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LORD, how are they incréased that | trouble | me ; mány are they that | rise a- | gainst me.

Many one there be that sáy | of my soul: There is no help for him | in his | God.

But Thou, O Lord, art | my de- | fender: Thou art my worship, and the lifter | up of | my


I did call upon the Lórd | with my voice: and He héard me out of His | holy | hill.

I laid me down and slept, and róse | up a- | gain : fór the Lord sus- | tained | me.

Salvation belóngeth | unto the Lord and Thy bléssing is up- | on Thy | people.

Evening Prayer.


HEAR me when I call, O Gód | of my righteousness: Thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress, have mercy upon | me and | hear my prayer.

O ye sons of men, how long will ye turn my glóry | into shame how long will ye love vánity, and | seek | after falsehood?

But know, that the Lord hath set apart him that is gódly for Him- | self: the Lord will hear when I call un- to Him.

Stánd in awe, and | sin not: commune with your own heart upón your | bed, | and be | still.

Offer the sacri- | fices of righteousness: and pút your trust in the Lord.

Thére be many that say: Who will shew us any good?

Lórd, ! lift Thou | up: the light of Thy | counte nance upon us.

Thou hast put gládness | in my heart: more than in the time that their córn | and their | wine in- | creased.

I will both lay me down in | peace, and | sleep: for Thou, Lord only | makest me | dwell in | safety.


O LORD our Lord, how excellent is Thy náme in | all the earth: who hast sét Thy | glory a- | bove the | heavens.

Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings hast Thou or- dained | strength: that Thou mightest stíll the | enemy and the a- | venger.

When I consider Thy heavens, the wórk | of Thy | fingers the moon and stárs | which Thou | hast ordained;

What is man, that Thou art | mindful of | him: and the són of man | that Thou | visitest | him?

For Thou hast made him a little lower than the | angels and hast crówned him with | glory and| honour.

Thou madest him to have dominion over the works | of Thy hands: Thou hast pút | all things | under his feet.

Áll sheep and | oxen: yéa and the beasts of the field;

The fowls of the air, and the físh | of the | sea: and whatsoever passéth through the | paths of the | seas. O' Lord our Lord: how éxcellent is Thy | name in all the earth.


GIVE éar to my

medi- | tation.

Morning Prayer.


words O | Lord: cón- | sider my |

Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my Kíng | and my God: fór unto | Thee | will I pray.

My voice shalt Thou hear in the morning, O | Lord : in the morning will I direct my prayer unto Thée | and will look up.

For Thou art a God that hást no | pleasure in | wickedness: néither shall | evil | dwell with | Thee. Lead me O Lórd | in Thy | righteousness: make Thy wáy straight be- | fore my face.

Let all those that put their trúst in | Thee re- | joice : let them ever shout for joy because | Thou de- ! fendest them.

Let them álso that | love Thy | name : bé | joy- | ful in | Thee.

For Thou Lord wilt | bless the righteous: with favour wilt Thóu | compass him | as with a | shield.


I WILL give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, with my| whole | heart: I will speak of | all Thy | marvellous | works.

I will be glád and re- | joice in | Thee: yea, my songs will I máke to Thy | Name, O | Thou Most | High.

The Lord shall en- | dure for | ever: He hath álso pre- pared His | seat for | judgment.

For He shall júdge the world in | righteousness: and minister trúe | judgment | unto the people.

The Lord also will be a defénce | for the op- 1 pressed: even a réfuge in | all | time of | trouble.

And they that know Thy name will put their trust in | Thee for Thou, Lord, hast néver | failed them that seek Thee.

O praise the Lórd who | dwelleth in | Sion: shéw the people of His | doings.

For, when He maketh inquisition for blood, Hé re- | membereth | them and forgetteth nót the com- -1 plaint of the poor.

Have mercy upon me, O Lord, consider the trouble which I suffer of them that hate me: Thou that liftest me úp | from the gates of | death.

That I may shew all Thy praises within the gates of the daughter of | Sion: I' will re- | joice in Thy sal-vation.

For the needy shall not álway | be for- | gotten: the expectation of the póor | shall not | perish for | ever. Arise, O Lord, lét not man pre- | vail: let the nátions be judged | in Thy | sight.

Evening Prayer.

PSALMS 12, 13, 14.

HELP Lord, the | godly man | ceaseth: and the faithful fail from among the | children | of | men.

They talk of vanity every óne | with his | neighbour: they do but flatter with their lips, and dissémble in their | double | heart.

The Lord shall root out áll de- | ceitful | lips and the tongue that speaketh | proud things;

Which have said, With our tongue will | we pre-| vail: we are they that ought to speak | who is | lord over us?

"For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now will I árise" | saith the Lord: "I will set him in sáfety from him that | puffeth | at him."

pure | words: even earth is tried and

The words of the Lórd are as the silver, which from the púrified seven times in the fire.

Thou shalt kéep | them, O Lord: Thou shalt preserve them from thís | gener- | ation for ever. Consider and héar me, O | Lord my | God: lighten mine éyes, lest I | sleep the | sleep of | death;

Lest mine enemy say, I' have pre- | vailed a- | gainst him: and those that trouble mé re- | joice when I am | moved.

But I have trústed | in Thy | mercy: my heart shall re-joice in | Thy sal- | vation.

I will sing unto the Lord: because He hath déalt | bounti- | fully | with me.

Oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion when the Lord bringeth back the captívity | of His people: Jacob shall rejóice, and | Israel | shall be glad.


LORD, who shall dwell in Thy | taber-nacle: or who shall rést up- | on Thy | holy | hill?

Even he that léadeth an uncorrupt | life and doeth the thing which is right, and spéaketh the | truth | from his | heart.

He that hath used no deceit in his tongue, nor done

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