VII. Of the Ascension of Christ; his Sitting at the Right Hand of God, and interceding for us.
SURELY God is present here! Since the Lord with grace and favor To my spirit doth appear,
As my Jesus, as my Saviour;
For the holy Trinity
Is to us in Jesus nigh.
2 O might all my wishes tend Unto Christ without cessation, He's my best and nearest Friend, Full of grace, truth and salvation; I, when he is present, feel Happiness, no tongue can tell. 3 Holy awe pervades my heart, When I see my great Creator Of man's nature taking part, That he, as my Mediator, Might lay down his life for me, And from death might set me free, 4 In the grave for me he lay, Then arose, with pow'r, and glorious, Grace triumphant to display,
Proving over death victorious; And for forty days was seen, By his foll'wers, God with men! 5 When the Lord's disciples saw Jesus, gloriously arrayed, From their longing sight withdraw, In a cloud to heav'n conveyed; Sure, alternate grief and joy Did their hearts and thoughts employ. 6 He ascended up on high, Glorious and with honor crowned, Cloth'd in god-like majesty,
Is at God's right-hand enthroned; And doth still as man appear, Pleading for poor sinners there.
7 God be prais'd, they who are his, In this present dispensation, Nought essential ever miss,
Since they share in his salvation; Tho' unseen, he's nigh to all, Who in truth upon him call.
Who as new creatures are in Christ approved, Look heaven-ward!
2 That he, who ascended
For our salvation,
May give you of his grace a sweet sensation, Tho' still unseen.
3 Countenance majestic, Yet kind and gracious, Of our once suff'ring, now exalted Jesus! We gaze at thee. 4 Hark! the Father welcomes His Son beloved:
"Come thou, whose pow'rful arm vic- torious proved, Come to my throne! 5 Sit thou at my right-hand, Till for thy passion,
Thy foes shall at thy footstool with prostration Confess thee Lord."
6 At the word of th' Father, With awe before him
The countless heav'nly hosts fall down, adore him, And homage pay.
7 While on earth we tarry, His death and passion
We will show forth, and our sanctifi- cation From him derive.
8 With his ransom'd people, Each day that passes Shall be devoted unto solemn praises For Jesus' death. 9 Lamb of God most holy! Praise, honor, blessing, Be giv'n to God, thro' thee, by all possessing Thy saving grace.
10 Everlasting praises And adoration
To him, who hath himself by Jesus' passion To us made known!
11 Holy, holy, holy ! In earth and heaven,
To God and to the Lamb be glory given By all that breathe!
THE Lord ascendeth up on high, Deck'd with resplendent wounds; While shouts of vict'ry rend the sky, And heav'n with joy resounds. 2 Eternal gates their leaves unfold, Receive the conqu❜ring King: The angels strike their harps of gold, And saints triumphant sing.
3 Sinners, rejoice; he dy'd for you ; For you prepares a place; His spirit sends, you to endow With ev'ry gift and grace. 4 His blood, which did for you atone, For your salvation pleads; And seated on his Father's throne, He reigns and intercedes.
145.* * T. 146.
GO up with shouts of praise! Go up, High-Priest, to heaven! Who hast the ransom'd race
Upon thy heart engraven ; Though seated on thy throne, Thou deign'st to hear our pray❜r; Nor art asham'd to own, That we thy brethren are.
O Comfort, words can ne'er express! That, by th' angelic hosts attended, Our gracious Lord to heav'n ascended, There to prepare for us a place.
When thou, dear Saviour, didst ascend, "My hosts," thy Father said, " attend,
And worship ye the Son." With loud acclaims of joy they gaz'd, And cheerful Hallelujahs rais'd,
Adoring humbly at thy throne. 2 Can we thy triumphs e'er forget? Shall we not worship at thy feet, For all thy griefs and pain? Yes, we will join th' angelic throng, In singing that eternal song;
"Worthy the Lamb, for he was slain!" 3 Th'assembly, which with thee at rest Appears in spotless garments drest,
Bows down and humbly sings: We too thy saving name will bless, And thee, our gracious Lord, confess The Lord of lords and King of kings!
