The Scots Magazine, Band 58Sands, Brymer, Murray and Cochran, 1796 |
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Seite 52
... shall per- ufe this work with competent judgment , and with a due refpect for the facred writings , will hesitate to acknowledge , that Dr Macknight is entitled to appro- bation and applaufe as a faithful tranfla- tor , a learned and ...
... shall per- ufe this work with competent judgment , and with a due refpect for the facred writings , will hesitate to acknowledge , that Dr Macknight is entitled to appro- bation and applaufe as a faithful tranfla- tor , a learned and ...
Seite 54
... Shall to thy fame eternal luftre give , Infcribe on hift'ry's page thy name re- ver'd , And bid it there with endlefs blazon live . For there our fons remoteft race In deathlefs characters fhall tracę , How Britain's baffled foes ...
... Shall to thy fame eternal luftre give , Infcribe on hift'ry's page thy name re- ver'd , And bid it there with endlefs blazon live . For there our fons remoteft race In deathlefs characters fhall tracę , How Britain's baffled foes ...
Seite 55
... - fee my puppy ? " - No , Harry , “ to fee you . H 2 " You're " You're vastly welcome you shall fee my ftud , Jan. 1796 . 55 POETRY . 17 Caller Herrin 17 On Characters, or Oddities 18 Epilogue to the new Comedy Speculation.
... - fee my puppy ? " - No , Harry , “ to fee you . H 2 " You're " You're vastly welcome you shall fee my ftud , Jan. 1796 . 55 POETRY . 17 Caller Herrin 17 On Characters, or Oddities 18 Epilogue to the new Comedy Speculation.
Seite 56
... shall pour , But fpare th ' improving friendly hour Which fcience gives to - Thirty - eight ! Stript of their gaudy hues by truth , We view the glitt'ring toys of youth , And blufh to think how poor the bait For which to public fcenes ...
... shall pour , But fpare th ' improving friendly hour Which fcience gives to - Thirty - eight ! Stript of their gaudy hues by truth , We view the glitt'ring toys of youth , And blufh to think how poor the bait For which to public fcenes ...
Seite 63
... ef fects of the company shall be delivered to the perfons named on the part of his Britannic Majefty's commanders.A Granted . ai yousm I 2 III . Dreadful alternative ! for in a fhort time , from Jan. 1796 . 63 Gazette Intelligence .
... ef fects of the company shall be delivered to the perfons named on the part of his Britannic Majefty's commanders.A Granted . ai yousm I 2 III . Dreadful alternative ! for in a fhort time , from Jan. 1796 . 63 Gazette Intelligence .
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againſt alfo almoſt alſo appear army Auftrians becauſe befides beſt cafe Capt caufe circumftances command confequence confiderable confidered confifting daugh daughter defire difcovered Edinburgh enemy eſtabliſhed fafe faid fame fecond feems feen fent fervice feven feveral fhall fhip fhort fhould fide fince firft firſt fituation fmall foil fome foon fouth fpirit French ftands ftate ftill ftone fubject fuch fufficient fuperior fuppofed fupport fure greateſt hiftory hills himſelf honour Houfe houſe inhabitants intereft iſland itſelf John juft laft Lammermuir hills land laſt late lefs Lord Majefty Majefty's meaſure ment Mifs miles minifter moft moſt muſt neceffary neral obferved occafion paffed parish perfons pleaſure poffeffed poffeffion pofition poft prefent Prince purpoſe raiſed reafon refidence refpect rife Royal Ruffia Scotland ſhall ſtate thefe themſelves theſe thirlage thofe thoſe tion tranflated uſe Vortigern weft whofe