his free-trade principles, 372; ambassador at Madrid, 373; ap- pointed to the Hague, 378; his sub- ordinate position in the ministry, 384; character of his letters, 385 Auckland (Lord), his 'Journal and Correspondence,' Vols. III. IV., edited by the Bishop of Bath and Wells, cxvi. 113; conduct regarding Miss Eden and Pitt, 119; on Tithe Commutation, 130; his scheme for the partition of France, 140; his Irish intrigues, 150 Audley (Sir Thomas), his house in London, cxxxi. 175 Audran (Gerard, 1640-1703), his work on the proportions of the human figure, cxl. 185, 186 Audubon (John James, 1780-1851), Life and Adventurers of, edited by Mr. Buchanan, cxxxii. 250; his personal appearance, ib.; paren- tage, ib.; early love of nature, 251; bird collections in youth, 252; at Mr. Bakewell's, ib.; his marriage, 254; sojourn at Louis- ville, ib.; meeting with the poet Wilson, 255; removal to the Mis- sissippi, 256; adventures with Indians, 257; business troubles, 258; devotion to hunting and birds, ib.; introduced to Rafin- isque, 259; his fluctuating for- tunes, 260; interview with Lucien Buonaparte, 262; turns dancing- master, 263; his kind reception at Liverpool, ib.; his pictures ex- hibited, ib.; at Edinburgh, 264 ; loss of his ringlets, 265; meeting with Sir T. Lawrence, b.; in London, ib.; visit to Paris, 266; Cuvier's eulogy of his Birds,' 267; returns to America, ib.; re- visits England with his wife, 268; again returns to America, ib.; hur- ricane off Florida, 269; birds of Labrador, 271; relations with Rothschild, 272; his last 'great journey' to the Western Prairie,
ib.; his death, 273; regarded as a scientific naturalist, ib.; plates in his 'Birds of America,' 274; care- ful editorship of his works, 275 Augustine (Saint, 354-430), on the doctrinal authority of miracles, cxiii. 486
his opinion of polygamy,
on the importance of study- ing the meaning of the Gospels, cxix. 588.
Augustus (Cæsar, Roman Emperor,
B.C. 63-A.D. 13), his share in the reconstruction of society, cxxix. 85; survey of the empire in his time, ib.; his uncontrolled power, 87; his system necessary for the time, 93
his palace at Rome, cxxxv.
306 Aumale (Duc d'), his 'Histoire des Princes de Condé, pendant les XVI. et XVII. Siècles,' Vols. I. II., cxxx. 355; arbitrary seizure of his proof-sheets, ib. ; his patriotic spirit, ib.; literary merits, 356; unconscious partisan- ship in the Huguenot insurrection, 366; reflections on Coligny, 371; his estimate of the first Prince of Condé, 377; his sketch of Henry I. of Conde, 383; estimate of Henry IV. in 1610, 388; his mas- terly narrative, 389 Aurelius Antoninus (Marcus, Roman Emperor, 121-180), his simple habits, cxix. 56
Aureole, early use of, round the head of saints, cxxxi. 225 Aurignac (France), sepulchral cave discovered at, cxviii. 283; cxxxii. 460
Aurora Borealis, its connexion with magnetic disturbance, cxxxvi. 420
Aurungzebe (Emperor of Hindoos- tan, 1614-1707), his burial-place, cxxii. 374
Austerlitz, battle of (1805), Napoleon's pride in his victory, exxiii. 113, 114; Baron Ambert's account of, ib.; later influence of French
Austin (John, 1790-1859), his 'Pro
vince of Jurisprudence determined,' cxiv. 456; his quiet and solitary career, 460; his wide grasp of mind, 461; his original design unfinished, b.; vastness of his scheme, 462; definitions of leading terms, 463; his precision of thought, 467; on the four branches of law, ib.; definition of 'Right,' 468; on the notion of Sovereignty, 470; on Liberty and Justice, 472; his work compared to Butler's Analogy,' 473; laborious exactness of his style a difficulty to readers, 474; his analytical method, 480
