Abbildungen der Seite

His operations, 480. How he is distin-
guished from the Father and the Son, 480.
Proved to proceed from the Father and
the Son, 483. The Greek and Lat.n
churches reconciled about this procession,
484. The occasion of their difference
here-about, which ended in a schism,
486. Holy Ghost, why called holy, 488.
His offices, 489, &c.

Glaucias, 30.

God, his knowledge, wisdom, justice,
holiness, 7, 8. How God's omnipotence
consists with his holiness and truth, 8.
Notion and name of God, 25. His ex-
istence, 27. How known to us, ibid.
God proved to have no beginning, 28,
29 No nation without its God, 30. All
creatures depend on God, 31. A two-fold
necessity to believe a God, 33. Unity
of God proved, 34. A twofold necessity
to believe this unity, 35, 36.

God, taken absolutely, how to be un-
derstood, 60. Often of Christ, 194–197.

Goodness of God infinite, how it con-
sists with it to defer the creation so long
as he did, 86, 87.

Guilt, what it is, 539.

Hades. See Hell, 362.

Happiness of God, not to be augmented
or diminished by the creatures, 86.

Happiness, eternal, wherein consists,
586, 587.

Heathen, begun every action in the
name of God, 22. Their opinions of the
duration of the world, 75, 76. 85, &c.

Heaven and earth, in what latitude
taken, 71, 72.

Three heavens, and how different in
glory, 75.

Christ ascended into the highest hea-
ven, 409.

Hebrew, no single word in it which
signifies the world, 73.

Hell, how Christ descended into it, 347,
&c Why he could not suffer the pains
of it, 348, 349. Hell sometimes put for
the grave, 350, $51. What the ancients
understood by it, 362. Our church's opi-
nion concerning what Christ did in hell,
374. How Christ destroys the powers
of hell. 424.

Helvidius, 264. 267.
Heracleon, 98. 243.

Heretics, who taught there were two
gods, one the author of good, the other of
evil, 96, 97.

Hermiani, 410. 574.
Hermogenes, 241, 242.

Holiness, what it denotes when ap-
plied to persons or things, 534. Motives
to holiness, 529.

Holy. See Ghost, church, saints.

Holy of holies, was to the Jews an em-
blem of the highest heavens, 405.

Homoousians, 472.

Hope, the ground of it, 18, 403. 458.

Idolatry, what it is, 256.

Jehovah, a name attributed to Christ,

Jesus, a name commonly used by the
Jews, 105. The derivation and interpre-
tation of it. 105, 106, &c. Jesus proved
to be the Christ, 198--141.

Impossible, what may be so to God,
without derogation of power, 431.

Intercession of Christ for us at God's
right hand, 428. Of the Holy Ghost,


Joseph, a type of Christ sitting at the
right hand of God, 414.

Joshua, a type of Christ, 115-118.
Jovinianus, 264.

Isidorus, 243.

Judgment of the world proved from rea-
son and Scripture, 441-445. Believed
by the heathen, 443. In it Christ shall
preside as judge, with the reasons for it,
445, &c. An account of the process in
the day of judgment, 447, 448.

Kingdom shall have no end, why in-
serted in the Nicene Creed, 426.

Kingdom of Christ, twofold, 427.
Kingly power of Christ, the benefits of
it to us, 424-429.

Law of God, the reason and extent of
it, 540.

Life, what it is, 320.

Life everlasting, taken in the Creed for
the endless duration of all men, 580, 581.
Endless duration of the wicked, 58, 583.
Eternal life, the full importance of it,
585, 586.

Light, Christ so called from the per-
spicuity of his doctrine, 130.

Limbus Patrum, whether Christ deli-
vered souls out of that place, 373.

Lord, determinately used for Christ in
the New Testament, 220. But some-
times used for men both in the Old and
New Testament, 221. How the Greek
and Hebrew words for Lord correspond,
221-223. Christ is Lord, as that word
is the interpretation of the name Jehovah,
proved, 225-228. How and in what
respect Christ is Lord, 230, 251. How
many ways he hath a right to be our
Lord, 233.

[blocks in formation]

Marcus, 280.

Matter, the eternity of it refuted, 81, 82.
Mediatorship of Christ, when and why
it shall cease, 425.

Menander, 243.

Messias, a word of the same significa-
tion with Christ, 121, 122. The Jews
make a double Messias, 132. 278. Mis-
taking the scriptures that speak of his
coming twice. 137. All the Jews believed
Messias should be the Son of God, though
since Christ they denied it, 160. That
Messias should suffer, proved from ancient
prophecies, 277, &c. Suffer death, 318,

Ministry, what sanctification necessary
for the work of it, 495-500.

Miracles, the use of them, 12, 13. 436.
They prove the being of God, 31.

Upon what grounds Moses, the pro-
phets, and apostles, received and propa-
gated the faith, 10-15. How much short
Moses came of Christ in his miracles, 130.
Montanus, 492.

Nail, struck through a bond cancelled
it, 315.

Nature of no creature is originally evil,

Nature Divine indivisible, 205. It
suffered not in Christ, 285. 291.

Distinction of natures in Christ as-
serted, 243-246.

Necessity of two natures in one person
of Christ, 248.

Nestorians, 249. 270, 271. 359.
Noëtus, 240, 241. 482.

None good but one, explained, 85.
Nothing can be produced out of no-
hing, how far true, 82.

Novatian heresy, 551.

Omnipotence, the notion of it explain-
ed, 430, 431, &c.

Opinion, what it is, 4.

Origen, his error about hell-torments,

Origenists, their error, 572.

