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Weel brook ye o' your brown brown


And o' your bridal bed;

And sae will I o' the cald cald mools,
That soon will hap my head."
Sad Willie raise, put on his claise,
Drew till him his hose and shoon,
And he is on to Annie's bower,
By the lei light o' the moon.

The firsten bower that he came till,
There was right dowie wark;
Her mither and her three sisters

Were makin' to Annie a sark.
The nexten bower that he came till,
There was right dowie cheir;
Her father and her seven brethren
Were makin' to Annie a bier.

The lasten bower that he came till,
O, heavy was his care!

The waxen lights were burning bright,
And fair Annie streekit there.

He's lifted up the coverlet,

Where she, fair Annie, lay; "Sweet was her smile, but wan her


Oh, wan, and cald as clay !"

Pale Willie grew; wae was his heart,
And sair he sigh'd wi' teen :
"Oh, Annie! had I kent thy worth,
Ere it o'er late had been!

"It's I will kiss your bonny cheek,
And I will kiss your chin;
And I will kiss your clay-cald lip;
But I'll never kiss woman again.
"And that I was in love out-done,
Sail ne'er be said o' me;
For, as ye've died for me, Annie,
Sae will I do for thee.

"The day ye deal at Annie's burial
The bread but and the wine;
Before the morn at twall o'clock,
They'll deal the same at mine."
The tane was buried in Mary's kirk,
They tither in Mary's quire;
And out o' the tane there grew a birk,
And out o' the tither a brier.

And ay they grew, and ay they drew,
Untill they twa did meet;
And every ane that past them by,
Said, "Thae's been lovers sweet!"
P. 31.

There appears to us a great deal of nature in the following stanza relating to a lady who had lost her loyer.

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We cannot help observing, that these poems do not at all give a favourable view of the character of our ancestors, being chiefly founded on the most atrocious and unnatural actions. One kills his brother, because he had got the better of him in wrestling; another, because his sister's wooer had not consulted him before paying his addresses, stabs her on her way to the wedding; a third, taking advantage of his master's absence, kills his wife and child, and, what is still more strange, remains quietly in the house, till the proprietor comes home and hangs him.

There is a copy of Fair Helen of Kirkconnel, but much inferior to that in the Border Minstrelsy.

Under this head come the Danish Ballads, which, as we already intimated, form not the least curious part of the volume. We are very well pleased with our author's translations, so far at least as we can judge, without knowing the original. They appear to be faithful, but without that insipid fidelity, which loses all the spirit of the original. These ballads seem to rest more than ours do upon the exploits of supernatural beings, particularly those which inhabit the ocean. The Merman forms a curious specimen.

The Waterwoman, translated from the German of Goethe, has considerable richness and wildness of fancy.

We have another long poem from the Danish, which seems much akin to our Jack the Giant killer. Two brothers set out in search of their sister, whom they had lost, and after much wandering find her become the chere amie of a monstrous giant, who lives on human flesh. The giant, on coming home, and feeling the



the smell of his favourite food, wishes to proceed immediately to eat them; but on learning their relation to his fair one, consents to spare them Soon after, the young lady obtains permission for her brothers to return to their father, and wishing to accompany them, prepares a number of presents to send in a box; but instead of the presents, packs up herself, and is carried on shipboard by the giant, who does not discover the deception till she is far out at sea.

The second part consists of humorous pieces, among which Mr J. has collected some of considerable merit, though the humour of these old pieces is seldom well suited to a reader of the present day. He has also given several of his own in this style; but neither, in our opinion, do his powers lie much that way.

The last part consists of miscellaneous pieces, whose nature and merits are so various that no general description can be given of them. We would particularly recommend "True Thomas and the Queen of Elfland," and " Young Beichan and Susie Pie." A great part of the second volume consists of songs, many of them by the Editor; and though, as hinted above, we do not very much admire his humorous performances, yet it

is otherwise with those which express tenderness, such as the follow. ing, particularly the second stanza:

But she that proudly heard me praise Her rosy cheek, while mine grew pale,

Shall ne'er see blooming, in my lays,

Her transient charms that soon must

Ne'er shall my plausive voice be rais'd,
Another's triumph to adorn;
Nor e'er by me the beauty prais'd

That to a rival's bed is borne.

Then cease, my lyre; nor song of mine Her honours or her name retain; She never in the verse shall shine, Who could the poet's suit disdain.

We add another, which pleased us

still better:

O cease, in pity, cease that strain Which melts my very soul to hear; That look-Oh look not thus again,

If mercy to thy heart is dear! O cease, if thou canst cease, to be What most I love to hear and see! Such were the tones, whose echo soft My heart's still trembling cords retain;

Such was the pensive smile, that oft Thrill'd to my soul thro' every vein; And such was she, like me that mourns, The blasted hope that ne'er returns!

