Abbildungen der Seite
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-Its Desolation. -Last Hours of the Army in Atlanta. -
"John Brown's Soul goes marching on.”—The Advance to
the Sea. The Campaign. Charlestown evacuated.
lumbia captured. - Consumed by Fire.
Union Soldiers starved in a Land of Plenty. - - Co-operating
Expeditions sent out by Grant. — Effects of Slavery. — Anec-


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The End approaching. Grierson's Raid. - Canby's Expedition
against Mobile. -Wilson's and Stoneman's Expeditions. —
Sheridan and Early. - Lee attacks Fort Steadman. — Is re-
pulsed. — Lee's Desperation. - Battle at Five Forks. Sheri-
dan's Appearance on the Field. — The Victory. - Night Bom-
bardment. Grant's Reception among the Soldiers. -Last
Grand Attack of Lee's Army. — Hill's Division. - Anecdote
of Stonewall Jackson. - Petersburg evacuated by Lee

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Crossing of the Appomattox. - Famished Condition of the Rebel
Army. Consultation of Lee's Generals. Correspondence
between Grant and Lee. — Sheridan near Appomattox. — Des-
peration of Lee's Army. - Custer. - His Appearance on the

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