Front cover image for The Mrs. Dalloway reader

The Mrs. Dalloway reader

"The Publication of Mrs. Dalloway in 1925 secured Virginia Woolf's place as a master of the modern literary form and inspired generations of writers to come. This unique collection includes the complete text of Mrs. Dalloway and Mrs. Dalloway's Party, and also various journal entries and letters by Virginia Woolf relating to the genesis and writing of her masterpiece. Editor Francine Prose has selected these pieces as well as essays and appreciations, critical views, and commentary by writers famous and unknown. While Mrs. Dalloway remains Woolf's classic work, the lesser-known companion book, Mrs. Dalloway's Party, is a kind of writer's notebook, containing many outtakes from Woolf's initial attempt to write Mrs. Dalloway. This complete volume illuminates the creation of a beloved book and the genius of its author. Book jacket."--Jacket
Print Book, English, 2003
Harcourt, Orlando, 2003