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in general to prevent mischievous | Aroma (from two Greek words meanresults.

Antitype. That which is fore

shadowed by a type (in the theologi-
cal sense of a figure or representa-
tion of something to come). Joseph
in the Scripture is one of the many
types of Christ, and Christ is the
antitype. In like manner, Napoleon
is spoken of on p. 178 as the antitype
of Cromwell; this means that Crom-
well is the type of Napoleon.
Apathy (from a Greek word meaning
absence of suffering or feeling).-
Want of feeling; insensibility to
pain or to any strong emotion.
Apostrophe (Greek word meaning a
turning away).-A rhetorical artifice
which consists in turning away from
the real audience, and addressing,
generally in an impassioned manner,
an imaginary one.
Apparition (Latin apparitio, from
apparere, to appear).-Appearance;
more particularly an appearance
which is striking and unaccountable,
and so savours of the preternatural;
a ghost; spectre.
Approximation (from Latin approxi-
mare, to come near to, from proximus,
nearest, next to).-The act of com-
ing near to; near approach.
Arborescent (from Latin arbor, a tree).
-Resembling a tree in substance,
appearance, etc. On p. 18 it means
resembling a tree in pattern, i.e.
having a stem, branches, etc.
Arborous (from Latin arbor, a tree).-
Formed by trees.

Archetype (Greek word meaning
original type or pattern). - The
original pattern or model of a thing.
Archives (from a Greek word meaning
the government house).-(1) The place
in which public records are preserved.
(2) Public papers and records pre-
served for purposes of reference.
Argosy (from Argo, the name of the
mythical ship which carried Jason
and his companions -
-a band of
Greek heroes -on their expedition
into unknown seas).-A large ship.
Argument.-A short abstract of the
subject-matter of a discourse.
Armiger (Latin from arma, arms, and
gerere, to bear).-One who is entitled
to a coat of arms; an esquire.
Armorial bearings (Heraldic term).-
The designs painted on shields or
escutcheons. The designs on a shield
are spoken of collectively as a coat
of arms.

ing a strong perfume). A sweet

Astrology (from two Greek words
meaning star lore).- The now ex-
ploded science of the stars;
astrologers professed to be able to
foretell events by studying the
position and aspects of the stars.
Attaball (or Atabal). A kind of
drum used in the East.
Attelage. A team of horses or other
beasts of burden.

Augur. To conjecture by signs or
omens; to prognosticate.
Augury (Latin).-The art of auguring
or foretelling events by watching the
flight and other actions of birds (a
practice of the Romans). An omen
or sign of what is going to happen.
Authentic.-(1) (Of things) Being what
they pretend to be; genuine; true.

(2) (Of persons) Of approved authority; reliable; trustworthy. Authenticity. The quality of being authentic; genuineness; trustworthiness.

Autonomy. (From two Greek words

meaning self and law).-Having the power or right of self-government. Auxiliary (from Latin auxilium, help). A helper; assistant. Avalanche (French, from avaler, to descend).-A large body of ice or snow, which gets detached from a snowfield, and slides with a noise of thunder down the side of a mountain. Avaunt (from French avant, forward). -Begone! Away with you! (Ex. pressing contempt and abhorrence.) BANE (verb). To poison, destroy. Wolf's bane is the name of a plant, and the word bane is still common in the sense of plague or trouble. Bang.-A narcotic drug made from the wild hemp. It is used in the East as a means of intoxication. Barbican (or Barbacan). An advanced work defending the entrance to a castle or fortified town. Bashaw (or Pashaw or Pasha).-A title of honour in the Turkish dominions given to governors of provinces, generals, and other men of distinction. Bastion (Military).

A part of the wall (or earthwork) of a fortified town which projects outwards and comes to a point. It generally consists of four sides, the two which come to a point being called faces,

and the two which quit the main line of the rampart being called flanks. The bastion of San Vincente (p. 238) was an isolated

bastion of a triangular shape. Beatific (from Latin beatus, blessed, from beare, to bless).-Made blessed (literal meaning of word); in a state of beatitude or perfect bliss. Beatitude. Happiness of the highest kind; heavenly bliss; blessedness. Besotted (from French sot, a fool).Made sottish (especially by drink); made hopelessly stupid; infatuated. Besprent. Sprinkled.

Bigot.-One who is so firmly attached to a particular creed, sect, or party as to be unable even to tolerate differences of belief or opinion. Bilberry (or Common Whortleberry). -A small shrub bearing a blue berry, common in this country and in the middle or northern parts of Europe. It is particularly common in mountainous regions.

