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ORTHRUS, or ORTHOS, a dog which belonging to Geryon. He had two heads, and was sprung from the union of Echidna and Typhon. He was destroyed by Hercules.

ORTIVE (ortivus.) In astronomy. Or. tive, or eastern amplitude, is an arch of the horizon intercepted between the point where a star rises, and the east point of the horizon, or point where the horizon and equator intersect. See AMPLITUDE.

ORTOLAN. in ornithology. See Eм


ORTS. s. Refuse; things left or thrown away: obsolete (Jonson).

ORTON, a town in Westmoreland, with a market on Wednesday, 12 miles S.W. of Appleby, and 271 N.N.W. of London. Lon. 2. 40 W. Lat. 54. 28 N.

ORTYGIA, a small island of Sicily, within the bay of Syracuse, which formed once one of the four quarters of that great city. It was in this island that the celebrated fountain of Arethusa arose.-2. An ancient name of the island of Delos. Some suppose that it received this name from Latona, who fled thither when changed into a quail (704) by Jupiter, to avoid the pursuits of Juno. Diana was called Ortygia, as being born there.

ORTZA, a town of Lithuania, in the palatinate of Witepsk, with a castle, seated at the confluence of the Oresa and Dnieper, 50 miles W. of Smolensko. Lon. 31.5 E. Lat. 54. 45 N. ORVIETO, a town of Italy, capital of a territory of the same name, in the patrimony of St. Peter, with a bishop's see and a magnificent palace. In this place is a deep well, into which mules descend, by one pair of stairs, to fetch up water, and ascend by another. It is seated on a craggy rock, near the confluence of the rivers Paglia and Chiuna, 20 miles N.W. of Viterbo, and 50 N. by W. of Rome. Lon.

12. 20 E. Lat. 42. 42 N.

ORUS, or HORUS, one of the gods of the Egyptians, son of Osiris and of Isis. He assisted his mother in avenging his father, who had been murdered by "Typhon. Orus was skilled in medicine, he was acquainted with futurity, and he made the good and the happiness of his subjects the sole object of his government. He was the emblem of the sun among the Egyptians, and he was generally represented as an infant, swathed in variegated clothes. In one hand he holds a staff, which terminates in the head of a hawk, in the other a whip with two thongs.

ORWELL, a river in Suffolk, which runs S.E. by Ipswich, and uniting with the Stour forms the fine harbour of Harwich. Above Ipswich it is called the Gipping.

ORYCTOLOGY. (from pvcw, to dig, and oyos, a treatise. The doctrine or science of fossils.

Fossils, or substances dug out of the bowels of the earth, are of two kinds; native, or those that belong to the mineral kingdom naturally; and adventitious, or those that have been incidentally introduced into it, and have become a part of it. Both these kinds of materials may be regarded as constituting distinct branches of mineralogy; but

the last is so closely connected with the general history of vegetables and animals, from petrifactions, or other alterations of the various materials belonging to which kingdoms they usually origi nate, as to be more conveniently treated of under a separate inquiry: and hence two distinct names have been selected for the two sciences of native and adventitious fossils; and while the former has been called oryctognosy, the latter has been denominated oryctology. The first is distinctly and necessarily a branch of mineralogy, and has already been treated of as such under that article. The second we have reserved for the present place, and shall treat of it by itself. In doing this we shall have occasion to draw very largely upon Mr. Parkinson's very excellent work the Organic Remains of a former Wold, to which we are also indebted for several valuable and curious plates, which we have already introduced, or shall have occasion to introduce, into this work, in elucidation of the subject before us; and we shall fill up the picture from M. Cuvier's very accurate and excellent papers, published chiefly in the different volumes of the Annales du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle.

