Oct. 18. At Paisley, Mrs Jean Watt, spouse of Mr James Chip brewer there, after a lingering illness, which she bore with Christian patience and fortitude.
25. At Edinburgh, Mrs Cunninghame, relict of George Cunninghame, Esq. of Bandalloch.
25. At St Cyrus, Joseph Alexander Shepherd, in the 91st year of his age, as ascercertained by the parish register, in which he is recorded to have been baptised, 18th March 1716. He spent the whole of his long life, except one year, in the parish where he was born and died. He had 18 children, 45 grandchildren, and 14 great grandchildren.
29. Lately, at Doonside, Adam Kelty, aged 91. He was born the day of the battle of Sheriffmuir (13th September 1715.) He came as groom and coachman to the late Mr Crawford of Doonside in 1742, and never was out of the family till his death, a service of 59 years. He was very much distressed, in 1801, at the death of an old poney which he used to ride, and which lived till it was 41 years old. Kelty's widow is still alive at Doonside, where she also came in 1747.
Nov. 1. At Braco Castle, Mrs Margaret Graeme, relict of Francis Masterton of Go. gar, Esq.
2. At Orntiston, Dr Alexander White. head, surgeon in the Royal Navy.
2. At Irvine, Mr David Campbell, aged 73, upwards of 40 years clerk in the Cus. tom house there.
2. At Cromarty, aged 81, Miss Helen Mackenzie, sister of the deceased Murdo Mackenzie, Esq. of Ardross.
3. At Ditto, Mrs Elizabeth Dunbar, re
lict of James Stewart, Esq.
4. At Castlecraig, Ross shire, Lieut.-Col. John Ross, late of the 85th regiment, and Iospecting Field Oficer of volunteers and yeomanry.
5. At Old Aberdeen, in the 88th year of his age, Mr James Paterson, Master of the Music School, Session Clerk, and Precentor, in that city. He held these offices 62 years, exclusive of several years during which he acted as assistant to his predecessor. In the course of nearly 60 years, he was not prevented from officiating as precentor by bad health a single day; and he was absent only one Sunday while on a visit to a friend.
7. Near London, Miss Mary M'Culloch, sister of the late John M-Culloch, Esq. of Barholm.
7. At Newton, near Dalkeith, Mr James Hope, farmer, a man of great worth and integrity.
At Pettinane Manse, the Rev. Allan Frame, minister of that parish.
9. At Aberdeen, Mr Donald Stewart, leather merchant. Besides suitable provisions for his widow and daughter, and considerable legacies to all his relations, he has bequeathed the following charitable dona tions: -To the poor of the united parishes of fulloch and Glenmuick, and Glengarden, 50l-To the Kirk Session of Aberdeen, 40l.-To the Poors Hospital of Aberdeen, 40l-To the Infirmary of Aberdeen, 401 To the Lunatic Hospital ditto, 401. Το the Coal Fund ditto, 401. Total, 2501.
9. At Dunbar, aged 21 years, Mr Andrew Brown, only son of Mr Andrew Brown, merchant there.
9. At Edinburgh, Mrs Christian Forbes, widow of Mr John More, painter there.
9. At ditto, Mrs Gray, wife of Mr James Gray, one of the Masters of the High School.
9. At Greenock, Mr William Hart, merchant.
10. At Altona, of the wounds he received at the battle of Jena on the 14th of October, his Serene Highness Charles Williamı Duke of Brunswick Wolfembuttle, Generalissimo of the Prussian army, and a Knight of the Garter. His Highness was born in 1785, and married in 1764 Princess Augusta, sister of his Britannic Majesty, by whom he has left issue two sons and two daughters.
11. At Prestonpans, Robert Hepburn, Esq. Collector of the Customs there.
At Edinburgh, Miss Janet Farquharson, second surviving daughter of the late Alex. Farquharson, Esq. of Haughton. Νου.
