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752. There are many numbers whose only common divisor is unity, and where the numerator and denominator belong to this class, the fraction cannot be reduced to a more convenient form. Such is the case with the numbers 48 and 35; hence, as the division of 48 35 can only be divided by 1, their relation cannot be more simply expressed. But if two numbers have a common divisor, the greatest they have is found by the following rule. Divide the greater by the lesser number, and divide the preceding divisor by the remainder; the remainder resulting from the last division again becomes the divisor for a third division wherein the preceding divisor is to be the dividend. This operation being repeated till we arrive at a division to which no remainder is left, the last divisor will be found to be the greatest common measure or divisor of the two given numbers. Now, let us apply this to the two numbers 504 and 312, whereof we require the greatest common divisor.

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Here we perceive that the last divisor is 24, and dividing 504 and 312 by it, we find that

the relation 504 312 is reduced to the form 21:13.

Let the relation 456 721 be given to find the greatest common divisor.

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In this case 1 is the greatest common divisor, and we cannot express the relation 721 : 456 by less numbers, nor reduce it to less terms, than those in which it appears.

753. To demonstrate this rule, let a be the greater and b the less of the given numbers, and let d be one of their common divisors; it is evident that a and b being divisible by d, we may also divide the quantities a−b, a-2b, a— 3b, and, in general, a-nb, by d. Equally true must be the converse, that is to say, if the numbers b and a-nb are divisible by d, the number a will be also divisible by d. Farther, if d be the greatest common divisor of two numbers b and a-nb, it will also be the greatest common divisor of the two numbers a and b: for if a greater common divisor than d could be found for the numbers a and b, it would also be a common divisor of b and a-nb, and consequently d would not be the greatest common divisor of these two numbers. But we have supposed d the greatest divisor common to b and a-nb, wherefore it must also be the greatest common divisor of a and b. With these considerations before us, let us, according to the rule, divide the greater number a by the lesser b, and let us suppose the quotient =n; the remainder will be a-nb, which must be less than b. This remainder a-nb having the same greatest common divisor with b as the numbers a and b, it is only necessary to repeat the division, dividing the preceding divisor b by the remainder a-nb; and the new remainder which is obtained will still have with the preceding divisor the same greatest common divisor, and so on. Proceeding in this way till we arrive at a division without a remainder, that is, in which the remainder is nothing, let p be the last divisor contained exactly a certain number of times in its dividend, which will therefore be divisible by p, and will have the form mp; so that the numbers p and mp are both divisible by p, and as no number can be divided by a number greater than itself, it is clear that they have no greater common divisor. Therefore the last divisor is the greatest common divisor of the given numbers a and b, and the rule laid down is thus demonstrated.




754. When their ratios are equal, geometrical relations are equal, such equality of relations being called a geometrical proportion: thus we write a : b = c; d, or a b::c:d, thereby indicating that the relation ab is equal to the relation cd, which is expressed in language a is to b as c to d. Such a proportion is 4; 1=12: 3, for the relation of 4; 1 is, and this also is the relation of 12: 3. Thus, a b c d being a geometrical proportion, the ratio is the same on both sides, and; and, reciprocally, if the fractions a and are equal, we have a b c d. Hence, a geometrical proportion consists of four terms, such that the first divided by the second gives the same quotient as the third divided by the fourth; and hence, also, is deduced an important property common to all geometrical proportion, namely, that the product of the first and last term is always equal to the product of the second and third, or, in more simple language, the product of the extremes is equal to the product of the means.


a C


755. To demonstrate this last named property, let us take the geometrical proportion a; b=cd, so that Multiplying both these fractions by b, we obtain a= and again multiplying both sides by d, we have ad=bc. Now, ad is the product of the extremes, be that of the means, and these two products are found to be equal. Reciprocally, when a, b, c, d are such numbers that the product of the extremes a and d are equal to the product of the means b and c, we may be certain that they form a geometrical proportion. For, since ad=bc, we have only to divide both sides by bd, which gives us , and therefore a b=c d.

ad bc bd bd


a с or =

756. The transposition of the four terms of a geometrical proportion, as a ; c=b ; d, does not destroy the proportion, for the rule being that the product of the extremes is equal to the product of the means, or ad=bc, we may also say, 1st, b: a=d; c; 2d, a ; c=b; d; 3d, d; b=ca; 4th, d: c=b: a. Besides these, some others may be deduced from the same proportions abcd; thus we may say a+b;a=c+d: c; that is, the first term added to the second is to the first as the third added to the fourth is to the third. So, also, a-ba-c-d: c. For, taking the product of the extremes, we have ac-be-ac-ad, which leads to the equality ad = bc.

757. All the proportions deduced from a b c d may be generally represented as follows:

ma + nb: pa + qb = mc + nd; pc+qd;

For the product of the extremes is mpac + npbc + mqad + nqbd, which, because ad- be, becomes mpac + npbc + mqbc + nqbd. Farther, the product of the means is mpae + mqbe + npad+nqbd; or, as ad be, it is mpac + mqbc + npbc + nqbd; so that the two products are equal. It is therefore evident that from any geometrical proportion an infinite number of others may be deduced: take, for example, 9; 3=18; 6, and we may have

besides many others.