It is curious to observe how different an impression the same natural appearances have made on the human mind in different stages of its improven ent. A phænomenon, which in one age has excited the greatest terror, has in another been an object of calm and deliberate observation; and the things which have at one time led to the most extravagant fiction, have, at another, only served to define the boundaries of knowledge. The same comet which from the age of Julius Cæsar had three times spread terror and dismay through the nations of the earth, appeared a fourth time in the age of Newton, to instruct mankind, and to exemplify the universali y of the laws which that great interpreter of nature had discovered. The same fossil remains which to St. Augustine or Father Kircher seemed to prove the former existence of giants of the human species, were found by Pallas aud Cuvier to ascertain the nature and character of certain genera and species of quadrupeds which have now entirely disappeared.

From a very early period, indeed, such bones have afforded a measure of the credulity, not of the vulgar only, but of the philosophers. Theophrastus, one of the ancients who had most devoted himself to the study of nature, believed, as Pliny tells us, that bones were a sort of mineral production that originated and grew in the earth. St. Augustine says, that he found on the sea-shore near Utica a fossil human tooth, which was a hundred times the size of the tooth of any person living; and Pliny tells us, that by an earthquake in Crete a part of a mountain was opened, which discovered a skeleton sixteen cubits, or twentyfour feet long, supposed to be that of Orion. Xenophanes, more than four hundred years before Christ, was led to the belief of the eternity of the universe, by discovering the remains of different marine animals imbedded in rocks, and under the surface of the earth. Herodotus ascertained the existence of fossil shells in the mountains of Egypt, and was thereby induced to conclude that the sea must have once covered those parts. In the pyramids of Egypt, mentioned by this author, and which had been built at so early a period that no satisfactory accounts could be derived from tradition respecting their erection, the stones were found to contain the remains of marine animals

and particularly of such as exist no longer in

recent state, and differ essentially from all known animals. These were supposed by Strabo, who saw the fragments of these stones laying around the pyramids, to be the petrified remains of the lentils which had been used for food by the workmen. Eratosthenes, Xanthus of Lydia, and Strabo have all noticed and variously commented upon the existence of animal remains thus wonderfully preserved. In the works of Pliny many fossil bodies are mentioned, particularly the bucardia, resembling an ox's heart, but which was doubtlessly a cast formed in a bivalve shell; glossopetra, bearing the form of a tongue, and supposed to fall from the moon, when in its wane; hammites, resembling the spawn of fish; horns of ammon, resembling, in form, the ram's-horn; lepidotes, like the scales of fishes; meconites, bearing a resemblance to the seeds of poppies; brontia, to the head of a tortoise; spongites, to sponge; phycites, to sea-weeds, or rushes, &c. Although many were convinced, by the exact resemblance which several of these substances bore to different species of marine animals, that these must be the remains of such animals, and must have been deposited on these spots, at a period when they were covered by the sea; others, unable to comprehend a circumstance so inexplicable as the existence of the sea over some of the highest mountains, chose rather to have recourse to an apparently more easy mode of explanation, by attributing their formation to the energies of certain occult powers, such as the vis plastica, vis formativa, and vis lapidificativa.

concrete again, and form true corals there as well as in the sea water. Doubtless it did so ; but that matter was in so small a quantity, and bore 30 little a proportion to the mineral and metallic, with which it was then mixed and confused, as now rarely, if ever, to be met with." (Letters on Fossils, by Dr. Woodward, p. 82.) At present no one hesitates at considering all organised fossil bodies as having existed during a former state of this globe, and having been then endued with the energies of vegetable or animal life.

Various appellations have been employed for the purpose of distinguishing these bodies from those minerals which do not owe their forms to animal or vegetable organization.

Figured stones (lapides figurati et idiomorphi) and diluvian stones (lapides diluviani) were termi well chosen by the earlier mineralogists to designate these bodies, of the peculiar forms of which, and of their having probably obtained those forms from some changes depending on the deluge, they only could, with any propriety, speak. The term fossil comprising every mineral substance dug our of the earth, it was thought necessary to distinguish these by the term adventitious or extrane ous. To this generally adopted mode of distinction, Mr. Parkinson objects. (Organic Remains, vol. i. p. 34.)

