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In lieu of this,laft night did lie with me.

Gra. Why this is like the mending of high wayes
In fummer, where the wayes are faire enough,
What,are we Cuckolds ere we haue deferu'd it?
Por.Speake not fo groffely, you are all amaz'd;
Heere is a Letter,reade it at your leifure,
It comes from Padua from Bellario,

There you fhall find: that Portia was the Doctor,
Nerriffa there her Clarke, Lorenzo heere
Shall witneffe I fet foorth as foone as you,
And euen but now return'd; I haue not yet
Entred my houfe. Anthonio, you are welcome,
And I haue better newes in ftore for you
Then you expect; vnfeale this letter foone,
There you fhall finde three of your Argofies
Are richly come to harbour fodainly.
You fhall not know by what strange accident
I chanced on this Letter.

Ant.I am dumbe.

Baff. Were you the Doctor, and I knew you not?

Gra.Were you the Clarke that is to make me Cuckold?
Ner,1,but the Clarke that neuer meanes to do it,

Vnleffe he liue vntill he be a man.

Baff. (Sweete Doctor) you shall be my bed-fellow,
When I am abfent,then lie with my wife.

An.Sweet Lady,you haue giuen me life and liuing;
For heere I reade for certaine,that my Ships
Are fafely come to Rode.

Por How now Lorenzo,

My Clarke hath fome good comforts too for you.
Ner.I,and ile giue them him without a fee,

There do I giue to you and leffica

From the rich lew,a fpeciall deed of gift
After his death, of all he dies poffeft off.

Loren, Faire Ladies,you drop Manna in the way Of ftarued people.


Por. It is almoft morning,

And yet Ime fure you are not fatisfied
Of thefe euents at full.Let's go in,
And charge vs there vpon intergotories,
And we will answer all things faithfully.
Gra.Let it be fo,the first intergotory
That my Nerriffa fhall be fworne on,is,
Whether till the next night she had rather stay,
Or go to bed now,being two houres to day:
But were the day come, I fhould wifh it darke,
That I were couching with the Clarke.
Well, while I liue,ile feare no other thing
So fore,as keeping fafe Nerriffas Ring.



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