Abbildungen der Seite

cial policy of England, refuted, 403-

Publications on the Continent, lists of,
from October to December, 1882, 254,
et seq.-from January to March, 1833,
540, et seq.

Putrefaction of animal substances, influ-
ence of the moon on, 507.
Pyat (Felix), his description of a coffee
room of Vaudevillists, 192-194.


Rain, influence of the moon on, 503-

Rask (Erasmus), Biographical Account of,
238-240-outline of his excellent An-
glo Saxon Grammar, 227, 228.
Raumer (Friedrich von), Briefe aus
Paris, 452-Biographical notice of
him, 453-object and contents of his
letters, 453-455-his abstract of the
evidence respecting the history of Don
Carlos and Queen Isabella of Spain,
455-463-his conclusions on this sub-
ject, 464-on the conduct of Philip II.
respecting the massacre of St. Bartho-
lomew, 464, 465.

Reciprocity, Colonel Torrens's argument
on the necessity of, considered, 152,

Recruiting the army in England, observa-
tions on, 178.

Reichstadt (Duc de). See Napoleon.
Religion, state of, in the United States of
North America, 15-in France, 438-


Roads in England, remarks on, 177.
Roche (Eugène), Paris Malade, critical
notice of, 229, 230.
Rome (ancient), composition of the Ro-

man people, 411-origin of the Pa-
tricians or Populus, and of the Plebs,
412-disputes between them, ibid.-
oppression of the Plebs by the Patri-
cians, after the capture of Rome by
the Gauls, 414-changes in the con-
stitution proposd by C. Licinius Stolo
and L. Sextius Lateranus, 414—nar-
rative of the event which is said to
have been the origin of the measures
proposed by Licinius Stolo, 427-ob-
ject of the first rogation, the election
of consuls, one of whom was to be a
plebeian, 415-objections of the patri.
cians as related by Livy, 415-reply
to them by Mr. Niebuhr, 416-the se-
cond rogation, the Agrarian Law re-
specting the public lands, 417-state-
ment of it, ibid, 418-its nature and

[ocr errors]

equity, 418-420-the third rogation,
by which it was ordered that all the
interest paid on outstanding debts
should be deducted from the capital,
and the balance paid in three years by
equal annual instalments, 420 - re-
marks on it, ibid, 421, 422-opposition
of the Patricians to the passing of the
rogations, 423, 424—which were even-
tually passed, 425, 426-consequences
of these measures, 428-renewed con-
tests between the Patricians and the
Plebeians, 428-431-judicious regu-
lations made for the payment of debts,
by the state accommodating debtors
with loans, 432-comparative observa-
tions on the working of the Roman and
British Reforms, 432, 433.

Rome (Modern), topographical descrip-
tion of the western part of the states
of, 31, 32-the state of the cultivation
of the country dependant on the sani-
tary condition of the atmosphere, ib.—
34-ca. ses of the malaria of the Ro-
man plains, ib. 35, 36 note t-circum-
stances which have aggravated it, ib.—
ancient population of Rome, ib.-pro-
gress of malaria, 36-especially in the
modern city of Rome, 37, 38-sugges-
tions for checking it, 36, 37-popula-
tion of Rome at various times, 39, 40
-probable effect of the removal of
the Papal government on the popula-
tion of the city, 41, 42-number of
births and deaths, ib. 43-state of the
different soils capable of production,
ib.-state of agriculture, ib. 44—par-
ticularly on the Farm of Campomorto,
ib. 45-physical state of the present
population of the Roman province, ib.
46-classification of the population of
the Papal States, ib.-increase of crimes,
53-condition of the banditti, 54-
particularly during the French domi-
nion, 55-improvement of the police
by the French, ib.-vindication of the
character of the modern Romans, 56
-number of criminals tried in the
course of two years, 57-income of
charitable foundations, ib.-account of
the Monte di Pietà, 58-efforts made
to suppress mendicity, 59-revenues of
the Municipality of Rome, ib.-of the
clergy, ib. 63-state of education, 64.
Roots of plants, observations on the de-
scent of, 364.