The term extraneous, he observes, denotes that the substance spoken of is foreign to the region in which it is found; a sense in which, he thinks, it cannot, with propriety, be applied to such bodies as are almost deprived, not only of their primi The formation of these bodies was also attribut- tive form, but of their original constituent prined, by our countryman, Dr. Plot, to certain plas- ciples. In these cases, where so considerable a tic powers inherent in some saline bodies; and Dr. degree of naturalization, as it were, has taken Woodward, one of our latest writers on these sub- place, the substance, he conceives, can no longer stances, although aware that the situations in merit an epithet implying their being foreign to which these bodies were found could only be ex- the regions in which they are found. Instances plained by the powerful and extensive effects of of the impropriety of this employment of the the deluge, found himself obliged also to have re- term he instances in such of the jaspers and semicourse to an occult plastic power to explain the opals as have derived their origin from wood; to formation of some of these substances. "There which the epithet of extraneous does not appear are," he observes, "various phænomena, that to be strictly applicable. The term adventitious, plainly shew that when they were brought forth as implying the result of chance or accident, he at the deluge the earth was destroyed, all the thinks ought never to be applied to these subsolids of it, metals, minerals, stone, and the rest, stances; since, in all nature's works, there exist dissolved, taken up into the water, and there sus- not stronger proofs of the provident design of the stained along with the sea-shells, and other extra- Almighty Creator, than in the apparently casual neous bodies; till at length all settled down again, disposition of these substances. To the term peand formed the strata of the present earth. The trifaction he objects, because a conversion into shells, and other extraneous bodies, being thus stone only is here expressed; whereas, in many lodged among this stony and other mineral mat- instances, the substances of which the fossil is ters, that afterwards became solid; when this composed differs as much from stone, as from the comes now to be broke up, it exhibits impressions matter of which the body was originally composof the shells, and other bodies lodged in it; show- ed. Fossils he considers as of two kinds, primary ing even the hardest of it to have been once in a and secondary; among the former he places those state of solution, soft, and susceptible of impres- bodies which appear to have been, ab initio, the sion." (Preface to Catalogue of English Fossils, natives of the subterranean regions; and under p. 3.) But unable otherwise to oppose the opi- the latter he disposes those substances, which, nion of Dr. Buttner, that the fossil corals were though now subjects of the mineral kingdom, bear actually corals which had existed before the flood, indubitable marks of having been originally either he had recourse to the supposition of their having of an animal or vegetable nature. The term fossil, derived their forms from a second arrangement of however, which implies that the organized subtheir component parts, whilst in the waters of the stance under examination has been dug out of the deluge. I have seen," he says, "fossil coralloids earth, appears to be sufficient, without any adthat have been composed of various sorts of mi-junct to express these substances; indeed this term neral and metallic matter, that yet have been is warranted to be thus employed by its general formed into shape of the marine mycetitæ, astroi- acceptation. æ, and other like corals. Now all these have been formed out of the dissolved mineral and metallic matter in the water of the deluge. The antediluvian corals were like all other solid stony bodies then in solution in that water, and might

Besides those bodies, which, being actually organic remains, deserve to be considered as fossils, (fossilia, vulgo dicta of Linnéus); other bodies require to be noticed, as sometimes serving to illus trate the nature of organised fossils. These art,

impressions, (impressa, Linnéus; typolithi, Walher); casts, (redintegrata, Linnéus); and incrustations, (incrustata, Linnéus.)

Fossils naturally divide into vegetable and animal, according to which of those kingdoms they originally belonged: those of the vegetable kingdom shall be the first subjects of our inquiry.

