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" Skulking in corners ? wishing clocks more swift ? Hours, minutes ? noon, midnight ? and all eyes blind With the pin and web,' but theirs, theirs only, That would unseen be wicked ? is this nothing ? Why, then the world, and all that's in't, is nothing;... "
The Works of Shakespeare: Collated with the Oldest Copies, and Corrected - Seite 258
von William Shakespeare - 1773
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, Band 3

William Shakespeare, William Harness - 1830 - 484 Seiten
...breaking honesty :) horsing foot on foot? Skulking in corners? wishing clocks more swift? Hours, minutes ? noon, midnight ? and all eyes blind With the pin and web/ but theirs, theirs only, That would unseen be wicked ? is this nothing ? Why, then the world, and all that's in't, is nothing ; The covering...
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The Dramatic Works, Band 1

William Shakespeare - 1831 - 502 Seiten to hamstring. ! Disorders of the eye. ) Hour-glass. (4) Hasty. That would unseen be wicked ? if this nothing? Why, then the world, and all that's in't, is nothing ; The covering sky is nothing ; Bohemia nothing ; My wife is nothing ; nor nothing have these nothings, If this be...
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The Dramatic Works and Poems of William Shakespeare, with Notes ..., Band 1

William Shakespeare - 1831 - 542 Seiten
...noon, midnight ? and all eyesblad With the pin and web,* but their«, theirt ов1т, That would unseen X u noiaaf ; The covering sky is nothing; Bohemia nothing; My wife is nothing ; nor nothing have these...
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The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the Text ...

William Shakespeare - 1833 - 1140 Seiten
...noon, midnight? and all eyes blind With the pin and web, 40) but theirs, theirs only, That would unseen ve the prettier fellow of the two, And wear my dagger with the braver grace; And speak, sky is nothing; Bohemia nothing; My wife is nothing; nor nothing have these nothings, If this be nothing....
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The Republic of Letters: A Weekly Republication of Standard Literature, Band 3

1835 - 434 Seiten
...boisterous jollity, the tumbling on the fragant hay, the dancng, the shouting, the singing out of tune, — nothing ? Why then, the world and all that's in't is nothing ; The covering sky is nothing ; Bohemia nothing. It is WE who make the world. No sky is blue, no leaf is verdant....
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Winter's tale. Comedy of errors. Macbeth. King John. Richard II. Henry IV, pt. 1

William Shakespeare - 1836 - 570 Seiten
...Noon, midnight ? And all eyes blind With the pin and web,1 but theirs, theirs only, That would unseen be wicked ? Is this nothing ? Why, then, the world, and all that's in't, is nothing ; The covering sky is nothing ; Bohemia nothing ; My wife is nothing ; nor nothing have these nothings, If this be...
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Characters of Shakespear's plays

William Hazlitt - 1838 - 360 Seiten
...breaking honesty !) horsing foot on foot ? Skulking in corners ? wishing clocks more swift ? Hours, minutes ? the noon, midnight ? and all eyes and web, but theirs ; theirs only, That would, unseen, be wicked ? is this nothing ? Why then the world, and all that's in 't, is nothing, The covering...
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Complete Works: With Dr. Johnson's Preface, a Glossary, and an Account of ...

William Shakespeare - 1838 - 1130 Seiten
...honesty : ) horsing foot on foot ' Skulking in corners? wishing clocks more swift? Hours, minutes ? affection, whether he be amusing attention with incidents, or enchanting it in suspense, let unseen be wicked ? is this nothing ? Why, then the world, and all that's in't, is nothing ; The covering...
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The complete works of William Shakspeare, with notes by the most ..., Band 1

William Shakespeare - 1838 - 788 Seiten
...noon, midnight? and all eyes blind With the pin and web, but their«, theirs only, That would unseen . Arm. Sir, it is the king's most sweet pleasure and affection, to congratulate sky is nothing ; Bohemia nothing ; My wife is nothing ; nor nothing have these noIf this be nothing....
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Recollections of the Deccan, with misc. sketches and letters, by an officer ...

Junius (pseud.) - 1838 - 138 Seiten
...nothing ? Is the correction of abuses nothing ? Is a high example of moral and political integrity nothing ? " Why. then the world, and all that's in't is nothing ; " The covering sky is nothing : iiohemin nothing ; " My wife is nothing ; nor nothing have these nothings •• If...
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