Bill of lading.-A written account of goods shipped by any person on board of a vessel. The master of the vessel signs the bill and keeps a copy for himself. A second copy is given to the captain of the vessel, and a third sent to the consignee of the goods. Blade. A fine, sharp-witted, dashing fellow.

Blanch (French blanc, white).-(1) To make white or pale.

(2) To grow white or pale. Blare.-Roar; noise; loud sound (as of trumpets, bugles, etc.). Book-keeper.-One whose business it is to keep the books and accounts in an office. Bossy. Ornamented with bosses (round protuberances, knobs). Breach (Mil.).-A gap or opening in the walls of a fortified town made by the artillery of a besieging army. Buffoon. One who amuses others by low tricks, absurd gestures, vulgar jokes, etc.

Buffoonery. The acts and practices of

a buffoon; low tricks; vulgar jokes, etc.

Burgess. A freeman of a burgh or borough, i.e. one who enjoys all the privileges of the burgh to which he belongs. A 'burgess in the House of Commons' (see p. 171) is one who is elected as member for a borough. Byre. A cow-house.

CADENCE (from Latin cadere, to fall).

-A fall of the voice in reading or speaking; a general fall or modula tion of sound.

Caliph (Arabic word meaning successor).-A title given to the acknowledged successors of Mohammed. The Caliph was at once emperor and pope, being the supreme potentate in the Mohammedan world and also the spiritual head of the Mohammedan religion.

Cantor (Latin, from canere, to sing).A professional musician or singer. Canvass (from old French cannabasser, to search or sift out; to examine carefully). (1) To sift; examine thoroughly; scrutinize.

Hence (2) To discuss; debate.

(3) To ask for votes. (The idea is that of going carefully through, sifting. It is incorrect to speak, as one does nowadays, of canvassing single votes; one canvasses a district or a constituency, not an individual.) Carat. See note to p. 132. Caraval (or Caravel).—A kind of light round ship with a square poop, rigged like a galley (a one-decked vessel navigated with sails and oars), formerly used by the Spaniards and Portuguese.

Caravansary.-A kind of inn in the East where caravans rest at night. It consists of a large square building with a spacious court in the middle. Caricature (Italian, from caricare, to overload, exaggerate).-A represen tation of a person or thing in which his or its peculiarities are so exaggerated as to appear ridiculous. Castellated.-Resembling a castle in appearance, i.e. adorned with turrets and battlements.

Casualty (from Latin casus, an accident, from cadere, to fall).-(1) An event (generally disastrous) which is undesigned, and which therefore can neither be foreseen nor guarded against.

(2) An accident causing injury to the body; any loss or misfortune occasioned by an accident.

Casuist (from Latin casus, case).-One who makes it his business to study cases of conscience, and, in general, to determine the degrees of right or wrong in actions of doubtful moral worth, the respective merits different courses of action, etc. Catholic (from two Greek words meaning throughout and whole).-Universal; general.


Cavil (from Latin cavillari).-To find fault without good reason; to raise frivolous objections. Cenotaph (from two Greek words meaning empty tomb).-An empty tomb; a monument erected to one who is buried elsewhere. Cerulean (Latin cæruleus, dark blue).Of a deep, dark blue, like that of a clear, cloudless sky. Chain-mailed.-Armed in chain-mail (a flexible armour made of interlaced rings).

Charter. See explanatory note (3) to p. 268.

Chicane (French).--An artful subterfuge or trick.

Choleric.-Irascible; easily irritated; prone to anger.

Cipher (from an Arabic word meaning empty, and so nothing, zero). -A private alphabet or system


characters for enabling a secret correspondence to be safely conducted. (This is the meaning of the word on p. 144; the arithmetical meaning of the word is well known.)

Citron. A tree which grows in the South of Europe and other warm regions, and bears a fruit resembling the lemon.

Claymore.-A large two-handed sword formerly used by the Scottish Highlanders.

Coadjutor (Latin, from co, with, and adjuvare, to assist).-One who works with another; a fellow-helper. Coeval (Latin co, with, and ævum, age). Of the same age or date. Collateral (from Latin con, with, and lateralis, on the side of, from latus, lateris, side).--On the side of. The word has several legal meanings. Collateral relatives spring from a common ancestor, but from different branches of the common stock; thus the children of brothers are collateral relatives. In this, which is one of the commonest uses of the word, the idea of running parallel to is present, and this seems to be the meaning of the word on p. 42 ('collateral brooks'). Collocation (Latin collocatio, from con, with or together, and locare, to place, from locus, a place).-The act of placing or arranging; arrangement.