The parts of vegetables confined in subterranean situations suffer, according to circumstances, either a complete resolution of composition, the lighter parts becoming volatilized, whilst the more fixed remain and form the substance which is termed mould (humus); or, as is supposed by Mr. Parkinson, it passes through another process, which he considers as fermentative, and becomes bituminous. Wood, thus changed, is called lignum fossile bituminosum, surturbrand, and Bovey coal. By the extension of this process, the same author supposes, that the substances termed bitumens, (naphtha, petroleum, and asphaltum), are formed. To the same process he also attributes the formation of amber, of which however no proof appears. That jet, cannel coal, and the common coal employed in domestic uses, have had a vegetable origin is rendered highly probable, from the frequency with which they manifest the impressions of various vegetable bodies.

Thus, perhaps, the formation of the bituminous fossils may be satisfactorily explained; but by far the greater number of vegetable fossils are of a lapideous nature, and necessarily owe their formation to very different processes; which the same author supposes are, in general, preceded by the process by which bitumen is formed. Many bodies which are evidently of vegetable origin may be now found existing in a lapideous state, either calcareous or silicious; and many others are found possessing certain marks of the presence of some metallic substance.

To explain these formations various opinions have been formed. Some have supposed the injection of the impregnating matter, in a state of fluidity, by ignition; whilst others have imagined the gradual abstraction of the original particles of the body, and the regular deposition of the impregnating particles in the spaces which have just been left by the original matter. Mr. Parkinson, who does not admit of this substitution, attributes the formation of this description of fossils to the impregnation of vegetable substances, which have undergone different degrees of bitumization with water, holding the earths or the metals in solution. Thus with lime is formed the calcareous wood or wood-marble of Oxfordshire and Dorsetshire, of Piedmont and of Bohemia; with silex is formed the calcedonified, agatified, and jasperified wood (holzstein); and with the addition of alumine, &c. the fossil woods which now partake of the nature of pitch-stone, and wax-opal (holzopal). In other situations metallic impregnations occur; as in such woods as are impregnat ed with the pyrites of iron, so frequently found in our islands; and the beautiful woods of Siberia, containing the hydrat and carbonat of copper.

Various parts of trees and plants (phytolithi) are found in a mineralized state. Not only fossil wood (lithoxylon), as has been just noticed, but the leaves (lithophylla or lithobiblia), and fruits (carpolithi) of different trees or plants are thus found. Of the woods, several, from their form and texture, have been supposed to have been originally oak, willow, and such trees as now exist

in a recent state; whilst others differ, in both these respects, from any species of wood which is now known.

The impressions of the stalks and leaves of plants are very frequently found in many parts of the world, in lofty mountains, as well as at a considerable depth below the surface; and not only the impressions, but the substance itself of different vegetables are also thus found; but in no situation more frequent than in the neighbourhood of coal mines.

In general these vegetable remains are found deposited in laminæ, in the schistose strata which accompany the coal; but the most perfect remains are commonly found in roundish nodular masses of ferruginous clay, which abound in the strata accompanying the coal. These are commonly termed catsheads by the workers of the coal mines, and contain pieces of fern, &c. very few, indeed, of which are found to agree with any known recent plants. The vegetable remains in these fossils appear to confirm the opinion above mentioned, of the bituminization of fossil vegetables; since these leaves are completely changed into a bituminous substance.

The remains of fruits are, perhaps, no where found so abundantly as in the Isle of Sheppey, where they are dug up in great variety; very few, however, being found which agree with any known recent fruits. Where any resemblance appears, it is with fruits which only grow in the warm Asiatic regions.

Fossil roots of plants of trees are very rarely found; a circumstance not very easily explained; since they possess (especially the roots of trees) that degree of solidity which appears to be favourable to the process of petrifaction. From the want of this necessary property it undoubtedly is that we possess so few remains of tender flower leaves, and none of pulpy fruits.

From the same cause, the great proneness to decomposition, the number of animal fossils is considerably limited: those substances being only preserved in a mineralized state, which originally possessed a considerable degree of solidity; such are the bones, teeth, horns, shells, scales, &c. The animal, however, far exceeds the vegetable king dom in the number and variety of fossils which it yields, as well as in the distinctness of form, and excellency of preservation, in which they are found.