his lectures at the London University, exviii. 152; his 'Lectures and Fragment on the Study of Jurisprudence,' 439; his power of precise thought, ib.; educational value of his labours, ib.; his genius compared with that of Bentham, 440; the logic of law his special subject, 441; supplementary character of his present work, ib.; his treatment of positive law compared with that of Mr. Maine, 442, 443; his principles founded on the Roman law, 445; clearness of his juristical conceptions, 448; his lectures incomplete, ib.; his first drafts and finished performances, ib. 449; tension of mind required by his precise style, ib.; his Province of Jurisprudence' a definition of Law, ib.; on the Laws of God, 450; on the notions involved in Duties and Rights, 452; his definition of a legal right, ib.; his negative definition of Rights criticised, 453; on fiduciary rights, ib.-455;
his definition of Wrongs, ib,; on the sources of Law, 456, 457; on the fallacies attached to customary law, ib.; on the Jus Gentium, 459; on the origin of the term Equity, 460; on statute and judiciary law, 463-467; on the evils of judicial legislation, ib.; on codification, ib., 470; on the Law of Persons and of Things, 471; his definition of quasi-contracts, 473; division of Rights into Primary and Sanctioning, ib. 474; outline of his distribution of the field of law, ib. ; his treatment of Property and Easement, ib.; his ground work of Rights criticised, 476; objections to his distribution of Wrongs and Remedies, 477; incompleteness of his labours, 480; his language clear and vigorous, ib., 481; harsh epithets not due to acrimony, ib.; his appreciation of great qualities in other writers, 482 Austin (John), his return to London from Bonn, cxxxix. 116; influence of German literature and society, ib.; progress of toleration and definite faith in his later years, 117
(Mrs., wife of preceding, 1793-1867), her kindness to J. S. Mill, cxxxix. 116 Australia, gold-fields of, cxii. 8; first
English settlers in, 326; ignorance of its interior, 327; existence of a central desert, ib.; will probably remain a Coast empire, 328; settlement on the northern coast desirable, ib.
difficulties of Church union
military defence of, cxv. 110; prospects of cotton culture, 482
narratives of expeditions in, exvi. 1; rapid progress of occupation, 3; first settlements, 4; want of water, ib.; river explorations, 5; theory of an inland sea, 5; Captain Sturt's expedition, ib.; the Mur
rumbidgee explored, 6; discovery of the river Murray, 7; settlement of South Australia, 8; Major Mitchell's expeditions, 9; the south-east group of settlements, 10; mountain ranges, ib.; Count Strzelecki's explorations, ib.; Swan River Settlement, 13; Captain Grey's expedition, 14; occupation of Australia Felix, 17; Mr. Eyre's Northern Exploring Expedition, 18; exploration of the interior, 27; Dr. Leichhardt's expedition, 35; Sir T. Mitchell, 36; question of an overland route to the Gulf of Carpentaria, 37; tragedy at York peninsula, 38; disaster on the Victoria River, 40; efforts of Adelaide at extension, 43; pro- blems of exploration, ib. ; charac- ter of Central Australia, 45 Australia, its coast-range described,
cxvii. 90; volcanic action in, 97; gold-mining operations, 105. See Victoria
intercolonial jealousies in, cxviii. 307; rival claims of New South Wales and Queensland, 308; proposed colony of Capri- cornia, 310; extension of local self-government, 311 and note; protest against threatened renewal
of transportation to, 312; its capa- bilities for cereal crops, 314, 315 note; winding course of its rivers, 317; its water-system vindicated, 318; Australian and American squatters compared, 320; sources of society in, 321; progress of sheep-farming, ib.; squatting re- gulations, 323; immense conces- sions to squatters, 324; their monopoly of land, ib.; discovery of gold, 325; changes in the land system, 330; auction system abo- lished, ib.; recent progress of ex- ploration, 331; salubrious climate of, 334; white and coloured labour in, 335