9 18 36; 12; 9=24; 18 ; 12: 24=3:6; 12: 3=24:6;

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758. Since in every geometrical proportion the products of the extremes and of the means are equal, we may, when the three first terms are known, find the fourth from them. Thus, suppose the three first terms to be 9: 318: the quantity sought. Now the product of the means is 3 x 18, or 54; the fourth term must therefore be 1, which multiplied into the first will produce that number; if, then, the product 54 of the means be divided by the first term 9, we shall have 6 for the fourth term, and the whole proportion will stand 93=186. In general, therefore, if the three first terms are a; b=c;. put d for the unknown fourth letter; and since ad=bc, we divide both sides by a, and have d; so that the fourth term = a' or is found by multiplying the second and third terms and dividing the product by the first term. This is the foundation of the celebrated RULE OF THREE in arithmetic, wherein three numbers are given to find a fourth in geometrical proportion, so that the first may be to the second as the third is to the fourth. And here we must note some peculiar circumstances which follow.



759. If in two proportions the first and third terms are the same, as in a : b=cd, and a:f=cg, then the two second and the two fourth terms will also be in geometrical proportion, and b: d=f: g. For the first proportion being transformed into a ; c=b; d, and the second into a c=f: g, the relations b;d and f: g must be equal, since each of them is equal to the relation a; c. In numbers, if 5; 25=3; 15, and 5: 40=3; 24, we must have 25 40=15: 24. But if the two proportions be such that the means of both are the same, then the first terms will be in an inverse proportion to the fourth terms. Thus, if a b c d, and f: bc: g, then a : f=g; d. In numbers, for example, 24; 89: 3, and 68 9:12, we have 24: 6-12; 3. And the reason is evident, for the first proportion gives ad=be; the second fg=bc; therefore ad=fg, and a : f=g: d, or a g::f: d.

760. If two proportions are given, a new one may always be produced by separately multiplying the first term of the one by the first term of the other, the second by the second, and so on with respect to the other terms. Thus, a b c d and e f g h will furnish ae bf=cg: dh. For the first gives ad=bc, and the second eh=fg, we have also adeh=bcfg. But adeh is the product of the extremes, and bcfg is the product of the means, in the new proportion. So that the two products are equal, and the proportion is true. Let them, for example, be 8:2=20: 5 and 6: 9=14: 21; the combination will be 6 x 82 x9= 20 × 14; 5 × 21, or 48: 18=280; 105.

761. Lastly, if two products are equal, ad=bc, the equality may be converted into geometrical proportion, for we shall always have one of the factors of the first product in the same proportion to one of the factors of the second product, as the other factor of the second product is to the other factor of the first product; that is, in the present case, a: c=b: d, or a b c d. In numbers, 3 x 8 = 4 × 6; and this proportion may be formed 84 63, or 3: 4-6 8.

762. We do not think it necessary to pursue the subject here by examples of the use of proportion, without which the occurrences of common life could scarcely be carried on. Its basis is here explained, and the application must be obvious to the readers of this work.


763. If we multiply the terms of two or more relations, antecedents by antecedents, and consequents by consequents, compound relations are obtained; that is, the relation between the two products is compounded of the relations given. Thus the relations a: b, ed, ef, give the compound relation ace; bdf. Each of these three ratios is said to be one of the roots of the compound ratio.

764. As a relation continues the same if both its terms are divided by the same number, in order to abridge it, we may greatly facilitate the above composition by observing whether among the first terms some are not found having common divisors with some of the second terms: for if so, those terms are destroyed, and the quotient arising from the division by that common divisor substituted, of which the following is an example. Let the relations given be 12; 25, 28: 33, and 55: 56.

[blocks in formation]

Whence we see that 2: 5 is the compound relation required.

765. The same operation is performed if we are calculating by letters; and a remarkable case occurs, when each antecedent is equal to the consequent in the preceding relation : thus, if the given relations are

a: b,


c: d,

d: e,

The compound relation is 1 : 1.

e: a,

766. We may perceive the utility of these principles by applying them, for instance, to the relation between two rectangular fields, which is compounded of the relations of the lengths and breadths. Let one of them, A, be 500 ft. long and 60 ft. wide, and the other, B, be 360 ft. long and 60 ft. broad; then the relation of the lengths is 500: 360; that of the breadths 60: 100. Thus we have

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Whence the field A is to the field B as 5 to 6.

767. So, again, if we wish to compare two rooms with respect to their space or contents, we are to recollect that here the relation between them is compounded of three relations, namely, that of the lengths, that of the breadths, and that of the heights. Let the room A be 36 ft. long, 16 ft. broad, and 14 ft. high; and the room B be 42 ft. long, 24 ft. broad, and 10 ft. high; we have the relations as follow:

[blocks in formation]

So that the capacity of the room A is to that of the room B as 4 to 5.