Etymologies rectified 905 Exciseable commodities in 1644, list of 493 the Falls of Clyde, a poem, review of 441 Ferguson, Dr Adam, his character as an author 943-4
-, Mr, his letters on the establishment of the volunteer corps, re- view of 929
's lectures on Me- chanics, review of 43 Fine arts, on the progress of 40, 86, 167, 247, 328, 407,495,576,655,774,
815,895 Forfeited Estates in Scot- land, report of the Com- mittee on their fund 659 Forth, plan of a tunnel under the river 571
Fox, Mr, memoirs of 651,,
Franklin, Dr, Dialogue with the Gout 592
_'s letter to Lord Kaimes on the harmony of Scotch music 596 French national character, parallel between it and the English 662 Gaelic etymologies 826 Gall, Richard, a Scottish poet, memoirs of 47 Geographical queries, by Sir R. Sibbald 409 Gillies, Dr, his character. as an author 743 Glover, Dr Edmund, me- moirs of 419
Grammatical error to be corrected 102
Gregory, Dr James, his character as an author 746
Hackney coaches, reflec- tions on a stand of 754
Hamilton, Gen. memoirs of 108
Heron, Mr, his character as an author 744
Highlands of Scotland, plan of roads now form- ing in them 3
_, expences of the
the same 5
Highlands, West, changes on the country 739,898 Hindostan, military cha- racter of the natives of 264
-, of the force of Scindeah and Holkar 266 -, manners of the
inhabitants of 428 History, advantages of the study of $34 Home, John, his charac- ter as a writer $17 Home, a poem, criticism on 423, 507
Horticultural Society of London, report of their Committee 420
Hospital, plan of a new one in Edinburgh 43 Hutton, Dr Jas. his cha- racter as an author 746 Iliad, character of its he- roes 43 1. Income, estimate of, sub- ject to the property tax.
Industry, effects of 917 Inverary Castle, descrip- tion of 491 Ireland, tour thro' by an American 27,175 Jamieson, Mr, review of his popular ballads and, songs 925 Johnson, Dr, remarks on his tour thro' Scotland, by Dr Beattie, 683 Juan Fernandez, account. of 171 Kentucky, account of that. settlement 841
Landscape Gardening, on the different stiles of 263 Lerwick, description of 36 Leslie, professor, review of the pamphlets relating to his case 274,356 Leyden's Scenes of Infan- cy, criticism on 347
Literary Intelligence 49.. 51, 126, 201, 202, 284, 285,365,444,445,533, 613,614, 690, 769, 770, 852,853,931 Literary duelling, reflec- tions on 574 Loch Ness, curious phe nomena of 405 Loudon Castle, descrip. tion of 163. the Lounger, character of the authors of 745 Lyndesay, Sir Dav.review of his poetical works 522,609 Lyttleton, Lord, reflec- tions on his death by Dr Beattie 682
Macintosh, Sir James, his addresses to the Grand Jury of Bombay 31, 266- Mackenzie, Mr Henry, his character as an au- thor 745, 817
Manners in Scotland in Mansfield, Lord, his speech in the case of the Magis- trates of Edinburgh a- gainst the Feuars of the New Town 255 Manufactures, British, es- timated amount of 39 -, on the pro- gress of 40, 86, 167, 247, 328, 407, 495, 576, 655, 774,815, 895 Marriages, French,curious advertisements of 598 Masson, Francis, the boy tanist, memoirs of 892 Mausoleum of King Hen- ry Darnley, description of 22
Maxwell, Jane, indictment against her for sorcery 189
Mendicity, remedies for
Money-rent, on the com- parative value of 831 Monzie Castle, descrip- tion of 403
Moral character of the lower orders in the me- tropolis, reflections on 184
Morea, account of its cli- mate, and character of its inhabitants 600 Music, Scotch, on the har- mony and melody of, by Dr Franklin 596
the National debt, state of 405,573,894
Nawab of Oude, anecdotes of 521
Neapolitan ners of 37 Neill, P. his defence of a tour thro' Shetland 12, 116,491
nobles, man-
Nelson, Lord, his monu- ment at Edinburgh, de- scription of the intended one 83
Newspapers, petition of the distressed fraternity of 836
Occurrences, remarkable in 1805, chronological list of 24, 97
Odyssey, character of its herbes 431
Orkney, valuation of cor-
Ossian's lesser poems, by A. Macdonald, review of 123
's poems, remarks on by Dr Beattie 587 Paisley, account of the manufactures of 499,577 Paul Emperor of Russia, account of his assassina- tion 672
Pear trees, a new mode of improving 340 Pennecuick, Dr Alexan- der, memoirs of 249, 581 Peter, James, and John, petition of 665 Phenomenon, surprising one in the West Indies 510
