Abbildungen der Seite

in the French papers-18. Mr Pitt opens the budget-21. A Freuch squadron, which had sailed from Rochefort, landed troops in Dominica, and made an attack on that island, but were repulsed by General Prevost. They afterwards visited other West India islands, levied contributions, and returned to France. Long debates in the House of Commons respecting the defence of the country-28. The bill for the abolition of the Slave Trade again rejected in the House of Commons. Remarkable hurricane takes place in Aberdeen, and its vicinity.



1. Bonaparte proclaimed King of Italy, at Milan-2. Accounts received of the plunder of Dominica, one of the Carribbee islands, by the French-8. A long and interesting debate in the House of Commons on the misconduct of Lord Melville, when treasurer of the Navy; which is carried against his Lordship, by the Speaker's casting vote, both sides being 216-9. His Lordship tenders to his Majesty his resignation as First Lord of the Admiralty, which is accepted-10. The Edinburgh new Police Bill receives the royal assent-11. His Majesty on the throne receives the resolutions of the Commons respecting Lord Melville -13. Marquis Cornwallis sails for

4. Lord Somerville's grand cattle show takes place, attended by a vast number of Nobility, and distinguished agriculturists-5. Sir Francis Bur-, dett declared duly elected M. P. for Middlesex-6. Long debates in the 16

House of Commons on Mr Sheri

dan's motion for repealing the Defence Act, which is negatived by a large majority-9. His Royal High. ness the Duke of Sussex admitted a member of the London Highland Society-11. Two London sheriffs committed to Newgate, for misconduct at the Middlesex election 1802.

A deputation from the Irish Roman
Catholics wait upon Mr Pitt, with
their petition for an extension of pri-
vileges-13. Mr Foster, in the House
of Commons, opens the Irish budget
-15. Intelligence arrives from India
of the defeat of a detachment of the

British army under Colonel Monson
by Holkar-17. The Benevolent So.
ciety of St Patrick, London, cele-
brate their anniversary in grand style
-19. Admiral Bruix, commander of
the French flotilla at Boulogne, dies
at Paris-21. Marquis Cornwallis
sumptuously entertained by the East
India Directors, on his being ap-
pointed Governor General in India:
The Dutch Government completely
new-modelled, and the office of Pen-
sionary revived.
Jan. 1806.

the East Indies as Governor General -16. Advice received that the Prince of Wales East Indiaman

(supposed to have foundered,) after being captured by the French, was carried into the Mauritius-29. An expedition, under the command of Sir James Craig, sails from Great Britain-23. Ceremony of the installation of the Knights of the Garter takes place at Windsor-24. Anelegant new theatre opened at Glasgow-25. Vice-Admiral Sir J. T. Duckworth tried by a court-martial for oppression, and honourably acquitted-27. An official account of Holkar's defeat in the East Indies, by the British, received in England30. Sir Charles Middleton created a Peer, by the title of Lord Barham, and appointed first Lord of the Admiralty.


1. Bonaparte and the Empress Josephine arrive at Alexandria in Italy: Lord Barham appointed one of his Majesty's Privy Council-The Edinburgh city guard reduced, agreeably to the new police act-9. His Majesty in Council erases the name of Henry Viscount Melville from the


list of privy Counsellors-13. Long debates, in both Houses of parliament, on the Irish Roman Cotholic petition, which is thrown out by large majorities-16. The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland meets at Edinburgh-19. Madame Bonaparte, Jerome's wife (late Miss Paterson,) arrives in England from America. Her Majesty's birth-day, who completes her 62d year, celebrated at Windsor-20. The New Batavian States General opened by the pensionary-22. and 23. Long and keen debates in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, respecting a complaint from the ministers of Edinburgh, of the appointment of Mr Leslie as professor of mathematics, on account of his supposed approbation of the sentiments of Hume, which concludes, by all proceedings against Mr Leslie being dropped-The coronation of Bonaparte, as King of Italy, takes place at Milan, with every demonstration of joy-Lord Melville, in a speech of much eloquence, and delivered with great firmness and ability, in the House of Lords, defends his conduct during the whole of his naval administration-23. Master Betty, the young Roscius, makes his last appearance for the season in London, his gains said to exceed 8000l. The London docks opened a second time with much splendour and ceremony -30. Sir Wim Pulteney, Bart. M. P. for Shrewsbury, dies at London31. Mr Foote, banker, London, accidentally drowned in the Thames, while sailing in a pleasure-boat-The navigation of the Aberdeenshire canal, a work of great national utility, takes place with much ceremony and rejoicing.