Rotation of crops, physiological principles
for the regulation of, 381.
Russia, literary intelligence from, 534.
Russian Novels. See Zagoskin.


Saxo Grammaticus, biographical notice of,

Say (Jean Baptiste), biographical notice
of, 247, 248.

Scarpa (Antonio), biographical notice of,


Schlegel (A. W.), Reflexions sur l'Etude

des Langues Asiatiques, 315-his attack
on Professor Wilson, 317-325-refu-
tation of his objections against the Ori-
ental Translation Fund: first, to the
system of publishing translations as a
means of diffusing information respect-
ing the nations of the east, 317, 318—
Secondly, of the alleged incompetency of
the translators, 318, 319-thirdly, that
the committee have neglected the ori-
ginals, 319-321- inaccuracy of his
translation of one of their regulations,
320-his angry censure of the eulogium
bestowed by the committee qn Arabic
and Persian literature, 321-323-bis
ignorance of the Calcutta edition of the
Shah Nameh, 323-notice of his obser-
vations on translations of Sanscrit works
published by English scholars, 324-
his confession of his own obligations to
Wilkins's version of the Bhagavat Gitæ,
325-the British Museum vindicated
from his unfounded charges, 326-his
misrepresentations of the Baron de Sa-
cy's remarks on Mr. Price's translation
of the Memoirs of the Emperor Jehan-
gueir, 327-328-notice of M. Von
Hammer's castigation of Professor Sch-
legel, 329.

Silk manufacturers' statements and pro-
positions, observations on, 157-163.
Slavery, observations on the state of, in
the United States of America, 10-12
-scheme for the abolition of it, 14, 15,
Sleep of plants, nature of the, 365.
Society, remarks on the economical changes
in, 219.

Somal (Placido Lukias), Quadro della
Storia Letteraria di Armenia, 509. See
Armenian Literature.

Species of plants, observations on, 359-


Stem of plants, observations on the ascent
of, 364.

Subdivision of plants, observations on,
358, 359.

Symmetry, law of, observable in plants
which are allied by natural affinity, 361


Talleyrand, conduct of, in procuring the
restoration of the Bourbons, 97-their
first restoration his work, 99, 100-his
conduct after their second restoration,
107 his resignation of office, 110.
Texas, province of, account of the settle-
ment of, 27, 28.

Thorvaldsen, the sculptor, anecdotes of,
225, 226.

Torrens's (Colonel) arguments on the ne-
cessity of reciprocity of trade examined,
152, 153.

Tournon (Comte de), Etudes Statistiques
sur Rome, 29-biographical notice of,
30-design of his work, ibid. S1. See

Traditional law of the Jews, notice of,
444, 445.

Trees, extraordinary longevity of, 368-
371-process of nature in healing them,


Valdemar I., king of Denmark, reign of,
133-changes in the Danish constitu-
tion effected by him, 134.
Valdemar II., outline of the code of laws
framed by, 135–137.

Varese (Signor), critical notice of his no-
vels, of Folchetto Malaspina, 231–233
-and of Preziosa di Sanluri, 233-236.
Vaudevillists, coffee-room of, at Paris, de-
scribed, 192-196.


Vegetable physiology, principles of: struc-
ture of plants, 337, 338-several stages
of the nutrition of plants, 339-347—
annual growth of a plant in each of the
four seasons, 348- fructification of
plants, 349, 358-reproduction of them
by subdivision, 358, 359-species of
plants, 359-361-law of symmetry
observable in plants which are allied by
natural affinity, 361-364-descent of
the root and ascent of the stem, 364,
365-sleep of plants, 365-causes of
their different colours, 365, 366-indi-
viduality of plants, 367-duration and
age of trees, 368-371-principles of
vegetable epireology, 372-376-pro-
cess of nature in healing the wounds of
trees, 377-379-effects of poisons on
the structure of plants, 379, 380.
Venice, notice of the Armenian monastery
of St. Lazzaro at, 511, 512.
Vesuvius, description of a visit to, 224.
Viennet (M.), humorous account of the

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