Selkirk, Alex. account of 18,169
Science, on the progress
of 40, 86, 167, 247, 328, 407, 495, 576, 655,774, 815,895
Scott, Mr Walter, ballads and lyrical pieces by, re- view of 767
Scots College at Paris, account of MSS. there 92
Scotch writers, character of the most eminent 743, 817
Scotch Parliament, cere- monies observed at the opening of 657
Ellenborough, Lord, mo- tion relative to his sit- ting in the Cabinet 209,
Erskine, Hon. Hen. takes his seat, 466. His speech on the detence act 470. On the mutiny bill 626 Excise, receiver-General of, bill for the better re- gulation of his office 469 Forfeited estates in Scot- land, report on their funds 659 705
Fox, Judge, his case post- poned 708 Houston and Co. motion for vesting their estates in trustees 631
India, motion relative to the American trade with 295. Lord Melville's motion on the appoint- ment of a Governor Ge- neral 709
Irish budget 470
stamp duty bill, clause for relief of the printers of newspapers
Iron, duty on, opposed strongly in the Com- mons 380, 471.-Relin- quished 545
Justice in Scotland, Lord Grenville's motion re. specting its administra- tion 707. Resolutions of the House of Lords 497 King's speech 129. Ad- dress agreed to in both Houses without a divi- sion 130, 132. His Ma- jesty's answer to the Ad. dress ib. Message rela- tive to the conduct of Prussia 375. Speech of the Lord Chancellor on proroguing the Parlia- ment 709
Lords, House of, thanks to the fleet 132
Lottery office keepers, ad- ditional duty on 630 Melville, Lord, pleads not guilty to the charges brought by the Com- mons 130, 133. Opi- nion of the Judges on
the evidence to be given in his case 209, 289.- Mr Whitbread presents an additional article of impeachment againsthim 289. His Lordship gives in his answer to it 290. Address to his Majesty to order Westminsterhall to be fitted up for his trial 291. Mr Whitbread brings up a new report on his case 93.-Moves a resolution on the re port ib.-Moves that the whole House do attend the trial 295-Objected to by Mr Dandas, but carried ib. Thanks vot. ed to the managers of the impeachment 472.- The tria: 449, 537,617, 697.-Chancery suit for publishing it 706
Military system, new one proposed by Mr Wind- ham 369. Debate on the mutiny bill 550,626 - report of the Com- missioners 630
officers, bill for set- tling their rank 630
new training bill, objected to by Ld. Mel- ville 709 Navy estimates voted 136, Additional pay to sea- men voted 467. To Greenwich Hospital 628. His Majesty's message on the subject 708 Nelson, Lady, a pension voted to her 137 Nelson, Earl, his Majes- ty's gift to him 465.- Bill for settling it 704 Paull, Mr, moves for In- dia papers 136, 466.- Brings forward charges against Marq. Wellesley ib.-546 Peers of Scotland, peti. tion on a vacancy in 707 Pitt, Mr, motion for a monument to him 133.- His debts voted to be paid 138 Property tax bill, debates on 468, 470, 472, 547,
On taxing funds vested in the name of foreigners
Prussia, message from the King relative to her con- duct 375. Officia! papers respecting it ib. Address of the Lords on the sub- ject 377. Of the Com- mons 378 Public accounts, in the West Indies, bill for re- gulating 546. Salaries to the Commissioners 549. A new general bill in- troduced 628
the Royal Family, addi- tional provision for 629. 630, objected to by Col. Wood ib. State of their salaries 706
St Vincent, Lord, Mr Jef- frey's charges against him
Scotch Appeals, 289, 291,
Bankrupt act re- newed 295 Slave restriction bill, pass- ed 465. Importation bill passed 469. Resolution for its abolition moved by Mr Fox, and carried 627, 628. Agreed to by the Lords 708 Stage-coaches, bill for re- gulating 628. Prohibit. ed from carrying letters ib.
Stanhope, Lord, his mo- tion relative to the state of grain in the country 465
Strachan, Sir R. a pension voted to him 137 Supply, Committee of sums voted in 293.-- 300,000l. voted for the seamen in the battle of
Trafalgar 472
Treaties with Austria and Russia presented to the House of Lords 130.-- To the Commons 136 Treating bill brought in by Mr Tierney 295 Trotter, Alex. committed to the custody of the serjeant at arms 294.-
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