Australia, effect of human agency on animal and vegetable life in, cxx. 496, 497
physical features com- pared with America, cxxi. 350; early convict settlements in, 351; military despotism in, 354; the squatter class, ib.; growth of aris- tocratic government, 355; the franchise, 356, 357; immigration for gold, ib.; popular grievances, 358; representative government introduced, 359; vote by ballot, 360; constitution of the Upper House, 364; impediments to popu- lar legislation, 365; primary edu- cation, 366; rivalry under the denominational system, 367; libe- rality of the Legislature, 368; uniformity introduced, ib.; high school system, 369; universities, b.; public works, 370; telegraphic system, 371; water-supplies, 372; the Civil Service, 373; home- defence, 374; prosperity of the gold-fields, 375; increase of reve- nue, ib.; sources of income, 376; want of unpaid officials, 378; constitutional home-ties, 379; question of independence, 380; tendencies adverse to Federation,
ib.; value of home connexion, 381; position of the Governor, ib.; experiment of self-government,382
the Irish in, cxxvii. 524, 525 first visits to, by Europeans, cxxviii. 232
Mr. Dilke on the physical condition of Europeans in, cxxix. 465; Protectionist policy in, 466; resistance to Chinese immigration, 468; scarcity of women in, 472; healthy vigour of political life in, 473; love of social enjoyment, ib.; attachment to English forms and fashions, 474
Mr. Huxley's theory of a primæval Australoid' race, cxxxiv. 224, 227
Australia, types of old English squires in, cxxxviii. 9
(South), extent of the colony, cxviii. 311; condition of squatters, 330
(Western), gigantic propor- tions of the colony, exviii. 312; prospects of disintegration, ib. Austria, her cession of Venetia, cxi. 533
blunder of the Venetian occupation, cxiii. 281
declaration of, in favour of the allies in the Crimean War, cxvii. 332; her policy of neu- trality, ib.
her unprincipled attack on Denmark in 1864, cxxiv. 281; overtures to, by Bismarck against Italy, 289; war declared by Prus- sia against, 291; suddenness of the campaign, ib.; anticipations of her success confounded, 292; causes of her defeat, 293; her surrender of Venetia, ib.; origin of her rivalry with Prussia, 553,554; her object in the Seven Years' War, 557 ; aban- dons her claims to Bavaria, 561; humbled by Frederick the Great, 562; temporary alliance with Prussia in 1791, 564; unites with Russia against Napoleon, 567; her resources in the war of 1866, 590
casualties in the war of 1866, CXXV. 385 note. See Prusso-Aus- trian War
her exclusion from the North German Confederation, cxxviii. 240; abrogation of the Papal Concordat, 283, 284
final exclusion of, from Ger- man affairs since 1866, cxxx. 454 taxation in, from 1702 to
difficulties of, after Sadowa, cxxxii. 557; hopeful prospects, 558; consequences of the war of 1866, 559; altered views thereof
in, ib. scheme of Federal mon- archy suggested, 560
mediation of, during the Crimean War, cxxxiii. 268; de- signs of imperial aggression in Germany ascribed to, 464; oppo- sition of Frederick the Great, 469 Russian designs against, cxxxiv. 40; not equal to the con- test, ib.
horse-breeding establish-
ments in, cxxxviii. 435 'Austria,' steamship, loss of, cxv. 166 note
Authentic, the word distinguished from genuine, cxxxvii. 92 Authors, private characters of, illus- trated, cxxiv. 343; anecdotes of their personal qualities, 379, 380
moral and literary characters of, contrasted, cxxxii. 151; social relations of, in the reign of Anne, 541; evils of overwork, 546 Autochthony, popular belief in, cxi.