768. When the relations thus compounded are equal, multiplicate relations result; namely, two equal relations give a duplicate ratio or ratio of the squares. Three equal relaThus the relations ab tions produce the triplicate ratio, or ratio of the cubes, and so on. and a : give the compound relation aa bb; whence we say that the squares are in the duplicate ratio of the roots; and the ratio a: b multiplied thrice, giving the ratio a3: ¿3, shows that the cubes are in the triplicate ratio of the roots.

769. From a knowledge of Geometry, we learn that two circular spaces are in the duplicate relation of their diameters; which means, that they are to each other as the squares of their diameters. Suppose A to be such a space, having a diameter = 45 ft.; B another circular space, whose diameter = 30; then the first space will be to the second as 45 x 45 to 30 x 30, or, compounding the two equal relations,

3, 9, 45: 3Q, &, 2
3, 9, 45:30, 6, 2


Whence we see the two areas are as 9 to 4.


770. Again, it is known that the solid contents of spheres are in the ratio of the cubes of the diameters. Thus, the diameter of a globe, A, being 1 ft., and the diameter of another globe, B, being 2 ft.; the solid contents of A will be to those of B as 13: 23, or as 1 to 8. If, therefore, the spheres are composed of similar substances, the sphere B will weigh 8 times as much as the sphere A.


771. The ratio of two fractions may always be expressed in integer numbers, since we have only to multiply the two fractions by bd to obtain the ratio ad be, which is equal to the other; and if ad and be have common divisors, the ratio may be reduced to less For instance, 15 × 36: 24 x 25=9: 10.



772. Suppose we sought the ratio of the fractions and, it is evident we should have 1 =b: a, which is expressed by saying that two fractions which have unity for their deSo when any two nominator are in the reciprocal or inverse ratio of their denominators. fractions have a common enumerator, for :=b: a. When, however, two fractions have their denominators equal, as they are in the direct ratio of their numerators, that is,

a b

[ocr errors]


as a b. Thus, } } = { } = 6:3=21 and 10:10: 15 or 2: 3. 773. It is upon the principles here laid down that we are enabled to resolve questions in what is called in books of arithmetic, THE RULE OF FIVE, as, for example, in the following question : - If 25 pence per day be given to a labourer, and it is required to know what must be given to 24 labourers who have worked 50 days, we state it thus:

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774. When the numbers of a series increase or decrease by becoming a certain number of times greater or less, the series is called a geometrical progression, because each term is to the following one in the same geometrical ratio. The number expressing how many times each term is greater than the preceding is called the exponent: thus, if the first term = 1 and the exponent =2, the geometrical progression becomes,


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 &c

Progression 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, &c.

In which the numbers 1, 2, 3, &c. mark the place which each term holds in the progression. Generally, if the first term =a and the exponent =b, we have the following geometrical progression

[blocks in formation]


Thus, when the progression proceeds to n terms, the last term is ab”—!.
If the ex-
ponent b be greater than unity, the terms continue to increase; if the exponent b=1, the
terms are all equal; and, lastly, if the exponent b be less than 1, or a fraction, the terms
continually decrease. So if a=1 and b, we have the geometrical progression 1,, bb, fo
dr T &c., wherein we have for consideration,

FIRST-The first term, which has been called a.
SECOND-The exponent, which has been called b.
THIRD-The number of terms a

FOURTH-The last term, which has been found =ab”—1.

Hence, if any three of these be given, the last term may be found by multiplying the n-1 power of b, or b", by the first term a.

775. If, therefore, in the geometrical progression 1, 2, 4, 8, &c. the fiftieth term be required, we have a=1, b=2, and n=50, consequently the fiftieth term is 249. Now 29-512, and 210=1024. Wherefore the square of 220=1048576, and the square of this number or 1099511627776=240; and multiplying this value of 240 by 29 or 512, we have 249562949953421312.

776. One of the most usual questions which occur relative to geometrical progression is to find the sum of the terms, the mode of doing which we shall now explain. Let the following progression of ten terms be given :

1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512.

We will represent the sum by s, that is, s=1+2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 +64 + 128 +256 + 512. Double both sides and we have 2s=2+4+ 8 + 16 + 32 +64 + 128 + 256 +512 +1024. Subtracting from this the progression represented by s we have s=1024-1=1023; wherefore the sum required is 1023.

777. Suppose in the same progression the number of terms is undetermined and =n, so that the sum in question or s=1+2 + 22 + 23 + 2+ . . . . 2-1. If we multiply by 2 we have 28=2+22+ 23 + 24 . . . . 2′′, and subtracting the preceding from the last equation we have s=2"-1. Hence we see that the sum required is found by multiplying the last term 27-1 by the exponent 2 in order to have 2", and subtracting unity from that product. 778. Suppose, generally, the first term =a, the exponent=b, the number of terms =", and their sum =s, so that

s=a+ab+ ab2 + ab3 + aba +

Multiply by b, and we have


bsab + ab2 + ab3 + ab‡ + ab3 +

.. ab",

and subtracting the first equation, the remainder is (b-1)8=ab"-a, whence is easily deduced the sum required, s=' ab-a Whence it follows that the sum of any geome

trical progression may be found by multiplying the last term by the exponent of the progression, subtracting the first term from the product and dividing the remainder by the exponent minus unity.

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