Mr J. has given a specimen of one or two "working songs," and expresses an intention of hereafter enlarging their number. We heartily applaud the design; but we are not quite pleased with the style he has employed. We could wish them, like some other of his compositions, alittle more refined, and less crammed with

To powers ungracious and unkind,
Who altar rears, or bends the scotticisms. "The Boatie rows,"


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which he has adopted from Johnson's Musical Museum, is an excellent model.

We are sorry to understand that the ingenious author has been compelled by the "res angusta domi," to exchange his native country for the banks of the Dwina. Some consolation is however afforded by the prospect he holds out of increased opportunities for cultivating his acquaintance with northern literature.


We heartily wish that he may prosper in both his pursuits, and may soon return, laden with Russian gold and Danish ballads.

Letters upon the Establishment of the Volunteer Corps, and Domestic Military Arrangements of Great Britain. By James Ferguson, Esq. Advocate, Major, 1. Battn. 2. Regt. A.V.I. Arch. Constable and Co. Edinburgh, and John Murray, London. 38. 1806.

IN the present state of Britain and

of Europe, and the still more alarming prospects which threaten, no subject can be of such high and pressing importance as that which relates to the means of national defence; and it does not seem to have been yet investigated with that diligence which its importance and difficulty require. The country therefore is certainly much indebted to those who

devote their abilities to its discussion. Without giving any opinion on the plans here brought forward, we shall give such a sketch of them as our limits will admit.

For improving the regular army Mr F. strenuously urges the necessicity of abolishing the sale of commissions. He suspects also that officers are too much employed at the desk, in the labour of returns, certificates, and correspondence, and thinks more military employments should be found out for them. Much, he admits, has been done in improving the condition of the soldiers, but alledges that sufficient care has not been taken to diffuse the knowledge of these provisions through the body of the people.

The militia, as it now stands, Mr F. proposes to abolish altogether, as inferior to the regular army, and at the same time tending to injure its recruiting.

Dec. 1806.

Instead of the volunteer system, our author proposes to substitute a levy en masse, which should include the whole male population. These to be commanded by the landholders and gentry; to be trained on Sundays, or days of leisure thro' the week; and the unmarried, between eighteen and twenty-five, to be occasionally called out to permanent duty with the regulars. In case of actual service, all the men thus trained to be placed under officers of the line, and incorporated with the regular army ; for Mr F.'s great principle is, that our force should be all of one kind, and completely fitted for acting together.

The following parallel between French and Prussian tactics seems

well drawn:

I conceive, that very much of the etiquette and forms of dress, parade, manœuvres, &c. of the system of Frederic the Great, served the purpose

(just like the mummeries and manuals of false religions) to subdue and extinguish intellect in the subordinate ranks, and to place (if I may use the phrase) a monopoly of real military skill in the ge. neral. It certainly thus tended to insure subordination and steady obedience. But was it thus that inferiors could be qualified for exercising supreme command, when they might rise to the higher stations; or that the talents and exertions of individuals, could be most effectually stimulated? A monarch of transcendent and cultivated ability, thus, perhaps, made fit instruments for his own genius to employ; but, when the directing principle ceased, with his own life, to exist, had this system a good foundation for permanent superiority? Ever since the revolution of France, her system has been just the reverse Her governments have stimulated to the utmost individual exertion, individual thought, individual claims, in all ranks of their armies. Is insubordination the consequence ? Quite otherwise. The rival claims weigh against and keep down each other to the proper level; and balanced as they are, easily yield to the decision of the superior. But other other consequences have followed, of incalculable importance. The whole soul and strength of the officers and soldiers have been devoted to the acquisition and practice of what is really useful. Not a moment of time; not an exertion, has been wasted upon trifles or forms. Thus the objects of military discipline and training have become universally understood, and the qualities for real service being universally known and cultivated, have been universally acquired in the French armies. Hence the astonishing celerity of oper. ation, combination of means, and ready adaptation of the force employed, to all circumstances and objects, which have produced such stupendous changes and events. All these consequences flow naturally, nay, necessarily, from their obvious causes. If the differences between the two military systems have not been misunderstood, we have little room indeed to wonder, that, in one month, the armies and military reputation of Prussia have vanished before those of France.

P. 42.

On the volunteer system the author observes :

With regard to domestic troops, in every view, it would be a deception to conceal the circumstances which will always make them greatly inferior to regular soldiers, and more unfit to be relied on as the main part, or as any considerable part, much less as separate battalions or squadrons, of an army, for a close or general engagement with an onemy's army composed of veteran troops. But the very same circumstances, if I am not utterly mistaken, render forces, purely domestic, stillmore inadequate for ordinary field service of any duration, during actual hostilities, than for battle against such a foe.Twelve years of acquaintance, I should presume, will indeed impress, upon any fair mind, the most complete conviction, that the volunteer battalions are devoted in earnest to the cause of their country. Their disposition is as good, and, I doubt not, their resolution at present, as firm, as could be wished. That they would rush into danger but too eagerly, I firmly believe; and that their spirit and physical strength, were matters to