Adopting in a great measure the arrangement of Waller, we shall commence our examination of the animal fossils with those which have derived their origin from corals. These fossils are, of course, merely the remains of the dwellings which have been formed by the various coral insects, and which are so frequently found in the cabinets of the curious.

Immediately on commencing this examination, we are struck with a similar want of agreement between the recent and fossil corals, with that which has been noticed between recent and fossil vegetables. Of the genus tubipora it does not appear, at least by the observations made in Mr. Parkinson's second volume of The Organic Remains of a former World, that a single species which is known recent has been found as a fossil. Several fossil species are, however, described, of which nothing similar is known in a recent state. The most striking of these is the tubipora catenularia, or chain coral, the surface of which, in consequence of the tubes being in contact at their sides, has frequently a very curious reticulated or

catenulated appearance. Tubipora fascicularis, T. stellata, T. repens, and T. strues, which have been described by different authors, and which are unlike to any known recent tubipore, give reason for supposing that the number of species of fossil tabipores exceeds that of the recent species.

The fossil madrepores are not less rich in variety, nor less comparatively numerous, than the fossils of the preceding genus. The forms of several species of the fossil madrepores do frequently approach to those of the different recent species; but in a considerable number of the fossil madre pores no resemblance is discoverable, except in their stelliform openings, with any recent coral. So great indeed is this departure in some instances from the general characters of our, present known madrepores, that it has been deemed difficult to determine, whether some fossil specimens should be considered as madrepores or as alcyonies. It is impossible, without the aid of numerous figures, to give satisfactory notions of the forms of the several fossil madrepores which have been hitherto discovered; the most interesting only will therefore be here particularized.

The madrepores consisting of a single star appear to be much more numerous in a mineral than in a recent state. These are either of a discoidal form, having a concave superior and a convex inferior surface; of a pyramidal top-like form, terminating in a pedicle; or of a lengthened pyramidal form, bearing in some, from a slight curvature, the appearance of the horn of an animal; whilst others are cylindrical for a considerable part of their length.

The first of these, madrepora porpita, the shirtbutton madrepore, has been long known to the collectors of fossils in this kingdom. Dr. Woodward describes several of them, as mycetita discoides. The second species (madrepora turbinata) is also frequently found in different parts of Great Britain, as well as in Sweden, Norway, and in several parts of France, Switzerland, and Italy. These latter fossils have been termed by Dr. Woodward mycetita conoides seu calyciformes. When they have acquired somewhat of a hornlike shape, they have been distinguished by the term ceratites; and when they have possessed more of the cylindrical form, they have been termed columelli lapidei et hippurite; and from a supposed resemblance, they have been also considered as the petrified roots of briony. Some of the single starred corals are found united at their pedicle, and approaching towards each other at their summits, though disjoined nearly through their whole length. These, from their resemblance to petrified reeds, have been named junci lapidei.

It would be useless to attempt, in this sketch, to specify the considerable variety of fossil madrepores formed of aggregated circular stars, and which have been designated as astroites, &c. Those which are composed of angulated stars are, perhaps, not so numerous: many of these, however, are very different in their appearance from those which are known in a recent state. The one most known in these islands is the lithostrotion, sive basaltes striatus et stellatus, of Llwyd. The exact union of the sides of the polygons giving a tolerably correct idea of minute basaltes. The compound madrepores, the stelliform part of which are extended in undulating labyrinthean forms, appear to be much less numerous as fossils than any of the other corals: their existence in a silicious state very rarely occurs.

The millepores do not appear to be nearly so frequently found in a mineral as in a recent state. Several fossils have been placed among the mille. pores which undoubtedly should rank with the madrepores: such are the millepora simplex turbinata, and the millepora simplex discoides, of Waller and Gesner; a careful examination shewing, that these differ from the porpital and turbinated madrepores, only in their being formed of numerous tubes, possessing an internal stellated structure.