Paraclete explained, 491, 492.
Passion of Christ, why the Jews give a
wrong account of the time of it, 299.
Patience, the proper foundation of it in
a Christian, 43.

Patripassians, 240, 241.

Pelagians, their heresy, 490. Renewed
by Socinians, 491.

Phantasiasta, the same with Docetæ,
243. 280.

Phidias, 27.

Philosophers, what they taught about
the existence of the world, 76, 77. 88.
Photinus, 181-183.

P. Pilate, a man of a rough untractable
spirit, 298.

Power, the object, nature, and extent,
of God's power, 64, 65. 87. 127, 128.
On what accounts the belief of it is neces-
sary, 67, 68. Christ had not all power
till after his resurrection, 231.

Praxeas, 240, 241. 481.

Priests, why under the law they blessed
the people at the morning, but not at the
evening sacrifice, 146.

Priority of the Father before the Son,
49-56. Terms of priority given him by
the ancients, 58, 59.
Priscillianus, 241.

Probable, what is so, 4.

Prophecy, a proof of a Divine Being, 31.

Quick, what is meant by that word in
the Creed, 451. The quick, i. e. those
that are alive in the day of judgment,
shall not be dissolved by death, 453.

Reconciliation between God and man,


Redemption, how purchased, 291. 546.
Redemption, one reason why we call
God Father, regeneration another, 40, 41.
Resurrection a third, 41.

Regeneration, the work of the Holy
Ghost, 491. 494.

Remission of sins explained, 543.547.
How propounded and conferred in the
church, 548, 549.

Repentance, a motive to it, 457. The
necessity of it, 549, 550.

Resurrection, the definition of it, 384,
385. Nothing less than Omnipotence
can effect it, 387. Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost, raised Christ from the dead, ib.

Distance between the death and resur-
rection of Christ, how necessary, 392.
The possibility of our resurrection, 556.
The probability of it upon natural and
moral grounds, 558, 559. The certainty
of it upon Christian principles, 563, &c.
demonstrated. Identity of the body ne-
cessarily supposed, 568-572. Latitude
of the resurrection, 573.

Revelation of two kinds, mediate and
immediate, 9.

Roman governor had the power of life
and death in Judea sixty years before
the destruction of Jerusalem, 297.

Ruffinus, his explanation of Christ's
descent into hell, 352.

Sabbath, reasons for changing it from
the seventh to the first day, 398–402.
Sabellian heresy, 240. 481.

Saints, who they are, and how a man
may become one, 527, 528.
Sanctification, the work of the Holy
Ghost, 489.

Saturninus, 243. 280.

Saviour, an appellation given to the
heathen gods and men, 109-111. Rea-



sons at large why Christ is peculiarly
called so, 111, &c.

Science, scientifical, what it is, 4.

Scriptures, why written, 14, 15.
Scythians, 98.

Secundus, 243.

Seleuciani, 410. 574.

Semiariani, 472.

Shaddai, the notion and importance of

that word, 68.

Waved sheaf, a type of Christ's rising
from the dead, 391.

Simon Magus, 243. 280.
Sin, what it is, 539.

Sin and Satan, how Christ destroys
their power, 424.

Sitting at the right hand of God ex-
plained, 414.

The notion of sitting in the Creed, 414,

Socinus, 27, 28. 226. 583.

Socinians, 28. 211. 226. 229. 246. 253.
465-472. 545. 563 569. 572.

Congruity of the Son's mission argued
from the pre-eminence of the Father, 53.

Only-begotten Son, interpreted by an-
cient heretics, begotten of the Father
only; by Socinians, most beloved of the
Father, 209, 210.

Sonship, the several degrees of it, 46.
The peculiarity of Christ's Sonship, 160,


Soul, sometimes used to signify the
dead body, 350.

Human soul of Christ, with the affec-
tions and passions, 245.

Soul of Christ descended to the man-
sions of departed souls, 357.

Sufferings of Christ, how ancient pro-
phecies were fulfilled in them, 134. Why
Christ could not suffer the pains of hell,


Tabernacle, Jews believed that it sig-
nified this world, 405.
Teberinthus, 98.
Tessaresdecatitæ, 300.

Testimony, two sorts of it, what makes
it valid, 5.

Trinity, order of it may not be inverted,
55. 482. Difference between the persons
in it, 57, 58. 480.

Trust in God, the grounds of it, 436,

Union of Christ's two natures not dis-
solved by death, 323, 324.

Union of Christ with the church by the
Holy Ghost, 493. 553.

Unity in the Godhead, the ground of
it, 61.

Unity of the church, wherein it consists,

Universe, the notion and extent of it,
72. Divided by the Jews into three
worlds, 73. Philosophers thought it in-
finite, eternal, God himself, 76.

Valentinus, 224. 243. 280.

Virgin, two prophecies that Christ
should be born of a virgin cleared, 262.
Proofs that Mary was a virgin, when she
conceived, when she brought forth, and
ever after. Objections answered, 263—
269. The Virgin styled Deipara, and the
mother of God, 270. What honour is
due to the Virgin, 275.

Will of God absolutely free, 84. God
created by willing the creation, 86, 87.
Seats of the two wills in Christ, 243.

Word of God, the Chaldee paraphrase
constantly teaches, that the Word of God
is the same with God, and that by that
Word all things were made, 177, 178.

Word was with God, how, 177–181.
World. See Universe. The manner
See Crea-
how the world was made, 79.
tion. No instant assignable before which
God could not have made the world, 88.
Arguments to make it appear, that the
world is no older than the Scripture makes
it to be, 91-95.

Zaranes, 98.

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