be brought instantly to that issue, might bear down all opposition, is not unlikely. But can such an opportunity be expected, in any general action, without delays, obstacles, and sufferings, from fatigue, and from the fire of the enemy? I apprehend not. It is in such circumstances, that the common feelings of our nature, unsubdued by habit and experience, and by a strong sense of the necessity of conquering them, would overpower us. Let the operations of war, with its privations, disasters, alarms, and labours, be prolonged even a few days, the husbandman and tradesman will think too naturally of his home and family, to which he may fly, and enjoy immediate relief. To the feelings of the moment, unaccustomed as he is to resist these, and invincible as they are, until subdued by painful discipline and struggles, he will sacrifice his country and the future. The soldier of the regulars has no such temptation: and he has conquered these weaknesses of our nature, which are not vicious, unless when opposite to habits and knowledge of duty that should have taught us to overcome them. To repei a sudden invasion, in this kingdom particularly, we should be under the necessity, I conceive, of relying chiefly on the volunteer battalions, while our arrangements remain upon the present footing. I would therefore entreat my countrymen to consider, in case of retreat on account of inferiority or adverse for. tune, what the hardships must be to which they ought to make up their minds. The detail of the Prussian general Blucher will inform them what these must be, in such circumstances, even on our own soil, before an enemy superior in the field. Without shoes, bread, or rest, for weeks, under the storms and cold of winter, it may be indispensible to carry on the operations of war in retreat. But, would not the guidance and mixture of leaders and soldiers, to whom the unvoidable evils of war were familiar, then be invaluable among the inexperienced? Let each man put the question to himself, and he can give but one answer to it. How, then, are gratitude and attachment to be truly shewn to the members of the volunteer battalions? What is the duty of the individual who most admires their patriotism, and who, personally, is most bound to them? them? Assuredly it is, -to apprise them of all defects in the establishment ;-to point out all remedies for these;-to shew how their zeal may be most available under a better arrangement, P. 95.

Scottish Literary Intelligence. A New edition of Herodotus, with

Upon the whole, without assenting to all the Author's conclusions, particularly with regard to the volunteers, (when he appears to have overlooked the decided preference of voluntary service, over dragging to the field an unwilling multitude) we consider his work as fully entitled to public attention, both from the importance of the subject and the ability with which it is treated. His style has little pretensions to eloquence (which indeed was hardly to be expected in a work of this kind) and it is occasionally too violent and impetuous. But he seems to be complete master of the subject, has treated it in an able and independent manner, and appears to be actuated by the most honourable and patriotic zeal for the interests of his country.

New Works Published in EDINBURGH.

COMMENTARIES on the Municipal and Mercantile Law of Scotland, in relation to Bankruptcy, Vol. II. Part II. 8vo. 8s.

Acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, convened at Edinburgh 22d May 1806. 1s. 6d. A practical Treatise of Cantharides when used internally. By John Roberton, Surgeon. 8vo. 7s. Bibliotheca Sacra, or Dictionary of the Holy Scriptures, with Maps,

&c. 2 vols. 8vo. 11. 25.

Letters on the establishment of the Volunteer Corps, and Domestic Mi. litary Arrangements of Great Britain. By James Ferguson, Esq. Advocate. 8vo. 3s.

Remarks on the Report of the Committee of the House of Peers relative to the Administration of Civil Justice in Scotland. 1s.

select annotations, and a Latin Index, from the edition Wesselingii and Reizii, and under the superintendance of Professor Porson of Cambridge, and Dunbar of Edinburgh, has been printed in this town, and will be speedily published. It will correspond with Elinsly's Thucydides.

The Rev. James Hall has in the press, a Tour through Scotland, in two volumes, 8vo. Mr Hall travelled by an unusual route; and he visited, in particular, the Islands of Orkney and Shetland.



THE late Mrs Charlotte Smith hav. ing drawn up Memoirs of Part of her Literary Life, the same, accompanied by a Collection of her Letters, will shortly be presented to the world by one of the members of her family.

The first Fasciculus of Dr Smith's long expected Flora Græca Sibthorpiana will appear in the present month. It is

already known to the public that this truly magnificent work is to contain one thousand plants, collected by the late Professor Sibthorpe in Greece, accurate

ly coloured after nature, with descrip

tions, &c. by Dr Smith.

At the same time will appear a half volume of the Prodromus Floræ Græcæ, which work will contain descriptions, &c. without figures, of all the plants to be found in modern Greece, compiled by Dr Smith, from the papers of Dr Sibthorpe.

Sir John Sinclair has nearly ready for publication, in four volumes octavo, his long promised Code of Health and Longevity; consisting of a detail of the circumstances which tend to promote health and longevity, with rules for preserving health,

Mr Bolingbroke, of Norwich, who has recently returned from Demerara, after a residence of five years in that and the adjoining colonies, intends to publish an Account of his Voyage: inclu

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