RAISE your devotion, mortal tongues, To praise the King of glory; Sweet be the accents of your songs To him who went before you : Lo! angels strike their loudest strings, For heav'n and all created things
Must sound Immanuel's praises. 2 Ye mourning souls, look upward too, For Christ is now preparing, At God's right-hand a place for you; Shake off all thoughts despairing: Thence he your gracious Lord will come To fetch your longing spirits home,
And crown your love and labor. 3 Since he o'er heav'n bears sov❜reign By all it's pow'rs attended; [sway, And hath more graces to display
Than can be comprehended: Fear not, for he his blessing pours On such meek humble breasts as yours, The objects of his favor.
To thee, our Lord, all praise be giv❜n, For thy ascending up to heav'n: Support us while on earth we stay, And kindly hear us when we pray. 2 Tho' seated on thy Father's throne Thou ne'er wilt cease thy flock to own;
WE sing thy praise, exalted Lamb, Who sitt'st upon the throne: Ten thousand blessings to thy name, Who worthy art alone! Thy sacred, bruised body bore Our sins upon the tree: And now thou liv'st for evermore: O may we live to thee!
2 Poor sinners, sing the Lamb that dy'd! (What theme can sound so sweet!) His drooping head, his streaming side, His pierced hands and feet; With all that scene of suff'ring love, Which faith presents to view; For now he reigns and lives above, Yea lives and reigns for you.
3 Was ever grace, Lord, rich as thine, Can aught so great be nam'd? What
pow'rful beams of love divine Thy tender heart inflam'd! Ye angels, praise his glorious name, Who lov'd and conquer'd thus; And we will likewise laud the Lamb, For he was slain for us..
JESUS, our High-priest and our Head, Who bear'st our flesh and blood, And always interced'st for us
Before the throne of God;
2 We know thou never canst forget Us thy weak members here; Yea, when we suffer in the least, Thou part with us wilt bear.
3 Thou with great tenderness art touch'd
At what thy children feel; When by temptations we are press'd," Thou know'st well what we ail: 4 Thou hast a tender sympathy With ev'ry grief and pain; For when thou wast a man on earth, Thou didst the same sustain.
5 And tho' in heav'n exalted now, Yet thou to us art near; Know'st all our weaknesses and wants, And list'nest to our pray❜r.
6 What shall we say for this thy love, But 'fore thee prostrate lie; And thank thee that thou wast a man, To all eternity.
WITH joy, we meditate the grace Of our High-Priest above; His heart is fill'd with tenderness, His bowels yearn with love.
2 In all our griefs he takes a share,
He knows our feeble frame; He knows what sore temptations are, For he hath felt the same.
3 He in the days of feeble flesh, Pour'd out strong cries and tears; And, in his measure, feels afresh What ev'ry member bears.
The bruised reed he never breaks,
Nor scorns the meanest name.
5 Then let our humble faith address His mercy and his pow'r; We shall obtain deliv'ring grace In the distressing hour.
6 He ever lives to intercede Before his Father's face;
4 He'll never quench the smoking flax, Give him, my soul, thy cause to plead, But raise it to a flame;
Nor doubt the Father's grace.
VIII. Of God, as manifested in the Creation, Preservation and Government of the World.
155.* T. 234. OGOD, thou bottomless abyss! Thee to describe I am not able; I can't express thy properties, [ble! Thy heights and depths unmeasura- Thou'rt an unfathomable sea,
The God of universal nature: True wisdom is not found in me, I'm a short-sighted feeble creature. I'd place thee full in view, And give thee praises due; Butwith mereweakness I'm surrounded; For all that thou art, knows Nor origin, nor close; Ah, here my senses are confounded! 2 All sprung from thine omnipotence, What now or ever hath subsisted: No single atom comes by chance; Wert thou not, nothing had existed. Whate'er accosts our ear or eye, Object of knowledge or the senses, Derives its origin from thee,
Its being at thy word commences: None can control thy will; What is impossible With men, thou to effect art able. Thou to thyself alone Art adequately known; Thy wisdom is unmeasurable.