2. Bonaparte annexes Genoa, and the Ligurian republic, to that of France-4. His Majesty's birth day celebrated with much splendour, he enters into his 68th year: part of

the sailors and marines belonging te his Majesty's ship La Loire attack a Spanish fort with uncommon fortitude and magnanimity, and carty their point, occasioning great slaughter among the enemy; Lord Nelson arrives in the West Indies, in pursuit of the combined fleets of France and Spain-10. Admiral Milbanke accidentally killed by a fall in his own house-11. Visc. Melville introduced into the House of Commons, and delivers a long speech against the charges brought against him by parliment-12. Her Majesty and the Royal Family visit the Bank of England, and are courteously entertained by the Directors-14. the Countess of Loudon and Moira gives a grand fete at Duddingston house, near Edinburgh, to a great number of nobility and gentry: Interesting dispatches received from India, relative to the defeat of Holkar, and capture of the fort of Deeg: His Majesty, &c. attend a review and sham-fight on Wimbledon Common-15. A disgraceful riot takes place at the Opera House, or King's Theatre, London, and damage done to the internal part of the house to the amount of 1oool.-18. Arthur Murphy, Esq. the celebrated dramatic author, and venerable ornament of British literature, dies at Knightsbridge in his 18th year-24. The Hon. Wm Maule of Panmure unanimously elected M. P. for the county of Forfar; Earl Moira arrives at Ayr, in the course of reviewing the forces in the western district-25. After a long debate in the House of Commons, it is determined to impeach Lord Melville at the bar of the House of Lords-26, Mr Whitbread, accompanied by several members of the House of Commons, impeaches Lord Melville accordingly of high crimes and misdemeanors: A dreadful fire broke out at Plymouth, and property, (stamps, &c.) to a large amount destroyed-30. An alarming

[blocks in formation]


(Concluded from our last Now. Mag. p. 831.)

WE embarked under the Castle in a fine six-oated pinnace, with a horn-player in the bow. At a musquet shot from the Castle the boatmen lay on their oars, while the French horn sounded a few notes, the echo of which from the Castle was admirably loud and distinct, but only once repeated. Proceeding round Ross island, our guide pointed out an irregular heap of rocks, resembling books in confusion, called O'Donaghoe's library, while on the right we passed a high insulated rock called O'Donaghoe's prison, from a legend here, that a great antient chieftain, named O'Donaghee, used it as a prison for such of his enemies as unfortunately fell into his hands. Steering between Ross and Innisfallen islands, we turned round the North point of the former, and proceeded to the Southward, about two miles, to a small flat island called Darby's garden, near the foot of the beautiful mountain of Glenaa, whose base is washed by the lake. We here landed a swivel gun, with two men to load and fire it, while we remained in the boat about sixty yards from the shore. The gun was fired, and the echo astonished us beyond any thing of the kind we had ever heard before. It was first repeated quickly four times, then, after an interval of fifteen seconds, it burst out again like heavy distant thunder from the opposite mountain of Turk, and at last gradually died on the ear, leaving us in a maze of astonishment.

From this situation the view to

wards the upper lake is grand and sublime: mountains, some wooded, others bare and rocky, overtopping, or projecting past each other, the passage into the upper lake between Turk and Glenaa, being only marked by the different projections. The similarity of the view to that of the Highlands in the river Hudson, in the state of New York from a lit-,

the below Beeks-kill, is very striking to whoever has seen both, only with the difference of the American mountains being covered over their summits with great variety of forest trees, and their having their sides only partially wooded, and their tops uniformly bare, Half a mile from Darby's garden, we passed on the right a banqueting cottage of the Countess of Kenmare, pleasantly situated at the foot of Glenaa, and at the southern extremity of the lower lake, which it fronts in its whole length of about seven miles to the northward. This cottage, with the bridge, of one fine arch, which unites the peninsula of Mucruss to Brickun island, are beautiful objects in the view upwards from Darby's garden. The channel between Brickun and Glenaa is very narrow and crooked, and contracts to the size of a brook, in which the rowers have scarcely room for their oars, and at last becomes so shallow above Brickun, between Denis and Glenaa, that we were obliged to land on Denis, while the boat's crew hauled the boat over the flats, against the current. On landing we were met by a woman who said she would shew us the island; we accordingly followed her, altho' we could have explored it as well without a guide, but the poor all round Killarney make a trade of forcing their attentions on strangers, that they may obtain a few shillings in return. Denis, which is about a mile in circumference, is covered with young timber and underwoo through which, foot paths are c

ed in every direction. - It has no particular beauty to recommend it, ex. cept in one spot on the banks of Mucruss lake, where a few large old trees have been left, and the underwood cleared away, so as to leave a little open lawn, from whence we had a good view of Mucruss, or the middle lake, surmounted by Turk, with the river Laune, tumbling in a torrent down the middle of the mountain from its source near the summit, into the lake beneath, and on the right, a handsome lodge and gardens of Mr Herbert; while on the left, the beautiful Longlow peninsula and demesne of Mucruss, which separates the middle and lower lakes, presented itself to us in its whole length of two miles, which, is the longest extent of the lake, it being about one and a half broad. The spot from whence we had this view, seems designed by Mr Herbert, the proprie tor, for parties on the lakes to rest and refresh at, and is a very good situation for that purpose. Returning to our boat across the center of the Island, we passed the cottage of our guide, who with her husband and family reside here, being allowed their cabin, a little garden, and some trifling annuity by Mr Herbert, but depending chiefly on the presents they receive from curious travellers, Having no change, we gave our guide a credit on our coxswain for half a crown, for which he wished long life to our honors, and said that Biddy might depend on his paying it to her.

