a cushion, embroidered and tossel'd gold upon a black marble tomb.

At his head, is a King's crown, supported by two unicorns, collared and chained, being the supporters of the Royal Arms; at his feet are two lions couchant.

Above the body, upon a board hung by a wall with two rings on an iron rod headed with brass, fastened at the end in the wall, there is

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

"ne fusus

Flosculus eloquij literis insigniter "Musicus, armipotens, animosus, "mitis in omnès

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celsæ florebat munere

"" mentis "Corporis encomium quantus quan"tumq. beatus

"Vultus membrorum vario superan"te decore

"Emicuit certe cælestis imaginis in

❝ star

"Extitit heu vitæ brevis heu finis66 que dolendi

"Quem cum sors annis uno tulit esse viginti


"Et pater infantis fuerat cum.. ris

"Spe rex eximia mira
"Occidit O Tristis sors


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Truculento .. "Occidit hoc rutilum numen, sed

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Some words in this poem seem to have been industriously defaced.

On the side wall behind the tomb, are three pilasters, embellished with


Gothic carving, upon each of which is fixed a spear, red and yellow, with a streamer; that on the right has Darnley's arms as King of Scotland, that on the left has the arms of Cætera desunt.

the mouth of the Loire.-14. Lord Sidmouth (Mr Addington) appointed Lord President of his Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council. 15. Commencement of the Session of Parliament: In the speech from the Throne his Majesty took notice of pacific propositions having been received from France: A French squa

Chronological List of Remarkable Oc dron sailed from Toulon, and some currences in 1805.




ENERAL Beckwith appointed Governor of the Grenadines, in America: The Earl of Rosslyn, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, dies suddenly at Baylis, near Salt Hill: succeeded in his titles and estates by his nephew, Sir James St Clair, Bart.-3. General Maitland appointed Governor of Ceylon.-4. Five men (soldiers, Inverness militia,) lost in the snow near Grantown, in the north of Scotland.-5. Proclamation for a general fast: Marquis Cornwallis appointed Governor of India.-7. The Spanish declaration of war intimated to the several powers: A French officer arrives in the Downs with overtures of peace from Bonaparte, in a letter to his Britannic Majesty, wherein the King is styled, Mon Frere et Cousin, ("My Brother and Cousin.")11. Accounts arrive in Britain of a great fire which took place in the Danish island of St Thomas, and an amazing number of valuable stores destroyed, only one house being left standing.-12. General promotion of officers in the army takes place: Let ters of marque issued against Spain: Lord Mulgrave appointed one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State: Mr Addington created a Peer, with the title of Lord Sidmouth: French Papers received, wherein is the annual exposition of the state of France, and Bonaparte's speech to the Legislators: The Doris frigate, Captain Campbell, lost near

of the ships returned to that port, while others went into Spanish ports. -22. The Spanish Ambassador and his suite left London: A manifestoaddressed to the Spanish nation by the Prince of Peace, against the British.-23. Accounts are received of a dreadful fire at New York.-26. De- . claration of Great Britain against Spain, in reply to the Spanish manifesto: Captain Jervis, of La Tonant, of 84 guns, nephew to Lord St Vincent, unfortunately drowned in Quiberon Bay.-27. A dreadful fire at London, wherein seven people are burnt to death, and a woman killed by throwing herself over a window.-31. Accounts received of the sailing of the French fleet from Rochefort.


1. The Earl of Abergavenny East Indiaman, outward bound, lost near Weymouth, and above 300 people drowned; she had on board 70,000l. in dollars.-5. The Earl of Errol appointed Knight Marshal of Scotland,

11. A very interesting debate takes place in Parliament respecting the Spanish war; in the Commons, it is continued for two days; and Administration has a majority of 78 in the House of Lords, and 207 in the Commons.-15. Mr Pitt bargains for a loan of 22 millions.-16. Sir Tho. Troubridge appointed Commander in Chief of the East India Squadron: Bonaparte's letter to the King of Great Britain, relative to peace, with the answer of the British Government, makes its appearance


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