3 No limits thee can circumscribe,
Thy kingdom ev'ry where extendeth; Who can thy greatness e'er describe? Thy praise and power never endeth.
Thou stretchest to infinity,
Beyond the highest heavens seated; Thy glorious name, thy majesty Can never be conceiv'd or meted. Thou art ador'd by all, Each must before thee fall; Whoe'er in confidence applied To thee in his distress,
Prov'd thy unbounded grace, And all his wants were well supplied.
4 Counsel and deed are one with thee, And justice in thy court presideth; Perfection's thine, without degree,
And love thy character abideth. Mercy and faithfulness most true,
And grace and goodness beyond mea- Are ev'ry morning to us new, [sure, According to thy own good pleasure.
Each moment of our days Thy tender care displays, And some newpledge of mercy showeth. What we are or shall be,
Must be deriv'd from thee, From whom alone each blessing floweth.
5 Ah! who can render thee just praise? Who' tho' his heart and tongue combined!
No temple is thy dwelling-place, Thy worship cannot be confined; By building shrines, where thou shalt bé,
No man thy proper aim attaineth; Thou lovest him, who trusts in thee, And prostrate at thy feet remaineth;
What man performs for thee, Shall his own profit be; Thou of his gifts hast no occasion: Thou dost on him bestow Life, and salvation too; But thou receivest no accession.
6 Thy hand rewards, tho' all is thine, Thou! by whose fire thy foes must perish;
Altho' its genial warmth and shine Thy friends meanwhile doth warm and cherish.
The seraphim with sweetest tone Express their praise and adoration; The elders, kneeling at thy throne, Serve thee with deepest veneration. Thine is the kingdom, pow'r, And glory evermore! With humble awe I sink ashamed Before thy majesty; Thou art essentially All that is great and holy named!
7 With longing eyes thy creatures wait On thee for daily food; Thy lib'ral hand provides them meat,
And fills their mouths with good. 8 Sweet is the mem'ry of thy grace, My God, my heav'nly King! Let age to age thy righteousness In sounds harmonious sing
9 Creatures with all their endless race, Thy pow'r and praise proclaim: May we, who taste thy richer grace, Delight to bless thy name!
MONARCH of all, with humble fear
To thee, heav'n's hosts their voices raise,
Ev'n earth and dust thy bounties share: Let earth and dust attempt thy praise. 2 Before thy face, O Lord most high! Sinks all created glory down: Yet be not wroth with me, that I Vile worm, draw near thy awful throne.
3 Of all thou the beginning art, Of all things thou alone the end:"
2 Thou canst not by our eyes be seen, On thee still fix my wav'ring heart,
Thou art a spirit pure, Who from eternity hast been, And always shalt endure.
3 Present alike in ev'ry place Thy Godhead we adore, Beyond the bounds of time and Thou dwellest evermore. 4 In wisdom infinite thou art, Thine eye doth all things see, And ev'ry thought of ev'ry heart Is fully known to thee.
To thee let all my actions tend.: 4 Thou, Lord, art light: thy native ray No shade, no variation knows; To my dark soul thy light display, The brightness of thy face disclose. 5 Thou, Lord, art love: from thee pure love
Flows forth in unexhausted streams; Let me its quick'ning virtue prove,
O fill my heart with sacred flames! 6 Thou, Lord, art good, and thou alone:
With eager hope, with warm desire, Thee may I still my portion own,
To thee in ev'ry thought aspire. 7 So shall my ev'ry pow'r to thee In love and endless praises rise; Yea, body, soul and spirit be
Thy ever living sacrifice.
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