Landing again on the opposite side, we walked along the bank of the little river, through which the upper lake discharges itself into the lower, while the boatmen set the boat up against the stream through the old weir bridge of one arch, which connects the two banks immediately above Denis, and though old and out of repair, is a good object in the scene. Taking boat again a


bove the bridge, we proceeded up the river, which in proportion as we advanced, became less rapid and little deeper, tho' still in some places so narrow as to admit of rowing but with difficulty. With all due deference to the panegyrists of Killarney, I remarked nothing particularly striking in our passage from Denis to the upper lake, up a narrow and very crooked rivulet of near four miles long, which in a direct line would not exceed one and a half, until we arrived at the foot of the eas gle's nest, about a mile below the upper lake. This is a projecting spur from Glenaa, perpendicularly impending over the river, and of a conical shape on the two other visible sides. It is about a thousand feet from its base to the top, and partially wooded the whole height, at about two thirds of which, in the middle of an inaccessible cliff, our guide pointed out a grey rock exactly resembling an eagle with its wings expanded, immediately under which, he made us observe something like a large bird's nest, sheltered by the impend. ing rock, which they have a tradi. tion has been, during time immemorial, and still is, the habitation of that monarch of the winged race, which gives name to this part of the mountain. As I did not see his Majesty, I could not help doubting his existence. We landed our little cannon, and fired it opposite the Eagle's nest. The echo was very fine but single, and much inferior to that at Darby's garden, but the tones of the French horn, or bugle, which accompanied us at a little distance on the shore, and which we heard occasionally, were very fine, and the effects charmingly varied by the different situations from whence they issued. On the left in all this distance, is a low wilderness, with a few irregular risings or hillocks, partly barren, partly swamp or marsh, and partly copse, extending to the base of Turk about a mile.- 1 hree quarters of a mile above the Eagle's nest, we were shewna narrow pass between two rocks, of about ten yards wide, which seemed to have been separated by a convulsion of nature, to permit the waters of the upper lake to escape, which the great height of the surrounding mountains in every other part of its circuit completely forbid. This pass is called Coleman's Eye, from a tradicion that a person of that name when pursued by an enemy sprung over it at a leap, and so escaping left the impression of his feet on the rock, which they did not fail to shew us.

Doubling a projection of this rock, we found ourselves suddenly in the upper lake, without having any previous view of it, and turning our eyes back, we could not see the pass, by which we had entered it, so compleatly does the rock on the right hand project beyond that on the left. Imagination could not form a scene more wild, more sublime, and more solitary than that which now presented itself to our view : A fine piece of water, four miles long by about one broad, studded thick with wooded islands, and entirely surrounded by a vast amphitheatre of stupendous mountains, presenting a different shape in every point of view, and not a human habitation in sight, except one solitary cabin on the side of the purple mountain; on the right, a banqueting cottage still farther, at the very N. Western extremity of the lake, owned, if I mistake not, by a Mr Ronan, and an octagon rustic temple, lately built by Lady Kenmare, and just finished, on a small island about a mile at this side of Ronan's cottage, which being whitewashed, forms a beautiful object, contrasted with the arbutus, and other dark green copse, with which the island is covered, while an elevated pyramidal hill, with a bare rocky

top, peeps out from among the foliege, immediately above the temple, and commands a prospect of the whole lake, and all the islands. We directed our course to this island, passing several others of different forms and dimensions, and all covered with a vast variety of small forest timber, flowering shrubs, and evergreens, in every shade of that delightful colour. We landed in a little bay near the foot of the temple, whichwe entered, but found just as the workmen had left it, without being yet prepared according to the intention of its amiable proprietor for the reception of visitors. While our guide and eoxswain spread our table cloth, on some boards placed on stools taken from the temple, uader the shade of some dwarf oaks, we sauntered by a circuitous ascending path towards the top of the hill.--About half way up we were suddenly arrested by a fine note from the bugle horn, the horn-player having ascended by a more steep and direct path, and placed himself behind some rocks on the left of our path. - He then continued at intervals to blow, sometimes the bugle, and sometimes the French horn, which, as we continued to wind round the hill, in ascending from their great variety of tones, and echoes, particularly from the purple mountain opposite, had a fine effect. He had placed himself so as to command a view of the top of the hill, on our arrival at which, he gave a preconcerted signal with the bugle, when the people below fired the cannon, the report of which, confined by the surrounding mountains, was astonishingly loud, but the echo by no means so fine as that at Darby's garden; which gives me cause to suppose that the effect of echo is much greater where there is some passage for the sound to escape, than where it is confined on all sides. The view from this rocky pinnacle was very beautiful.

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