Columnar. Formed in columns; standing up like a column. Commissary (Military). An officer having charge of a special department.

Communicable.- Used by old writers (as by Clarendon on p. 174) for communicative (i.e. sociable, affable). Complexional. Depending on, or pertaining to complexion (in the obsolete sense of temperament or natural disposition).

Comport (from Latin con, with, and portare, to bear, carry).-To agree with; suit; accord.

Concave (Latin con, with, and cavus, hollow). - Hollow and curved; curved in. The word is applied to the interior of an arched surface or curved line, the exterior being spoken of as convex.

Confine (from Latin con, with, and finis, end, border). A common boundary or border. (The word is always used in the plural.) Congenial (from Latin con, with, and genius, natural bent, disposition).-Partaking of the same nature; of kindred spirit or disposition; sympathetic.

Congeniality.--Participation in the same nature or disposition; natural affinity.

Conoidal (from two Greek words meaning cone-shaped).-Nearly, but not exactly conical. Consonance (from

Latin con, with, and sonare, to sound).-Sounding together; harmony; agreement; congruity; suitableness. Constituency.-A body of constitu ents, i.e. of persons having the right of electing a representative. Contumacious (from Latin contumax, insolent). Setting authority at defiance; perverse; stubborn. Conveniency.-Old form of the word convenience.

Convex (Latin convexus, from convehere, to bring together).-Rising or swelling into a rounded form. The word is applied to the exterior of an arched surface or curved line, the interior being spoken of as concave. Cornet (Mil.).—(1) A troop or company of cavalry, so called from its being accompanied by a cornet-player.

(2) The flag of such a company. (3) The officer who carries the flag of a cavalry troop. Cornice.-An architectural term signifying any horizontal moulded projection finishing off a building, wall, etc. A cornice of ice or snow is an overhanging projection at the summit of a snow-slope or ice-wall. Corollary. - An inference; conse

quence; that which obviously follows from a demonstrated position. Coteau (plural coteaux).-A French word meaning a small hill. Crosier (from French croix, cross).— The official staff of an archbishop, terminating at the top in a cross; the pastoral staff of a bishop, which, however, terminates not in a cross, but in an ornamental crook.

Crypt (from a Greek word meaning to hide).-A vault under a church used for the interment of the dead. Cunette (Mil.).-A deep trench made in a dry ditch to drain off water. Curtain (Mil.). - That part of rampart which is between the flanks of two bastions. (See Bastion.) Cylindrical. Shaped like a cylinder (a solid body of a roller-like form).


DAIS. The raised floor at the upper end of a dining hall where the high table stood. On p. 96 it means the raised platform which supported the throne.

Debris (French).-(1) Broken fragments of rock, etc.

(2) Rubbish; ruinous remains. Deciduous (Latin, from decidere, to fall off, from de and cadere, to fall).Falling off; liable to fall off; having 'Debut a temporary existence. ciduous trees' are those whose leaves fall in autumn. De facto (Latin).—Actually; in fact; in reality. (It is sometimes opposed to de jure, which means by right.) Delineate (Latin delineare, from linea, a line). (1) To represent in outline; to draw; picture.

(2) To represent or picture in words, to describe. Delineation.-(1)The act of delineating. (2) A representation; sketch; description.

Demagogue (from two Greek words meaning people and leader).--Aleader of the people; especially one who sways the masses by unworthy artifices, such as pandering to their baser passions.

Democracy (from two Greek words meaning people and to rule).-A form of government in which the supreme power is in the hands of the people, being either directly exercised by them, or delegated by them to representatives and responsible ministers. Denominate (from Latin de, and nominare, to call by name).-To give a name to; entitle; name.

Dervish (from a Persian word meaning to ask alms).-A class of persons in Mohammedan countries who resemble in many respects the monks of Christendom. They are divided into brotherhoods and orders, live in devote convents, themselves to prayer and fasting, and make a profession of extreme poverty. Descant (through French from Latin dis, apart, and cantus, singing).—A variation from an air.

Desultory (Latin desultor, a leaper).— Leaping or passing from one thing to another without order or natural connection; wanting in method or in logical sequence; discursive; rambling.

