Hor. Quick proceeders, marry! Now, tell me, I pray, You that durst swear that your mistress Bianca Tra. O despiteful love! unconstant womankind!I tell thee, Licio, this is wonderful. Hor. Mistake no more: I am not Licio, Nor a musician, as I seem to be; But one that scorn to live in this disguise, And makes a god of such a cullion:3 Tra. Signior Hortensio, I have often heard And since mine eyes are witness of her lightness, Hor. See, how they kiss and court! Lucentio, -Signior Here is my hand, and here I firmly vow- Tra. And here I take the like unfeigned oath,Ne'er to marry with her though she would entreat: Fye on her! see, how beastly she doth court him. Hor. 'Would, all the world, but he, had quite forsworn! For me, that I may surely keep mine oath, Ere three days pass; which hath as long lov'd me, Kindness in women, not their beauteous looks, 3-cullion:] A term of degradation, with no very decided meaning: a despicable fellow, a fool, &c. Shall win my love:-and so I take my leave, [Exit HORTENSIO.-LUCENTIO and BIANCA advance. Tra. Mistress Bianca, bless you with such grace As 'longeth to a lover's blessed case! Nay, I have ta'en you napping, gentle love; And have forsworn you, with Hortensio. Bian. Tranio, you jest; But have you both forsworn me? Tra. Mistress, we have. Luc. Then we are rid of Licio. Tra. I'faith, he'll have a lusty widow now, That shall be woo'd and wedded in a day. Bian. God give him joy! Tra. Ay, and he'll tame her. He says so, Tranio. Bian. place? Tra. Ay, mistress, and Petruchio is the master; That teacheth tricks eleven and twenty long,— To tame a shrew, and charm her chattering tongue. Enter BIONDELLO, running. Bion. O master, master, I have watch'd so long That I'm dog-weary; but at last I spied An ancient angel' coming down the hill, Will serve the turn. Tra. What is he, Biondello? 5 An ancient angel-] For angel Mr. Theobald, and after him Sir T. Hannaer and Dr. Warburton, read engle, or a gull, but angel may mean messenger. 3 Master, a mercatantè,] The old editions read marcantant. The Italian word mercatantè is frequently used in the old plays for a merchant, and therefore I have made no scruple of placing it here. STEEVENS. I know not what; but formal in apparel, Tra. If he be credulous, and trust my tale, Take in your love, and then let me alone. [Exeunt LUCENTIO and BIANCA. Enter a Pedant. Ped. God save you, sir! Tra. And you, sir! you are welcome. Travel you far on, or are you at the furthest? Ped. Sir, at the furthest for a week or two: But then up further; and as far as Rome; And so to Tripoly, if God lend me life. Tra. What countryman, I pray? Ped. Of Mantua. Tra. Of Mantua, sir?-marry, God forbid! And come to Padua, careless of your life? Ped. My life, sir! how, I pray? for that goes hard. Tra. 'Tis death for any one in Mantua Ped. Ay, sir, in Pisa have I often been; Pisa, renowned for grave citizens. Tra. Among them, know you one Vincentio ? Ped. I know him not, but I have heard of him; A merchant of incomparable wealth. Tra. He is my father, sir; and, sooth to say, In countenance somewhat doth resemble you. Bion. As much as an apple doth an oyster, and all one. [Aside. Tra. To save your life in this extremity, And think it not the worst of all your fortunes, His name and credit shall you undertake, Ped. O, sir, I do; and will repute you ever Tra. Then go with me, to make the matter good. This, by the way, I let you understand;— My father is here look'd for every day, Το pass assurance of a dower in marriage "Twixt me and one Baptista's daughter here: In all these circumstances I'll instruct you: Go with me, sir, to clothe you as becomes you." [Exeunt. • Το pass assurance-] To pass assurance means to make a conveyance or deed. Deeds are by law-writers called, "The common assurances of the realm," because thereby each man's property is assured to him. Go with me, &c.] There is an old comedy called Supposes, translated from Ariosto, by George Gascoigne. Thence Shakspeare borrowed this part of the plot, (as well as some of the phraseology,) though Theobald pronounces it his own invention. There, likewise, he found the names of Petruchio and Licio. SCENE III. A Room in Petruchio's House. Enter KATHARINA and GRUMIO. Gru. No, no; forsooth; I dare not, for my life. Kath. The more my wrong, the more his spite appears: What, did he marry me to famish me? If not, elsewhere they meet with charity: As who should say,-if I should sleep, or eat, Kath. "Tis passing good; I pr'ythee let me have it. Kath. I like it well; good Grumio, fetch it me. Gru. I cannot tell; I fear, 'tis cholerick. What say you to a piece of beef, and mustard? Kath. A dish that I do love to feed upon. Gru. Ay, but the mustard is too hot a little. My young master and his man exchange habits, and persuade a Scenase, as he is called, to personate the father, exactly as in this play, by the pretended danger of his coming from Sienna to Ferrara, contrary to the order of the government. |