Of the genus isis one species only appears to be known as a fossil. This species was earliest described by Scilla, who at first conjectured it to be the leg-bone of some animal. Specimens are frequently found in the Calabrian mountains, and have lately been also found in some parts of Wiltshire. Of the genera cellepora, antipathes, and Gorgonia, fossil specimens appear to be rather uncommon.

The corallo-fungite of Waller are evidently the fossil remains of the alcyony. These have been long described by Volkmann, Scheuchzer, and others, as fossil fruits, and have obtained, from their re semblance to figs, &c. the appellations of ficoides, caricoides, &c.; whilst others of a different form have been named lycoperditæ, fungitæ pilcati, &c. A fossil alcyony has even been described by Volkmann and Scheuchzer as a fossil nutmeg.

The encrini and pentacrini have been always, and very properly, considered as the most curious of the fossil zoophytes. The encrinus (Plate LXXX. Nat. Hist.) possesses the distinguishing character of having its spine, or, as it has been generally called, its tail, composed of cylindrical or orbicular vertebræ, pierced through their centre, and marked with diverging striæ on their articulating surfaces. On the superior termination of these is placed the base of the body of the animal, formed of five trapezoidal bodies, termed by Rosinus articuli trapezoides, which inclose five small bodies, which form the center of the base; the whole of these forming that which Rosinus denominated the pentagonal base. From each of these proceed six other bodies, on the two last of each series of which are placed the arms of the animal, which divide into fingers; from the internal surface of these proceed almost innumerable articulated tentacula. This fossil has long possessed the name of the encrinus, or stone lily: its resemblance to that flower having led to the suspicion that it was a petrifaction of a Bower, approximating in its form to the lily: its animal origin is however now completely ascertained. Indeed, if a doubt had remained, it would have been removed by the circumstance of the animal membrane, or cartilage, having been actually discovered in the fossil. (Organic Remains of a former World, vol. ii. p. 166.) Several other species of this animal are also described in the work just referred to; but hitherto no recent animal bas been found which can be referred to this genus.

The fossil pentacrinus differs from the encrinus, in its vertebræ being of a pentagonal form, and in its arms, fingers, and tentacula being capable of being much more widely spread and extended than are those of the encrinus. It appears from Mr. Parkinson's account, that there are several species of this fossil, the existence of some recent species of which have been also ascertained.

The encrinital vertebræ have been hitherto termed trochite when separate, and entrochi when connected in a series. The single vertebræ of the pentacrinus have been distinguished as asteria,

and when united together they have been termed their internal structure, which in many fossil shells columnar asteriæ.

Of the asteriæ, or stellæ marinæ, some very few specimens have been found fossil; but they occur very rarely, and have, in general, been found in a condition too imperfect to allow of any positive opinion being formed, respecting the species to which they belong.

The fossil echini are very numerous, upwards of forty species, known only as fossils, being enumerated by the illustrious Linnéus; to delineate, therefore, even those most deserving of notice could not be here well accomplished, a circumstance, however, which is not so much to be regretted, since, through materially different, they approach very nearly in their general form to the recent species. Those which possess a hemispherical, or a nearly orbicular form, with large mamilla-like protuberances, and the anus disposed vertically, have been distinguished as the turban echini (echini cidares); those which resemble a shield or buckler in their figure are termed the shield echin (clypei, Kleinii), and one of the largest of these has been named the polar stone by Dr. Plot. (Plot's Oxfordshire, p. 91.) When of a depressed circular form, with the anus in the edge of the inferior part, they are the fibula of Klein; of a conical form, the eaglestone of the Germans (conuli, Kleinii); with a circular base, the quoit echinus (discoidei, Kleinii). When the base is an acute oral, the mouth and anus being at the opposite ends, they are termed the belinet echinis, (cassides et galer, Kleinii); and when heart-shaped, with a sulcated superior surface, they are called suake's hearts (spatangi, Kleinii).

The attempt to particularize the various species of fossil shells which have been found would require a large volume: all that can be here done is to notice some of those which totally differ from any which exist in a recent state, and to offer some few remarks on those which approximate, or are perhaps similar to some of the species which are known in a recent state.