Autographs, alleged specimens of,
ascribed to remote antiquity, cxxiv. 346; collection of Mucianus at Rome, 354; alleged autographs of Cicero, Virgil, &c., ib.; the word first used by Suetonius, ib.; auto- graphs of Chinese emperors, 359 Autos-da-fé, savage celebration of, in Spain, cxxix. 35, 36
prohibition of, in Portugal, cxxxvi. 190
Autun, symbolical Greek acrostic on
epitaph found at, cxx. 238, 239 Avebury, stone monuments at, cxxxviii. 188; theory of Mr. Fergusson, 189
Avignon, secession of the Papacy to, cxii. 115; seized by Louis XIV., 125
Avila (Don Luis de), his commenta-
ries translated into English, cxxxii. 86; his account of the battle of Mühlberg, ib. 89
Avila (Spain), the town' described,
cxxii. 158; Gothic architecture at, 159
Avitabile (M.), Italian officer in the Sikh service, cxxxiv. 385, 387; his character by Sir H. Lawrence, ib.; his unscrupulous rule, 388; atrocities of, 389
Ayala (Don Pedro de), his account
of James IV. of Scotland, cxxi. 212; his Scotch negotiations, 213 Aytoun (Professor), his attempted vindication of Claverhouse, cxiv. 300
Azim Khan (Prince of Affghanistan),
his personal appearance, cxxv. 18; his loyal conduct in the Mutiny,
BAAL-PEOR, Moabite worship of, CXXV. 358 Babington (Anthony, executed 1586), his conspiracy against Elizabeth, cxxxi. 27; letters to Mary, 30 Babrius (1st century B.C.), Fables of, cxiii. 524; editions of, ib.; dis- covery of the first part, 528; the latter probably spurious, 529; cor- ruptions of the transcript, ib.; its worthless contents, 530 Babylon, description of, by Hero- dotus, cxi. 46-48; question of its antiquity, 59; relations with As- syria, 61
Mr. Rawlinson on its origin, CXXV. 119; Greek traditions thereon, ib.; criticisms of Sir Cornewall Lewis, ib. 120 'Back-water,' phenomenon of, ex- plained, cxxx. 437 Bacon (Francis, Lord Verulam, 1561- 1626), his experimental Zoologi- cal Garden in the New Atlantis,' cxi. 161
his character defended by Mr. Dixon, cxiii. 311; his early services in Parliament, 312; in- stances of his double-dealing, 314;
ib.; swears fealty to Shere Ali, 19; failure of his rebellion, 20; joins Abdool Rehman, 26; cap- tures Cabul, 27; his attempts to alienate the British from Shere Ali, 31; his overtures to Sir John Lawrence, 33; exaggerates the designs of Russia, 41
Azim Khan, his overtures to Sir J. Lawrence, cxxviii. 247; his per- sonal appearance, ib. note; his system of oppression, 249; con- flicts with Shere Ali, 253, 260; assumes the title of Ameer, ib. Azores, the, early knowledge of, cxxxviii. 207
his relations with Essex, 315; his 'Declaration' denounced, 322; in- sincerity of his views on tolera- tion, 324; his adulation of James, 327; mouthpiece of the Commons in the Great Petition, 328; his conduct as attorney-general, ib.; abets the king's misgovernment, 331; his conduct in the cases of Peacham and St. John, 333; sanc- tions judicial torture, 335; his lenient prosecution of Somerset, 338; liability to the charge of judicial corruption, 339; impar- tiality of his trial, 342; confesses his guilt, 343; his character sum- marised, ib.
Bacon (Francis, Lord Verulam), his
account of Perkin Warbeck, cxxi. 205, 206; on the murder of the Princes in the Tower, 207; his power of imagery, 304; Mr. Taine's literary sketch of, 305
enters Cambridge at thir- teen, cxxv. 59
his share in the inductive method, cxxvii. 323 note
his advice on foreign travel, cxxxviii. 487
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