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Evening Prayer.

PSALM 130.

ÓUT | of the depths: have I cried | unto | Thee, O|


Lórd | hear my voice: let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my | suppli- | cations.

If Thou, Lórd, shouldest | mark in- | iquities: O' Lord who shall | stand?

But there is for- | giveness with | Thee: thát | Thou mayest be feared.

I wait for the Lórd, my soul doth | wait: and ín His word do I hope.

My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning.

Let Israel hope in the Lord, for with the Lórd| there is mercy: ánd with | Him is | plenteous re- | demption.

And He shall re- | deem | Israel: fróm | all | his in- | iquities.

PSALM 131.

LORD, my heart is not háughty, nor mine | eyes | lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, ór in | things too high for me.

Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is wéaned of his mother: my soul is éven | as a | weaned | child.

Let Israel hópe | in the | Lord: fróm | henceforth and forever.


Morning Prayer.

PSALM 132.

LORD, re- member | David: ánd | all | his af-| flictions.

How he swáre | unto the Lord: and vowed unto the mighty God of Jacob.

Surely I will not come unto the tábernacle | of my | house: nór go up | into my | bed.

I will not give sléep | to mine | eyes: ór | slumber | to mine eyelids,

Until I find out a pláce | for the Lord: an habitátion for the mighty | God of | Jacob.

Arise, O Lórd | into Thy | rest: Thóu, and the | ark of Thy | strength.

Let Thy priests be clothed with | righteousness: and lét Thy saints | shout for | joy.

For the Lord hath | chosen | Zion: he hath desired ít | for His | habi- | tation.

This is My rest for ever: here will I dwell | for I have de- | sired it.

I will abundantly bléss | her pro- | vision: I will sátisfy her poor with | bread.

I will also clothe her priests with sal- | vation: and her sáints shall | shout a- | loud for | joy.

PSALM 133.

BEHOLD, how good and how | pleasant it | is: for brethren to dwell to- | gether in unity.

It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that

ran down upon the

that went down to the

beard, éven | Aaron's | beard: skirts | of his garments ;

As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the | mountains of | Zion: for there the Lord commanded the blessing, éven | life for | ever- |


Evening Prayer.
PSALM 134.

BEHOLD, bless ye the Lord, all ye sérvants of the | Lord who by night stánd in the house | of the| Lord.

Lift up your hands in the sanctuary: ánd | bless the Lord.


The Lord that made | heaven and | earth : bléss | thee out of Zion.

PSALM 135.

O PRAISE the Lord, laud ye the Náme of the | Lord praise it, O' ye | servants of the

Ye that stand in the house | of the courts of the house | of our | God.

Lord: in the

O praise the Lórd, for the Lord is gracious: O sing praises únto His | Name, for it is | lovely.

Thy Name, O Lord, en- | dureth for ever: so doth Thy memorial, O Lord, from óne gener- ation | to - | other.


PSALM 136.

O GIVE thanks unto the Lórd, for | He is | good: fór His mercy en- dureth for ever.

O give thanks unto the God of | gods: fór His | mercy en- dureth for ever.

O give thanks unto the Lord of | lords: fór His | mercy en- | dureth for | ever.

To Him who alóne | doeth great | wonders: fór His mercy en- | dureth for | ever.

To Him that by wisdom | made the | heavens : fór His mercy en- | dureth for | ever.

To Him that stretched out the earth a- | bove the mercy en- | dureth for | ever. made great | lights: fór His mercy

waters fór His To Hím that

en- dureth for ever.

The sún to rule by | day: fór His mercy en- | dureth for ever.

The moon and stárs to | rule by | night: fór His | mercy en- dureth for ever.

Who remembered ús in our | low es- | tate: fór His mercy en- | dureth for | ever.


Who giveth food to all | flesh: fór His mercy - | dureth for | ever.

O give thanks unto the | God of | heaven : fór His | mercy en| dureth for ever.


Morning Prayer.

PSALM 137.

By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down | yea, we wept whén | we re- | membered | Zion.

We hanged our hárps up- on the willows: ín the midst | there- | of.

For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song: and they that wasted us required of

us mirth, saying, Síng us one of the songs of Zion.

How shall we sing the Lord's | song: ín | strange | land?


If I forget thée | O Je- | rusalem: lét my right | hand for- get her cunning.

If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth: if I prefer not Jerusalém a-bove my chief | joy.

PSALM 138.

I WILL praise Thée with my whole | heart: before the gods will I' sing | praise | unto | Thee.

I will worship toward Thy holy temple, and praise Thy name for Thy loving-kindness and | for Thy | truth for Thou hast magnified Thy wórd a- | bove | all Thy | name.

In the day when I cried Thou | answeredst | me: and strengthenedst mé with | strength | in my | soul. All the kings of the earth shall práise | Thee, O| Lord when they hear the words of Thy | mouth. | Yea, they shall sing in the wáys | of the | Lord: for gréat is the glory of the | Lord.

Though the Lord be high, yet hath He respéct | unto the | lowly: but the proud He | knoweth a- | far off.

Though I walked in the midst of trouble | Thou wilt re- vive me: Thou shalt stretch forth Thine hand against the wrath of mine enémies, and | Thy right hand shall | save me.

The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me; Thy mercy, O Lórd, en- dureth for ever: forsake not the works of Thine | own hands.

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