Detract (from Latin de, from, and trahere, to draw).-(1) To draw or take away from.

Especially (2) to take credit or reputation away from; to defraud; depreciate; disparage.

Detractor. -One who detracts or dis


Diapason (from two Greek words meaning through all the notes of the scale). -The naine given to certain stops in the organ which are considered the fundamental stops, and which are so called because they extend through the scale of the instrument. Dilapidate (from Latin lapis, a stone). (1) To pull down a building, etc.; to suffer to go to ruin.

(2) To go to ruin; to fall out of repair. Dilapidation.

-The state of being dilapidated or out of repair. Diploma.-A letter or other document conferring some power, privilege, honour, authority, etc. Dissidence (from Latin dis, apart, and Disagreement; sedere, to sit). separation from. Dissimulation (from Latin dissimilis, unlike). The act of dissembling or concealing one's real nature under a false appearance. Distich (Greek).-Two lines of poetry making complete sense; a couplet. Ducat.-A coin of varying value, once extensively used in many parts of continental Europe. The commonest of all coins that bore this name was a gold ducat, weighing 54 grains Troy, and worth 9s. 4d., which was at one time used in Austria, Russia, Hamburg, and elsewhere. Dudgeon. will.

-Anger; resentment; ill

Dynasty (Greek word, from a root signifying power).-Authority; sovereignty; more especially, a succession of kings of the same line or family.

ECLOGUE. A short poem of any kind, especially one in which shepherds are introduced, conversing with one another.

Economist.-One who is a student or a professor of Economics or Political Economy, the science which treats of the nature, uses, distribution, etc., of wealth.

Ecumenical (from a Greek word mean. ing the inhabited world).-Belonging to the whole inhabited world; universal; general.

Effluence (from Latin effluere, to flow out, from ex, out, and fluere, to flow). --That which flows or comes forth from any body or substance. (Same as effluvium, which, however, is generally used in an unpleasant sense.) Effulgence (Latin effulgere, to shine forth).-Extreme brightness; splen


Effusion (from Latin effundere, to pour out). (1) The act of pouring out; more especially the pouring out of words.

(2) The thing poured out. Egress (Latin egressus, from e, out, and gradi, to step, to walk).—The act of going out, or leaving. Elf. A kind of fairy.

Elves were generally regarded as diminutive mischievous spirits, and so the word is sometimes applied to young children.

Elfin.-Pertaining to elves. On p. 46 ('elfin pinnace') it seems to mean elf-like or fairy-like, i.e. light and small.

Elite (French, from Latin electa, chosen out).-A choice or select body.

Elocution (Latin elocutio, from e, out, and loqui, to speak).-Speaking out; manner of speaking in public; manner of expressing oneself; delivery; utterance.

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glaring colours; to display conspicuously.

Embossed.-Ornamented with bosses

or round protuberances.

Embrasure (Mil.).-An opening in a wall or rampart, through which cannon are pointed. Emolument.-(1) The profit arising from office or employment; pay; salary.

(2) Profit in general; gain; advantage. Empiric (from a Greek word meaning experience).-One who has no scientific knowledge of any given subject, e.g. of medicine, but trusts entirely to his own individual experience; a quack.

Enamel. A substance like glass, used for ornamenting jewellery, etc.; it is laid on in a variety of colours. The word is sometimes applied to any glossy coloured substance that has an appearance of hardness. Mr. Ruskin, on p. 16, speaks of the dark ground being covered by the glorious enamel' of the meadow grass. Encyclopædic (from Greek en kuklos paideia, the circle of arts and sciences).-Universal in knowledge, going through the whole range of the sciences.

Epitaph (from two Greek words meaning on a tomb).-(1) An inscription on a tomb or on a monument erected in honour of the dead.

(2) Lines written in honour of the dead, whether inscribed on a monument or not. Equinoctial. equinox. Equinox (from Latin æquus, equal, and nox, night).--The time when day and night are of equal length. The vernal equinox is about the 21st of March, and the autumnal equinox about the 23rd of September. Ermine. An animal found in high latitudes, valued for its fur, which in winter becomes of a snowy white colour. This fur is used for lining the state robes of judges and peers, and is regarded as an emblem of judicial purity.

Pertaining to the

Escalade (Mil.) (from Latin scala, a ladder). An attack made by troops on a fortified place, in which ladders are used for the purpose of scaling the ramparts.

Escalade (verb). To mount or enter by means of ladders; to scale. Escarp (from the French escarper).—

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