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Morning Prayer.


Bow down Thine éar, O | Lord, and | hear me : fór | I am poor and | needy.

Preserve my soul, for | I am | godly: my God, save Thy sérvant that | putteth his | trust in | Thee.

Be merciful unto me, O Lord, for I crý | unto Thee | daily rejoice the soul of Thy servant, for unto Thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.

For Thou Lord art good, and réady | to for- | give : and plenteous in mercy to áll | them that | call upon | Thee.

Give ear, O Lord | unto my | prayer: attend to the vóice of my suppli- cations.

In the day of my trouble I' will | call upon | Thee: fór | Thou wilt | answer | me.

All nations whom Thou hast made shall come and wórship | Thee, O | Lord: ánd shall | glori- | fy Thy |


For Thou art great, and dóest | wondrous | things: Thou art | God a- | lone.

Teach me Thy way, O Lord, I will wálk | in Thy | truth uníte my heart to | fear Thy | name.

I will praise Thee, O Lord my Gód, with all my heart and I will glorifý Thy ¦ name for | ever- - | more.


I WILL sing of the mércies of the | Lord for | ever: with my mouth will I make known Thy faithfulness to all gener- | ations.

For I have said, Mercy shall be built | up for | ever : Thy faithfulness shalt Thou es- |tablish|in the| heavens.

The heavens shall práise Thy | wonders, O | Lord : Thy faithfulness also, in the cóngre- | gation | of the saints.

O Lord God of hosts, who is a strong Lórd | like unto | Thee: ór to Thy | faithfulness | round a- | bout Thee?

Thou rulest the ráging of the sea: when the waves thereóf a-rise Thou | stillest | them.

The heavens are Thine, the earth | also is | Thine: as for the world and the fulness thereóf | Thou hast | founded them.

Justice and judgment are the habitátion | of Thy | throne: mercy and trúth shall | go be- | fore Thy| face.

Blessed is the people that knów the | joyful | sound : they shall walk, O Lord, in the | light | of Thy | coun


In Thy name shall they rejoice | all the | day: and in Thy ríghteousness | shall they | be ex- | alted. Blessed be the Lord for | ever- | more: A'- | men, and | A- | men.

Evening Prayer.


LORD, Thou hast | been our | dwelling-place: ín all generations.

Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever Thou hadst formed the earth | and the world: even from everlasting to éver- | lasting | Thou art | God.


Thou turnest mán | to destruction and sáyest, Re- turn ye | children of men.

For a thousand years in Thy sight are but as yesterday | when it is | past: ánd | as a | watch in the night.

Thou carriest them away, théy | are as a | sleep: in the morning they are liké | grass which | groweth | up. In the morning it flourisheth and groweth | up: in the eveníng it | is cut | down, and | withereth.

: The days of our years are three-scoré | years and | ten: and if by reason of strength they be | fourscore years;

Yet is their strength | labour and sorrow: for it is soon cut off and we fly a- | way.

So teach us to | number our days: that we may apply our hearts | unto | wisdom.

Retúrn, O Lord, how | long: ánd be gracious | unto Thy servants.

O satisfy us éarly | with Thy | mercy: that we may rejoice and be | glad | all our | days.

Make us glad according to the days whereín Thou | hast afflicted us: and the years where- | in we have seen evil.

Let Thy work appéar | unto Thy servants: ánd Thy glory unto their | children.

And let the beauty of the Lord our Gód | be up- | on us and establish Thou the work of our hands upon us, yea the work of our hands es- | tablish | Thou | it.


HE that dwelleth in the secret pláce of the | Most | High shall abide únder the | shadow | of the Al-| mighty.


I will say of the Lord, He is my réfuge | and my | fortress: my Gód, in | Him will I trust.

He shall deliver thee from the snáre | of the | fowler: ánd | from the | noisome | pestilence.

He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou | trust: His trúth shall | be thy | shield and | buckler.

Thou shalt not be afráid for the nór for the arrow that | flieth by

terror by | night:


For the pestilence that | walketh in | darkness: nor for the des- | truction that wasteth at noon


Because thou hast máde the and the Most High thy

There shall no évil be

Lord thy | refuge :

habi- | tation ;

fall | thee: neither shall

ány | plague come | nigh_thy | dwelling.

For He shall give His angels charge | over | thee: to keep thee in | all thy | ways.

They shall bear thee úp | in their hands: lest thou dásh thy | foot a- | gainst a stone.

Because he hath set his love upon Me, therefore will I' deliver | him he shall call upon Mé, and I will answer | him.

I will be with him in | trouble: ánd will shew him | My sal- | vation.


Morning Prayer.


IT is a good thing to give thanks | unto the and to sing praisés unto Thy name | O


Lord: Most |

To shew forth Thy loving-kindness | in the morning and Thy | faithfulness | every night.

For Thou Lord hast made me glád | through Thy | work: I will tríumph in the works of Thy | hands.

O Lord how great are Thy | works and Thy | thoughts are very | deep.

An unwise man doth not wéll con- - sider this: and a foolish mán | doth not | under- | stand it.

The righteous shall flourish | like the palm tree: he shall grów | like a | cedar in | Lebanon.

Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our | God: they shall still bring fórth | fruit in | old | age;

To shew that the Lord is | upright: He is my rock, and there is nó un- | righteous- | ness in | Him.


THE Lord reigneth, Hé is | clothed with | majesty : the Lord is clothed with strength, wherewith | He hath girded Him- self.

The world also is stáblished, that it | cannot be| moved: Thy throne is established of old, Thóu | art from ever-lasting.

The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods have lífted up their | voice: thé | floods lift up their |


Mighty is the noise of many waters, mighty is the ráging of the | sea: bút the | Lord on | high is | mightier.

Thy testimonies are very

sure: holiness be

cómeth Thine house, O

Lord, for ever.

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