With respect to the state in which fossil shells are found, it is necessary to remark, that in some situations, shells which have been buried for ages, by the natural changes which the surface of the earth has undergone, are found very little changed, except from the loss of colour, and having been rendered extremely fragile; that in other situations the substance of the shell has been so injured, as to be reduced to very small fragments, and even to a fine powder, leaving in some instances a stony, correctly moulded, cast of the cavity of the shell; that very frequently the substance of the shell is entirely altered, having become a calcareous stone, or a silicious or pyritous mass, and that the shells of a former world are frequently found in masses of marble, which is called lumachelli, or shelly marble.

Of the multivalves, the chitou does not appear to have been found in a mineralized state; and although several species of lepas have been found in a mineral state, they are by no means frequent fossils. Lepas anserifera is said to have been found fossil, as well as lepas diadema; these must, however, be exceedingly rare fossils.

Fossil shells of the phloas are by no means common; the phloas crispata has been, however, found among the Harwich fossils.

Fossil bivalves are very common fossils; they are, as might be expected, very seldom found in pairs, except when united by a lapideous mass, which prevents the examination of their hinge, or

are objects highly worthy of examination.

The mya pictorum is described by Solander as existing among our Hampshire fossils: a fossil mya of three or four inches in length is found also in the rocks near Bognor. Remains of the Solen siliqua; and of the Solen ensis, have been found at Harwich, and a small fossil shell, named by Solander Solen ficus, has been found between Lymington and Christchurch.

Fossil shells of the genus tellina, as well as of cardium, mactra, donax, venus, spondylus, chama, arca, and particularly ostrea, have been found of many species. But no bivalve exists as a fossil in such prodigious numbers, and in such various species, as those of the genus anomia. These shells are characterized by the beak of the largest or under valve, which is perforated, being greatly produced, rising or curving over the beak of the smaller or upper valve. Anomia lacunosa is one of the most abundant of these species. They are found in considerable quantities in different parts of England, particularly in Lincolnshire, Warwickshire, and Gloucestershire. Anomia terebratula, is another fossil of this genus, which exists in different counties in this island, in great abundance.

Of the genus mytilus several species are known as fossils, some of which approach very near to those which are known recent: one in particular appears to differ very little indeed from mytilus modiolus. Fossil shells of the genus pinna, in any tolerable state of preservation, are not frequently found: the shells are in general so fragile as to render it very difficult to obtain them tolerably perfect; or so that but little information can be yielded respecting the species to which they belong.

No fossil shell appears yet to have been found which can with certainty be placed under the genus argonauta. But of the genus nautilus, specimens are very frequent. These have been found in several parts of this island: some very fine specimens have been found at Lime in Dorsetshire, in different parts of Wiltshire, and at Whitby in Yorkshire. The finest specimens are perhaps found in the neighbourhood of Bath, and in the isle of Sheppey in Kent, at which latter place they are found exceedingly large, and still retaining a resplendent pearly shell.

The cornu ammonis, which, if we except the extremely minute shells of this kind which have been seen by Plancus, and others, in the sea sand on the Venetian shores, may be said to be only known to us in a fossil state.

Like the nautilus, the cornu ammonis is divided into compartments, by regularly disposed partitions, and these partitions are perforated, as are those of the nautilus, although it is by no means easy to point this out, except in very few speci


There are none of the fossil shells, except per haps the anomiæ, which can vie in the variety of their species with the cornu ammonis. The sbell of some is perfectly smooth over its whole surface; in others smooth at the sides, but ridged or beset with spines at the back; and others, though smooth at the side, are crenulated at the back. The species most commonly met with have the shell variously ridged; some with small close striæ, and others with large and round ridges. In some the ridges are single, in others bifurcated, and in others trifurcated. In some, and these are least common, the shell is tuberculated: these tuberculæ differing considerably in different

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